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New Plymouth, 14 July, /61. My Dear Mac, I have no great amount of news to give you, but rather mean this to congratulate you on your new high appointment, to wit, that of Prime Minister to the Maori King. How much twaddle can originate is marvellously ridiculous, but Rogan tells me the Maories down at the Waitera are half, if not wholly confident of the . The Court of Inquiry on Col.Murray began yesterday. Brown expressed himself, it seems, sorry yesty. to the Court at the court, or inquiry having been instituted. It is not apprehended that it will damage Murray in any way. He told me this morng. that my evidence will be required but all I can give is the expression of Pat's opinion as regarded the gallant conduct of the 65th on the occasion. But it can only serve to shew up the foolery of those wise men of Gotham, the superintendent and provincial council of Nelson, who, on anonymous report, voted thanks, no doubt, deservedly, to our militia, volunteers, and the sailors of the Niger, but without in any way adverting to the aid, and most important it was, which the detachment of the 65th gave on the occasion. We are all quiet here. We heard lately from Wanganui, all well and quiet there also. The Gelverton case we see is again to have a hearing. The Mr. Forbes whom he married - no doubt for her money - is a cousin of Mr. Campbell. Do not write to us for the next six months, unless your conscience gets so unsecured as to make you uneasy. Your mother desires her kind regards. We spent last evening at Captn. Kings when he asked after you kindly. Very faithfully yours, P. Wilson.