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up, on this exciting subject. I have just received your note, per "Governor Grey", 14 days from Whanganui, and have seen the miserable remaining ducks, four in number, and one solitary Guinea fowl! They were sent to Charles Brown by Dr. Wilson's wish, and thence to Robinson's, the best place for them. Three died shortly after being brought on shore, and it is not certain whether the rest will live. The stirring news from Sydney, will, I fear, bring on famine prices in New Zealand. Already all articles of consumption here are up, and very high, with with an almost certain prospect of going still higher. Wheat 10/- a bushel; in a day or two probably 15/-; and long before harvest £1, which must result in misery and all its consequences. The settlers here would give almost any price for land, to meet the threatened evil, and "squatting" is being carried on more extensively than ever - in defiance of the Resident