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Turanganui 16th. June 1866 D. McLean Esq. Dear Sir, I have heard from Mr. Rice to-day that Wee Wi Haranga(?) Awonga Peter and the Mission Party have arranged with Mr. Preece to have their land surveyed, and passed through the Land Court, and have received £40 on aecount. He has a cutter chartered for his sole use. He came along from East Cape by land, to try to induce the natives along the Coast to come into his arrangements, Weecliffe and several other natives came from Auckland with him to East Cape. If you have any influence with the Government, you would much oblige me by asking them to pay part of the amount they owe me now, - between 4 and £5,000. I have some engagements to meet next month, and it would put me to serious inconvenience to have to remove money now, laying at 15 per cent, good security. I am not aware what interest they allow for overdue accounts, as some accounts have been standing 8 months. Trusting you will get us tacked on to Napier, I remain Yours truly (Signed) G. E. Read,