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"'l-LEG-riON'NOTicißS.*"""' 4 RICCARTON ELECTOiaL DISTRICT. NOTICE OF POLLING DAY. I' N Pursuance of the" Electoral Act. 1893, and Amendment Act, 1896. I, FRANK WILLIAM EAST, "Botuxaiag Officer for the Electaral District of Riccarton. do hereby give notice that by virtue of a WRIT, bearing date the TWENTY-SECOND DAY of November,, 1893, under, the hand- of the Olerk of the Writs, an SLSCTION will be held for the Return of ONE QUALIFIED PERSON to serve as MEMBER for the said District, ar.d that the latest day for receiving" Nominations of Candidates will be the TWEN-.-NINTH DA? of November, 1899, and that the POLL, if necessary, will be taken at th* several Polling Places of the said District, on the SIXTH DAY of December. 1899. •,•'.■-■■-._• Every Man desirous of becoming a Cacdidate must be Nominated by not lees than Two Electors of the District, by a domination Paper, as prescribed by;,-Sestion_ seventyfive of the Electoral Act, 1893, to the Returning Officer not later than,JJ*? o'clock in the afternoon of the TWENTYNINTH DAY of Nove-iber, 1899. - The following are the Polling Places for th c Electoral District of Riccarton: — The Schoolhouse, RICCARTON (Principal). The Scboolhouse. TEMPLETON. The Schoolhouse, WEST MELTON. Tho Library, ISLINGTON. "_.»-„ The -Templeton Road Board Office, YALDThe Public" Library. PREBBLETON. The Schoolhouse. HAREWOOD ROAD. The Schoolhouse, WEEDON. The Schoolhouse, LINCOLN. The Schoolhouse, BROADFIELD. The Scboolhouse. HALSWELL. The Mothers* Union Hall; LINCOLN ROAD. The Library, Addington Workshops, ADDINGTON. The Church Schoolhouse, FENDALTON. Mr Barlow's Store. PAPANUI. The Druids' Hall, HORNBY. The Schoolhouse, LADBROOKS. ">.' FRANK WILLIAM EAST, 207 Returning Officer. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF CITY OF CHRISTCHURCH. NOTICE OF POLLING DAY. IN Pursuance of the Electoral Act, 1893, I, LYONEL CHARLES WILLIAMS. Re-turning-officer for the Electoral District of City of Christchurch, do hereby give notice that by virtue of a Writ bearing date the 22nd day of November, 1899, under the hand of the Clerk of the Writs, an Election will be held for the RETURN of THREE QUALIFIED PERSONS to serve as Members for the said district, and that the latest day for receiving Nominations of Candidates will be the TWENTY-NINTH DAY of November, 1899, not later than Five o'clock in the afternoon, and that the Poll, if necessary, will be taken at the several polling places of the said district on the SIXTH DAY of December. 1899. ■ Every Man desirous of becoming a Candidate must be nominated by not less than Two Electors of the District, by a-nomination paper as prescribed by Section Seventy-Five of the Electoral Act, 1893, delivered to the Returningofficer on or before the 29th day of November, 1899. The following are the polling places for the Electoral District of City of Christchurch:— Old Provincial Council Chambers, DURHAM STREET (Principal Polling Place), The Opera House. TUAM STREET. St. John's Schoolroom, MADRAS STREET. The Foresters' Hall, OXFORD TERRACE. The Oddfellows' Hall. MONTREAL STREET NORTH. The Foresters' Hail, VOGEL STREET, RICHMOND. East Christchurch Main School, GLOUCESTER STREET, East Christchurch Side School, SOUTH BELT. The Mission" Hall, COLOMBO STREET, SYDENHAM. . Methodist Schoolroom, SELWYN STREET, SYDENHAM. . St. Albans Borough Council Office, PAPANUI ROAD. Mutual Improvement Hall, HIGH STREET, ST. ALBANS. Waltham Schoolroom, WALTHAM ROAD, SYDENHAM. St. Michael's Schoolroom, DURHAM STREET. And, in pursuance of "The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act, 1895," and "The Licensing Poll Regulation Act. 1899," I do hereby give further, notice that, on the SIXTH DAY of December. 1899. being the Day appointed for the Taking of the Poll of. the Electors in the Electoral District of City of Christchurch for the return of Three Members of the House of Representatives for the said distriot, and simultaneously therewith a POLL of the Electors of the said district will also be taken at the several polling places of the said district upon the following proposals to be submitted to them, under Section 3 of the said Act, namely: — (1) Whether the Number of Licenses existing in the District is to Continue. (2) Whether the Number of Licenses existing in the District is to be Reduced. (3) Whether no Licenses are to he Granted in the District. L. C. WILLIAMS, 282 Returning-officer. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF .CITY OF '■-'.' CHRISTCHURCH. ' T > HEREBY give notice" that Charles Taylor,, of Harman street, Sydenham, Carpenter, Henry George Ell, of Willard street, Spreydon, Stationer's Assistant, George John Smith, of. Brucefield, Sydenham, Mercantile Clerk( Thomas Edward Taylor, of Dyer's Pass road, Clerk, - ~ • William Whitehouse Collins, of 28 Cashel street, Christchurch, Lecturer. James Greig, of 187 Durham street, Christchurch, Builder. Michael Donnelly, of 87 Salisbury street, Christchurch, Solicitor. Charles Lewis, of Hal swell. Farmer, have been DULY NOMINATED as CANDIDATES at the. Election ;-*-or the Electoral District of City of Christchurch'. L. C. WILLIAMS, . Returning Officer. Christchnrch, -. . . November 29. 1899. . 630 SYDENHAM MAYORAL ELECTION. NOTICE is Hereby Given in pursuance of the Regulation of Local -Elections Act, ,1876. that the following PERSONS have been DULY NOMINATED as Candidates for the Office of Mayor of Sydenham for the ensuing year, namely:— Jones, Edward Manhire, Bethel Prion.-. *; .*•> A POLL'for the "ELECTION of ONE of the Candidates will be taken on WEDNESDAY, the >29th day of November, 1889. between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., at tho respective polling places as follows: —Addington Ward, at the Wesleyan Schoolroom, Selwyn street; Newtown Ward/at the Sydenham Borough Council Chamber, Boweh street; Waltham Ward, at the St. Saviour's Schoolroom, Queen street; East Ward, at the Waltham Publio library Building, Waltham road. Dated this 22nd day of November, 1899. CHAS., ALLISON, 879 Returning Officer. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE MOUNT SOMERS RIDING. LADIES AND ' GENTLEMEN,—I thank you most sincerely for your goodwill towards ma in returning mc unopposed as your representative on the County Council. , Your testimony to the equity of my conduct as a member of the Council;' is the more valued by mc, ss coming from a part of the County which has neittier asked for, nor re-ceived-any special attention, and is the more gratifying in view or tho recent action of a section of the Ratepayers in the Ashburton Riding.—Yours, sincerely, EDWARD G. WRIGHT. Windermere, 37th November, 1899. 652 SUMNEiR MAYORAL ELECTION. RATEPAYERS! ROLLITT can represent the Borough in a manner faithful to its best interests, with economy and in a social capacity, and can preside over its Councils without assistance. Remember that interested parties oppose him, who seek to legislate in their own interest, and through a nominee who smothered tho requisition for a public meeting? Why has the Borough's Debit Balance increased from £19 (Rollitt's time) to £277? To whose advantage has the money been spent? Just enquire. VOTE FOR ROLLITT. 608 GROCERIES, all of best quality can be obtained from W. G. Shepheard, Lyttelton ;. also, Tiger Teas. IF you wish your little Entertainment to be a Success, use Tiger_Te_s._ - ' rFOWNEND'S Sulphur H_ir Restorer is A Guaranteed to restore Grey Hair to its natural colour. It is not a dye. It removes scurf and dandruff, and prevents the hair from falling out. Pries 2s, by post 2b 9d. W. P, Townaad, 188 Colombo street, C-rist-okws-.

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10515, 29 November 1899, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LVI, Issue 10515, 29 November 1899, Page 10