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can do little harm except by his stupid talk. Another favourite topic on which he talks to everybody seemingly is the unconstitutional way in which the Govt, is conducted. By all means keep him at the Pheasants that is more in his line- Vogels arrangements at Melbourne are admirable and most creditable to him - knowing as we do the difficulties he had to contend with what he has done is surprising - I wont write him as he will be down so shortly but please remember me very kindly to him and give my congratulations on the very satisfactory result of his Mission. Brogden and Reeves will arrive in Wellington tonight or tomorrow it is probable a visit to the Middle Island may have done him good - At any rate we must insist on the works starting without delay and I will take care Auckland is one of the first Railways put in hand. That is all I think of. Always Yours very sincerely J. D. Ormond