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Gisborne 8th Decr. 1875 Sir Donald McLean, Dear Sir, The result of the election must be very satisfactory to you. Morris the oppositionist, with Sir G. Grey telegraphing all over the district to his friends to support him and Sheehan and Dignam doing the same thing to the Roman Catholics that it is surprising how a government supporter had a chance I telegraphed to Read, some time ago that either he or myself would be returned that if either of us retire from the contest Morris was sure to go in, In his address here he denounced you and the native department which I thought a most unjust act in consequence of him taking a different position in the Bay of Plenty. This election has cost me over £250 and it must have cost Read at least £500 great presure was brought to bear upon me before I left Tauranga for here to resign infavor of Morris till my expe nses were to be paid if I assisted to keep Read but I declined with thanks and said I would see it out knowing well that if I retired Morris went in flying. During last sessions I spoke to Dr. Pollen relative to calling Capt. Morris to the Upper House the prevailing opinion amongst the Auckland Members that Auckland was insufficiently represented in that branch of the Legislative Now as I am defeated on this occasion I think I have a greater claim upon the Government than Morris for any honors that may be in the power of the Government to confer. I being the first representative for the district as well as being elected twice to a seat in the Provincial Council of Auckland I therefore hope if any Auckland gentlemen are to be promoted that my case will be considered. I should do my utmost to assist you in all political matters as I have hitherto done. I am sir Your obt. Wm. Kelly. I leave here tomorrow for Tauranga please write to me there. W.K.