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Report from 20th. July to 2nd. August 1851, inclusive. Sunday Parade. Posted letter and other papers to you. Overland Mail left for Wellington. Received a Warrant of Distress against Richard Secombe. The debt was paid. Went to Omata, by direction of Resident Magistrate. Mr. Wicksteed said he had removed his cattle, and would endeavour to prevent a recurrence of the complaint. Kerei received 8/- for damages done to his crops, by Mr. Wicksteed's cattle. A native messenger, Manihera, arrived from Whanganui, with letters for Mr. Richard Brown. The schooner "Wellington", Fergusson, from Massacre Bay, with goods and limestone; passengers - Rawiri Watino and Ripene Tupahau, both of that place. Received a Summons against George St. George. Posted letter to you. Manahi, of the Kawau, complained against Mr. Rundle's pigs, for having destroyed 40 bushels of maize last week. General muster. Rawiri Waiana reported that Timo, a Puketapu native, stole an axe on Thursday last, the property of Samuel Joll. Overland Mail from Auckland. Johnson v. St. George; cattle wandering at large; fined 1/- and costs. Johnson and Hakopa estimated amount of damage done to Manahi's maize by Mr. Rundle's pigs at 30/-. The "Wellington" sailed for Wellington; cargo 14 tons flour, 2 tons bran, 2 tons onions. Parade. Prisoner Hackett discharged. The "Diana", Hopkins, from Mokau, cargo - 33 pigs, 30 bushels wheat, 80 bushels maize, 2000 feet timber. Overland Mail arrived this evening from Wellington. Received letters from you. Executed Warrant of Ejectment against S. Joll. "Diana" went to sea. Strong breeze from South East. D. Humphries came to Barracks, and told me that about 60 lbs. of salt pork were stolen from his premises last night. Overland Mail left for Auckland. Hakopa went to the Hua. Joseph Street taken into custody and locked up for being drunk and disorderly. H. Halse v. J. Street; fined 5/- and costs. Delivered an Extract from your Despatch, dated 14th. July 1851, and submitted the charges against Private Medland and Private Stewart, to the Resident Magistrate. Timo was brought into town by Rawiri and Tahana, taken before the Resident Magistrate, and fined 5/-. The axe and 1/- were handed over to S. Joll. The "Lucy James", Joyce, 3 days from Manukau; passengers - Mr. W. Carrington, Mr. Watt, J. Hoskin, T. Candish, J. Cutliff; cargo - general. The "Diana" returned from sea, having parted her chains in the late South-Easter. Same sailed for Mokau. Two Waitara natives, Paora and Honina, came to Barracks, before applying to the Resident Magistrate for a Summons against Hori, also of Waitara, to recover a debt of £3.10.6. Posted letter to you. General muster and drill. Rawiri received £5 from Captain King, being amount of pay due up to and for the 24th. of July. Private Heale returned from Wellington, with letters, etc. from you. A Public Meeting was held at the "Seven Stars" for the purpose of considering His Excellency's proposition to reduce the Town, and introduce Pensioners, when the following resolutions were carried:- That His Excellency's plan may be carried out with great benefit to the owners of the Town sections, and the inhabitants generally. That, taking into consideration the unproteeted state of this settlement, it is most desirable that the proposed addition to the European population, should consist, as regards the Male Adults, of the more able-bodied pensioners; and to be so organised as to become a defensive force against possible native aggression. That the Resident Magistrate be requested to transmit these Resolutions to the Governor-in-Chief. Private Johnson and Hakopa continue to attend to the general duties here, and all is quiet. (Signed) H. Halse. Sergt. New Plymouth August 2nd. 1851. To:- D. McLean Esq. J.P. Inspector of Police.