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me. When you write me direct to him at New York 84 Broad Street or to my dear wife at her father's Shore Bank, Stranraer, Scotland, any how do not fail in writing Mr Goodridge Jnr in person, the prospects for employment for a vessel of that size or larger in the colonies. If you shew kindness to strangers shurely you can do something for your own friends. My dear Donald how happy I could be along with your and our dear sisters in one loving circle at New Zealand. Just picture to yourself the joys we all fond bosoms would have, what I have stated is my long antisipated [crossed out] desired hope and the 'Mary Lea' [?] not have [crossed out] been lost now under me I now without your assistance would have acted on your letter and taken our dear sisters out. The inclosed will shew you the necessity of my having a little credit altho all I then owed is settled long ago but I told them I had the money when I commenced the speculation therefore for my credit you can write them saying that you will furnish as Uncle has refused and that will make me all right. Bear in mind I do not want the money for myself but for the good of all of us and you may depend upon my honour and integrity. Altho I