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Gisborne has given you my Memdm. on the subject. The Taupo meeting will I suppose come off before I return; but I hope you will be able at it to ventilate our wishes in regard to the West Coast, and that the Pakakoes may be a useful lever to that end. I am just starting for a trip to Oamaru. I have had a most friendly reception here from all classes, and addressed a meeting of 1500 on the War and Expenditure of which I sent you a report. The O. Daily has been poisoned by Whitmore and Co. but I think I have neutralized its mischief for the future. Mair reckons we have a working majority of 12 without the lane, which is likely to be with us too. I am sorry to say the S. Francisco contract is universally unpopular here, and if we have a split it will probably be abt. it. Yours faithfully, Wm. Fox.