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. 12 / 12 / 68. Sir, In answer to your letter of yesterday's date, in reference to the native contingent at the Front being ill-supplied with supplies of ammunition and food, - I have the honour to state that the morning of the last fight, no less than pack-horses were sent up with supplies; and that the day previous, a note had been received from Lt. Gascoigne, stating that they had sufficient for 2 or 3 days. News, authenticated, also arrived that a large quantity of ammunition had been taken from the enemy, which, with a large supply forwarded in the interim, ought to have been ample. Large quantities of ammunition and food were brought back from the Front, by the return party of natives; which would at once disprove the idea of their being short of supplies; and on starting, 3 days previously, the Ngatiporou were supplied with at least 5 days' food and ammunition, in addition to 75 rounds per man, they received at the Wairea. The way I account for the report is, that a small party under Roberts, held a difficult position, after others had returned, and kept up a very heavy fire, expending nearly all their ammunition. They had a quantity left when retiring, and met the supply sent to them from Makeretu, only four miles off from their trenches, but would not return. A disagreement had taken place between the Chiefs; which led, I believe, to this. Certainly being ill-supplied. I have the honour to be Sir, Your obedient servant (Signed) Arthur Tuke Sub-Inspector A.C. To:- Major C. Westrupp etc., etc., etc., Turanganui.