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It is the same distance from Port Chalmers that Evans Bay is from Wellington but with this difference that the only approach to it is by the river which is at least an hour's pull across & a rough pull too in squally weather. The last morning Mr Shand went across from my window I watched the boat pulling against a heavy surf when suddenly she dashed round the point, a sort of half way house where they lighted a fire & remained until the pilot came to the rescue. Now all this is very comfortable & agreeable but it could not be helped as Macarthy's house would not do at all. It is simply a But & a Ben. The But about the size of your dressing room. The Ben smaller and a porch smaller still to stow all our family in there was impossible besides it requires rebuilding as the bricks are oiled up without mortar and provided it were convenient I would rather build upon a pretty spot called Mussel Bay,