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Te Aute, 11th Decr., 1867. My dear Mc Lean, I intend being at Napier on Friday forenoon about the valuation of the Meanie Sections; and I have to ask the favour of your desiring Mr. Weber to suspend all further action in the matter till I see you, when I think I shall be able to satisfy you of the extreme unfairness of the basis on which Mr. Weber proposes to settle the values of the different properties. It was most unfortunate that Mr. Weber should have the document which he drew up as to the minimum values to be put on each section. This was clearly not within his power, as of the Arbitrators to fix without the consent of the other Arbiters, and the settlement of the whole affair is now in consequence much complicated. No decision in any case should be come to till some general basis is fixed. In haste, Yrs. always, Hy. R. Russell.