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the land for the most part which has been purchased was not so much for the purpose of land jobbing as for actual settlement and for a future home, for cattle and sheep runs, which are well known to require capital and time to make profitable, but it is certain a great benefit has been done to the Country as a good deal of labour has been employed as well as Capital for the stocking of these runs which would never have been the case under the Government land regulations which admitted of 320 acres as a maximum that could be held by one person. It has appeared to me from experience that the investigation of Native title under the Natives Land Act when the land has not been previously surveyed is a very great defective point. I may mention the case Te Aroha which was always unsatisfactory to my mind from the first and will in my opinion be found to remain a bone of contention for the future; The large Blocks of land inland of Mr. Buckland's run which have passed your Court and for which Interlocutory orders were