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cave, demasted, of course, in entering. The only way to approach the scene, was by creeping round Paritutu, and then descending by a rope, into the passage leading to the cave. William volunteered, and was accordingly let down yesterday and to-day; and deserves much credit for his exertions. The place itself, is a natural curiosity; and what with the suspended man over the rolling surf, the vain attempts made, as it were, by the confined remnants of the wreck in the cavern to escape, the irrestible pertinacity by which these attempts were met, together with a mass of heads peeping over the cliff, the anxious scrutinising gaze of Europeans and natives on the adjacent rocks, ready to snatch any property thrown within their reach, formed a spectacle well worth seeing, and far beyond my powers of description. After the day's work I was glad to receive your letters, for which I thank you, and will attempt to give the information you require:- Mr. Percival is young and well connected, and supposed to be Miss Gates' intended husband. Mr. Greenwood is uncle to the above lady, and appears to be a quiet, inoffensive man, and intends to farm. Mr. Worsley, a young gentleman, has taken Mr.