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Maketu. September 17th. 1872. Dear Sir, I trust you will excuse me for addressing you so familiarly. Of course it is with the understanding that all officiality is, for the moment, laid to one side. Please receive my extreme regret at the defeat of the Ministry of which you formed a portion. It is a feeling which reigns universal through the Arawas. They, on their turn, have sent you a very appropriate letter, which they brought to me to see before sealing it up. I see, by a letter, which Karaitiana sent to the Arawas, a copy of which is herewith enclosed, for your inspection, Karaitiana talks very big and bouncible, but concludes in what I call a tangi for help. He puts me in mind of a man who has achieved a nominal victory, and feels sure he can't follow it up; on the other hand, feels sure of getting a licking in return. The Arawas have declined giving an answer for the present. "Waiho kia ata Ritea ana mahi - Kaore tenei tikanga i era Kawauatanga. Kaore ano i ata tu noa Rua Raranga Ria awahina." Henare Pukuatua has made himself conspicuous by taking a leaning to the other side, but does not fail in tendering his intentions and to state that is doing so and so; and concludes by begging for 2 tons flour, 3 tons potatoes, 2 bags sugar, 25 lbs. meat. Cupboard love fully developed. It is, perhaps, hardly in order to write in this strain, being a subaltern. But, as I said before, officialism is laid aside for the time, and we are old friends. The Arawas are getting on very well with planting. I am giving them all the assistance I can afford. I have promised to do some ploughing for them next month, for corn, as they are short of everything. We have, on the whole, been on good terms, ever since your visit here. I will now conclude, wishing you every success for the future, and will be glad to hear of your being reinstated to your former position of power. I beg to remain, faithfully yours, (Signed) F.E. Hamlin. To place Karaitiana in his right position, let him look back to about 10 years ago, or at most 12 years; and what was he then? Nothing but a strong supporter of the King, and a thorough Kingite. Now he talks what he is going to do in the way of a "Kaiwhakooro o te motu." In my opinion Karaitiana is a dangerous man - more particularly, in power; and one not to be played with.