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This eBook is a reproduction produced by the National Library of New Zealand with permission of the rights holder who has granted a CC BY 3.0 NZ licence. Additional physical and digital editions are available from the National Library of New Zealand.

EPUB ISBN: 978-0-908329-55-7

PDF ISBN: 978-0-908332-51-9

The original publication details are as follows:

Title: Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940 : preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand

Author: Harvey, D. R. (Douglas Ross)

Published: National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z., 1985


preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand

D. R. Harvey


Wellington 1985

National Library of New Zealam

Cataloguing-in-Publication data

HARVEY, D. R. (Douglas Ross) , 1951-

Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940 : preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand / D.R. Harvey. - Wellington, N.Z. : National Library of New Zealand, 1985. - 1 v.

"Arranged geographically according to place of publication, then alphabetically by the latest title used up to 1940" —Pref.

ISBN 0-477-06044-7 : $2O, $25 overseas

ISBN 0-477-06045-5 (microfiche) : $lO,

$l2 overseas


1. New Zealand newspapers—Bibliography — Union lists. I. National Library of New Zealand 11. Title.


For many years librarians and historical researchers have had to rely on a Union Catalogue of Newspapers which was both out of date (1961) and out of print. This present publication goes a considerable way to meeting their needs, and I am pleased to make the information it contains available. Its scope - holdings of New Zealand newspapers published before 1940 - is explained by its origins (as Mr Harvey explains in his preface) in a 1983 survey of the physical condition of these papers.

The prime objective of the survey was to provide the National Library's Microfilm Production Unit with the information necessary to ensure that the newspapers in worst condition were archivally filmed before it was too late. When Mr Harvey's report was completed it was clear that the bibliographical information gathered in the course of the survey was of sufficient value and use that it should be capitalised on and made available in an appropriate form, despite the scope restrictions. These have been usefully broadened by the inclusion of microfilm holdings.

At the time, without the financial support of the Trustees of the National Library, it would not have been possible to carry out the survey, and I would like to thank them for their commitment of what was a substantial proportion of the funds they had available. A contribution from Carter Holt Holdings Limited is also gratefully acknowledged.

The Trustees recognised that the problem of deteriorating newspapers, which are a national information resource, not just a National Library one, was a national preservation problem, and it was therefore appropriate for them to fund the survey. They were justifiably impressed and convinced of the importance of their investment when they saw the content and quality of work in Mr Harvey's report, and I endorse their opinion.

The National Library's archival microfilming programme is an important contribution to the preservation of essential historical research resource material, and to making it more widely available. Bibliographical recording of our national printed output is one of our major responsibilities. I am pleased that these two commitments have come together and resulted in this particular publication.

There is, of course, much remaining to be done in completing our knowledge of the condition and holdings of newspapers. I am optimistic that this will be achieved within the next few years, and that this first contribution should be seen not just as an end in itself, but as an intermediate step. Nevertheless, I have no doubt this present work will be welcomed for what it is.

P G Scott



This list differs from the first and second editions of A union catalogue of New Zealand newspapers (Wellington : General Assembly Library, 1938, 1961). Unlike those works, it includes only holdings located in New Zealand of newspapers published in this country, and only those New Zealand newspapers published before 1940. It lists holdings of original newspapers and microfilm copies located in libraries (public, university, museum, and the National Library of New Zealand), in museums, in the possession of historical societies, in newspaper offices, and in local authority possession. No private holdings have been included, even where they are unique and extensive. It also includes some indication of where indexes to newspapers are held.

Most of the information on which this list is based was gathered during 1983 for the Survey of New Zealand newspapers. This survey, funded by the Trustees of the National Library of New Zealand, aimed to identify holdings of New Zealand newspapers in this country and to assess their condition, in order to establish priorities for the preservation on microfilm of this valuable resource. As it is difficult to use the Survey's final report, which includes much detail about the physical conditions of holdings, as a finding list, it was decided to publish a condensed version of the Survey in the form of this Union list of New Zealand newspapers published before 1940, to meet the needs of the library and scholarly communities.

Information about holdings of the original newspapers was gathered when they were inspected at their locations during the Survey. Information about microfilm holdings and indexes was subsequently solicited by means of a questionnaire, and consequently the quality varies considerably, and is not usually as precise as for holdings of the originals.

"Newspapers" have been defined here in a slightly narrower sense than in the previous lists. Excluded from this list are student newspapers, New Zealand Expeditionary Forces and troopship newspapers, shipboard newspapers, holdings consisting only of pictorial sections and inserts, sports newspapers, prohibition newspapers, religious newspapers (with some exceptions), and Christmas and some other special issues.

Duplicate holdings of original copies are not included. Also omitted are some holdings of isolated issues of widely held titles. These are usually of popular weeklies such as the Auckland weekly news and New Zealand free lance, but also include some major dailies such as the New Zealand herald. No listings of clippings have been included, even when they represent the only extant fragments of a newspaper. Some facsimile issues have been included, but have not been thoroughly recorded.

Entries are arranged geographically according to place of publication, then alphabetically by the latest title used up to 1940. For each title, information is given in this order:

-Dates of first and last issues. The lack of a final date indicates that the newspaper is still published, or ceased after 1939;

-Place of publication, if it differs from the place under which the title is entered;

-Previous titles, with dates of title changes;

-Frequency, with dates of alteration;

-Indexes: scope, period covered, and location (see below);

-Holdings, arranged alphabetically by sigla of location, then within that by original and facsimile copies, followed by microfilms.

All information which is conjectural is suffixed by Titles beginning with "N.Z." and "New Zealand" are interfiled.

Particular care should be taken with indications of microfilm holdings, which often give only the start and terminal dates of the holdings and do not specify the completeness of the run. No detailed listing has yet been made of the issues filmed by the National Library's Microfilm Production Unit, which is the source of most microfilm held by New Zealand libraries. Microfilm holdings listed under their sigla (WNMP) are not available for use, but can be purchased: inquiries should be directed to the Administration Officer, Microfilm Production Unit, National Library of New Zealand, Private Bag, Wellington. Care should likewise be taken with all holdings statements, which give no indication of the completeness of any issue.

The scope of indexes is given in parentheses

-(comprehensive) regional, national and international events

-(genealogical) primarily of persons, especially births deaths and marriages

-(international) international events only are indexed

-(local) regional activities only are indexed

-(shipping) passenger lists only are indexed

Some of the indexes listed here are in progress and may not be completed yet. Indexes compiled by newspaper offices for internal use have not generally been listed.

The following abbreviations and symbols have been used:

(f) facsimile

(m) microfilm or microfiche

(& ® ) microfilm held in addition to the originals

(suppl) supplement

Ja, F, Mr, Ap, My, Je, abbreviations for months of the

Jy, Ag, S, 0, N, D year

(p) photocopy

* indicates that the holding could not be fully examined, and details may not be precise

iss issue(s)

v varies (used to indicate frequency)

w weekly

m monthly

lacks some iss a few issues are missing

lacks many iss many issues are missing

Inclusion of information about holdings in this list does not guarantee access to the prospective user, who is strongly urged to contact the institution whose holdings it is intended to examine before visiting. This applies specially to some newspaper offices, and to some libraries which restrict access while appropriate conservation measures are carried out.

Any omissions, alterations and errors should be reported to the Librarian-in-Charge, Bibliographic Unit, National Library of New Zealand, Private Bag, Wellington, for inclusion in updates or new editions.

Thanks are due to the many librarians, private individuals and custodians who assisted in the Survey and in the compilation of this list. They should, however, not be held responsible for any errors or omissions, which remain the responsibility of the compiler.



Inclusion is this list does not by any means guarantee access to the holdings listed. Abbreviations used are loosely based on the New Zealand Library Association's interloan symbols.

AKMA Akaroa Mail Co., Rue Balguerie, Akaroa

AKMU Langlois-Eteveneaux House and Museum, Rue Lavaud, Akaroa

ALCE Central Otago News, P.O. Box 91, Alexandra

AP Auckland Public Library, P.O. Box 4138, Auckland

AR Library, Auckland Institute & Museum, Private Bag, Auckland

ASCC Ashburton County Council, P.O. Box 43, Ashburton

ASGU Ashburton Guardian Co., P.O. Box 77, Ashburton

ASMU Ashburton Historical Society Museum, 118 Cameron Street, Ashburton

ASP Ashburton Public Library, P.O. Box 244, Ashburton

AU Library, University of Auckland, Private Bag, Auckland

AUWI Willis Airey Library, History Department, University of Auckland, Private Bag, Auckland

AWLA District Centennial Museum, 49 Buckingham Street, Arrowtown

BACL Clutha Leader, P.O. Box 45, Balclutha

BAP Balclutha Public Library, P.O. Box 19, Balclutha

BLEX Marlborough Express Newspaper Co., P.O. Box 242, Blenheim

BLHI Marlborough Historical Society, P.O. Box 308, Blenheim

CAIN Cambridge Independent Ltd, P.O. Box 530, Cambridge

CAPL Carterton Public Library, P.O. Box 22, Carterton

CHMU Cheviot Museum, c/- County Office, Cheviot

CLMU Vincent County & Dunstan Goldfield Historical Museum, Blyth Street, Clyde

CMU Canterbury Museum, Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch

CP Canterbury Public Library, P.O. Box 1466, Christchurch

CPRE Library, Press, P.O. Box 1005, Christchurch

CRMU Cromwell Museum, c/- Borough Council, P.O. Box 2, Cromwell

CST Library, Star, P.O. Box 2651, Christchurch

CT Henry Field Library, Christchurch Teachers College, P.O. Box 31-065, Christchurch

CU Library, University of Canterbury, Private Bag, Christchurch

CUHD History Department, University of Canterbury, Private Bag, Christchurch

DAEV Dannevirke Publishing Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 92, Dannevirke

DAP Dannevirke Public Library, P.O. Box 180, Dannevirke

DEA Otago Early Settlers' Association Museum, 220 Cumberland Street, Dunedin

DGNO Northern Wairoa Maori Maritime & Pioneer Museum, P.O. Box 166, Dargaville

DOT Otago Daily Times, P.O. Box 181, Dunedin

DP Dunedin Public Library, P.O. Box 5542, Dunedin

DUHO Hocken Library, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin

EKCC Eketahuna County Council, P.O. Box 23, Eketahuna

ELHI Eltham & District Historical Society, Eltham Borough Chambers, Stanners Street, Eltham

FEP Feilding Municipal Library, P.O. Box 264, Feilding

FXBO Foxton Borough Council, P.O. Box 182, Foxton

GEBC Geraldine Borough Council, Talbot Street, Geraldine

GEMU Geraldine County Historical Society Museum, Cnr Domain Reserve, Geraldine

GHE Gisborne Herald Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1143, Gisborne

GMU Gisborne Museum & Arts Centre, 18-22 Stout Street, Gisborne

GOBO Gore Borough Council, P.O. Box 8, Gore

GOEN Gore Publishing Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 182, Gore

GOHI Gore District Historical Society, P.O. Box 305, Gore

GP H.B. Williams Memorial Library, P.O. Box 130, Gisborne

GREV Greymouth Evening Star Co., P.O. Box 3, Greymouth

GRP Greymouth Municipal Library, P.O. Box 56, Greymouth

GRSH Shantytown, Rutherglen

GTE Te Rau Press Ltd, P.O. Box 945, Gisborne

HAHE Hawke's Bay Herald-Tribune, P.O. Box 180, Hastings

HAP Hastings Public Library, Private Bag, Hastings

HAR Waikato Art Museum, c/- Hamilton City Council, Private Bag, Hamilton

HOGU Guardian and Times Co., P.O. Box 122, Hokitika

HOMU West Coast Historical Museum, Tancred Street, Hokitika

HP Hamilton Public Library, Private Bag, Hamilton

HU Library, University of Waikato, Private Bag, Hamilton

HVMU Havelock Museum, c/- Lions Club, P.O. Box 35, Havelock

HWST Hawera Star Publishing Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 428, Hawera

IBOY Southland Boys High School, Herbert Street, Invercargill

IMU Southland Regional Museum, Victoria Avenue, Invercargill

IP Invercargill Public Library, Don Street, Invercargill

ISOU Southland Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 130 Invercargill

ITIM Southland Times Co., P.O. Box 805, Invercargill

KAMU Kaiapoi Museum, Old Court House, William Street, Kaiapoi

KIHI Kaikoura Historical Society Museum, Ludstone Road, Kaikoura

KKMU The News Ltd, P.O. Box 1, Kaikohe

FKP Kaikohe Public Library, Kaikohe

KTMU Far North Regional Museum, P.O. Box 94, Kaitaia

KTNO Northland Age Ltd, P.O. Box 45, Kaikohe

LEEL Ellesmere Guardian Co., 87 High Street, Leeston

LP Lower Hutt Public Library, Queen's Drive, Lower Hutt

LVCH Chronicle Ltd, P.O. Box 547, Levin

LVHO Horowhenua Historical Society, c/- Mr A.J. Dreaver, President, 2 Kotare Place, Levin

LTP Lyttelton Public Library, 1 Sumner Road, Lyttelton

MAP Matamata Public Library, Private Bag, Matamata

MATI Wairarapa Times-Age Co., P.O. Box 445, Masterton

MBMU Martinborough Museum, c/- Mrs P. Lord, 24 Princess Street, Martinborough

MIMU Tokomairiro Historical Society Museum, 40 Union Street, Milton

MOHI Morrinsville Historical Society, Morrinsville

MTCO Rangitikei County Council, P.O. Box 22, Marton

MTP Marton Public Library, P.O. Box 54, Marton

MTRA Rangitikei Mail Ltd, P.O. Box 74, Marton

MUMP Murchison District Historical & Museum Society, P.O. Box 108, Murchison

NAPA Daily Telegraph, P.O. Box 343, Napier

NAMU Hawke's Bay Art Gallery & Museum, P.O. Box 429, Napier

NAP Napier Public Library, P.O. Box 940, Napier

NBMA Maniototo Early Settlers Museum, Cnr Levin & Earwe Streets, Naseby

NEEV R. Lucas & Son (Nelson Mail) Ltd, P.O. Box 244, Nelson

NEMU Nelson Provincial Museum, P.O. Box 2069, Stoke, Nelson

NEP Nelson Public Library, 309 Hardy Street, Nelson

NPMU Taranaki Museum, P.O. Box 315, New Plymouth

NPP New Plymouth City Library, P.O. Box 48, New Plymouth

OAMU North Otago Museum, P.O. Box 147, Oamaru

OECP Egmont County Library, P.O. Box 19, Opunake

OHP Ohakune Public Library, P.O. Box 30, Ohakune

OKCH Otaki Branch, Chronicle Ltd, Main Street, Otaki

OPNE Opotiki News Ltd, P.O. Box 51, Opitiki

ORMU Museum of the King Country, P.O. Box 41, Ohura

OTMU Otorohanga Museum, Otorohanga

OWMU Owaka Museum, c/- Curator, Mrs M.D. Keith, 15 Royal Terrace, Owaka

OXMU Oxford Museum, Oxford

PANO North Wairarapa News Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 49, Pahiatua

PETB Petone Borough Council, P.O. Box 38-001, Petone

PEV Evening Standard Ltd, P.O. Box 3, Palmerston North

PIBO Picton Borough Council, P.O. Box 13, Picton

PIMU Smith Memorial Museum, Picton Historical Society, P.O. Box 173, Picton

PKCO Courier Newspapers (Pukekohe Office), 33 King Street, Pukekohe

PLMU Pleasant Point Museum, Main Road, Pleasant Point

PMU Manawatu Museum, Church Street, Palmerston North

PP Palmerston North Public Library, P.O. Box 1948, Palmerston North

PRMU Paeroa Museum, Belmont Road, Paeroa

PRTH Thames Valley News Ltd, P.O. Box 130, Paeroa

PTMU South Taranaki Museum, P.O. Box 2, Patea

PU Library, Massey University, Palmerston North

PUHI History Department, Massey University, Palmerston North

PUPR East Waikato Publishers Ltd (Putaruru Press), P.O. Box 44, Putaruru

RAMU Rangiora and Districts Early Records Society Museum, Good Street, Rangiora

REBL Blacks Point Museum, Reef ton

RGMU Raglan & District Museum, Raglan

RODA Rotorua Newspapers Ltd, P.O. Box 1442, Rotorua

ROMU Rotorua Museum, Tudor Towers Building, Government Gardens, Rotorua

ROP Rotorua Public Library, Private Bag, Rotorua

RTMU Waimarino Museum, Seddon Street, Raetihi

RUMP Captain Cook Memorial Museum, York Street, Russell

RVWA Wallace Early Settlers Museum, Palmerston Street, Riverton

TAHI Tauranga Historic Village, 17th Avenue, Tauranga

TAUP Tauranga Public Library, Archives and Local History Section Private Bag, Tauranga

TEBC Temuka Borough Council, 8 Domain Avenue, Temuka

TEMU Temuka Museum, Temuka

THE Timaru Herald, P.O. Box 46, Timaru

THHA Hauraki Publishing, P.O. Box 363, Thames

THP Thames Public Library, Queen Street, Thames

TIMU Taihape Museum, Huia Street, Taihape

TKWA Waitomo News, P.O. Box 269, Te Kuiti

TMU Pioneer Hall, South Canterbury Centennial Museum, Perth Street, Timaru

TOBC Te Aroha Borough Council, P.O. Box 4, Te Aroha

TP Timaru Public Library, P.O. Box 228, Timaru

TWMU Te Awamutu & District Museum, P.O. Box 526, Te Awamutu

WAMU Wanganui Regional Museum, P.O. Box 352, Wanganui

WAP Wanganui City Library, P.O. Box 438, Wanganui

WGA National Library of New Zealand. General Assembly Library

WHNA Northern Advocate Ltd, P.O. Box 210, Whangarei

WHP Whangarei Public Library, Private Bag, Whangarei

WIAD Waimate Advertiser, P.O. Box 13, Waimate

WIMU Waimate Museum, P.O. Box 13, Waimate

WINR Winton Record Ltd, Main Street, Winton

WIP Waihi Public Library, Waihi

WKBE Whakatane Beacon, Strand East, Whakatane

WKMU Whakatane & District Museum, P.O. Box 203, Whakatane

WMAR Wellington Harbour Board Marine Museum, P.O. Box 893, Wellington

WMU Library, National Museum, Wellington

WNEW Wellington Newspapers Ltd.: Evening Post Library P.O. Box 1399; Dominion Library P.O. Box 1297

WNMP National Library of New Zealand. Microfilm Production Unit

WOST Wairoa Star Ltd, P.O. Box 41, Wairoa

WP Wellington Public Library, Wellington

WPCE Central Hawke's Bay Printers & Publishers Co., P.O. Box 21 Waipukurau

WRMU Warkworth & District Museum Society, Parry Kauri Park, Warkworth

WTMU Mercury Bay District Museum, Esplanade, Whitianga

WTU National Library of New Zealand. Alexander Turnbull Library

WU Library, Victoria University of Wellington, Private Bag, Wellington

WUKM Waiuku Museum Society, 13 King Street, Waiuku

WWMA Waipawa Mail, c/- Central Hawke's Bay Printers & Publishers Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 21, Waipukurau



Akaroa mail and Banks Peninsula advertiser. 1876 Jy2l- . 2w

AKMA 1876 Jy2l-1939

AKMU 1876 Jy2l-1885 Je

AP 1878 Mr 22

AR 1926 S2l

CMU 1913 FlB

CP 1877 MyB

DEA 1926 S2l

DP 1926 S2l

DUHO 1895 Ap9 1882 Agls(m)

RAMU 1926 S2l

WGA 1876 Jy2l-1885

WTU 1877 07 1891 Ja9 Mr 1 3,17


Alexandra herald and Central Otago gazette. 1899 Ja2- . w

ALCE 1900 Aps

CLMU 1928 Dl2

1929 Jel9 Jy3 02,9 54,25

1930 Agl3 SlO N5,19

1931 Ja7 Ap22 Jy1,15,22 Ag5,12

1936 Nil

DEA 1906 F7

DUHO 1902 D 25

1903 Ja-Nl2


IMU 1912 N27

WGA 1939 Je2B D2O


Kopuru bell see

DARGAVILLE Wairoa bell


Lake County press. 1871 My 23-1928 Ag23. Title Arrow observer and Lakes District chronicle, Lake County press 1882 Dl. Incorporated by Lake Wakatip mail, w, 2w 1884 Ja3, w 1884 Jel2

AULA 1874 Apl7

1876 My 1 7,31

1877 018 NB-22 D 6-20

1881 Je23,30 N24

1882 Agl7 57,14 012-N9 Dl-1884


Lake County press (cont.)

1900 S6 1916 012 1921 F24 1922 F9 Mr 23 Jy2o 1923 F15,22 Aps 1924 Ja3l F2B 1925 F26 1926 F25 D 9 1927 Jal3 F24 Ap2l 1928 F23 Ag23

DEA 1875 Jyl4 1884-1885 My2l 1896 Ag27

DUHO 1880 Ja22 F26 Mr4-My2o Jyl-22 Ags-D 1881 Ja-N24 1882 D-1883 D2O (lacks some iss) 1885-1888 1891-1892 1894 1896 Ja-N26 1897 1900-1903 1905-1907 1909-1928 Ag23

ITIM 1885 Jell-D (lacks some iss) 1886-1888

WGA 1872-1882 N23 1883-1886

WU 1873 Myl6-1874 My 22


Ashburton daily news. 19037-19032 d WU 1903 S7

Ashburton guardian. 1879 5273w, d 1880 013. Index (local) 18791880 at ASP

AR 1930 Oil

ASCC 1879 S3O-1880 1881 Ja-Je 1883 Jy-D 1884 Ag-1885 Je 1886 Jy-D 1887 Jy-D 1888-1939

ASGU 1880 1881 Jy-D 1886 My 3-1939

ASP 1880 013-D 1881 Ja My-Je 1882 Ja My-Jy N-D 1883 Ja Ap16,23 My-Jy N D 1884 Ja My-Jy N-D 1885 Ja-F2 My-Jy N-D 1887-1914



Ashburton guardian (cont.) 1916-1920 1923-1927 Je 1938-1939

WNMP 1880 Jy-D 1881 Jy-1885

WTU 1930 Oil

WU 1903 S7 N2 1904 My2B

Ashburton herald : Borough and County advertiser. 1878 Mrll-1880 012.

Title Evening echo 1878 Mrll,

Ashburton herald 1879 F22.

Incorporated by Ashburton guardian.

d. Index (local) 1878-1880 at ASP

ASCC 1878 N26-1880 012

ASGU 1878 Jy-1880 012

ASP 1878 Jy-1880 012

WGA 1879 F22-D

Ashburton mail. 1877 Jel2-1932 F27. Incorporated by Ashburton guardian. 2w, 3w 1878 Jas. Index (local) 18781888, 1890-1916 at ASP

AP 1878 Mr2l

ASCC 1877 Jel2-1878 1879 Jy-1905 1906 Jy-1909

ASGU 1877 Jel2-1882 1883 S4-1932 F7

ASP 1881 F-Ap 1882 F-Ap Ag-0 1883 F-Ap Ag-Nl 1884 F-Ap Ag-0 1885 F-Ap Ag-0

CP 1877 Jy3-1878 Myll 1879 Ja7-Jelo

WGA 1877 Jels-1882 1884

WTU 1877 Jel2

Aotearoa : or the Maori recorder. 1861 Ja-1862 Ja. m

AP 1861 Ja-1862 Ja

AR 1861 Ja

Auckland advocate. 1905 Je3-2 v

AP 1905 Je3,10,22

Auckland and Thames leader. 1869 04 1870? w

AP 1869 04

Auckland argus. 1907 S4-? 2 AP 1907 S4

Auckland argus. 1908 Ap4-2 d? AP 1908 Ap4

Auckland budget. 1867 Jel9-2 w AP 1867 Je19,26

Auckland chronicle and New Zealand colonist. 1841 NB-1845 F132 Suspended 1841 0-1842 Nl2, 1843 MyJe? w

AP 1842 021 1843 Ja2s JyB 1844 Jal7 Je2o 1842 031-1845 Ja9 (lacks some iss)(m)

AR 1843 Agl2-1845 Fl3

CP 1844 Myl6

DUHO 1843 Apls 1844Ja3-17 F22-Mr7,21 Ap2s My 2,23 Je13,27 Jy4,18,25 Ag8,29-312,26 010

WAMU 1843 JalB

WTU 1843 Agl2-1845 Ja6(m)

WU 1843 Ags

Auckland city and suburban advertiser. 18982-2 w?

AP 1898 Ap3o Je11,25

Auckland daily news. 1869 N4-1869 09. d


AP 1869 N4-9,12,13,15-17,19,22-24,29-04,7,9


Advertiser. 1937 Mrs-1937 Mrl9. ft

Auckland evening bell. 1885 Myl6-

AP 1937 Mrs

1888 Myl2. Title Evening bell,

WGA 1937 Mr 5,19

Auckland evening bell 1886? d

AP 1886 D 6 1887-1888 Myl2 1886 Je29(m) 1887 Apl8(m)

Anglo-Maori warder. 1848 Ap2s-1848 019. w

AP 1848 Ap2s-019

AR 1885 My 1 6,19 1887 JelB

AR 1848 Ap2s-019

DUHO 1848 Ap2s-019

WTU 1848 My2 Je27 019

WAMU 1887 JelB(suppl)



Auckland evening bell (cont.)

WHP 1887 028

WTU 1887 Apl8(m)

Auckland evening post. 1864 N29-2 d DUHO 1864 N29

Auckland examiner. 1856 Dll-1860 Jy2s. w, 2w 1858 529

AP 1856 D 25 1857 Jals Mrs 1860 Ja2B Jel6-Jy2s 1857 Jy9(m)

AR 1857 Fl2-D 1858 Mr4-D 1859 Ja-019 (lacks some iss)

AU 1859-1860 Jy2s

DUHO 1856 Dll 1858 S9

WGA 1856 Dll-1860 Jy2s

WTU 1857 Jal,7 F-Je

Auckland examiner. 1860 04-1861 Mr2l. w

AP 1860 Dl 3

WGA 1860 04-1861 Mr2l

Auckland free lance. 1879 Jail-18852 w, 2w 1879 Agl6

AP 1879 Jail,2s Mr 29 My 3 Ag23 1880 F2l 1881 Ap2

AR 1879 Jail Mrls Ap26 My3-N22

WTU 1885 Mr2B

Auckland free press. 1868 Myll-1868 JelB2 d

AP 1868 My 11,14,30 1868 Je3(m)

AR 1868 My 23 Je3,6

DUHO 1868 Myll-JelB

WTU 1868 My2B

Auckland free press. 1879 Jall-188-2 w

AP 1879 Jail

AR 1879 Jail,2s-Fl5

Auckland free press. 19032-2 w2

AR 1917 Jy2B

DUHO 1909 N2O

Auckland graphic. 1876 014-2 w

AP 1876 014,21

AR 1876 014

WTU 1876 014 N4,11

Auckland independent. 1859 03-1860

Ja2. 2w

WGA 1859 03-1860 Ja2


Auckland independent and operative's

journal. 1851 My3l-2 ft

AP 1851 Jyl2 1851 My3l-N29 (lacks some iss)(m)

AR 1851 My3l-Ag23 S2O-N29

AU 1851 Jel4

Auckland morning post and provincial advocate. 1860 F27-2 2w DUHO 1860 F27

Auckland register. 1857 F7-1862 Ja27. w

AP 1857 N2

AR 1857 F7-1862 Ja

DUHO 1857 F7

WGA 1858 Ja4 FB-D 1859 Ja 1860-1862 Ja

WTU 1857 F7-Je22

Auckland standard. 1842 FlB-1842 Ag2B. w

AP 1842 Ap18,25 Ag4,11,22

Auckland star. 1870 JaB- . Title Evening star, Auckland evening star 1879 MrB, Auckland star 1887 Apl3. d Index (genealogical) 1911-1939 at AR

AP 1870 JaB,lo-12,14 Mr24-D 1871-1939 1870 JaB Mr22-1939(m)

AR 1872 Ja23 524,25 1874 Ap9-ll 1879 Ap3o My 2,3 1881 Apl6 1886 Jel9 1929-1939

DUHO 1886 Jel9 1930 My 7 1939 031

WGA 1878-1889 S 1890-1939

Auckland telegraph. 1859 0142-2 2w

AP 1859 018(m)

AR 1859 018

Auckland times. 1842 Ag29-1846 Jal? Suspended 1843 Apl3-N7. 2w, w 1844 Ja3o2

AP 1842 Sl2 021,25 N1,8,22,25,29 D 15,22 1843 F2,9 Mr 2,16 1844 Ja16,23 F2O 1845 Apls N8 1842 Sl5-1845 Ap22 (lacks some iss)(m)


Auckland times (cont.)

AR 1842 312-22 018,21,28 N1,8,29 1843 Ja19,26 Mr 23 1844 015 1845 Mrll-25 Ap22 My 6,24 Jyl2 Ag9,23 Nl5

CMU 1842 N1

DUHO 1842 312 021 N29 08,22,29 1843 Ja26 F2 Mr 9,23 Apl3 1844 Ja3o F6 Jy9,12 1845 Jyl2 Ag9,16 36-011 NB-22 Dl 3-27 1846 Jal7

WGA 1842 326 1843 Jal2 F9(suppl),l6 Apl3 1844 Fl3-Mr26 Ap9 My 7-28 Jell--25 Jyl6-30 33,10 08,15,29 1845 Ja7,14 Jyl2 Ag2,30

WTU 1842 312 Nil 1843 Jas 1845 MrlB

Auckland truth. 1913 Jyl9-19287 (Auckland ed of N.Z. truth?), w

AP 1913 Jyl9

AU 1913 Jyl9-1914 Je(m) 1915-1924(m)

WGA 1917-1924(m)

WNMP 1917-1924 1913 Jyl9-1914 Je(m) 1915-1924(m)

WTU 1913 Jyl9-1914 Je(m) 1915-1924(m)

Auckland weekly argus. 1865 Ja7-1866 Ja? w

AP 1865 Ja7,14

AR 1865 Ja2l

Bratska sloga. 1899 Myls-7 ft

WNMP 1899 Myls-19 Jel2-26(m)

WTU 1899 Myls-Je 26 1899 My 15,29 Je12,26(m)

Bulletin. 1911 Myl9-1915 Apl7. Title Voice of labour, Bulletin 1913 Jyl7. w

AP 1913 Jyl7-1915 Apl7

AU 1913 Jyl7-09 1914 Mrl9

DUHO 1911 Myl9-1913 Je2o 1913 F2B(m)

Busy bee. 1893 JyB-7 ?

AP 1893 Jy8,12

Courier. 1936 My 7-1936 Ags? w

WGA 1936 My7-Ags


Daily southern cross. 1843 Ap22-1876 D3O. Title Southern cross, Daily southern cross 1862 My2o. Suspended 1845 Ap26-1847 JylO. Incorporated by New Zealand herald, w, 2w 1849 Jy6, d 1862 My2o. Indexes: (comprehensive) 1843-1849 at AR; (local) 1843-1851 at AP

AP 1844 Ja27 Fl7 1845 Apl9 1847 311 1848 Apls My 13,20 1849 N3O 1850 Jal Fl2-N29 D 24 (lacks some iss) 1851 Jal4 Fl4 Mr2l Jy4-D 1852-1876 1843 Ap22-1851 (lacks some iss)(m) 1865-1876(m)

AR 1843 Ap22-1845 Ap 1847 JylO-1848 0 1849 1850 My2B 1851-1853 Je 0-D 1854-1863 1864 Ja-Ap S-D 1865 Ja-Je 1866-1869 1870 Ap-Je 1871-1876

AU 1847 Jy3l 1843 Ap22-1855(m)

DP 1844 JeB-22

DUHO 1843 Ap22-1852 3 (lacks some iss) 1853 Mrls N1 1855 Jel2 Ag3l 1859 Ap29-1869 1843 Ap22-1845 Apl9(m)

WGA 1844 Myll Jels 37 1848 07-1849 Ja2o 1855 MylB-1876 1844-1849 Ja(m)

WTU 1843 Jy22 1844 MylB-Jy2o 1845 Ja4,18 Mr 8,29 1847 JylO Ag7,14 SlB 09,16,30 N6 Dll 1848 1849 Jal3 Fl7-Mr3l ApB Myl2 1850 Jal3-D (lacks many iss) 1851 Je6 32,30 1852 FlO-20,27 Mr 6,9,16-31 Ap6,13 1853 07 1858 Ja-D22 1860 Jy3l-030 N3O-D25 1861 Mrs Ag9-313


Daily southern cross (cont.) 1862 Je9,12,18-28 JyB-10,15,18, 21,23,25-29 Ag1,8,9 1863 Ja3l 02-1865 1866 Mr2l Jy27 1867 Myl7 Agl4 S3 1869 Mr3o 02 1870 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1871-1874 1875 Ja-Ap24 My 4 JyB 1876 Ag2B 020 Dll

WU 1843 Ags 1844 05,12,26

Echo. 1874 N9-1875 Nil. Incorporated by Evening star, d

AP 1874 N9 1875 Jyl6 Nil

WGA 1874 N9-1875 Nil

WTU 1875 Ap2

Eden express. 1939 My 26-1939 Je9? w WGA 1939 Je2,9

Eden gazette. 1914?-? w

AP 1933 Fl6

DUHO 1928 Ag9

Evening news. 1867 Jyl?-1871 D 7 Incorporated by Evening star, d

AP 1867 Jy9,13,15,17 1869 D2 1871 D 7

IUHO 1868 Myl3

WTU 1871 Jy27

Evening telephone. 1884 Jy3-1885? d

AP 1884 Jy3-1885 Myl3

AR 1884 Jy3

General advertiser. 1862 Ja?-7 w? DUHO 1862 Ja6

Jack Blunt : the voice of the man in the street. 1937 F9-1937 Je42 w WGA 1937 F9-Je4

John Bull's register. 1917 F-1922 D

m AP 1917 F-1920 Ja 1922 Ag-D

Karere Maori or Maori messenger. 1849 Ja4-1863 S2B. Title Maori messenger : ko te karere Maori, Manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer 1861 Mrl, Karere Maori or Maori messenger 1861 Dl 6. Suspended 1854 Je-1861 F. ft, v 1861 Mrl


Karere Maori or Maori ... (cont.)

AP 1849 Ja4-1854 Mr 23 1861 Jyl Agl S2 01,15 1862 F5,25 Mrl3 Apls My 1,23 S2O 1863 Mr-Je S 1853 MrlO(m) 1861 Myls(m)

AR 1849 Jal9-D 1850 Ja-F Mr 27 My 22 Jy3 1851-1854 My 4 1861 Mrl Myls Jyls Nl5 1862 Mrl3 Dl 6 1863 Fl2 S2B

AU 1861 Apls Je Agls 0 Dl 6 1862 Jals F5 Mrl3 My 23 Dl 6 1863 Fl2 Ap2o Myls-Jy S

CP 1849 N22

DP 1862 Dl 6 1863 Myls

DUHO 1849 Ja4-1854 Ap6 1861 Mrl-1863 S2B

NEP 1861 Mrl-Nl5

WGA 1861 Mrl-1863 S2B 1849-1863 S(ra)

WNMP 1849-1863 S(m)

WP 1861 Dl 6-1863 JylB (lacks some iss) 1849-1863 S(m)

WTU 1849-1852 1853 (lacks some iss) 1861 Mrl-1863 S2B 1849-1854(m)

WU 1849 Mr 29 1850 Je6 JylB 1853 Jyl4

Karere o Nui Tireni. 1842 Ja-1846 Ja.

m AP 1842 Ap Ag-1843 N 1844 My S N-1845 0 1846 Ja 1842 Ja(m) 1844 My(m)

AR 1842 Ja Mr Je-D 1843 F Jy 1844 Ja Mr Ap Je Ag S 1845 Ja-My Ag-N 1846 Ja

DUHO 1842 Je-1845 N

WGA 1842 Ja Mr-1843 Jyl2 S-0 1844 Ja-Jy S-0 1845 Ja-Mr Ag

WTU 1842 Ja-1845 N

Korimako. 1882 Mr-1888 My. m

AP 1882 O-N 1883 Ja-F Ag-N 1884-1886 Je 1887

AR 1885-1888 My


Monthly record : a summary of New Zealand news for home readers. 1865 Je-2 m

Korimako (cont.)

AU 1884 0-1885 0

CU 1883 Mr-1884 F

AP 1865 Je-Ag

DUHO 1882 Mr-1884 S 1885-1888 My

NPMU 1888 My

Morning advertiser. 1870 Ja4-1870 Je2 d

WGA 1882 Mr-1886

WKMU 1883 Ap N

AP 1870 Ja4,5

WTU 1882 Mr-1888 My

Mosquito. 187-2-2 2

AP 1873 02

Manukau news. 19122-19192 w

AP 1914 Myl4-1915 Ap7(m) 1916 Apl3(m)

Napredak (progress). 1906 Dl-19092 ft

AP 1906 Dl-1907(& m) 1908 Ja-JyB 014-D(& m) 1909 Ja-Je26(& m)

WTU 1914 Myl4-1915 Ap7(m) 1916 Apl3(m)

Manukura : te reo o nga morehu. 1916 N-1923 Ap. Title Manukura : Maori recorder, Manukura : te reo o nga morehu 1922 S. Suspended 1917 Mr-1922 Ag. ra

AR 1916 N-1923 Ap

AU 1922 S-1923 Ap

CP 1916 N-1923 Ap

DP 1916 N-1917 F

DUHO 1916 N-1917 F 1923 Ja Mr

WGA 1916 N-1923 Ap

WTU 1916 specimen iss, N-1923 Ap

Maori messenger : te karere Maori 1855 Ja-1861 F2B. v

AP 1855 Ja-0 1856-1858 1859 Jals My3l 1860 Jyl4-N 1861 F8 1855 Ja-1859 My3l(m) 1860 My3l(m)

AR 1855 FMy Jy 1857 Ap3o 1858 My Ag S N D 1859 Ja3l-F2B My3l Jel6 Agls 031 Nl5 D

AU 1855 Ja F N 1858 Fl5 1860 Jyl4-N3O

DP 1860 Ag3,15 D3l

DUHO 1855 Ja-1861 F2B (lacks some iss)

NEP 1856 N-1861 F2B (lacks some iss )

WGA 1855 Ja-1861 F2B

WP 1855 Ja-1861 F2B (lacks some iss)

WTU 1855 Ja-1861 F2B


New Zealand freeman's journal. 1879 Jy26-1887? Running title Freeman's journal, w, m2

AP 1879 Ag9

AR 1879 Jy26-1886 Je

WGA 1881-1885(& m)

New Zealand herald. 1863 Nl3- . d Index (genealogical) 1911-1939 at AR

AP 1864 Ja-Ag 1865-1871 Ap 1872-1939 1863 Nl3-1939(m)

AR 1863 Nl3-D 1864 Ja-Mr 0-1867 1868 Ja2 Ap-Je 1869 Ap-1870 Je D 5 1871-1911 Mr 1912-1915 Mr Jy-D 1916-1922 Mr Jy-D 1923 Ja-Je 0-1939

AU 1914 Ja-Ap Je-1916 1917 Ap-S 1918-1920 Mr Jy-D 1921-1925 Je 1928-1929 0 D 1930-1934 Je Ag-D 1935-1937 1938 F-1939

CU 1863 Nl3-1902 D(m)

DUHO 1912 Mrl2 1913 Nl3 1923 Nl3 1933 Nl3 1863 Nl3-1931(m)

HU 1863 Nl3-1890(m) 1925-1939(m)

UGA 1863 Nl3-1939

WTU 1863 Dl 5 (advert sheet) 1864 F6 Mrs Ap6 My 7 Je7 Ag19,20,23,24,27,29-55,7,8,12, 14 07-12,14,18,31


New Zealand herald (cont.) 1865 Ja7,31 F7.28 Mr 7,31 Ap7 My 6,31 Je7,30 Jy7,31 Ag7,31 57,29 07,28 N7.29 D 12,29 1869 S3 1871 Dl 5 1872 FlO 1873 Jy23 1874 Ap11,15 Sl6 1875 Ap3,7 JylO 1876 Ag2B DlB 1877-1882 1883 Ja-Mr Jy-1885 1886 Ja-Mr Jy-S 1887-1890 Mr 1892 Ap-D 1893 Ap-1894 Mr 1899 Jy-D 1900 Jy-S 1901 Ap-Je 1914 0-1915 Je 0-D 1916 Ja-S 1917 Ja-Mr

New Zealand herald and Auckland gazette. 1841 JylO-1842 Ap6. w, 2w 1841 Jail

AP 1841 Jy10,24 Ag14,28 D 22 1842 Mr2 Ap6 1841 Jyl7 Ag2l N6 D4(m) 1841 JylO-1842 Ap2 (lacks some iss)(m)

AR 1841 SlO-1842 Mr 26

DUHO 1841 JylO-1842 Ap2 (lacks son iss)

WAMU 1842 Fl2

WGA 1842 Jal,B-Mrl2 Ap2,6

WTU 1842 Fl2 1841 Sll-1842 Mr26(ra)

N.Z. home pictorial. 1924 My 6-1934 031. Title N.Z. pictorial news, N.Z. home pictorial 1930 D 3. Incorporated by New Zealand illustrated sporting & dramatic review, w

AP 1924 My 6-1934 031

DUHO 1931 Ja7 Ag26 S3O 021 1932 Mr 9 Apl3 1933 MylO D2O 1934 Fl4

MIMU 1928 Mrl7

WGA 1928 Jy-1934 031

New Zealand lantern. 1879 Ag23-? w

AP 1879 Ag3o

AR 1879 Ag23

New Zealand leader. 1908 Ap-1910 014? Title Leader, New Zealand leader 1909? m, w 1909 Je?


New Zealand leader (cont.)

AP 1909 Mr-My(m)

DUHO 1908 Ap-S 1909 My 09,23 1910 Ja2l-F4,18 Mr 4,18,25 ApB- - S2

New Zealand observer. 1880 518Title Observer, New Zealand observer 1890 Ja2s. w

AP 1880 DlB 1881-1882 1886 Ag2l 1892-1939

AU 1926 Mr2o 1939 F2

DUHO 1886 Myls Jes 1932 NlO 1934 Ja2s FI 1938 Myl2 1939 N1

WGA 1880 SlB-1881 1882 Ja-F25 MrlB-Agl2 1883 1885-1886 Mr 1887 Ap-Jy2 1888 013-1939

WTU 1880 SlB-1881 SlO 1889 Je29 1895 1896 Je27-1897 Jal6 1903-1904 Je 1905 Ja-Je 1906-1910 Je

New Zealand protectionist. Newton. 1877 D 22-? w AP 1887 D 22

N.Z. Samoa guardian. 1929 My 9-1934

Mr 9? w, m 1931 Ja22

AP 1929 My 9-1934 Mr 9

AU 1929 My 9-1931

CMU 1929 My 9

DUHO 1929 My9-D 1930 Ja2 DlB-31 1931 Jy9 1932 SI

WGA 1929 My 9-1932

WTU 1929 My9-Sl9 Dl2 1930 F27 Ap3 Je12,19 Jy24 Ag2B 54,18 02,23-N13,27 018,31 1931 Fl2-01 N26 1932 Ja2l Mrl7 Myl2 51,29 N24 D 22 1933 Mrl6 Apl3 JeB Jy2B Ag2s Nl7 1934 Mr 9


New Zealand watchman. 1884 Ja3l-1886 Myl3. Title Labour, Watchman 1884 Ag 23, New Zealand watchman 1885 D 9. w DUHO 1884 Ja3l-1886 Myl3

N.Z. worker. 1905 Sl3-1911 My 26? w

AP 1905 Sl3 1906 Ja3 1907 N27 1908 Sll

DUHO 1905 Sl3-1906 1907 Ja-016 N20,27 1908 Ja22,29 F19,26 Mr 18,2 Ap6,B-29 Ag26-Sll 02-Dl6 1909 Jals-DlO 1910 Ja7-MrlB My 26

New-Zealander. 1845 Je7-1866 My? w, 2w 1847 Je2, 2w 1849 03, d 1863 Jal, 3w 1863 01, d 1864 Mrl. Indexes: (comprehensive) 1845-1849 at AR; (local) 1845-1853 at AP

AP 1845 Ag9-1847 1848 (lacks some iss) 1849 Fl7 Ap2B Jyl9 N7 1850-1865 1866 Ap2s My 2,5 1845 Je2l-1866 Mys(m)

AR 1845 Je7-1846 (lacks some is; 1847-1857 1858 Ja13,16,23 Mys Jel9 Jyl AglB S8 1859-1865 Je 1864 Ja23-30(m)

DP 1847 Ag21,28 1850 05

DUHO 1845 Je7 Jyl2-D 1848-1849 1850-1851 (lacks some iss 1852-1861 1862 Jy-1863

KTMU 1859 Jyl6

NPMU 1849 N7

WGA 1845 Je2l Jyl2-1865 D 5

WTU 1845 Je7-1853 1854 Apls My 10,20-523 09,20-27 1855 Jy2s Agls S5 1856 Mrls,l9(suppl) Ap5,16-Ag2o DlO 1857 Ja-Je JylB D 4 1858 Ap-1859 N23 028,31 1860 Ja4,25 My 2,26,30 Je9,27 Jy4,18 Ag-0 N3,7 D 5 1861 Fl6 Je22 Jy3,13 Ag10,14,28,31 S4-14 N16,30 1862 Ja-Je Ag7 1863 N7 1864 F2-1865 1866 Ja24-F7,14 MrlO-24 Ap4,7,14-My2

1 5

News letter. 1862 N2-? ? AP 1862 N2

Newton bulletin. Newton. 1885?-? w? AP 1886 N6

Newton echo. Newton. 1886 Dll-? Incorporated by New Zealand protectionist? w AP 1886 Dll,lB ROMU 1887 Ja29 Mr 26

Newton sun. Newton. 1898 FB7-1898? Incorporated by Auckland city and suburban advertiser?, or Weekly Onehunga independent? ft? AP 1898 Fl9

Penny journal. 1866 Mys-1867 Je29. \

AP 1866 My 26 Je2,14 1867 Je29

People. 1896 N23-? w?

WTU 1896 N23 D2

People's voice. 1939 Jy7- . w

AP 1939 Jy7-D

AU 1939 Jy7-D

CP 1939 Jy7-D

CU 1939 Jy7-D

DUHO 1939 Jy7-D

HU 1939 Jy7,21 51,15-D

WGA 1939 Jy7-D

WU 1939 Jyl4-D

Ponsonby sentinel. 188-2-189-?

AP 1890 D2O 1891 My2o

Social democrat. 1911 F24-1912 Jy2l w

AU 1911 Jy7-21

DUHO 1911 F24-1912 Aps

Spectator. 1885 My 23-? w

AP 1885 My 23 Je6

Sun. 1927 Mr 23-1930 S2O. Incorporate by Auckland star, d

AP 1927 Mr 23-1930 S20(&

AR 1927 Mr23-D 1928 Ja-S D 1929-1930 S2O

AU 1927 Mr 23-31 Ag-D 1928-1930 Jv S2O

jy WGA 1927 Mr 23-1930 S2O

WTU 1927 Mr 2 3,24


Tamaki recorder. 1924 MrlKohimarama. Title Tamaki West recorder, Tamaki recorder 1924 S6. w

AP 1924 Mr-1925 Je27 Dl 9 1926 AplO S4 1931 F27

Tribune. 1890 018-1890 D 6. w AP 1890 018 D 6

Trumpeter and universal advertiser 1857 Mr 23-2 Advertising sheet of Auckland examiner. 3w WTU 1857 Mr 23,31

Waitemata news. 1910 ApB-19202 Published at Devonport, Auckland 1914 Ap9. Title Waitemata post, Waitemata news 1914 Ap9. w2

AP 1910 Myl9-1917 Mrls(m)

WTU 1910 Myl9-1914(m) 1915 Mr 11,31 Ap7(m) 1916 Mr3o-Nl7(m) 1917 Ja4,1l MrB,ls(m)

Waka o te iwi. 1857 0-2 m2

AP 1857 0

WTU 1857 N

Weekly graphic and New Zealand mail 1890 My3l-1913 Je2s. Title New Zealand graphic, Weekly graphic and New Zealand mail 1908 Fl5. w

AP 1890 My3l-1913 Je2s

AR 1890 My3l-1900 1901 Jy-1908 F8,22-D 1909-1911 Ap 1912-1913 Je2s

AU 1912 Ja-Ap

DEA 1890 My3l-1891 N2B 1894 N24 1895 F23 019

DUHO 1892 022 1901 Je22 1907 Ag3l 1908 Agl2 1910 F2 My 4 Jy2o 1911 Ag2 1913 Jals

WGA 1891 Ag29 Sl9-03 D 19,26 1892 Jy-022 (lacks some iss 1893-1913 Je2s

WMU 1908 Je-D 1910 N2.16-D 1911 Ag-D 1912 Ja-F2l Mr 6,13 02,9 N2O- - 1913 Ja-Mrs

WTU 1890 My3l-1892 Ap23 1894 Jy-1895 Je


Weekly graphic and New ... (cont.) 1896 Jy-D 1898 1902 Ja-Je 1903 JalO-Je 1908 Jy-1909 Ap 1910 S-1912 0 1913 J a-J e2 5

Weekly herald. 1866 Ap7-1876 D2 Merged with Weekly news to form Weekly news and weekly herald, w

AR 1866 Ap7-1868 Mr 1869 Ap3-1870 Mr 1871 1873-1874 1875 Jy-1876 Je

Weekly news. 1861 My 2-1877 Ja6. Title Aucklander, Auckland weekly news and farmers gazette 1863 AplB, Weekly news 1863 N2B. Merged with Weekly herald to form Weekly news and weekly herald. 2w, w 1863 Mrl4. Index (genealogical) 1863-1876 at AR

AP 1863 N2B D 5,19 1866-1877 Ja6 1864 Nl-1877 Ja6(m)

AR 1861 My 2-1862 Mr 6 1863 N2B-1872 1873 Jy-1876 Je 1877 Ja6 1863 N-1877 Ja6(m)

DUHO 1861 Jyls N2l 1862 F3 Myls Je13,20 JyB,ll Agl 03,17-24 N18,25,28 D3O 1863 Mr2l-Je3o N2B-1864 Ja2 1866-1868 1863 N-1876(m)

HU 1863 N2B-1877 Ja6(m)

WGA 1861 JelO Jyls 1862-1863 JylB 1868 FI Je6,13,27 Jy4 D 5 1869 F6,27 Mr 6,13 Myl,B Jel9 Jy3,17,24 Ag2l SlB D 29

WTO 1872 N3O-1873 My

Weekly news. 1877 Jal3- . Title Weekly news and weekly herald, Auckland weekly news 1877 D 22, Weekly news 1934 My 9. Merger of Weekly news and Weekly herald, w

AP 1877 Jal3-1884 F2 1885-1890 1892 Jy-D 1895 Ja-Je 1897 Ja-Je 1898 Ja-Je 1899 013 1901


Weekly news (cont.) 1902 Jes 1904 Jy-1939 1877-1923(m)

AR 1887 Jal3-1918 1919 Jy-1939 1877-1934(m)

DUHO 1886 Fl3-27 Mrl3 Ap3-17 Myl Jel2-26 Jy24 Sll-09,23-Nl3 04,18,25 1887 Ja1,8,22 Mr 5,12 Ap2-23 My 7 1934 Jel3 N2l Dl2 1935 Mr 6,13 54,25 02 Dll 1936 Mrll-Je24 Dl 6 1937 Mys 1938 F9 Ap2o Agio

HU 1877-1918(m)

PMU 1915 Jy-S 1916 Jy-S 1917 Ja-Mr

WGA 1877 D 22 1925-1939

WTU 1877 Jal3-D 1878 Jy-1883 Je 1885-1888 Je 1889 1894 Mr3l-N (lacks many iss) 1899 Ja-Je 1918 Apll Jy4 N2l-D5 1922-1939

Clutha leader (cont.)

DEA 1875 N4 1878 Jyl9 1900 05 1902 Agl2 1928 F22.27 1931 Ag24

DP 1887 Myl3

DUHO 1882 D 22 1886 DlO 1889 F8 1909 53,7 1924 JyB 1930 09 1887 My(m)

WGA 1878-1879

Clutha times. 1878 SlO-1879? 2w

DP 1878 SlO

Free press. 1891 Jy3-1926 D3l? Incorporated by Clutha leader, w, 2w by 1911

BACL 1891 Jy3-1896 Je 1926

DEA 1911 Jal3 1913 Jal7

DUHO 1909 53,7

WU 1903 020 1906 Ja3o

Weekly standard. 1894 FlO-1894 S2B? w AP 1894 FlO

WGA 1894 F17,24 Mrlo-My5,19-Je16,30 Jy14,28 Ag4-S2B

Whetu o te tau. 1858 Je-1858 S? Suspended 1858 Ag. m AP 1858 Je-S

Zealandia. 1934 MylO- . ft, w 1937 Je3

AP 1934 MylO D-1939

AR 1934 MylO-1939

DUHO 1938 F24 Mrl2

WGA 1934 MylO-1939

WTU 1934 MylO-1939

Zora : the dawn. 1913 Ja?-? m?

AR 1913 D2O 1914 Ja3 1913 D2O-1916 (lacks some iss)(m)


Clutha leader. 1874 Jy9- .w, 2w 1899 Apll, 3w 1927 Jas BACL 1874 Jy9-1939



Bridge : the highway to prosperity 1929 Ag3o-? w AP 1929 Ag3o-011

Record : of public business and home interests. 1931 Jy29-? w AP 1931 Ag4


Express telegram. 1871 Mr?-? Midweekly issue of Marlborough express

w CP 1871 Mrl4-Jel4(p)

WU 1871 My 3

Marlborough daily times. 1865 JyB- - Title Marlborough news and general advertiser, Marlborough times 1874 Myl2, Marlborough daily times 1882 Ja4. Incorporated by Marlborough express, w, 2w 1874 Myl2, 3w 1881 Mr2B, d 1882 Ja4


Marlborough daily times (cont.)

BLHI 1867 1881-1885 1887 Jy-1888

DEA 1895 D2l

WGA 1867-1870 1874 1879 JylB-1887

WTU 1865 Agl9 516 1866 Jy14,28-515 1867 Jal2-Mr3o Jyl3-Ag3,31 1868 F8 N2B 1869 Fl3 Mr 6-20 Apl7 Myl Ag7518 02 Nl3-DlB 1870 Ja12,26-Mrl6 Ap6-27 Myll, 18 Jel-22 Jy6-20 Ag3-S2B D2B 1871 Jal2-Je29 N9,16 D 7-28 1872 Agls 519 Nl4 019,26 1873 Ja23-Fl3 Mr2o Myl Jel9 JylO Ag7,28-511,25 D 4-25 1874 Jal,B F17,20 Mr2(extra),627 1875 Ja-Ap2 Myll-D24 (lacks some iss) 1876 Ap7-14,28-Myl2 Jy4,1l Agl ,4 1879 Mr2B

Marlborough express. 1866 Ap2l- - 2w 1871 Je2l, d 1880 Jas

AP 1867 Apl3 1878 Ap24

BLEX 1868 1873-1939

Marlborough herald. 1905 523-1911 Ja? d

WGA 1906 Ja6 1907 Ag22

WTU 1909 Jy27-30 20,24-27,30-53,8-10,14-17,21-24,28-30

Marlborough press see

PICTON Marlborough press

Marlborough weekly news. 18802-1895? Title Weekly Marlborough express, Marlborough express weekly edition 1882 FlB, Marlborough weekly news 1887 My 6. w

WGA 1881-1888 D2l

Wairau record and Marlborough

advertiser. 1864 Agl8?-2 w

DUHO 1864 529

WTU 1864 06,20 N3-17

BLUFF Bluff press and Stewart Island gazette. 1908 Jy7-1931? w, 2w by 1916 Nl4

DEA 1908 Jy7 1916 031

DP 1908 Jy2l

DUHO 1908 Jy7

1916 Nl4 IMU 1908 Jy7

WTU 1908 Jy7

BLHI 1868 1870 Ja-N2 1871-1875 1877 1879-1880 1884-1885

PIMU 1892 Ja18,19 1926 Ap2l

WGA 1866 Ap2l-1879 1905-1939

WTU 1866 Agll,lB 1869 Mr 27 Ap3,10 My 1,15 Jes-19 Jy3,24 016 1870 Mr 1 2,26 Ap2 Jy9 517 08 N519 D 3,17 1872 Jes,B 528 1873 Myl4 1901 Myl7 1877 Mrl7 1901 My17,25,31(m)

WU 1904 Myl6 1906 Ja6 Mrs

2 1

BRIGHTON Brighton times and Pakihi reporter 1866 D 2-2 2 CU 1867 Jas

BRUNNER Brunner news, Blackball courier and Grey Valley advertiser. 18892-1901? w? WTU 1901 Ja2B(m)

BULLS Bulls roarer and Tutaenui skunk 1880 02-? w

WAMU 1881 Nl4

WTU 1881 N1 D2 1882 Myl7(extra),2o-JelO Agio



Waikato advocate. 1895 Jy6-1896? Incorporated by Waikato times, w DP 1895 Jy6-D

Waikato independent. 1904 Nl53w

AR 1904 N1

CAIN 1904 Nl5-D *1905-1910 Je *l9ll-1914 *1916 Jal3-1939

WGA 1936 Agl3 1939 Je29 D 23

Waikato mail. 1880 81-1883? 3w ROMU 1880 81 TWMU 1880 823


Puke ki hikurangi. 1897 D2l-1913? Published at Greytown North, Carterton by 1911. ft

AP 1904 N9 Dl 5

AR 1903 Je3o 830 1911 Jy3l Ag3l 815 016 1913 Ja3l-Jyls

WGA 1898 NB-D 1899-1904 Ag6 (lacks some iss 1913 Jal6

WU 1897 D21 1899 Ag30 S15

Wairarapa daily news. 19062Merger of Wairarapa observer and Wairarapa leader, d CAPL 1926-1927 1928 Jy-1930 1931 Ap-S 1932 Ap-D 1933 Ap-D 1934 Ap-1937 Je 0-D 1938-1939

WGA 1939 Ap-D

WTU 1938 026

Wairarapa leader. 1897 Ap22-1906? Merged with Wairarapa observer to form Wairarapa daily news. 3w, d 1904 01

WTU 1901 Ag22 1903 MyB Jyl7-22 1904 Ags

Wairarapa observer. 1881?-1906? Merged with Wairarapa leader to form Wairarapa daily news. 3w


Wairarapa observer (cont.)

WTU 1883 Je2 1892 Ag3o 1893 My 4 1900 Je5,12 Jy3,7,19,28

Wairarapa Valley guardian. 1878?1880? 3w WTU 1878 816

Wairarapa weekly observer and east and west coast advertiser. 1882 Ja? 1890? Running title Weekly observer

w WTU 1882 Ap22


Charleston herald. 1867 Mr7?-1911? Title Charleston argus, Charleston herald 1869? 2w

CU 1886 Mr2 1887 Jy2o 1888 Jel3 1889 Ag2B 1893 Dl 3 1901 Apl7

NEMO 1867 Je

WTU 1867 Mr 9,16 Ap6,10,20-27 My 4,11,15 1870 08 1871 D2 1887 Mr2 1891 Jyl 1893 Ap12,15,29 1894 Agls 1895 Jy3l 1898 D 24 1899 Ag2 1900 Ag1,4,1l 88 1904 F27

Charleston news. 1873 N23-? Incorporated by Buller news? 3w AP 1874 Je2o


Cheviot news. 1898 827-1931 Ap2o. Issued as a separate sheet with Kaikoura star from 1924 Jy29, and later as a column in Kaikoura star 2w

;HMU 1898 827,30 1899 Agls 1900 AplO Mr2(extra 1901 Ja23(extra) 1902 Je2(extra)


Cheviot news (cont.) 1907 Fl2 1908 Ja2B Ap2B Jel2 Jyl4 1910 Jas 1912 Agl6 1913 Ja2s 1914 N3 1915 Jas 1916 Jy2l 1917 Myll,lB 02 1918 F22 Mr 1 2,26 My 21,31 Je2s 029 1919 My2 Jy29 Agl 1922 Mr2l 1923 Ap6 1924 Myl3 Je13,17 1925 Ag4 54,15 1927 N7

CMU 1899 526-1900 S2B 1902 My9-Je24 Agl 014-D 1903-1904 Myl3 1924 Jy29-1927

CP 1922 Mr2B

KIHI 1931 Ja-Ap2o

RAMU 1898 028 1923 Ja23

WTU 1919 Ap2s 1924 Jel7


Brighton standard. New Brighton 19367-1939 DB. w RAMU 1937 S3 WGA 1939 Ja-D8

;anterbury argus. 1884?-? ? CMU 1884 Jy2l

Canterbury standard. 1854 Jel-1866 Ap23? w, 2w 1863 Ja2, 3w 1865 Apl7

CMU 1857 Ja1,22 F5,12 Ap2,30 Myl4 Je4 Jy2-16 Ag6-20 1858 Ap22 JelO S9 1859 N3-D29 1862 Ag7 1863 1864 My 6,17-1866 Ap23 1857(m) 1859-1860(m)

CP 1854 Jels Jy6 Agio, 3l S2B 012,19 N9 D 14,21

DUHO 1860 018(m)

WGA 1856 Jel2-1865(& m)

WNMP 1854 Je-1860(m)

WTU 1854 Je-1855 1856 MyB-1865


Canterbury standard. 1881 MylB-7 7 DUHO 1881 Myl8(m)

Canterbury times. 1865 Jy3-1917 My3o. w. Index (comprehensive) 1890 1904, 1901-1917 at CP

AP 1878 Mr 23 1879 Ag23-Si

CMU 1878 Jy-1887 1889-1899 Je 1900-1908 Je 1909 Jy-1910 1912-1915 Je 1916-1917 My3o

CP 1865 Jy3-1871 S 1872-1874 1877-1917 My3o

DUHO 1910 D2l 1913 My2l 1914 Mrll-Jyl 1886 Jyl6(suppl)(m)

ROMU 1882-1883

WTU 1877 Ja-Mr24 1879 0-1880 Je

Christchurch star. 1868 Myl4-1935 Je3o. Title Star, Christchurch star 1929 Agl. Merged with Christchurch times to form Christchurch star-sun d

AP 1878 Mrl6-18 1879 Ag22,25,29-30 59,10

CP 1868 Myl4-1876 1877 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1878-1925 1868 Myl4-1925(m)

CST 1926-1935 Je 1868 Myl4-1925(m)

CU 1917 Je-1935 Je

WNMP 1868 Myl4-1876(m) 1877 Jy-1925(ra)

WTU 1868 Myl4-1876(m) 1877 Jy-1925(m)

Christchurch star-sun. 1935 JylMerger of Christchurch star and Christchurch times, d

CP 1935 Jy-1939

CST 1935 Jy-1939

CU 1936 Ap Je

WGA 1935 Jy-1939

WNMP 1935 0-D 1937 Mys-Je 1939 S-0

Christchurch times. 1851 Jail-1935 Je29. Published at Lyttelton, Christchurch from 1863. Title Lyttelton times, Christchurch times 1929 Agl. Merged with Christchurch


Christchurch times (cont.) star to form Christchurch star-sun. w, 2w 1854 S2, 3w 1863 529, d 1865 Jy3. Indexes: (comprehensive) 18511861, 1881-1889, 1910-1911, 1932-1935 at CP; (local) 1851-1870 at CMU

AP 1852 DlB-25 1853 Jal Fl9 Apl6 1867 Jalo-30 Fl-13 1878 Mrl6-22 1879 Ag19,22-27,29-30 S9-11 1851 Jail(m)

AR *lBBO-1884 Mr Jy-D *lBB5 Ja-Je *lBB6-1929 Jy 1929 Ag-1935 Je

CMU 1851 Jail-1853 N26 (lacks some iss) 1854-1855 1856 Mrs-1863 1865 Ja-Je 1866 1867 Fl4 Mrls Apl6 My 4 Je4 Jy-D 1868 Ja4 F4 Mr 4 Ap-1893 Je 1894-1902 S

CP 1851 Jail-1855 (lacks some iss) 1856-1899 Je 1900-1935 Je

CPRE 1859-1862 1863 529-D

CST 1852-1856 1857 Jy-1865 Je 1866-1868 Je

CT *1865 Jy-D (lacks some iss) *lB6B Jy-1914 D (lacks some iss) *1915 0-D (lacks some iss)

CU 1851 Jail 1852 Jy24,31 1853 1854 F3 Mr4,18-Ag26 1857 Jy-1858 1860-1909 Ap 1910 My-1935 Je

CUHD *lBB5-1935 My

DP 1851 Jail Aps Sl3 N1,15-29 1852 F2-21 Mrl3-Apl7 Jyl7-Ag7 02-16,30-N27 1853 JaB Mrl2 Ap2,23 My 21,28 Jy3o 1855 F7,14 My3l-Je27

DUHO 1851 Jail-1859 1864 JelB-Jy2 Agl3-Sl3 027,29 Nl7 06,13,15 1865 Je15,29 Jyll 1866-1867 Je 1868 010 1877 Ja3,8,10-13,22-24,27-1878 N3O 1879 F-D


Christchurch times (cont.) 1880 Jy-D 1881 Jy-1882 Je 1884 Mrls D(m)

LYP 1851 Jail-1857 1859-1863 Agl9 013-D 1864-1875 Je 1876 Jy-1886 0 1887-1889 1891-1935 Je

RAMU 1879-1886

THE 1874 Ja-Je

WGA 1851 Jail-1935 Je

WNMP 1857 Jy-D 1879 Ja6-Mr 1883 Jy2-529 1886-1890 1891 Jy-S 1892 Ja-Mr3o 1893 Ja-Mr3o 02-D3O 1894-1895 S 1896 Ja-Mr Jy2-S 1897 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1898 Ja-Je O-D 1899 Ja-S 1900 0-D 1901 Ja-Mr2 Ap-D 1902-1903 1904 Ap2-1910 S 1911-1919 1920 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1921-1935 Je

WTU 1851 Jail N29 1852-1859 1860 Jy-1868 Je 1869-1876 Je 1877-1885

WU 1852 Ja3 1853 Ap2 1854 Jyls Ag4 D 26-30 1855 Ja-Mr3l 1856 Ja-Jy26 56,10 N22-D 1857 Ja-My2o Jy4-15 Ag26-1858

Critic. 1896 Mr2B-7 w CMU 1896 Mr2B

Echo. 18937-7 CMU 1893 021

Evening mail. 18647-1879 Mr? d

AP 1867 Jal-25,28-FlB

CMU 1867 S2O 1868 Dl 6

WTU 1868 Je4

Evening news. 18807-1917 My? Title Telegraph, Truth 1893 Myls, Evening news 1909 F? d


Evening news (cont.) CMU 1893 Myls 1894 Ja6(suppl),2o(suppl) 1901 Je22

CP 1888 F9 1913 S2

WGA 1881 Jy-D (lacks some iss) 1883 Jy-D

WTU 1897 523(& m) 1900 MylB 1914 Mr 26

Globe. 1874 Jel-18832 d AP 1879 Ag22,23

CMU 1874 Je-1875

CP 1874 Je-1882

CPRE 1875-1877

WU 1876 AplC

Guardian and Canterbury advertiser 1852 Je3-1852 Sl6. Running title Christchurch guardian, w

CP 1852 Je3-Sl6

DUHO 1852 Je17,24 Jy1,15-Ag26 59,16

WTU 1852 JyB

Illustrated press. 1868 Ja-1883 My? m. Index (comprehensive) 1868-1874 at CP

CP 1868-1874 Ap

CPRE 1868-1883 Mj

DUHO 1868 Mr 1869 Ap 1870 Ag S N D 1871 Mr-D

Liberty. 1881 Ja262-2 w

CMU 1881 Je

WTU 1881 Je2s

Press (cont.) 1878 MrlB-20 1879 Ag22-26,30 810,11 1880 Apls-16,19-23,26

AR 1935-1939

CMU 1863-1864 1865 Jy-D 1866 Jy-1867 Je 1868 1869 Jy-D 1871-1874 *lBBO-1915 (lacks many iss)

CP 1861 JeB-1881 Je 1882-1939 1861 My2s-1939(m)

CPRE 1861 My2s-1908 1909 Ja-Je O-D 1910-1939

CT *lBBO-1924 (lacks many iss)

CU 1863-1873 Je 1874-1876 Je 1927 Ja-Mr 1935-1939 1861 My2s-1939(m)

CUHD 1864 1871-1925 1928 1932

DUHO 1861 My2s-1867 Je 1861 My2s-1936(m)

PU 1875-1877 Je 1888-1889 1890 Jy-1900 Je 1901-1915 1916 Jy-1917 Je 1884 Ag2o-1934 N(m)

PUHI '"1920-1939 (lacks some iss)

WGA 1861 My2s-1939

WTU 1861 My2s-1868 Je 1890 Sl7

Maori land worker see WELLINGTON Standard

N.Z. tatler. 1933 011-1933 Nl. w WGA 1933 011-Nl

North Canterbury times. 1889 My2s- - Published at Oxford, Christchurch from 1889 Jels? Incorporated by Trades and labour chronicle? w

WGA 1889 My2s Je1,15 Jy6-1890 Ap26

Press. 1861 My2s- . w, 2w 1862

022, d 1863 Mrl7. Index (comprehensive) 1861-1880, 1900-1905 1912, 1914, 1919-1931, 1936-1939 at CP

AP 1861 My2s AglO 1867 JaB-F15,2C


Society. 18812-18832 w

CMU 1882 JyB

Spectator. 18952-1928? w WGA 1910-1916 1917 Je-1920

Sumner-Redcliffs herald. Sumner. 1939 Je22-1939 Ag2s. w

WGA 1939 Je22-Ag2s

Sun. 1895 Jel-1895 S2 w AU 1895 Jel-S2B

Sun. 1914 F6-1935 Je29. Incorporated by Christchurch star-sun. d

CP 1914 F6-1935 Je29

CPRE 1915 Jy-S

CD 1916-1935 Je29


Sun (cont.)

WGA 1914 F6-1915 Je 0-0 1916-1934 1935 Mr-Je29

Trades and labour chronicle. 1890 Jy?-? ? OXMU 1890 06

Weekly advertiser. 18827-1886? w DP 1885-1886

DUHO 1883 Jyl4

Weekly press. 1865 FlB-1928 024. w. Index (comprehensive) 1900-1928 at CP

BLHI 1868 Ap-D

CMU 1869 Ja-Je 1887 Je2l 1888 Ja-Je 1889 Jy-D 1892 Ja-Je 1893 Jy-D 1894 Jy-D 1898 Ja-Je 1900 Jubilee iss 1901 Jy-D 1919 Jy3o

CP 1866 Ag-1867 Je 1868 1870-1877 1879-1880 1881 Jy-1888 1889 Jy-1923

CPRE 1865 FlB-1869 1871-1928 024

CU 1911 Je22

DUHO 1887 Jy8,15,29 523 014 1888 021 1889 Myl7 019 1892 022 1898 Mr3o 1900 Jubilee iss 1901 Ap24 Je26 018 1902 Je26 Dl7(suppl) 1906 N7 1915 518 1918 Ag7-1919 Je 1923 MylO 1925 Ap16,30 My 14,21 Je-Jy9 Ag13,20 Nl9 1926 Jy8,15 1928 Mr2l Myl6

RAMU 1897 Jel6 1898 Je22 1899 025 1900 Jubilee iss Mr2l Ap4 026 1902 Ap3o Je26 1908 N25 1909 Je2,23 Jy2l 1915 518

3 1

Weekly press (cent.) 1918 Jy24 1919 Jy3o 1920 F4 Myl9 1927 Myl9 57 05,12 1928 03

WGA 1889 Apl2 1890 Jel3 512,19 1891 Jyl6-D 1892 My 12,19 Je9,16 Nl7 022 1894 Jail Nl5 1895 Mr 2 1,28 My 23 1896-1903 1904 Mr-1913

WTU 1894 04 1896 Ja3o Ap9 04 1897 Ag4,1l 1900 Jyll 1904 014 1906 Mr2l D 1907 Ja-F Ap-My S-D 1909 Mr-0 1910-1912 Ap 1913 Fl9


Clutha County gazette. 18817-18-? Title Popotunoa chronicle, Clutha County gazette 1887? 2

DP 1887 S2

DUHO 1884 Ag12,19(m) 1888 Jels(ra)


Dunstan times. 1864 F?- . w ALCE 1929 Agl9 S9 1936 026

AWLA 1897 Jy2 Ag27 524 08,22-NS 03,24,31 1898 014 1935 016 1936 07,14 1937 Ja4,1l

CLMU 1927 Ag1,15 1929 Je3,17 Jy1,8,22 1930 Nl7 1931 Jy20,27 Agio

DEA 1897 Agl3 1912 S3O 1931 Je29

DUHO 1866-1871 1873-1881 523 1882-1894 N23 1895-1939

IMU 1912 N25


Dunstan times (cont.) WGA 1867-1868 1870-1886 1890 1901 D 3

WTU 1877 Jas 1866 019-D(m)

Wairoa guardian see WAIROA Wairoa guardiai


Golden Bay argus. 18837-1915? Incorporated by Golden Bay times, w

NEMU 1883 027-1911 My2s(&

WNMP 1883 027-1911 My2s(n

WTU 1903 Ag6-20 1883 027-1911 My2s(m)


Coromandel County news. 1887 Ag231930 D 22. Title Coromandel news and peninsular gazette, Coromandel County news 1890 Agl9. 2w, w by 1890 Ja3, 2w? w by 1894 828, 3w by 1897 Jas, 2w by 1901, w by 1913

AR 1930 D 22

.U 1888 F24-Agl7 1889 JalB-Mylo NB-22 D3O 1890 Ja-F27 1894 Ja9-Ag24 1896 Ja4,6 1897 Jas Jy2-D 1898 Ja-Jel 85-017 1899 Fl7 Mrls Ap Mys Je28,30 Jyl4-N27 1900 JaB-Ag2B 811,25 D 4 1903 1906 Ap6-D 1907 JaB Mr-1912 Je (lacks some iss) 1913 Dl 2-27 1914 Ja3-23 1915 817-1917 Jy2o (lacks some iss ) 1918 024-D (lacks some iss) 1920-1921 Jyls (lacks some iss) 1922 Agll-1923 N9 (lacks some iss ) 1924 MylB-30 1925 Nl3 1926 Ag27-1929

WGA 1887 Ag23-1889 018 1890 Mrl3-1891 89 1892 Jy-S9 1893 JalO F2B Ag22-N2l


Coromandel County news (cont.) 1894 Ja9-Ap3 Jy6-Ag4 N3O D2l 1896 F4-Dl6 1897-1899 N29 1900-1906 Mr2o 1907-1912 Je2B 1913 Mr 7-1930 D 22

WTMU 1889 Nl9 1896 My 22 1897 (lacks some iss) 1898 Ja-My27 Je29

WTU 1906 Jel,B 15

Coromandel mail. 1872?-1881? Suspended 1876-1881. 2w, 3w in 1873 & 1874, w? in 1881

AP 1872 My 7,21

WGA 1874 Mrlo-My2l 1881 Fl9-DlO

WTMU 1873 Mrls

Coromandel news. 1874?-? ? WTU 1874 Ag27

Coromandel sun : Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay gazette. 1896 F7-1899? 2w WGA 1896 Je3-1897 Jy

Mail. 1871 Dl3?-1872? ? AP 1871 Dl 3

WTU 1871 Dl 3


Cromwell argus. 1869 N8 . w 2w 1899 My 23, w 1890?

ALCE 1907 1911

AWLA 1875 Jyl4 28 1878 F19,,26 Mrl2-Myl4 Jell-Ag13,27-Sl7 015-29 Nl9 1879 Ja-F4,18 Mrll-Ap15,29-My2o Je3,17 1880 My 4,11,25 Je1,15,22 Jy6-Ag10,24-S2B 012,19 N9-D 1881 820,27 04,11,16 25 1889 Apl.ll

CRMU 1870 MylB N9 1875 N3-1876 1880 1882-1887 1888 F7-1893 1895-1899 1902-1903 1905-1906 1908-1910 1912-1917 1919-1920 1921 Mr 7


Cromwell argus (cont.) 1922 1925-1939

DEA 1877-1881 513 1906 Ap3o 1909 1913 1916 F7-Jel9 (lacks some iss) 1918 Ap22

DUHO 1875 Myl2-027 1877-1878 1884 MrlB 1885-1886 1887 Ja4,1l Je 28 Jyl9 1889 1890 JyB Ag26 1891 Je2(suppl) 515 020 N24 D 1 5,29 1892 Jes-D 1895-1896 Jyl4 1897-1899 1915-1917 1919 1883 030(m)

IMU 1872 029 1881 My 17,24 1898 Je14,21 011

WGA 1872-1875 1879-1881 512 1882-1836 1939 Je26 D 23 1876-1878(m)

WNMP 1876-1878(m)

WTU 1876-1878(m)

WU 1876 Ag22


Dannevirke advocate. 1888 MyB-1912? Title Bush advocate, Dannevirke advocate 1901 08. Incorporated by Dannevirke evening news. 3w, d?

DAEV 1906-1907 Ap 1908 S D 1909 Ja-Jy D 1910 My Jy-1911 Je 1912 Ja-Ap

DAP 1901-1903 Ap 1904-1909 Je 1910-1912 Ap 1901-1912 Ap(m)

WNMP 1901-1903 Ap(m) 1904-1909 Je(ra) 1910-1912 Ap(m)

WTU 1888 MyB-1893 1902 Jy21,28 Ag4 56,8 1901-1903 Ap(m) 1904-1909 Je(m) 1910-1912 Ap(m)


Evening news. 1901?- . Title Daily press, Dannevirke evening news 1909 016, Evening news 1936 D2. d

DAEV 1904 D-1907 5 1908-1909 014 1910 Ja-Mr 1911 1912 Ap-Je O-D 1913-1917 5 1918-1938 1939 Ja-Je O-D

DAP 1909 016-D 1910 Jy-1916 1917 Ja-Je S-D 1918-1919 1920 My-1921 1922 Ja-Je O-D 1923-1939 1910-1920(m)

WGA 1934 016 1939 Je3o D3O

WNMP 1907 O-D(m) 1909 O-D(m) 1910 Jy-1917 Je S-D(m) 1918-1919(m) 1920 My-D(m)

WTU 1907 Jy6,13,20 1934 016(& m) 1907 O-D(m) 1909 O-D(m) 1910 Jy-1919(m) 1920 My-D(m)


Dargaville news. 1936 Ap2?-1938 529 w

WGA 1936 Ap9-1938 529

WTU 1937 Fl9 Myl4

North Auckland times. 1904?- . 3w, d 1909 Agl6

AR 1939 N8

DGNO 1909 Jy-Ag 1910 M/ 28,30 Je7-9,14-18 1911 019 1912 Ag (lacks some iss) 1914 Ap18,23-My2,5 1916 Sl3-010 1918 N5-9 D 2-6 1919 Ap3o Myl-12 Jyl-3 Dl-30 1920 522 N 1921 My Jy7,20,21 017-29 N4,26 DIO-17 1922 Ja2l F2l Mr2l Je17,21 Ag2l 521,22,26 0-D 1923 Ja3l Mr 9 Aps My-1927 (lacks some iss)


North Auckland times (cont.) 1928 Ap-Je Jy2o-D2l (lacks some iss) 1929-1931 1932 Ja-Mr Je 0-D 1933 Ja2-Fll Jy-D 1934 Ja19,24-31 F6,7 Ap-D 1935 1936 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1937 Ja-Mr MyB-JeB Jy6-31 Agl431 Sl-3 013 N1,2,13-18 DB-31 (lacks some iss) 1938 Jal7-24 F9-D (lacks some iss) 1939

WGA 1913 Dl 6-31 1939 Je3o D3O

WTU 1934 Mrls

Northern Wairoa gazette. 18832-1887 D2B. Incorporated by Wairoa bell? w

DGNO 1887 Nl6 WGA 1883 57,14 N9,16,30 D 14,21,28 1884 Jail,lB FB-1887

WTU 1887 Ja6-Myll

Wairoa bell. 1889 AglO-19232. Published at Kopuru, Aratapu, Dargaville by 1896 Nl3. Title Kopuru bell, Wairoa bell 1890? Incorporated by North Auckland times, w, 2w 18962, 3w by 1916, d by 1919

AP 1890 Ap4 1892 Nll-1893 Sl(m)

AR 1890 Je6

AU 1890 Ap2s

DGNO 1889 Agio 1892 Ap-D (lacks some iss) 1893 Ja2o-020 N3,17 D 8,22,29 (lacks some iss) 1894 514,28 N23.30 1896 Nl3 1897 F26 1903 Apl4 1907 56-13,20-27 D 6 1908 FlB Jy 1909 Ja-Mr Jy-Ag SlO 0-N (lacks some iss) 1916 Ja7-F9 Mr 29,31 Ap23-Je9 Nl6 (lacks some iss) 1917 Mr2 0-D (lacks some iss) 1918 Ja-F22 1919 F2O Apll 1920 515,22 1921 Myl,3

WGA 1892(ra) 1893 S-Nll(m)

WTU 1923 026 1889 Agio,l7(m)



Birkenhead gazette. 19252-1928? m AP 1926 D 1927 F-1928 Je S

Devonport news. 193-?-? w AP 1933 Ap27

North Shore chronicle. 1939 Jelw

WGA 1939 Je-D

North Shore gazette. 1921 N3-1938 Je3o. Title Devonport gazette and greater North Shore advocate, North Shore gazette 1924 Nl3. w

AP 1921 N3-1930 Ag27 1933 Ag3 N23 1934 Mrl,B Apl9

WGA 1936-1938 Je

Waitemata messenger. 1885 Jel2-? Title Waitemata County messenger? w AP 1885 Jel2 Dll

Waitemata post see AUCKLAND Waitemata news


Beacon. 1884 My?-1907 Ap27. Title Forbury news, Otago workman 1887 Jal Otago liberal 1899?, Beacon 1906 Jel2?. w

DEA 1887 Jals-1899 021 1900-1904 F2O

DP 1887 Jal

DUHO 1887 My2l 1894 Mrl7 Je23,30 06 Dl 5 1895 Ja26 F2 1904 F2O My 7-1907 Ap27 1887 My2l(m) 1894 Mrl7 Je23,30 06 Dls(m) 1895 Ja2s F2(m) 1904 F2o(m)

Budget. 1887 Jyls-2 ? DP 1887 Jyls

Daily advertiser and southern league 1871 Jy3-1871 NlO. Title Southern league and daily advertiser, Daily advertiser and southern league 1871 016. d

WTU 1871 Jy3-NlO

WU 1871 016


Daily news. 1886 Jyl-1886 Ag3l2 d DEA 1886 Jyl-Ag3l

Daily telegraph. 1856 D 26-1864 Ap9. Title Otago colonist, Colonist 1862 Je2B, (Otago colonist, as w ed of Colonist 1862 Mr?-D2), Daily telegraph 1863 Ja3. w, 3w 1862 Mr 4, d 1862 Je2B. Indexes: (local) 18531864 at DP; (shipping) 1856-1862 at

Evening mail and Port Chalmers express. 18662-2 2 DUHO 1867 025

Evening news. 2-1864? Title Evening times?, Evening news 1862 N2O. d DEA 1862 N2O-1863 Ja9 DUHO 1863 Ja2B

Evening news. 1876 JaB-1878 Ja? d DUHO 1876 JaB

DEA; (genealogical) 1855-1864 at DEA DEA 1856 D 26-1862 1863 Ja-Je 0-D 1864 Ja-Ap9

DOT *lB6O-1861 1862 Ag-1863 Jal

DP 1856 D 26-1864 Ap9 DUHO 1856 D 26-1857 54,25 02-D 1858-1862 My 27 03 1863 Ja-Jy27 Ag4-22 012-D 1864 Ja-Ap9 1863 S4(m)

IP 1862 Ja-F (lacks some iss) 1862 MrB-D (weekly ed; lacks some iss)

WGA 1856 D 26-1864 Ap9

WTU 1856 D 26-1857 Ag2B 1858 1859 Ja2l FlB Mr 1,8,25 Apls Jy22,29 021 NlB D 9 1860 1861 JalB 04 1862 AplO

Dunedin advertiser and business directory. 1862 Apl92-2 3w DP 1862 Jel2 52,13

Dunedin leader. 1863 017-1867? w DEA 1863 017-1864 Ap9 DUHO 1863 017-1864 Ap9

Echo. 1869 Je3o?-1883 Nl7. Suspended 1873 MrB-1880 F2B. d, w 1880 F2B?

DEA 1870 SlO 1880 F2B Mr 6-1882

DP 1870 Ja22 1880 F2B-1883 Nl7

DUHO 1869 Jy14,26-28,30-Ag2,5,10,11,18 1880 Mr6-Myls Je26-02 N6-Dll 1881 My2B-1883 Nl7 1880 Mr(m)

WTU 1869 N27-1873 MrB 1880 F2B-1883 Nl7

WU 1872 Agl

Evening star. 1863 Myl-? d AP 1879 Ag27,30 DEA 1863 N2-1864 Ja3o 1866 JylO 1871 Myls 1872 Je27 031 1873 Ap7 1925 N-1926 Je

DOT *1869 Je-1939 DP 1869 Jel2 1878 Ap27-1887 1888 Jy-1890 1891 Ap-D 1892 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1893-1939

DUHO 1863 D3O 1865 Mr2o Je2o Dl 3 1866 DIO 1867 08 N2O 1868 Dl 3 1869 Dl 4 1871 Sl9 1872-1875 1877 My2s 1878 Fl3 Jyl,2 1879 Jyl D 8 1881 F16,25 Mr 2,9,16 1882 Je27 1883 F5 1884 Mr 4 1885 Ap8,11,13,15-17,20,21,27, 28,31 N3 1886 Ja3o F4-Jyl4 S3-Nll (lacks many iss) 1888 Ja-Je 1909-1910 1914-1922 Je 1930 Je27 1873 Apl6(m)

WGA 1871 1873 Jy-1887 1888 Jy-1939

WTU 1877 My9(m)

Evening independent. 1869 Ja2s-1869 Jel2. Incorporated by Evening star, d DP 1869 Jel2


Evening tribune. 1876 JaB-1879 D? Title Evening news, Age 1878 Je27, Evening tribune 1879 My? d AP 1879 Ag3o


Evening tribune (cont.)

N.Z. forward : the voice of Labour in the south. 1935 Je-1936 Ap. m

DEA 1878 Jy3l

DUHO 1876 JaB 1878 Ags

DUHO 1935 Je-1936 Ap

WGA 1935 Je-1936 Ap

Globe. 1877 D 3-1893 89. Title Morning herald, Evening herald 1884 Myl7, Globe 1890 S3, d

AP 1878 Mr 7,9 1879 Ag2B 81

DEA 1877 D 3-1881 (lacks some iss) 1882-1884 Myl6 1890 S3 1891 D 26

DP 1877 D 3-1878 8 1879 Jel9-1880 1881 Ja-Je 810-1893 89

DUHO 1877 D 3-1880 1881 Je18,22,25,29 Jy-1884 Je 1885 Ap4,15,20,23,272,8 Dl 9 1886 F6,8 Mr2 Ap6-9,19,26 My 1,4,7,8,11,15-21 Je19,24,26 Jy3-7,10,12,14 1890 MrB 1877 D3(m) 1887 Je2o(m)

IMU 1884 F16,28,29

WGA 1878 Jal2-My3 Jy-1886

WTU 1883 Ag6,7

Illustrated New Zealand news. 1868 Mrl-1887 8. Title Illustrated New Zealand herald, Illustrated New Zealand news 1883 8. m

AP 1882 Mr 23

DEA 1870-1875 1876 Jy26 Ag23 1877-1885 D2l 1886 Jys Ag2 D2O 1887 Mrl4 Je6 Agl

DP 1872 Fl6-Ap Je-1873 023 1882 Mr 23 1885 Myll N23

DUHO 1868 Mrl-1887 8

WGA 1875-1881 1883 8-1886 (lacks some iss)

WTU 1868 Apl-1883 AglO

Illustrated New Zealander. 1866 N-? m

DEA 1867 AplB

DUHO 1866 N-1867 Ag

Magnet. 1893 F7-? ? DUHO 1893 Mr 9

Morning star. 1872 D 2-1873 Jy222

Morning edition of Evening star? d

DOT *1872 D 2-1873 Jy22

WGA 1872 D 5-1873 Je3o


N.Z. life. 1892 My 7-2 w

DUHO 1892 Myl4(m)

WTU 1892 My7-Jy2

New Zealand public opinion, sportsman and Saturday advertiser. 1875 Jyl71893 819. Title Saturday advertiser, time-table, and New Zealand literary miscellany; New Zealand Saturday advertiser, time-table and literary miscellany 1875 818, Saturday advertiser, time-table, and New Zealand public opinion 1877 815, New Zealand public opinion, sportsman and Saturday advertiser 1880 JylO. w

AP 1878 Mrl6

DEA 1875 Jyl7-1881 Jy3o

1882 Ap22-1883 1884 Jy-D

DP 1875 Jyl7-1878 1881 Mrl9

DUHO 1875 Jyl7-1880 1881 Je Ag11,25 81,29-013,27 N10,24 1884 827

WGA 1878 Jyl3-1886

WTU 1875 Jyl7-1881 WU 1876 MrlB

New Zealand sun. 1868 Nl6-1869? d

DEA 1868 Nl6-1869 Mrll

DP 1869 Jal3 F20,27 Mr 9

DUHO 1868 D 3 1869 Fl5

North East Valley weekly advertiser 188-7-2 w

DEA 1881 Jyl6 1882 Jal4

Otago daily times. 1861 Nl5- . d. Indexes: (local) 1898-1921, 1939 at DP; (genealogical) 1861-1876 at DEA

AP 1867 F2O 1878 Mr 8,14 1879 Ag26-Sl

AU 1881 1900-1905 1908-1909 1910 Je-1914 Je 1920-1931 1932 Jy-1939 1861 Nl5-1900(m)

AUWI 1914 Jy-1915 1916 Ap-D


Otago daily times (cont.) 1917 JyD 1918 0-D

CP 1861 Nl5

DEA 1861 Nl5 D 3-5 1862-1894 Je 1895-1917 1918 Ja-Je 0-D 1919-1922 S 1923-1924 *1925-1939

DOT *lB6l Nl5-1939

IP 1862 1863 Ja-Sl5 Dl 6-31 1864-1865 Mr Jy-D 1866 0-1867 Mr Jy-S 1867 Ja-Mr Jy-S 1868 Ap-S 05,26 N3,24 D 6 1869 Ja-Mr Jy-1870 1871 Jy-D 1872 Ja-Je Jy4,25 Ag2,30 57,28 07,28 N5,26 D 4,20 1873 Jy-1888 Je 1889-1939 1861 Nl5-1866 S(m) 1867 Ja-Je O-D(m) 1868 Ja-Je 0-1869 S(m) 1870 Jy-1875(m) 1876 0-1877(m) 1878 Jy-1880(m) 1881 Ap-1882(m) 1883 Ap-Je(m) 1884-1885 Mr Jy-D(m) 1886 Ap-Je O-D(m) 1887 Jy-S(m) 1888 Ja-Je 0-1890(m) 1891 Ja-Mr Jy-D(m) 1892 Ja-Ag D(m) 1893-1894 Je O-D(m) 1895-1900 Ap Jy-D(m)

DUHO 1861 Nl5 D 1,3-9,11-14 1862 Jy-1863 Mr 1864 Ja-Mr 1865-1867 1868 Ap-1869 S 1870-1872 1873 Jy-1874 Je 1875 Ja-S 1876-1901 1902 Ap-Je 0-1903 1904 Ja-Mr 0-D 1905-1908 1910 Ap-1939 1861 Nl5-1900(m)

GOBO 1915-1916 S 1917-1918 S 1919-1920

IP 1873 N-1899 1861 Nl5-1878(m)


Otago daily times (cont.)

WGA 1901-1903 1904 Ap-1939 1861 Nl5-1865(m) 1867-1875(m) 1876 Jy-1877(m) 1878 Jy-1939(m)

WNMP 1862 Ja-Je 1863 0-1864 Je 0-D 1873 Ap-Je 1877 0-D 1878 Ap-Je 1879 Ap-Je 1880 Ja-Ap 1881 Ja-Mr 1885 Ja-Mr Jy-S 1886 Ap-Je 1887 Ja-Je 1892 S-D 1894 Ja-Mr Jy-S 1897 Ja-Ap S-D 1899 Mr-Je 1900 N-D 1861 Nl5-1866 S(m) 1867 Ja-Je O-D(m) 1868 Ja-Je 0-1869 S(m) 1870 Jy-1875(m) 1876 Jy-1900(m)

WTU 1878 Mrl6-1882 1861 Nl5-1936 S18(m)

Otago guardian. 1873 Jy23-1877 06. Title Guardian, Otago guardian 1873 526. Incorporated by Otago daily times, d

DEA 1873 Jy23-1877 Je

DOT *1876 DP 1873 Jy23-D 1877 Ja-06

DUHO 1873 Jy23-1877 06 1873 S18(m)

IMU 1873 519,2 C

IP 1873 Nl-D26 1874 Jals F27 Jel7 AgB N2 1875 Ja2o 1876 D2O 1877 F22 Ap3 Je4,26 Agl6 S2

WGA 1873 Jy23-1877 06

WTU 1875 Mrl3

Otago mail. 1864 Jy2-1868? Title Otago daily mail? d

DEA 1864 Jy4,B-27 S2l 1865 Mr2-Apl

DP 1864 Jy2-

DUHO 1864 Jy2o Ag15,22-D 1865 JalO


Otago news. 1848 Dl 3-1850 D2l. ft, w 1849 Je9, every 10th day 1850 030

AP 1849 Je23

AR 1850 Ja26

DEA 1849 Ja24 F2l-My3o Jel6-1850 Dll (lacks many iss)

DUHO 1848 Dl 3-1850 D2l

WTU 1849 Ja24 F2l-My3o Sl5 1850 Ap2o Jel,B Jy6 S7 Dll

Otago news letter. 1864?-? 2w DP 1867 Fl6

Otago witness. 1851 FB-1932 Je2B. ft, w 1851 Ag3o. Indexes: (comprehensive) 1910-1926 at CP; (local) 1863-1874, 1919-1929 at DP; (comprehensive) 1851-1896 at DEA; (genealogical) 1851-1876 at DEA; other specific indexes at DEA

AR 1926 Apl3 Myll 1932 Je2B

CMU 1855 Mr 24

CP 1851 F8 1855 Mr 24 1932 My3l Je2B

DEA 1851 F8 Myl7 S2O 1852 Ja3 Je12,26 JylO 02,23 N2O D 25 1853 Jals Fl2 Mr 5,12 Ap2,16,23 Myl4-28 Je11,25-Jyl6 Ag6,13 33-01,15,22,29 N12,26 D 3,17-31 1854-1856 (lacks many iss) 1857-1862 1863 F21,28 Apll-Jyll Agls 1864 F-D 1867 Mr2 1868-1876 1878 1879 Myl7-1907 1908 Jy-1909 *l9lO-1932 Je2B

DOT *lB5l FB-1932 Je2B

DP 1851 F8 1853 Ag6 S3 015,29 Nl2 D 3,10 1854-1860 1863-1876 1878 My-1932 Je2B

DUHO 1851 FB-1869 1875 JylO Agl4 1878 019 N2.23-D2l 1879 Jail,lB F8 Mrl-15 Apl2 Myl7 Je7-21 Jys Agl6 1880 Jal7 F7 Apl7 JylO 02 1881 Jal F5 Mrl2 Jy3o Ag6 525 N2l D 3,10,24 1882 Fll Mrll Jel7 Jy1,29 Ag5,19 523,30 1883 Mr 24-1896


Otago witness (cont.) 1898-1932 Je2B 1885 03(suppl)(m)

IP 1860

WGA 1851 FB-1864 1870-1886 1893 (lacks some iss) 1897 F4,25 Mr11,25-Ap8,22 Myl3 Je3,24-S9 014-28 Ni1,25-D2,16-23 1906 Ja3-F7 Mr 7 Ap4-18 My 2,23-Je13,27-Jy11,25-Ag15,29 Sl203,17,24 N7,21 D 12,26 1924-1932 Je2B

WTU 1860 Ja7,28 1865 Je24 Jyl Sl6 1876 Jyll 519,26 D3O 1889 N2B

Penny post & general advertiser. 1879 S?-? w

DUHO 1879 Sl9(m)

People's journal of New Zealand. 1893 NlO-1894? w

DEA 1893 NlO

DUHO 1894 Je9

WTU 1893 NlO-1984 Ap7(m)

Pictorial New Zealander. 1888 Jal4-? w?

DP 1888 Jal4

WTU 1888 Ja14,28

Sandfly. 1875?-? St Kilda. ?

DEA 1875 Sl9(extra) 1876 Ag24 Sl4

DUHO 1876 Sl4(m)

Saturday review of politics, literature, philosophy, science, & art. 1864 F2O-1871 Je3. w

DBA 1864 Mrl9-1868 D 26 (lacks many iss)

DP 1864 Mrl9 Ap23 Je4,1l Jy3o Ag6,27 S2 Nl2-26 D 10,17 1865 Ja7 F4,11 Ap22-My6 Je20,24 JyB 017 N1,21 D 26 1866 My 26 Je9-Jy7,28 Agll Nl7 D 22 1867 Mr3o My2s Ag3l 05 Dl 4 1868 F2l Je2o 017 N1,21 D 26

WGA 1864 F2O Mr 12,19 Ap9,23 My2l Je4,1l Ag27 S2 N26 DIO 1865 My 6,13 Je24

WTU 1864 F2O-1868 F2l Je2o-D 1869-1871 Je3


Sketch. 1896 Ap3o-2 Title Democrat, Sketch 1898 Ap7. w

WGA 1896 Ap3o-1898 Ap

WTU 1897 ApB 1898 Mr 3

Southern mercury. 1874 Ja3-1877 06. Incorporated by Otago witness, w

DEA 1874 Ja3-1877 06

DOT 1874 Ja3 1875 Jy-D 1877 Ja-Je

UP 1874 Ja3-1875 Je

DUHO 1874 Ja3-1875 1876 Jy-1877 06 1875 022(m)

ROMU 1876 JyB Ag26 1877 Mr 24 Je2

WGA 1874 Ja3-1877 06

WTU 1874 Ja3,10,31 F7-187 1876 014-1877 06

WU 1876 Mr 24 Ap7 07 1877 Agll-25 Sl-06

Suburban review and Peninsula advertiser. 1930 FB-1930 My 24. w DP 1930 FB-My24

Weekly budget. 18937-1909? w, m 1909 My

DUHO 1904 AplO 1907 Fl6 1908 Jy4 1909 AplO-24

WGA 1909 AplO


Dunstan news and Wakatip advertiser 1862 D3O-18642 2w DEA 1863 Ja2o 024 DP 1862 D3O


Eastbourne sun. 1921 Sl7-19242 Rona Bay. w

WGA 1921 Sl7-1922 S9(m) WNMP 1921 Sl7-1922 S9(m)

WTU 1921 Sl7-1922 S9(m)


Eketahuna express. 1894 AgB-1939 D 23. 3w, d 1925 Mr3l EKCC 1933 F2s(Jubilee suppl)


Eketahuna express (cont.)

WGA 1933 F25 1939

WTU 1899 ApB-1901 (lacks some iss 1902 Fl5 D 27 1903 F24-28 1904 Je2 1907 Ap4-Nl9 (lacks some iss) 1908 JylB Ag2o-25 55-12,17 1910 Jel4-D 1911 Ja-Je27 Jy2o-D 1912-1917 1918 019-1921 1922 Ja-F2B Mrl7-D 1923-1939 D 23


Eltham argus. 1897 D 2- . 3w, 1900?

AR 1897 D 23

ELHI 1904-1913 1914 F23-D 1915 Jy-D 1916 F-1930 1931 F-1939

WGA 1939 Je3o D 22


Featherston independent. 1930 Mrl9-7 w

WGA 1930 Mrl9-My23


Feilding star. 7-1939 014. Title Feilding guardian, Feilding star 1882 Jel7. 2w, 3w 1883 Mrl, d 1893 Jy3?. Index (local) 1882-1909 at FEP

AO 1906 Mrl9

FEP 1882 Jel7-1909 1910 Ja-My Ag--1911-1934 Ap

WGA 1882 Je24-1891 Je 1892 Jy-1905 1907 Jy-D 1909 1910 Jy-1919 Je27 1938-1939 014

WTU 1882 JelO 1907 My3C 1908 Nl4

WU 1906 Jy2s



Manawatu herald. 1878 Ag27- . 2w, 3w 1890 S3O

FXBO 1878 Ag27-1879 Ag22 1880 S7-1881 Ag 1889-1901 1903 Ja-Sl5 1904-1939

WGA 1939 Je3o D 29

WNMP 1880 S-D(m) 1890-1905(m)

WTU 1878 Ag27-1881 Ag(m) 1889-1895 N9(m) 1897 Apl3-1899(m) 1900 Ja-Ap26 My22-Ag6(m) 1902 S4-1903(m) 1904 Ja-Ag6 N5-1905(m)

PP 1878 S-1881 Ag(m) 1889-1900(m) 1902-1905(m)

WTU 1906 Mrl3 1919 D 4 1921 Fl9


Geraldine guardian. 18832-19312 3w

CMU 1898 08,11 1900 D 8

DP 1909 Jal6

GEBC 1895 Apl3-1896 My 1897-1903 1905 Ja-526 1906 Jal6-D2O 1907 1908 D 22 1909-1915 Ag26

GEMU 1922 Dl 6 1924 JalO 1925 F26 Jy23 015,17,24

TEBC 1911 F9,14 1914 Ja22 Jy4-9,14,28,30 Ag4,20-25 S3-5,10 010,20,24 N7-21,28 D 5

THE 1911-1918 (lacks many iss)(m)

WNMP 1911-1918 (lacks many iss)(m)

WTU 1911-1918 (lacks many iss)(m)

Gisborne courier. 1935 N2l-1936 022. w

WGA 1936 My2l-022

Gisborne herald. 1874 Jas- . Title Poverty Bay herald, Gisborne herald 1939 Jy3. Running title Evening herald 1878-clBB6. 2w, 3w 1878 My 6, d by 1878 09. Index (local, selective) 1888-1911 at GMU

AU 1907 Ja7-Agl2 1935 Ja-Je 0-1936 1937 Ja-Mr Jy-1939

GHE 1874 Jas-1878 1879 Ja21,28 F7,8,14,18,19,22 , 25,28 Mr4,5,8,10-15,18,22-D 1880-1939

GP 1879 Ja6-D 1880 Jy-1882 Dl 6 1883 Jy-1886 Je26 1887 Jy-1889 Je 1890-1892 1893 Jy-1899 1900 Jy-1912 Mr Jy-D 1913-1931 S 1932 Ja-Je 0-1939

WGA 1880 Ja17,28 F10,28 Mr6,9-D (lacks some iss) 1881-1939

WTU 1874 N5 1876 03 1894 Nl 1898 Je10,15

WU 1903 Jyl3 Nl4 1904 Ja16,30 Ap2l Je27,28 1906 Mr24(suppl) Jel3 024(suppl)

Gisborne standard and Cook County gazette. 1887 Je9-18942 Title New Zealand herald 1892 on2 3w

GP 1888 Jy-1891 0

WGA 1887 Je9-L)

WTU 1890 D 9

Mosquito. 1881 Mrl7-2 2 GP 1881 Mrl7

Poverty Bay independent. 1885 Mr - 1888 Agl62 w, 3w 1885 Jy4 GP 1885 Mr 7-1886

Poverty Bay standard. 1872 05-1883 025. Title Poverty Bay standard, Standard 1873 D 6, Poverty Bay standard 18792, Standard 18802, Poverty Bay standard 1881 Ap6, P.B. standard 1881 025, Standard 1881 Nl, Poverty Bay standard 1881 Nl5. w, 2w 1873 Jal, 3w 1874 Jal3, 2w by 1876


Facts. 1883 Jy6-2 w

UUHO 1883 S2B

WGA 1883 Jyl3 Agl7

WTU 1883 Jy6



Poverty Bay standard (cont.) Apl, 3w 18797, 2w 18807, 3w 18817, d 1882 Jy24, 3w 1883 Mrl3. Index (local) 1874-1880 at GP

AP 1872 05 1879 MylO,l7,2l(suppls)

GHE 1879 Ja7-14,25,28 F6,11,13,27Mr 1 3,18,27 Apls Myl-8,13-17, 22-29, Jes-28

GP 1874 Ja3l Jy-1875 1876 S-D 1881 Ja-1883 025 1872 05-1874 Ap(m) 1876 Ap-D(m)

WNMP 1872 05-1874 Ap(ir 1876 Ap-D(m)

WTU 1872 05,19-1874 Ap3o(& m 1875 Ag7 1876 Apl,B-D23(& m) 1874 Ja3l(m)

WU 1873 D 6

Takitimu. 1883 MyB-7 ft WTU 1883 My 22

Te Rau weekly press. 1924 04- . w

GTE 1924 04-1926 525 1927 08-1930 S2O 1932 Mrl2

WGA 1929-1939 WTU 1935 N22

Telephone. 1883 027-1885 Mr? 3w, d 1884 Jal, 3w 1884 DlB

GP 1883 027-1884

Telephone. 1895 Jy6-1900 D 29. Incorporated by Gisborne times, w, 2w 18992

GP 1899 028

WTU 1897 023(& m)

Times. 18967-1938 AplB. Title Gisborne times, Times 1937 Ap26. Incorporated by Poverty Bay herald, d. Indexes: (local, selective) 18961911 at GMU; (local) 1901-1903 at GP

AU 1914 Ja-Mr Ag-0 1915 F-1916 Ag 1919 Ap-1920 1921 Ap-1922 Mr 0-D 1923-1924 Je 0-D 1925 Ja-S 1926 Ap-D 1927 Ap-D 1928 Ap-1930 1931 Ap-1933 S 1934 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1935 Ap-S 1936-1938 AplB

5 1

Times (cont.)

DUHO 1925 Dl 9

GMU 1901 Ja23-Je 1902-1905 (lacks many iss) 1906-1915 S 1916-1937

GP 1915 Ja2s 1927 My 10,13 1901-1937(m)

WGA 1919 Ja-Mr 1924 Jy-S 1926 Ja-Mr 1928 D 22 1937 Ja-1938 AplB 1907-19l8(ra) 1933 Myl9-D18(m) 1934 Mr22-Je3o O-D(m) 1936 Je29-S24(m)

WNMP 1901-1903(m) 1905-1937(m)

WTU 1901-1903(m) 1905-1907(m) 1908 Ap4-S3O N2-D(m) 1909-1911 Myl7 Agl6-D(m) 1912-1937 Mr(m)

Waka Maori o Aotearoa. 1863 Jel3-1884 017. Published at Nepia, Po Neke 1871 024, Gisborne 1878 Ag2l. Title Waka Maori o Ahuriri, Waka Maori o Niu Tirani 1871 024, Waka Maori o Aotearoa 1884 F29. w, 2m 1871 024

AP 1863 Jel3-Jyll Ag22-Sl9 Nl4-D 1864 Ja-Mrl9 Myl4-28 Jell Jy23 Ag2o Sl7-D 1865 Ja FlB-Ap29 My27-JelO Jy15,29 Ag26-D 1866 Ja6 F3-NlO 1867 Mr2l Jy4-1868 F2 1869 Fll-Ap22 My 27 Jyl7-D 1870 Ja-Ag3o 07-D26 1871 Ja9-My23 024-D 1872 Jas F-D 1873 015-D 1875-1877 Jyl7 1878 Ag2l-SlB 1884 F29-Mr My 2,16 Je2o-JylB Ag22 S5 03,17

AR 1863 S-0 1865 Apl Ag 1868 Agl3 1871 024-1877 Jyl7

AU 1872 016,30

CP 1872 1874-1877 Jyl7

DP 1871 024-1872 D 24

DUHO 1863 Jel3-1871 Je2l 024-D 1872-1877 Jyl7 1878 Ag2l-1879 025 1884 F29-017



Waka Maori ... (cont.)

WGA 1871 024-1877 Jyl7 1878 Ag2l-D 1884 F29-017

WP 1870 Ag3o 1871 Jal9-My2 Je2l Jy27 024 D2

Mataura ensign (cont.) 1925 06 1927 Mr 22

WTU 1923 MylO

WU 1903 010 1904 Myl9

WTU 1863 Jel3-1865 JelO N4-D 1866-1871 My 23 024-D 1872-1877 Jyl7 1878 Ag2l-1879 025 1884 F29-017



Gore standard. 1887 Jel4-1910 D3l. Title Southern standard, Gore standard 1906 Ag? 2w, d?, 3w 1910 07

DUHO 1897 Je22,25 1910 F16,18,23,25 Mr24 Agll,13 15,17-20,22-25,27,29 31,3,5,6 8,12,15,19,22,23,26,27,30 010

GOEN 1887 Jel7-1888 Ap2o Jels-D 1889-1906 Jel6 1907-1910

GOHI 1889 Mr 26 1891 N24 1894 Jy24 Agio 57,18,28-019, 26,30 1909 81,3,4,7,8,13-17,22-24,28 02,12,20,27-N1,3,8,11,26 D - 17,20-24,29-31 1910 My 4-13,16-19,21,24,26-28 Je3,13,21 Jy13,14

Mataura ensign. 1878 MylO- . w, 2w 1881 Ap, 3w 1895 Jy2, d 1906 Ap2

DP 1878 MylO 1886 SlO 1892


Grey River argus. 1865 Nl4- . 3w d 1871 F4 ALCE 1927 Nl5

AP 1878 F2

AR 1925 Nl4 1928 Fl7(suppl

CMU 1866 Jyl7-1867 (lacks many iss)

CU 1888 Ag2l

DUHO 1930 Jall(suppl)

GREV 1898 Jy-1899 Je

GRP 1866 Myl7-1867 My 7 Ag22-D 1869-1871 1872-1875 (lacks many iss) 1876-1880 Nl3 1881-1905 1906 Jy-1907 1908 Jy-1923 1924 Jy-1929 Je 1930-1933 Je 1934-1936 Je 1937-1938 Je S-1939

3RSH 1877 Ja-Je 1878 1891 Ja-Je

HOMU 1884 Jy23 1885 Ja2B N2 1888 S3 1892 D 27 1893 F2B 1895 D3l

DUHO 1897 Je21,22,24 1906 Mr3l Ap2 1909 32,4,6,9,10 1910 F18,23,25,26 Mr 1,5,7,9 1913 Mr3l 1928 MylO 1935 Jyl9 1936 N19,20 1878 MylO(m)

GOBO 1915 Ap-D 1916 Ap-192C

GOEN *lBB3-1884 (lacks some iss) 1887-1888 1889 Ja-018 N29 1890-1891 020 1892-1939

GOHI 1913 Mr3l 1914 Jell 1920 39,10,30 028

IMU 1870 D 1 7,20 1878 Ja24 Mr 29 527-30 03,4,7,16 Nl9-21,25,26 1879 Mr 5,10 1881 SI 1882 Ja23 1884 N6 1908 Je16, 17 Jyl4-16 Agio, l3-15

WGA 1868-1881 Je 1882 Jy-1886 Je 1887 Jy-1903 1905-1906 1907 Jy-1938

WTU 1866 Ja6 1869 016,19 1878 Jel4


Greymouth evening star. 1866 MrlB-7 Title Evening star, Greymouth evening star 190-7 d

GREV 1901-1912 Je 1913-1914 Je 1915 Jy-1939

HOMU 1878 Ag7,9

WGA 1873 Ja-Dl3 1928 F25 1939

WTU 1871 My 24

WU 1869 Jel

Wairarapa standard (cont.) LVHO 1930 Ap23

MATI *lBBl Ap12,14,26 Ag2,9,11,18, 23-27 *lBB3 F9-D5 (lacks some iss) *lBB4 Ja9-Myl2 Ag4-Nl4 (lacks some iss) *lBB5 Ap-S (lacks some iss) *lBB7 Ja-Agl7 1888 F6 Jels 024

MEMO 1926 N1 1929 Jy

Weekly argus. 18707-19052 Title Weekly argus, West Coast standard? w

AP 1878 Mr

GRP 1870 Je3o-1875 Ap2 1876 My 26-1877 MylB 1879-1880 1883 Je-1887 Jel7 1890 JylB-1894 Jyl3 1895 Ag2-1897 Jy2

HOMU 1897 Mrl9

IMU 1883 021

WTU 1881 Ag26 1882 Je2


Mareikura. 1911 Ag-1913 Ja. m

AR 1911 Ag-1912 O

WGA 1911 5-1912 Ap

WTU 1911 Ag-1913 Ja

Puke ki hikurangi. 1897 D2l-1913 Published at Greytown North, Carterton by 1911. ft

AP 1904 N9 Dl 5

1903 Je3o 530 1911 Jy3l Ag3l 515 016 1913 Ja3l-Jyls

WGA 1898 NB-D 1899-1904 Ag6 (lacks some iss 1913 Jal6

WU 1897 D2l 1899 Ap3o 515

Wairarapa journal. 1868 Jal-1868 F? 2w

WTU 1868 Jal

Wairarapa standard. 1867 Jas- - at Masterton 1937 on. Title Wairarapa mercury, Wairarapa standard 1872. w, 2w 1869 51, w 1871 Dl 6, 2w 18727, 3w 1875 F9, 2w 1880 Jyl7, 3w 1880 57 AP 1878 Ja26 DEA 1896 518


WGA 1867 Jas F9-1872 Ag3,17-1 1873-1886

WNMP 1902 JylO(m) 1930 Jel3(m) 1938 Jy6,B(m)

WTU 1867 07,14 1868 JalB f1,8,22,29 Mr 7 526 Nl4 1870 F9 1871 D3O 1872 Ja6 1873 F5 1874 NlB D 5,9 1875 Ja18,23 F23 Mr 4,6 Myl Jel2 Jy10,24 Ag3,21 N2O D 11,18,25 1876 Ja8,13 F12,17,19,26 1878 Fl6 1879 D 5,13 1881 Ap9,23 MylO-14,26-Je4,14 Ag4,30-56,13,15,27-04,18,22, 27-N3,8 1883 017,19 N3O 1884 Ja2,25 F6-Mr3 AplB-Dl9 (lacks many iss) 1885 Jas Fll Mr2o Ap20,22,2705,23 1886 Jy2-524 1887 Myll 1888 Jel3 JylB-N2B (lacks many iss) 1890 N12.17 1895 Agl6 1904 52,9 1905 Ag2l 1906 53,10,17 1919 020 1926 Mrl7-24 Jy2B-S3 (lacks some iss) 1927 N2-7,16,25,28 1928 Ja3o F3 N19,21,26,28 D 3,4 1929 Mr 3,11,13 Je14,17,28 Jy29 1930 Ag4 1931 Ja6,11,15,27 My2o 1932 Jal3 F-D2 (lacks some iss) 1933 Ja27 F3-N8 (lacks some iss ) 1934 My2s


Wairarapa standard (cont.) 1936 Jal7 S3 016 1907 Jyl0(m) 1930 Jyl3(m) 1938 Jy6,B(m)


Hamilton courier and Waikato district weekly. 1932?- . w HP 1936 Ag7 WGA 1939 Je3o D2l

Waikato times (cont.) 1902 0-1907(m) 1908 Jy-S(m) 1911 S-U(ra) 1912 O-D(m) 1914 Ja-Je(m) 1915 Ja-S(ra) 1916 Ja-Mr Jy-1931 F(m)

WTU 1872 My 2-30 1873 Je3 1876 03 1877 Jel6 1872 My 2-1890 Jy(m) 1891-1894(m) 1895 Jy-1931 F(m)

WU 1905 Dl 5

Progress. 1937 06-? m WGA 1937 06-1939 Jy3l WTU 1937 06 N2l

Waikato argus. 1896 Jyll-1915? Incorporated? by Waikato times, 3w, d?

AP 1896 Jyll

DGNO 1914 Jy2s

HAR 1906 S7

HP 1896 Jyll Ag29-1908(& m) 1909 Ja-Ap Je-1914(& m)

WGA 1898-1905fm; 1907 Jy-1908 Ag(m,

WNMP 1896 Jyll Ag29-1914(m)


Daily mail. 1938 F26- . Title Hawke's Bay daily mail, Daily mail by 1938 Ag. d

HAP 1938 F26

NAMU 1938 Ag6-N5

WGA 1938 F26-1939

WTU 1939 D2(suppl)(m)

WTU 1896 Jyl6 1896 Jyll-1909 S(m) 1910-1914(m)

WU 1903 My 2,4,6

Waikato times. 1872 My - Published Ngaruawahia, Hamilton 1875 on. 3w, d? Index (local) 1872-1885

Ap, 1890 at HP

AP 1872 My 2,4 1874 Mrl7 1879 My 3-17

Hastings evening star. 1886 Ap2l-1888 Mr3l? Title Hastings star, Hastings evening star 1886 Ag23. 2w, d 1886 Ag7

WTU 1886 Ap2l-1888 Mr3l

Hawke's Bay herald-tribune. 1937 Jal6- . Merger of Hawke's Bay herald and Hawke's Bay tribune, d

AP 1939 Dl 9

HAHE 1937 Jal6-1939

WTU 1937 My7(n 1939 Dl9(n

HP 1872 My-1894(& m) 1895 Jy-D(& m) 1902 0-D(& m) 1903 Jy-1907 Je(& m) 1908 Jy-522 1911 S-D(& m) 1912 0-D(& ra) 1913 Jals(& m) 1914 Ja-Je(& ra) 1915 Ja-S(& ra) 1916 Ja-Mr Jy-1939 1916 Ja-Mr Jy-1931 F(ra)

WGA 1872 My2-1897(i 1902 0-1930(m)

WNMP 1872 My2-1882(m 1883 Jy-1885(m) 1887-1894(m) 1895 Jy-D(m) I900(m)


Hawke's Bay tribune. 1896 Ap27-1937 Jals. Title Hastings standard, Hawke's Bay tribune 1910 Dl2. Merged with Hawke's Bay herald to form Hawke's Bay herald-tribune, d

DUHO 1910 MrlO

.HE 1896 Ap2B-1906 1908-1915 S 1916-1937 Jals

WTU 1898 Jell 1907 F11,18,25 1909 F6,8 1912 My3o SlO 1931 Fl3


Huia tangata kotahi. 1893 FB-1895 F2 ft

AP 1893 F8 Mrll-My6 JelO JyB-Agl9 Sl6-014 Nil

WTU 1893 FB-1894 D 8


Havelock mail. 1864 Jel-1864 N? 2w WTU 1864 Jel

North Marlborough advertiser. 193 My2l-1937 Jy9. w

HVMU 1937 My2l

WGA 1937 My2l-1937 Jy9

Pelorus guardian and miners' advocate. 1890 Ja24-1920 Mr 26. 2w

HVMU 1899 Mrl4 WGA 1890 Ja24-1919

WTU 1893 Ja24 1894 Ap24

WU 1898 Ag9

Pelorus news bulletin. 1934?-1936 N26. w

HVMU 1935 JylB WGA 1936 Ja-N26


Egmont star. 1885 Ja3-1914 526? w

HWST 1885 Ja3-1889 1895 Mr 9-1912 1913 Jy-1914 526

OECP 1886 Mr 27

WTU 1899 Jyls-1914 S26(m)

Hawera morning post. 1894 020-1900? 3w

AR 1894 020 1896 Nl2 D 8,12

PTMU 1895 024

Hawera star. 1880 AplO- . Title Hawera & Normanby star, Hawera star 1924 Jel2. w, 2w 1880 Ap24, 3w 1881 01, d 1882 02

AR 1884 N22 1886 JaB,9 Mr 19,26,29 Ap9,21, 24,29-Myl 1887 S27(suppi) 1892 D 1 1893 My2s 07 N3O 1894 N2B 1895 My 29 Ag3o 52,14,17 1896 Je4 Nl2 D 5,12 1897 N25


Hawera star (cont.) 1902 AplO My 12,13,15 N26 1930 AplO

DUHO 1886 018 1930 AplO

HWST 1881-1885 Nl9 D 7 1886-1887 1891 0-1892 S2O O-D 1893-1939

OECP 1889 Sl4 1895 Myl7 1899 MrB Ap15,17 1900 DIO 1903 Myl6 01 1904 Dl 6 1908 Mrl2

PTMU 1901 Ja23 1911 MylB 1913 S3 1915 My 7 1916 N12,13 1919 Je3o 1923 Je3o Jys 1925 Nl7 1926 Nl7 1930 AplO 1931 526 1932 F24 1936 Dl2 1937 F1,2 Myl2 1939 S4

WGA 1882 (lacks some iss) 1883-1884 1885 Jy-1886 Je

WTU 1880 AplO-D 1893 Je8,15,22 1930 AplO

WU 1904 Mr2B 1906 Mrl7


Waikouaiti herald. 1864 028-1876? Title Waikouaiti herald, Waikouaiti & Shag Valley herald 1870?, Waikouaiti herald 1875 06. Incorporated? by Palmerston & Waikouaiti times, w

DEA 1865 Fl5 Ag23 1866 Ja24-Mrl4 N14,28 1867 Dll 1869 Je3o Jy3 Agll N3 D 29 1870 Mr 9,30 Ap13,20 Jels 32,7,28 012,19 N9,30 Dl 4 1871 Mrls Ag23,30 025-N8 1872 Jal7 D 18,25 1873 Ap2 1874 Mr 4,18 Apl My 6-20 D 2-9 1875 MrlO Mys 1876 Mr 29 Nl5


Waikouaiti herald (cont.) DUHO 1864 028 N9-1865 025 WGA 1872-1875

Hokitika guardian (cont.)

WTU 1906 Ag14,21,28 1937 D2O , 1938 Dl 9 1939 DlB


Kaipara and Waitemata echo. 19052Title Kaipara advertiser and Waitemata chronicle, Kaipara and Waitemata echo 1914 Ap3. w

AR 1911 Jyl9-1912 1913 (lacks some iss) 1914 Ja2l-1917 N29 1918-1919 1920 MrlB-1927 N24 1928-1936 1937 NlB D 9-23 1938-1939

WGA 1939 Je29 D 1

Lantern. 1870 Mrs-1870 524. Title

Tomahawk, Lantern 1870 Jy9. w

CMU 1870 Mrs-Je4

CU 1870 Mrs-524 WGA 1870 Mrs-524

Leader. 18657-19082 w AP 1865 FI 1878 F2B

New Zealand celt. 1867 026-1868? w HOMU 1868 Apl7 Je5,19

WGA 1868 F2l Mr2o,2l(extra) Jel2Ag2o

WTU 1867 026


Despatch. 1866 My?-18672 d WGA 1866 Je23 Jy2o

Evening star. 18652-18842 Incorporated by Hokitika guardian Title Hokitika evening star ?. d

AP 1867 Ja24-29

HOGU 1867 Ja7-Mr26 52,6-N26 1868 Ja-Mr

HOMU 1868 Je2-Jy 29 1871 Dl 9 1884 Nil

WGA 1883 Jy-E

WTU 1867 Ja2s S2C 1868 Jal

Hokitika advertiser and general goldfields' advertiser. 1865 Ag?-? 2w HOMU 1865 S5

Hokitika chronicle. 1866 Ap?-1866 Ag? d

WGA 1866 AgB

Hokitika daily news. 18682-1870? d WTU 1869 Ag3

Hokitika guardian. 18812- . Title Guardian and evening star 1918 031920? 2w by 1883, d 1888?

DUHO 1883 AplB Ag4

HOGU *1906 My23-Jy24 *1917 Jels-1939

HOMU 1901 Ja23 WGA 1939 Je3o D3O


West Coast times. 1865 My 3-1917 Je4? Incorporated by Hokitika guardian. 2w, 3w by 1865 Ag29, d 1866 Jal

AP 1867 Ja24-30 1878 F26-28

CMU 1865 Agl2-1866 (lacks many iss)

CU 1865 Ag12,29-1867 (lacks many iss)

DUHO 1883 Ap2

GRP 1874 Mr 2-1877 Je 1878 Ja-Je

HOGU 1865 Jy26-1866 Je 1867 Jy23-1869 *lB7O-1889 S *lB9O Ap-S *lB9l-1893 Mr Jy-E *1894-1917 Je4

10MU 1877 Myl4 1878 Agl4 1883 My3l 1896 F1,3,4,5,27,28 Jel-24 1909 Agl7

WGA 1866 Ap26-Agl7 1867 Mr2s-1868 1870-1886

WTU 1866 Agl4(& ra) 1879 S5 1880 013 1897 S7 ,8 1903 010 1903 017,24(m) 1907 Je2B Jy5,12(

WU 1868 S3O 02

Westland chronicle. 1917 AglB-1918? w

HOMU 1917 AglB-51,15,29 013,27-N10,24-08,22-29 1918 Ja-My11,25 Je1,15-29


Westland observer. 1868 Myl7?-? Incorporated by West Coast times, d WTU 1868 My2l


Hunterville express. 1893 MrlOTitle Paraekaretu express, Hunterville express ?. 2w, 3w?, 2w b; 1939 Myl6, dby 1939 021

IMU 1913 016

MTCO 1893 55,26 1894 JylO 023 1895 Jy2

WGA 1939 Myl6 02

WNMP 1893 MrlO-D(m)

WTU 1893 MrlO-D(m)


Huntly press and district gazette 1912 Jy?- . w, 2w 1931 AglB, w 1933 Mr 7

HU 1912 06,13,31 1913 JalO-24 F7-Dl9 1914-1939


Inglewood times and County chronicle 7-1937 Fl9. Title Inglewood record and Waitara news?, Inglewood record and Waitara age 18947, Inglewood times and County chronicle 1930? 3w, 2w by 1930?

ELHI 1935 Ap.

NPMU 1910 Jal7-D2l

WGA 1936-1937 Fl2 (lacks many iss) WTU 1901-1920 01 (lacks some iss)(m)


Bulletin. 1864 Jy2s-1864 Ag2o. d CP 1864 Ag2o

OUHO 1864 Jy2s-30 AgB-10,18-20

Southern cross. 1893 Mr3l- . w

IMU 1909 025 1911 Mr 1 8,25 1921 SlO 1935 021 1936 Ag29 55,26 012,19 1937 025 1938 JaB Myl4 Jell,lB Jy2,23 SlO 0 03,17


Southern cross (cont.) 1939 Ja7,21-Fll Apls Je3 Ags- - N4,18

ISOU 1893 Mr3l-1939 Mr2s

WTU 1893 Mr3l Apls-1894 Mr

Southland daily news. 1861 Fl6Title Southern news and Foveaux Straits' herald, Southland news 1862 My 3, Daily news 1864 Mr 29, Southland news 1864 Ml, Daily news 1866 Myl, Southland news 1866 02, Southland daily news 1875 013. w, 2w 1862 Nl, 3w 1863 529, d 1864 MrlO, 3w 1864 N1 2w 1865 Ja7?, 3w 1865 Ja3l, 2w by 1871 Ja4, 3w 1874 JaB, d 1875 013. Index (genealogical) 1861-1862, 1871 at IP

AP 1878 Mr 7 1879 Ag28,30

AU 1880-1881 1886-1890 1892 1894-1899 1901-1903 1905 (lacks some iss) 1906-1912 1914-1916 Je

DP 1861 Mr 9,16 My2s Jel-15 Agio 814 07 1862 Je2B 1892 Ja-Je

DUHO 1861 Fl6 Mr9-Agl7 Sl4-D7 1864 Je29 015 1866 N1 020 1867 Ja5,31 Ag27 812,14,28 1868 F25 Nl3 01 1869 09 1870 N23 1873 N12,15 06 1874 Myl4 1911 Fl6(suppl), Mr2s 1924 012 1925 09 1862 FB(suppl)(m) 1863 Ag29 Nl9(m) 1874 Jy4(m) 1875 013(m) 1876 Apl(m) 1877 Apl2(m)

IBOY 1871 *1877-1919

IMU 1861 Fl6-1862 Ap26 (lacks some iss) 1862 My3-Jel4 Ag2,23 820-04,18-N22 06,13-20,27 *1875-1939

IP 1863 Jy-1866 1870-1873 1875 Ja-1939


Southland daily news (cont.)

ITIM 1863-1864 Je 1865-1869 1871-1876 1878-1879 1880 Jy-1884 Je 1889 Jy-1890 Je

WGA 1861 Mr 2-1863 Nl9 1868-1870 1872-1886

WTU 1861 Fl6 Mr3o

WU 1905 Dl 3

Southland times. 1862 Nll2Title Invercargill times, Southland times 1864 Je2. Suspended 1864 Mr - 1864 Je2. 2w, 3w 1863 S2B, 2w 1864 D2, 3w by 1866 Jals, 2w 1870 Ja4, 3w by 1874 Ja, d 1875 Dl 5. Indexes: (shipping) 1862-1885 at IP; (genealogical) 1870 at IP

AP 1879 Ag29

AU 1881-1889 1891-1902 1903 (lacks some iss) 1905 F-D (lacks some iss) 1907-1908 1910-1915 Je 1916-1917 Je 1919 Ja-Je 1920-1939

DEA 1863 Ja23

DP 1892 Jy-1893 Je

DUHO 1864 Jy2B 1866 Jyl6 1867 Jy22 1868 Ap29 1869 JalB 1871 Mr 3 1873 N4 D 5 1874 Ja23 Myls Je3 1876 MylB 1883 Ap3o 06 1885 D 4 1911 Apl 1912 Jubilee iss 1913 Agl 1916 Dl2 1932 D 2 3,27 1935 Je7 1936 Myl9 1937 D 27 1863 Ag2l(m) 1864 Mr2(m) 1866 Myl,ls(m) 1869 014(ra) 1875 D22(m) 1878 Jy22(m) 1881 Myl6 (suppi) (ni)


Southland times (cont.)

IP 1862 Nl4-1864 1866 1871 S-1872 1874-1907 1908 Jy-1911 Mr Jy-D 1912-1939

ITIM 1869 04-1870 523 1874 Jy-1878 Je Ag-D 1879 Ap-S 1880-1883 Je 1884-1895 1897-1898 1899 Jy-1939

WGA 1866 Jals-1870 1872-1939

WTU 1864 031 1876 Ag3o 1877 F8

WU 1903 Myl6 05 N3O 1904 Ag9 1906 My 26 06

Southlander. 18622-1930 S3O. Title Weekly despatch2 , Weekly news2 Southlander 1882 Apl. w

DUHO 1866 Mr 24 1867 Myll 1868 F29 Mr 7 Je6 1869 Mr 6,13 MyB-Je12,26 Jy3 Ag2B 1870 Mr 1 9,26 1873 S2O 025 1874 F2l 1911 Fl7 1864 Jy2(m)

IMU 1868 Ag29 1870 015 1878 Ap6 Jel 1882 Ja-Mr 1910 Dl 6-30 1911 Fl7

IP *lB7l Ja7-1881 *lBB2 Apl-1915

ITIM 1867 N9-1870 1874 1911 Fl7

WTU 1893 Jyl4-28 1911 Fl7(m)

Table-talk. 1933 My 2-1935 N162 w

WGA 1934 Ja2o-1935 Nl6 (lacks some iss )

Weekly times. 18662-19332 w

DUHO 1909 S3 1866 Ja6 Fl7 Mr 3 Apl4(m) 1868 Ap2s(m) 1881 Ap2(suppl)(m)


Weekly times (cont.) ITIM 1869 Dll 1870 SlO 1877 Jy-1878 Je 1879-1886 Je 1887-1921 Je 1922-1925 Je 1926-1933 529

WTU 1881 Ap2-23(suppls)


Kaikoura herald and East Coast advertiser. 1868 Ap2-1872? w CP 1869 Jylo-1872 Nl6 KIHI 1872 Myll


Jacksons Bay chronicle. 1938 Sm

CP 1938 S-1939 0 WTU 1938 S-N


Kaiapoi record. 1909 Jy2B-1929? Merged with Rangiora record to form Record, w, 2w 1921?

CP 1909 Jy2B-1910 Jy2o

KAMU 1909 Jy2B-1911 Jyl9 1912 Ag7 SlB 1915 Mys 1917 My 23,30 Je6 1918 F6 N2l 1919 015 1921 Jyl3 1922 Ap26 MylO 1925 Apls Jel7 1928 Mrl6 529

Kaiapoi record. 1937 Jel6-1939 Ja2s w

KAMU 1937 Je23,30 Jyl4 1938 Nl6

RAMU 1937 Jel6 Sl5

WGA 1938-1939 Ja2s

North Canterbury independent and farmers chronicle. 1876 Ja6-2 3w CMU 1876 Ja6-D23

North Canterbury news and farmers chronicle. 1877 Jy4-1879 Myl4. 2w

CMU 1877 Jy4-1879 Myl4

WTU 1879 Myl4


Northern news. 1919 Jy26- . w

KKNE 1919 Jy26-1939

WTU 1919 Jy26 1934 FI


Kaikoura star. 1880 N2- . 2w

CHMU 1925 54,15 1929 N7

CMU 1920 Jal3-D 1922 Ja2o-Mrl6 Ap21,26 Agl D2l 1923-1924 Jy29 1925-1927

CP 1882 SI 1886 Mr3o 1897 D 29 1899 Ja4

DUHO 1887 MrB 1880 N2(m)

KIHI 1880 N2 1881 Jys 1887 021 1891 Nl7 1893 Ja4 1894 Mr 27 1896 Dl 6 1898 Jy29 1902 Mrll Sl6 1906 09 N6 1910 Jy8,12 Ag3o 011,14 1911 Ap4 1912 N8 1916 Jyl4 Agls 1919 Jyls AgB 1922 Jel6 1923 Ja23 N2,7,20 1924 D 23 1925 1928-1929 1930 JylO 1931-1939

WGA 1939 Je29 D2B

WIAD 1929 Je6

WTU 1880 N2

Kaikoura sun. 19062-19112 Incorporated by Kaikoura star. 2w?

CP 1909 D 9 1910 Ja3

KIHI 1908 Fl3 1909 MylO 028 N4,22,29 1910 Ja3 020 1911 Jas



Northland age. 1904 AglB2- . Title Mangonui County times and northern representative, North Auckland age 1906 MyB, Northern age 1918 Ja3l, Guardian 1928 D 5, Northland age 1931 09. Published at Mangonui, Kaitaia by 1916 Jy. w, 2w 1927 Jyls, w by 1928 D 5, 2w 1939 Je6

KKNE 1931 09-D

KTMU 1905 F2l-Je27 1906 DlB 1914 Fl3 Mr2o 1915 Je4 DlO 1916 Ap2B 1931 016

KTNO 1904 S6-D 1905 Jy-1912 Je 1916 Jy-D 1918-1920 523 1921-1925 1926 F-1928 Dl 9 1930-1939

Northlander. 1922 Mrl3-1933 Jy2l. w

AP 1922 Jel

AR 1933 Jy2l

DP 1925 Mr2B

KTMU 1922 Mr2o My2s Je22,29 Jy2o Ag3 57-019 D 7 1923 (lacks some iss) 1924 Jalo-Mr6 Ap3,10 My 8,22Jel9 Jy3,24,31 1925 Jy29 1928 Mr 7 Ap4 1932 D2


WTU 1922 Mr 13,20(& m) 1925 Jy22 N25 D2 1930 My 7 1931 Jyls

KAMO see WHANGAREI Kamo & Hikurangi echo


Kaponga courier. 1925 Ja?-2 w NPMU 1927 Jal2-D 1937-1939

Kaponga mail and district advertiser 1904 Jels-1904? 3w AR 1904 Jels



Goldfield's advocate. 1897 Fl3-1911? 2w?

AP 1897 Fl3

PRMU 1909 Ja23

KARORI see WELLINGTON Karori and Northland mail


Bay of Islands luminary. 1879 Ap2- . Title Northern luminary, Bay of Islands luminary 1910?, Luminary ? w, 2w 1922 S

AR 1879 Ag3o-1881

1882 (lacks some iss) 1883-1884 1885 (lacks some iss) 1888 51,8,22 1891 Jalo-Dl9 1893 Ja-Je3 1897 Jel2 1899 Apls 1902 D 6

DUHO 1879 Apl9

KKP 1934 Myl

RUMU 1883 Ja2o-Mr3l My12,26-Jel6 Jy Agll 027 D 2 2,29

WGA 1939 Je3o D 22

WHP 1889 N2 1891 Mr2B 1898 Fl2


Kawhia settler and Raglan advertiser 1901 Ap24-1936 Ap24. w

AP 1902 Jyl9-1904 Jel8(m)

HP 1901 Ap24 1936 Ja7 F2l

TWMU 1908 S4 1922 Ap2l 1925 Jy3l 1929 Je7 1933 Jyl4 1934 F9 S2l 1935 Jy26 Ag2 56-011,25 N8 Dl 3 1936 Ja7,10,31 Fl4-28 Mr - Ap3,17-24

WGA 1914-1933 1935 N15,22 1936 Jalo-Ap24 1905-1913(m)


Kawhia settler ... (cont.; WTU 1902 Jyl9 Ag9,16 56,13 04-1904 JelB (lacks some iss)(m)



Kimbolton times. 1903 Mr 2-1904 S2 3w WTU 1904 Apls

KOHIMARAMA see AUCKLAND Tamaki recorder


Hokianga herald. 19232-2 Title Hokianga star, Hokianga herald 1938 020. w

AR 1938 027 WGA 1935-1937 F25 1939 Je29 D2l WTU 1927 Jy7 1932 Dl 5 1933 Jas-19 F2 Mr 2,9,23 Ap6 Jel Sl4 N16,23 D 7 1934 Ja4,21 F22 Mr 1,15 Je2B Jys-Ag23 04-18 S6-27 1935 Ja24 F14,28-Ap4,25 My 16,30 Jel3 JylB AgB-29 526 03,31 N7,28 Dl 9 1937 Ja7-21 F4,1l 1938 027

Hokianga times. 1905 Agl9-1936 Mrs2 Title Hokianga County times and north-western representative, Hokianga times and north-western representative 19082, Hokianga times 19262 w

AP 1905 Ag19,26 KKP 1921 Je3o 1923 FI,B WGA 1935 Jal7-1936 Mrs WTU 1906 S3-1907 Jy 1910 Ja24-Mr7 Myl6 Je27-D 1912 Ja22-Dl6 1932 Jal4 F4 Ap7-28 Jel6,3C Jy2B Agll


7 1


Kumara times, 18762-1917 Je3o. Incorporated by Westland chronicle, d DP 1884 Mr 22

GREV 1877 Ap3-527 1878-1880 Je 1881-1882 Je 1883 Ja-Je 1884-1886 1887 Jy-D

HOMU 1888 Ja-Je 1896 Jy-D IMU 1879 Ag2 NPMU 1885 Ja24 WTU 1886 Jel7 1889 Ja22 WU 1876 Dl2


Mt. Benger mail. 18802Published at Roxburgh until cl9ll. w, d by 1920

DEA 1936 D 9 DUHO 1881 Fl6 Mr2 Ap13,20 1884 MylO Dl 3 1896 Ag22-S5 02-N27 DlB-31 1897 Ja8,22,29 Mrl2 Ap9 My7-D 1898 Ja14,21 F4,25 Mr2s D2 1899 Sl5 1911 04-D 1912 Ja-018 N6-D (lacks some iss) 1913-1937 1938 F9-D 1939 JalB-D 1891 Ap2s(m)

WGA 1939 Je2B D2O WTU 1880 Myl9

Tuapeka press. 1883 My?-2 2w WTU 1883 Je8(& ra)

Tuapeka press and goldfields advocate. 1866 Myl2-1869 N2 w AP 1867 Ap6 DEA 1867 N9 1868 Mr 7 My 23 Jy11,25 1869 Jal6

WTU 1866 Myl9(m)

Tuapeka recorder. 1865 F24-1867 Mr Incorporated by Bruce herald, w DUHO 1865 Mr 3-1866 Apl3 Jel2 Jyl4 Ag2s(& m)

Tuapeka recorder. 1896 N27-19002 w DEA 1896 N27


Tuapeka times. 1868 Fl5- . w 2w 1873 N5

AP 1878 Mrl3 DEA 1868 Fl5-1908 1910-1920 1922 JalB Fl5 Mr2s-Ap12, 19,22, 29 My 10,24 Je3,7,17 Jy5,12, 15,22,29 Ag9,19-30 59,20,27 N4,8,15,22,29 06,16,23 1923-1924 1928-1933

DUHO 1868 Mrl4-1884 1885-1887 1889 Hy29 Ag2B 1913 1924-1927 1890 Mrl2(m)

WGA 1872-1886 1939 Je2B D2O

WTU 1922 Je24,28 Jy5,8,22,26 1923 F2l


Ellesmere guardian. 1880 Jy232w CMU 1937 Agl3 DUHO 1880 Ag3(m) LEEL 1891-1899 1904 026-1906 1913 Ap2-1915 1916 Agl2-1939

WGA 1939 Je3o D 22

WTU 1880 Jy23


Horowhenua review. 1923 N7-1925? it LVHO 1925 Ag3l WTU 1924 F22

Levin and Manakau express and Horowhenua County advertiser. 1896 Ap4-? Incorporated by Manawatu farmer and Horowhenua County chronicle. 2w NPP 1896 Ap4

Levin daily chronicle. 18937Title Manawatu farmer and Horowhenua County chronicle, Horowhenua chronicle 1909? , Horowhenua daily chronicle ?, Levin chronicle 1917 Ja2o, Levin daily chronicle 1923? 3w d?, 3w 1917 Ja27, d 1923? LVCH 1914 Ja-My29 1915-1918 1920 1921 Jy-D


Levin daily chronicle (cont.) 1923 Jy-1924 Je 1925 0-1926 0 1927-1939

LVHO 1905 DlB 1910 Mr-S 1911-1914 My 1915 Mr-1917 S 1924 N3(suppl)

PP 1896 Mr 4 1907 Apl2

WGA 1939 D3O

WNMP 1904 My2 1905 Mr 1 3,17,19,27-31 Ap3,7,12 14 Myl7 Je26 Jy3,5 Ag2,14,21 513,15,25,29 020,30 D 4

WTU 1899 DlB 1900 Jel3 Agl 1902 N13,17 1903 My 6,29 JelO-17,22,24 Jy6,8,17,29 Ags-24 028 N13,16 1904 F15,22 Mr 9,14,16 My 6,27 Je6 Jy4,11 Ag8,19,22,26,29,31 52,9,16 , N4,21,25 D 2,5,24 1905 Jylo-24(& m) 1906 Ja12,15 F5,9 Mr 7,21 Ap6 1919 D 9-16

WU 1904 Ag3,24

Levin times. 1908 015-? w LVHO 1908 015,22

Shannon news. 1920?- . 2w, w 1933? WGA 1939


Hutt news. 1927 Apl- . w

LP 1927 Apl 1931 Ags Nll-D9 1932 N16,30 1933 Dl 9 1934 024 1935 Jal6 Mr2o Ap3,17 Mys 1939 527-011 NB-D2O

WGA 1939 Je2B D2O

WTU 1932 N2

LOWRY BAY see WELLINGTON Lowry Bay buster

LYELL Lyell argus. 1873 F217-1882? Title Lyell argus and Matakitaki advertiser, Argus 1875?, Lyell argus 1877? w, 2w 1874 Ja3l?


Lyell argus (cont.) WTU 1873 Mr2l Je2B 1874 Ja24 F2,14 My3o Jel3 Jy8,11,18,22 014 1875 NlO 1876 Mrl7 1877 Ag4 1878 Sl4 1879 FI MrB Apl4 Sl7

WU 1876 My2o N4

Lyell times and Central Buller gazette. 1881 Ja297-18987 w

MUMU 1885 Ap18,25

NEMU *lBBB *1892

WNMP 1885 F-N(m) 1886 Je-D(m)

WTU 1881 Ja29 Fl9 Mr 26 My 7 1882 Ja2B FlB Mr 4 My2o 07 1883 06 1886 Mr2o-Aplo Myl-Ag2l 525-D 1887 Ja22 F5 1888 S9-1890 My 24 (lacks some iss) 1893 Ja2l Ap22 1897 09 1898 JaB 1885 F7-N2l (lacks some iss)(m) 1886 Ja-N27 (lacks some iss)(m)

Times. 18797-1899? w? GRSH 1880 Dll

WTU 1879 Dl 3 1880 Jyl7


Lyttelton chronicle and Peninsula news. 1865 Mrl7-7 7 WTU 1865 Mrl7

Lyttelton times see CHRISTCHURCH Christchurch times

Port Lyttelton herald and New Zealand shipping gazette. 1878 Ja?-1879. 3w

AP 1879 Ag7,16

DUHO 1879 Jyl9(m)


Waimate witness. 18887-19287 2w, 3w by 1899? AR 1896 D 8 NPMU 1904-1905 WTU 1893 Je9-23(& m) 1906 Jy4,5,11


Waimate witness (cont.) 1924 Ap23 1905 Jy5,12,19(m)


Mangaweka settler. 18977-1925? 2w7, 3w by 1907 DGNO 1907 Ja-F 1915 Mrll My29-Je22,29-Jy3 Ag2l

MANGONUI Northland age see KAITAI Northland age

On guard. 1916 Agls-1922 AgB? Title Anzac, On guard 1916 Sl2. ft KTMU 1916 Agls-N7 WGA 1918 Ag27-1922 AgB (lacks some iss )



Martinborough star. 19042-? 3w MBMU 1908 Fl9 D 9,16 1909 Ja2o Mrls Ap2 My 24,31 Je2,7,9,18-30 D 8 1910 Apls 1911 Je23 1919 Jyl7 1928 Myl4 1937 Ag2s

WGA 1939 Je28,30 D 29

WTU 1906 Ag24,31 S7


Mercury. 1891 Ap2o-1896 010. d MTCO 1893 Mys Jyl7 Ag4 58,23 D2 1894 Mrs Ap9 Ag6 D 24 1895 Jy2,4 N4

MTRA 1893 06,19 1895 My2 1896 010

PP 1891 Ap2o

WTU 1891 Ap2o-1893 (lacks many iss)

Rangitikei advocate and Manawatu argus. 1875 Jel97- . 2w, 3w 1879 Ja4, d 1881 026 DUHO 1889 Ja24


Rangitikei advocate ... (cent.) 1893 527 1894 529

FEP 1926 Je12,22 Ag14,24

MTCO 1893 AplB Mys Jy7,25 Ag4 54,8 022 1894 Mr 5,6 Ap9 My 7 Je4 Ag6 N29 1895 Mr 2,4 Jyl,B N2B 022 1896 F3 N24

MTRA 1875 Agl9 1876 016 1880 Jy6 1882 Ap2l Jy28,31 N7 1886 MrB 1888 N5 1893 N7,13 1897 Ja2,5,6 1898 06 1901 Ja23,24,26 1902 Agll 1907 1908 Ja2l-Je27 1909 Ja-Je 1910 Ja-Je 1912-1913 1914 Jy-1917 Je 0-0 1918-1919 Mr Jy-D 1920-1921 Mr Jy-D 1922-1939

PP 1909 F2O 1910 My 7 1913 FlB 1918 Ja2s Ap2o 1920 NlO 1921 Je2s 1924 Mys Je7 1925 Fl9

WAMU 1882 MrlO 1884 N5,7

WGA 1876 Myll-1878 05 1879-1887 1888 Jy-1898

WTU 1886 527,29 022,24 1887 03,5 1903 Jy24-1906(m) 1908 Je-D(m) 1909 Jy-D(m) 1911(m) 1915 07-1916 S(m)

WU 1904 Jal3


Matuhi. 1903 S2-1906 Apl6. ft, w 1903 07

AR 1903 52-014,28-Nll Dl 6-30 1904 Ja-Jy2o N2 D 7,14 (lacks some iss) 1905 FI M/10-N29 Dl 3 (lacks some iss) 1906 Ja24,31 Mr 7-21 Apl6


Matuhi (cont.) WGA 1904 Nl6-1905 527 WTU 1903 52-1906 Apl6

News letter. 1876 My?- . Merged with Wairarapa news and Valley and East Coast advertiser to form Wairarapa register. 3w WTU 1876 Je10,17 JyB 03 N2l 07 1877 Mr 29 Mys

Wairarapa age. 18817-1938 Mr3l. Title Wairarapa star, Wairarapa age 1902 Apl4. Merged with Wairarapa daily times to form Wairarapa times-age. d MATI *1896 Jy-1902 Je 1902 Jy-1930 5 1931-1938 Mr3l

WGA 1883 1937-1938 Mr3l

WP 1881 520 WTU 1881 Je27 530 1884 Jyls 1885 Ag2B 1887 Je7,10 1892 Jals 1894 My 26 Je2,9 1900 Je4,11,18 1902 Apl4 1903 Apll 1906-1930 1931 F Ap-1936 N 1937-1938 Mr3l

WU 1904 Ag2 1906 Ja3,5

Wairarapa daily times. 1877 N7-1938 Mr3l. Title Wairarapa register, Wairarapa free press 1878 511, Wairarapa daily 1878 N4, Wairlrapa daily times 1892 Mr? Merger of Wairarapa news and Valley and East Coast advertiser, and News letter. Merged with Wairarapa age to form Wairarapa times-age. 3w, d 1878 N4. Index (regional only) 1879-1900 at MAXI and Masterton Public Library AP 1878 Ja2s

MAXI *1879 Ja22-D (lacks many iss) *lBBO-1883 *lBB4 Jy-1885 *lBB7-1888 5 *lB9O Ja-S *lB9l *1892 Mr-1893 5 *1894-1897 Mr Jy-D *lB9B-1907 Je *l9OB-1912 *1913 Ap-S *1914-1918 Je 0-0 *1919-1934 1935-1938 Mr3l


Wairarapa daily times (cont.)

WGA 1881 Jy-1884 1885 Jy-D 1937-1938 Mr3l

WNMP 1890(m) 1892-1895(m) 1896 Jy-1905(m) 1907 My-1923 N(m) 1924 N-1938 Mr(m)

WP 1895 Jy4

WTU 1878 Ap24 Jy29 Sll 09,14 N6,7, 9,12 1880 1884 Apl7 Jy-1891 1892 Mrl4 Ap-1903 N26 1904-1929 Je Ag-D 1930 Ja-0 1931-1938 Mr3l 1878 Ap24 Jy29 511,12 09 N8 Ds(m) 1879 Mr 7 Myl D9(m) 1880 07(m) 1881 Mys Jy-1889(m) 1892 Jy-D(m) 1893 Jy-1898(m) 1899 Jy-1938 Mr(m)

Wairarapa news and Valley and East Coast advertiser. 1874 021-18772 Merged with News letter to form Wairarapa register, w, 2w 1875 Ja23

DP 1876 Ja26-F5 Mr 1,4,22-56

WTU 1874 N2l 1875 Ja-Mr13,24 Je15,19,23 1877 Ja24 1874 021(m) 1875 FlO Je5,23(m) 1877 Ja24(m)

Wairarapa standard see GREYTOWN Wairarapa standard

Wairarapa times-age. 1938 AplMerger of Wairarapa age and Wairarapa daily times, d

MATI 1938 Apl-1939

WGA 1938 Apl-1939

WNMP 1938 Apl-1939(m)

WTU 1938 Apl,2 Dl 4 1939 Fll 07 Dl 5 1938 Apl-1939(m)

Wairarapa weekly. 1937 021-1938 D 22. w

WGA 1937 021-1938 D 22

Weekly star and Wellington district advertiser. 18832-19062 w

WNMP 1888 N(ra)

WP 1884 AplO

WTU 1889 Agl Dl 9 1890 Ja9,16 N2O


Weekly star and ... (cont.) 1891 Mrs 1892 F25 MrlO 1896 Ap9 1897 Jel7 1898 Ja2o 1900 Mr 8,27 Je2B 527 04 1901 Ja9,17,31 Ap2s My2 Jel3Jy4,18 Agl 512 024,31 1902 Apl7 My 22 Jel2 Jy24-Agl4 028 1903 F26 1888 N(m)


Matamata record. 19172- . 2w MAP 1918-1920 1923-1926 Je 1927-1930 Je 1931-1939

PUPR 1931 1934 Ja-Je 1939 Ja-Je

WGA 1927 N2B

WNMP *1927-1930 Je 1932 Ja-Je 1933 Ja-Je 1935 Jy-D 1936 Jy-1938

WTU 1927 N2B D 5-12,19,22 1938 Ja6,10 1939 Jal2 F9 Agio

Matamata review. 19342- . Title Review, Matamata review 19352 w, 2w2

WTU 1934 Dl 3 1936 N3 1937 Jel 1938 JeB 1939 Je2B


Bruce herald. 1864 Apl4- . w, 2w 1873 Ja7

AP 1879 52

DEA 1865 Nl6 1874 518 1891 02 1907 Fl4 Ag22-29 1908 01 1909 FI,IB 1912 Fl9 1937 Ja2l-F4 1938 027

DP 1864 Apl4 1868 Jyl 1871 Ja4 1876 N3


Bruce herald (cont.) 1937 F15,22,25 MrB

DUHO 1864 Ap2l-1865 1866 Ja-F8 Mr-1875 1876 Ja-Je 1877 Jy-1939

IMU 1938 024

WGA 1871-1882 1885-1886 1939 Je29 D2l

WTU 1893 Mr2l-D(m)

Bruce standard. 18697-7 Incorporated by Bruce herald? 2w? DEA 1871 F4 DUHO 1879 My2l(m) WTU 1882 JelO

Milton mirror. 19057-1910 Ja27. Incorporated by Bruce herald. 2w DEA 1910 Ja27 WGA 1906 Ag23


Morrinsville star and Matamata gazette. 1911 My - . w, 2w 1911 Je6

AR 1934 026

MOHI 1911 My9-1915(m) 1917-1937(m)

WGA 1934 026 1939 Je3o D 22 1911 My9-1928(m)

WNMP 1911 My 9-1915(& m) 1917-1937(& ra) 1938-1939

WTU 1934 026(& m) 1911 My9-1915(ra) 1917-1937(ra)


Taieri advocate. 1881 Myll-19167 2w, 3w 1909

DEA 1881 Je29

DUHO 1881 Myll-1900 My3o 1902 Ag9-30 DIO-31 1903 Ja47-24 Apl-22 Je3-D3< 1904-1906 1909-1912 1915 Ja22-29 F16,19 Mrs-12

WTU 1881 Jel8(m)


Motueka herald and Waimea advertiser 18857-18897 2w DUHO 1885 024


Province. 19017-1939 Agl6. Title Motueka star, Star-times 1938 Jy2B, Province 1939 Myl7. w?, 2w by 1932 D 9, d 1938 Jy2B

NEMU 1931 SlB 0-1932 1933 Ja6-13 1935 Ja29-1936 Ag4 1937 My2B-1938 Jy22 (lacks some iss ) 1938 Jy2B-1939 Agl6

NEP 1939 Myl7-Agl6

WGA 1937-1939 Agl6


Buller post. 1896 Ja23-1913? w

MUMU 1896 Mrs Ag27 1897 D3O 1903 Mrl7 Jy2B 1908 My 26 1909 Ag3 026 1910 Ja4 D 6

WTU 1896 Ja3o-D24 1897 Ja-S3O

Murchison standard. 19147-1937 D3l. Title Standard, Murchison standard 1921? Suspended 1929-19307 2w, w by 1936 S3O

MUMU 1917 013 1919 JyB 1920 Mr 23 1925 Mrl9 1926 JyB 1928 Mr 22 Ap12,23 1929 Mr2l 1930 Myls Ag4,7 09 1932 Jel3 Ag3l 1933 Mr 1 5,22 Aps 1934 D 24 1935 Ja3,9,23 Jel2 525 1936 Mr 4 Jel7 N25 1937 Jyl4 N24 D 22,31

NEMU 1925 F9

WGA 1936 S3O-1937 D

WTU 1921 D 5,23 1936 D 23


Aotearoa : he nupepa raa nga tangata 1892 Je4-2 ? WTU 1892 Je4

Daily telegraph. 1871 FI- . w, d by 1873 Ap2l

DUHO 1872 F2-1873 1874 Ja-My8,13-SlB 05 1895 025


Daily telegraph (cont.) NADA 1873 F7-D26 1878 Jy-Dl9 1881-1889 1890 Jy-1891 1892 Ja29-Nl2 1893 Ja-Je22 Jy-D 1894-1899 1900 F7-D 1901 Jy3-Nl6 1916 S7-1918 1919 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1920 1921 Ap-1923 1924 Jy-1926 1927 Ap-D 1928 Ja-Ap Je-D 1929-1939

WGA 1871 Ag15,19 Sll 1877-1885 Je 1886 1934 Ap-1939

WTU 1871 F9 Je22 Jy15,17 010 D 23,28-30 1872 Ja-8 My2s Je29 Jy2 Nl5 1873 Ap5,10 Je2B D 17,27 1874 021 1875 Ap7 1876 527 Dll 1877 Ja6 FI Mr 22-28 Je29 318,25,26 1879 Jyl4 1880 Jy24 1881 Mr3o Je2l 017 1882 Myls Je26 Jy6,7 Sl2 1883 Ja6 F3 1895 D 5 1897 023(5upp1),30 N6 1898 My2B Jell 1899 Je2B Jy5,12 1900 522 1908 021 1909 Fl6 1931 Fl4 1933 Jyls 1902-1915 S22(m)

Evening news and Hawke's Bay advertiser. 1885 Ja4-1897? d

HAHE 1889 Jys-D

NAMU 1885 Jas-D 1887 Myl4 1888 Ag2B 1890 D 5

WTU 1888 Jal9 1894 N2l D 5

Everybody's weekly news. 1923?-? w WGA 1924 Dl 3


Hawke's Bay herald. 1857 524-1937 Jal6. Merged with Hawke's Bay tribune to form Hawke's Bay herald-tribune, w, 2w 1861 Ag6, 3w 1865 F23, 2w 1865 Jy4, d 1871 Ja2

AP 1863 JylB 1878 Mrl2

DEA 1861 Ag27 DP 1858 02-1860 Sl5 DUHO 1857 524-1867 1871 Ja23,25-F13,20-Mr2,4-D3O 1872-1873 Dl 6 1874 Ja-024

HAHE 1857 524-1859 524 1893 Ag3o 1896 D 7 1900 MylB 1925 My-1928 Ap 1929-1933 Ag 1934-1935 Ap S-D 1936-1937 Jal6

HAP 1860 06-1862 S3O MTCO 1896 My 22 NADA 1860 Ja-529 *1862 08-1863 526 *1865-1871 1872 Ja-DlB 1873 Ja4-Dll 1875 Ja-Je *1876 Jy-1883 Je 1884 *lBB5-1886 1887 Jy-D *lBBB Jy-1889 1890-1892 1894 *1895 (lacks some iss) *1896-1908 *1909 (lacks some iss) 1910 Ja6-Je27 1911 Ap-D *1912 Jy-D 1914 Ja-Mr 0-D 1915-1919 1920 Ap-1927 1928 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1929-1930

NAP 1931-1933 NAMU 1857 524-1862 WAMU 1857 524-1858 SI 3859 0-1860 529

WGA 1857 524-1869 1870 Jall-D 1872-1878 (lacks many iss) 1879-1880 1886 My-1890 (lacks some iss) 1891-1934 Je 1936-1937 Jal6

WMAR 1860-1862 S3O (lacks some iss WTU 1857 524-1864 1865-1868 (lacks some iss)


Hawke's Bay herald (cont.) 1869 Ja2 F6,9,16,27 Mr 26 Ap2 Jy2-9 N26 D 24 1870 Ja2B Myl7 Je10,21 S3O N1,22 D2 1871-1873 (lacks some iss) 1874 Ja3o Ap23-25 My 20,29 Je2o Jy3o Ag1,4,5,8,11-13 522 N24,25,28-01,5,11-14,17 1875 Mr3l Ap6 My 6 Jy16,30 Ag27 57,8, 029 N17,19,20,29-02,20-22,24,29,30 1876 F2l Mr 9 Je13,20 Jy7 Ag4 01,4,5,12,18 1877 Ja6-9,13,19,29 F7,9 Mr 23 Je20,21,25 Jy2l 512,14,17 03 015 1878 Mr 19,21 Ap1,28 Myl Jyls 1879 Ja9,11,16,23 FlO ApB 58,15 N22 1880 My2B JeB,ll 1881 019 1882 Apll-14,19 My 8,16,19 Je10,15 010,26 1883 Ja22,29 F2O Mr 3 1884 Ja2s Jy4 1885 06,28 1886 Ap22 1888 024,30 1895 Jal9 AgB 1896 My 6 Nl9 1897 020 1898 Je11,13 1905 019 N7 1906 My 18,19,22 1909 Fl6 Apl7 029

WU 1857 524-1862 028 1863-1864 1903 N9 1906 AplO 013

Hawke's Bay times. 1861 Jy4-1874 D3l Suspended 1872 D3l or after to 1873 N5. w, 2w 1863 Jals, w 1863 JylO, 3w 1865 Ja, d 1870 526, 2w 1873 N5 AP 1874 013,20

DEA 1874 016

DUHO 1865 Ag3-1866 1867 Ja-Je27 Ag9-29 Nl4-D26 1870-1871 Fl4 Jy22-Ag24 1872 (lacks many iss) 1873 N5-1874 Mr13,27-Ag14,18-28

HAP 1869-1870 1871 Ja10,12 FlO 1872 Ap11,16 My2s JelO-12 AgB 14,15,17 517,25,30 016,26

NAMU 1863 Agl4-016 D 4 1864 F5,12 Ap22 My 20,27 JelO-24 1866 Mrl9-Ap3o 1867 Ja3-FlB Apl My 9 Je22 Jy29 021 1868 Ja2o-Jels


Hawke's Bay times (cont.) WGA 1861 Jy4-1865 Ap7 Agl7 1866 1867 Ja7 1871 Ja23-D26 (lacks many iss)

WTU 1861 Jy4-1864 1865-1867 (lacks some iss) 1868 Ja-Je Jy3o 810,14 N5,12 1869-1871 1872 (lacks some iss) 1873 N5-1874

Hawke's Bay weekly courier. 1879 021897? w WTU 1879 024-1888

Hawke's Bay weekly times. 1865 F61868 D2B. Weekly ed. of Hawke's Bay times, w NAMU 1867 Ja7-1868 WGA 1865 F6-1868 (lacks some iss) WTU 1865 014 Dl 6 1867-1868

Napier evening star. 1879 Agl8?-2 d WTU 1879 Ag2B

News bulletin. 1931 F4-1931 Fl3. d WGA 1931 F4-13 WTU 1931 F4-13

Waka Maori o Ahuriri see GISBORNE Waka Maori o Aotearoa

Wananga. 1874 Ags-1878 D2l. Published at Pakowhai, Nepia from 1875 Ag7. w AP 1874 Ags-D 1875 Ja-Myl2 Jel4 Jy26-D 1876-1878 Jy27 024 Dl 4

AR 1875 Ag7-D24 1876 JaB Fl2(suppl) Jy6-D3O

AU 1876 Jals-1877 Ap2B

CP 1874 Ag5,19-D 1875 Ap12,26 My2B Je Ag7,2102,16,23 N6-D4.24 1876 Jals Mrll Ap29 My2o Je3,22 516,30 021-N4,25 D 2,16,23 1877 Mr 3 Je16,30

DP 1877 Je2 51,15 1878 F23

WP 1877 SI

WTU 1874 Ags-1878 021

WU 1875 Jy26 Ag7

Weekly mercury and Hawke's Bay advertiser. 18757-18822 w

NAMU 1879 N29 1880 D 4

WTU 1876 Dl 6 1877 Jal3 1877(m)


Telegraph. 18717-1873 Ap? Weekly ed of Daily telegraph, w WTU 1871 Jy2l 06 1872 Je2l 1873 Ja3l


Mount Ida chronicle. 1869 Ja2s-1926 w, 2w 1876 027, w 1899 Apl4

CLMU 1925 023

DEA 1911 F7 1912 F2 1916 Mr 24

DP 1888 F23

DUHO 1874 D 26 1875 Ap2 1876 S8 1877 Mrl7 1879 Je7 Oil 1881 N5 D 1 1888 AglB 1890 Ja2s Mr 29 1896 Mr 1 3,20 1909 SlO 1910 F18,25 1889 Dl9(m) 1869-1926(m)

GOBI 1894 Jyl9

NBMA 1869 Fl2 Mrl9-1909 (& m) 1912-1915 (& m) 1918-1921 (& m) 1924-1925 (& m)

WGA 1869 524 1872 1874-1881 1883-1886

WNMP 1869 Fl2-1926(m)

WTU 1869 Fl2-1909(m) 1912-1926(m)


Colonist. 1857 023-1920 Myl. 2w, 3w 1874 Ja6, d 1881 Jy2, d &3w ed published concurrently until 1882 Je3o

AP 1867 Apl6-23

AU 1894-1897 Mrls (monthly summaries only)

DUHO 1900 D 27 1901 Jas

NEEV 1857 023-1920 Myl

NEP 1859-1861 1865 JalO-Je 1869 Je29-1874 Myl2 1914-1920 Myl

WGA 1857 023-1865 1867-1870


Colonist (cont.) 1872-1887 1889 Jy-1920 Myl

WTU 1857 023 N27 D 22 1858 Ja19,22 1859 My 3-17 Ag2-23 07-18 1861 F8 Ag2 1862 JalO F21,25 1863 My 22-1864 Ag 1866 Ag3 518,25 1867 My2B-1869 Je 1870 1871 Ja24 Jy2B 1873 Mrll N2l 1874 Jal3 017 1875 F23 N23 1876 JaB Apl3 My2 N25 Dl 6 1881 S7 1897 Je23

WU 1904 Apls

Examiner. 1937 Ag-7 m WGA 1937 Ag-1939 My

WTU 1937 S3O

Illustrated examiner : summary for England. 1869 Jy-1869 N? m NEMU 1869 Jy-N NEP 1869 Jy-N WTU 1869 S

Morning advertiser. 1878 Ap?-7 d NEMU 1878 My2o

Nelson advertiser and family paper 1860 Jy7-1861 Ja26. w NEMU 1860 Jy2B-1861 Ja26

Nelson daily. 1925 Mrl6-7 d NEMU 1925 Mrl7

Nelson daily examiner. 1842 Mrl2-187‘ Jals. Title Nelson examiner, Nelson daily examiner 1873 Jy2. w, 2w 1854 Jyl, 3w 1863 Jy7, 2w 1869 Ja2, d 187: Ja4, 2w 1871 Myl3, d 1873 Jy2. Index (comprehensive) 1842-1857 at NEP, NEMU

AP 1843 D23(suppl) 1844 Jab 1845 DlB Nl(suppl) 1846-1848 Mr 27 1867 Apl6-23 1869 F27 1844 Jab D23(suppl)(m)

AR 1843 D 23 1844 Jab

AU 1865-1873 Je4 (monthly summaries only) 1873 Jy2,30

BLHI 1853 F26-1854

CMU 1845 Nl(suppl)


Nelson daily examiner (cont.)

DEA 1842 Mr 1 2,26 N26

DP 1846 Ag22 S5 017-N7,21,28 1848 D 2,30 1849 Ja13,20 1851 MrB 1856 Ap12,21

DUHO 1842 Mrl2-1848 1849 D 29 1850-1854 1855 Ja-Ap7,25 Myl2-26 Jyl458,19 06,13-24 Nl7-D15,22-29 1856-1861 (lacks some iss) 1862 Ja29 F26-Mr8,15-29 Ap5,12My Je7-21,28-Ag16,23-524 04-11,18-N8,12-D10,17-31 1863 F2l-1868 (lacks many iss) 1871-1872 Myll (lacks some iss)

NEMU 1842 Mrl2-1854 1855-1859 (lacks some iss) 1860-1864 *1865-1873 Je (lacks many iss) 1873 Agll-15 S9 07,23,29,30 N13.18 Dl-18,25

NEP 1842 Mrl2-1844 Mr Jels D2l (lacks some iss) 1845 MrB-1849 (lacks some iss) 1850-1854 1855-1861 (lacks some iss) 1862 F26-1873 (lacks some iss)

WGA 1842 Mr 1 9,26 Ap9,23-Jy2 N26-D 1843 F25 Mr 4 Ap22-Je24 Jy29 Ag12,19 89,16,30 021,28 NllD 23 1844 Ja6,20,27 Fl7-1854 1855 Ja6,17,27 F3-21 Mr 14,21 1856 Ap5,30 Je7-1870 1871 Ags-1874 Jals

WMAR 1874 Jal,4

WTU 1842 Mrl2-1874 Jals

WU 1842 Mrl2-Ag2' 1845 Jyl2 1851 F22

Nelson daily times. 1875 Myl9-1877? d

CP 1875 My2

WTU 1875 Myl9-D 1876 Ja-MylB Jyl2 Ag3: 1877 F9 My 4

Nelson evening mall. 1866 Mrs- . d

AP 1867 Ap17,18,20-23 1870 F25

AR 1926 D 1

DEA 1872 Myl6

DUHO 1866 N12,13 1868 Ja2,4,30,31 F4,15 1903 F3 1926 Dll

NEEV 1866 Mrs-1939

NEMU *c1920-1939

NEP 1911-1939


Nelson evening mail (cont.)

WGA 1875 FII-1879 1881 1883-1886 1888-1889 Je 1890 Jy-D 1893 Ja-Je 1920 My2o-1939

WTU 1866 Ap2 Myll Sl3 1867 Agl3 1868 Jy22(extra) 1870 My 26 1872 Jel2 021 1874 My 26,27 Je26,30 Jy4,6,17, 25,28,29 Ag1,21 1875 Nl5-19,25,27 1877 F8 1878 F20,26-28 Mr2 S4 1879 Jy2l 1880 Fl3 54,13 1881 Ap4,11,14 03 1882 Jyl2 1883 Sl4 Nl5 1885 Ag2o 1886 Je12,15,16 1887 Mr 7 1891 Agll 1893 Jy3(& m) 1894 JeB Jy2B Ag4,11(& ra) 1866 Mrs(m) 1891 JeB(m) 1903 Jy8,13,20(ra)

WU 1871 Ja2

Nelson spectator. 1932 Ag27-1932 015? w

WTU 1932 Ag27(m)

Nelson weekly examiner. 1873 Jys-? w AU 1873 527

WTU 1873 Jys-527

Nelson weekly news. 1886 Agl3-1888 D? w NEEV 1886 Agl3-1888


Nenthorn recorder and Waikouaiti County press. 1889 N23-1890? w DUHO 1889 N23-D7

NEPIA see NAPIER Wananga




Budget and Taranaki weekly herald. 1875 JalB-1932 031. Suspended 1877 FMy. Title Budget, Budget and Taranaki weekly herald 1887 Myl9. d, w 1877 Myl9

AP 1879 My3l Je7,22,29 1882 014

DUHO 1891 Mr3l 1911 FlB Je3-17 Ag12,26

IMU 1916 NlB

NPMU 1875 JalB-1877 Ja 1877 Myl9-1887 1892 1894-1895 1899-1909 1911-1932 031

NPP 1875 JalB-1877 Ja 1881 Fl2 1891 Ap4 1893 09 1907 N23

OECP 1889 S2l

WTU 1903 Ag22-S5

WU 1875 JalB My 27

Taranaki daily news. 1857 Myl4Title Taranaki news, Taranaki advertiser 1874 Jy7 (title Taranaki news continued as weekly summary until 1907), Daily news 1875 Ag2, Taranaki daily news 1903 NlO. w, 2w 1873 Ap2, w? 1874 Ja, 3w 1874 Jyl6?, d 1875 Ja2

AP 1859 Ja13,20 1860 Mr 22 Jyl9

DUHO 1864 020

NPMU 1889 Ja-D24 1900 Ja-D22 1901 JaB-Dl7 1902 Ja-Je 1903 Ja-1939

NPP 1870-1875 Ag3l 1909 F-1939

OECP 1889 Ag9 S5 03,4 N7 1909 My 22

WAMU 1872 Agl7

WGA 1857 My2l-1865 1867-1868 Je4 010-31 (lacks some iss) 1869 1873 1875 Ja-Ag3l (lacks some iss) 1891 Mr3l 1936 Jy-1939

WTU 1875 Myl2

WU 1875 Jes

9 1

Taranaki news. 1875 S4-19072 w

NPMU 1875 S4-1883 1893 1899-1906

NPP 1875 S4-1882 1891 Ap4

OECP 1892 Ag6 1894 MrlO

WGA 1875 S4-1886

Taranaki herald. 1852 Ag4- . w, 2w 1869 My, d 1877 My. Index (genealogical) 1854-1935 at NPP

AP 1852 Ag4 1860 Mr3l Apl4 NlO 1861 F2 014,21 1878 Je24-Jy2 1879 My3o-Je3 1892 Ag4,27(suppl)

DUHO 1852 Ag4-1855 1856 Ag-1862 1868-1875 1877 1879 Mr 29

NPMU 1860 NlO 1861 Mr-My 1873 Ja-Je 1875-1877 1878 Jy-1896 1899-1901 Je 1912 Jy-0 1915 Ja-Je 1925-1929 1934 Ja-Mr Jy-S 1939 Je-Je

NPP 1852 Ag4-1861 Je 1862 Jy26-1875 1882 Myl6 1891 Mr3l 1893 05 1897 JyB 1910-1939 1852 Ag4-1897 S N29-D(m) 1898 Jy-1939(m)

OECP 1889 AgB S5 03,17 N6,7 1890 Jy2,3 09 1893 Mrl7 1897 F5 Ap2B Myl2 1898 Mr 29 1900 02

PTMU 1859 Je4 1860 020

UGA 1868 1898 Ja-Je

WNMP 1897 Ja-Je 1898 Jy-D 1928 Ap-D 1931 Ja-F Ap-Je 0-E 1932 Ap-1933 1934 Ja Ap-1936 Je 1852 Ag4-1896(ra)


Taranaki herald (cont.) 1897 Ja-S N-D(m) 1898 Jy-1939(m)

WTU 1852 Ag4(f?) 1853 Jy6(f? & m) 1855 Apll 1860 Mrl7-1861 Jel 1852 Ag4-1896(m) 1897 Ja-S N-D(m) 1898 Jy-1939(m)

NEWTON see AUCKLAND New Zealand protectionist, Newton bulletin, Newton echo, Newton sun


Hokioi o Nui-Tireni, e rere atu na 1861 522-1863 My2l? v AP 1862 Jels 09 NlO D 8 1863 Jals Fl5 Mr 24 Ap26 My2l

AR 1863 Fl3

DUHO 1862 Jels D 8 1863 Jals F2 Mr 24

WGA 1863 Ap26

WTU 1862 Jel3 Ag22(?) 09 D 8 1863 Jal Fl3 Mr 24 Ap26 My2l

Ngaruawahia advocate and counties' gazette. 19122- . 2w?, w? HU 1927 S6 TWMU 1924 F22 WGA 1939 Je29 Dll

Waikato times see HAMILTON Waikato times


Nokomai herald. 1871 Nll-1872 Nl6? w DUHO 1871 N18(m) IP 1871 Nll-1872 Nl6 WTU 1871 D3O

OAMARU North Otago standard. 1876 Mr 4-19--? w OAMU 1876 Mr 4-1878 F23 1913 Jy-D

North Otago times. 1864 F25-1932 Je? Title Oamaru times, North Otago times 1872 N27? w, 2w 1866 Ag2B, 3w 1874 06, d 1876 Jal AP 1867 FI9 1878 Mr 14,15


North Otago times (cont.)

DP 1864 F25-Myl9 1865 F23-1878 1879 (lacks some iss) 1881 Ja-Je 1882-1883 1884 (lacks some iss) 1885-1916 Je

DUHO 1869 015 1870 JelO 1876 Ja22-1882 1884-1887 Je 1888-1903 1909 (lacks many iss) 1910 F-Ap Ag-0 (lacks many iss) 1911 F2 My 3,4,6 Je2o

OAMU 1864 Ag2s-D 1865 Ja-Fl6 012-1879 Ag2B 1883 029-1888 Fl5 1904 Ja-N 1905 Ja-S 1906 F-My 1907 Ja Ap Jy-D 1908 Jy-1910 1911 F-1913 1914 Ja-My Jyll-1931 Mr 1932 Ja-Je

WGA 1867-1887 1888 Jy-1889 Je

WTU 1866 S2B 1869 Ap9 1872 N19,22 1866 N2-1868 027(m)

WU 1903 019 1906 522

Oamaru mail. 1876 Ap22- . Title Evening mail, Oamaru mail 1879 Mr 3? d AP 1878 Mrl4 1879 Ag27

CMU 1926 Ap22 DEA 1876 S8 DUHO 1878 Jy3o 1879 JalO 1909 D 9 1936 Ags

OAMU 1876 Ap2B-Dl9 1877-1880 1881 FlO-D 1882 F2-D 1883 JalO-1913 Je 1914-1939

WGA 1880 1881 Jy-D WU 1904 MylB


Stewart Island chronicle. 1920 Ja-? m? DP 1920 Ja


Stewart Island chronicle (cont.) WTU 1920 Ja(& m) WU 1920 Ja


Ohakune times, Rangataua advocate an Waimarino gazette. 7- . Title Waimarino and Ohakune times; Ohakune times, Rangataua advocate and Waimarino gazette 19092 3w

OHP 1912 Ja27-F20,24-Mr7,12-16,21, 23,28-Ap4,9-25,30 My 2,7-11,16 30 017,19,23 1913 Jail-16,23 1916 Ja-Myl6 (lacks some iss) 1917 (lacks some iss) 1918 1919 F-Apl Je2B-Jy 0-N6 (lacks some iss) 1923 MrB-N24 (lacks some iss)

TIMU 1916 Jal3 TWMU 1917 08

WGA 1939 Je29 D3C


Ohura mail. 1911 Apl9-1936? Title Ohura advocate, Ohura mail 1917? Merged with Matiere gazette to forn Ohura Valley gazette, w ORMU 1911 Ap26 1912 My3l 1917 My 4 1918 F22 Je7

WTU 1911 Myl2

Ohura Valley gazette. 19362Merger of Matiere gazette and Ohura mail, w WGA 1939 Je3o D 29


Manukau advocate. 1866 Jy2s-7 2w AP 1866 Jy2s

Manukau gazette. 18852-7 w WTU 1886 Ap24 Sll

Weekly Onehunga independent and districts advertiser. 1898 Jy3o-1903? w AP 1898 Jy3o



East Coast gazette. 18837-7 2w OPNE 1889 Mrl2

East Coast guardian. 1900 F7-1936 S3O. Incorporated by Bay of Plenty press. 3w, d 1925-19302

OPNE 1905 FlB 1914 Ap2s 1923 Christmas iss 1928 Ja26 1929 N1 1931 Mr 23 1932 05 1933 Mr 22 Ap24 018

WGA 1935-1936 S3O WKMU 1919 Ag27 1923 Christmas iss 1935 D2O

Koriraako hou. 1889 D-1890 S. Title Korimako, Korimako hou 1890 My. m WTU 1889 D-1890 S

Opotiki herald. 18837-1937 Agl3. 2w OPNE 1894 Jas 1902 Je2 1927 N1,4 1934 Jal2 WGA 1936-1937 Agl3 WTU 1894 Jas

Opotiki news. 1938 F2l- . 3w OPNE 1938 F2l Mr 4-1939 WGA 1939 Je3o D 22


Opunake times. 1894 Jy3- . 2w AR 1894 Jy3 NPMU 1895-1896 1897 Jy-1939 OECP 1913 Jyls WGA 1939 Je3o D 22 WTU 1901 Jy2,9(& m) 1906 84,11,18(4 m) 1907 Jy2,9,16(& m)


Orepuki advertiser and western district advertiser. 1901 Dl 4-1928? w WGA 1912 My 4 Je-1913 Je 1914 Je-1915 My 1923 0-1927 1928 Ag4 UIAL) 1928 N24



Otahuhu dispatch. 1866 032-2 2w AP 1866 03,9

Otahuhu news. 1928 S2-1936 Ja23. Title Recorder, Otahuhu news 1933 N2 w AR 1934 Ja2s WGA 1930 S4 1935-1936 Ja23

South Auckland courier. 1939 Je22WGA 1939 Je29 D2l


Otaki mail. 2- . Title Otaki times West Coast mail 18932, Otaki mail 18972 2w, 3w by 1899 Dl2 DUHO 1899 Dl2 1900 Mrl3 1904 Jy4

LVHO 1906 S5 OKCH 1919-1924 1926-1928 1930-1935

WGA 1939 Je3o D 29 WTU 1895 Nl-26(& m) 1898 Jyl2(& m) 1899 Dl2 1900 Mrl3 Ap3o Ag2l 1901 Jyl3 1902 01 1903 My 6,11,18,29 Jes-15,24,26 Jy6,17,25-31 Agi0, 12,19 Sl4, 25 016,21,28 N13,18,25,27 1904 F15,22 Mr 9-14,21 My3o Jel7, 27 Jy4,11,27 Ag8,24,26,31 512,16 Ni1,23 1905 Ja15,17 F5 Mr 16,21 Ap4,6 1909 Oil,18,25(& m) 1911 Dl 5 1919 08,10,19 1924 N3(suppl)

WU 1904 Ag24 S5


Otautau farmer and Wallace County gazette. 19092-1939 Mr 22. w WGA 1938-1939 Mr 22

Otautau standard and Wallace County chronicle. 1905 My - . w DUHO 1910 MrB-22 Ag2,9,23 56,13 Oil D2O 1911 Ja10,31 Apll Myl6 Je6

WGA 1939 Je27 Dl 9


OTAWHAO see TE AWAMUTU Pihoihoi mikemoke ..


Otira mail. 1901 Myl2-2 v WTU 1901 Myl2


Otorohanga times. 1912 Jal- . w OTMU 1917 F7 AplB 1919 Jy9 1931 014,28 Dl 6-30 1932 Ja13,20,27(5upp1) F3-24 1938 Dl 4 1939 Apl2

WGA 1939 Je2B D2O WTU 1938 Dl4(suppl)

Waipa post see TE AWAMUTU Waipa post


Owaka news. 1932 Jyls-1936 SlB. w BAP 1932 Jyls DEA 1932 Jyls-1936 SlB OWMU 1936 SlB WNMP 1935-1936 S18(m) WTU 1935-1936 S18(m)


North Canterbury times see CHRISTCHURCH North Canterbury times

Oxford observer and Canterbury democrat. 1889 Agl7-19012 Title Oxford and Cust observer and Canterbury liberal, Oxford observer and Canterbury democrat 18942 w CMU 1894 AglB-1895 Agl7(m) OXMU 1889 Agl7-1890 MrB 1892-1893 Agl2 1894 Mr 3-1898 Agl3 1900 AglB-1901 Ag24 RAMU 1899 My 27


Coromandel and Mercury Bay gazette 1931 JaB- . Incorporated by Hauraki Plains gazette, w AR 1933 Agio 1937 Jal4 NlB


Coromandel and Mercury ... (cont.) 1938 Apl4 Je23 013 1939 Jal2 Ap2o-My2s Je29-Jy3l S2l-Dl4

PRTH 1931 JaB-1939

WGA 1939 Je29 D2l

WTU 1935 D 5 1936 Ja9

WTMU 1931 Sl7 1932 Ap6 MylB Je16,23 06 D 8 1933 MrlB Ap6 1937 D 23 1938 Ap2B Je2 Jy7 D 8,22

Hauraki Plains gazette. 1891 Dl - Title Ohinemuri gazette, Hauraki Plains gazette 1921 Agl. w, 2w by 1896, 3w 1901? PRTH 1896 Jail-1939 WGA 1891 D 1 9,26 1892 Apl6 WTU 1935 N18(suppl)(m)

Hauraki tribune and County of Ohinemuri advertiser. 18817-1900? w, 3w by 1896 Mrs PRMU 1886 Jal(p) WTU 1887 516,23 1896 Mrs Jyl6

Pahiatua herald (cont.) *1934 Ap-1935 Je 0-D *1936-1938 S *1939

WNMP 1899-1900 Ja(m) 1902 My-1903 F Ag-D(m) 1904-1905 Mr O-D(m) 1911 Ag-N (in) 1918 S-D(ra) 1926 S-D(m) 1932 S-1939(m)

WTU 1893 My24-1894(m) 1896 Je-1939(m)

Pahiatua star and Eketahuna advertiser. 1886 Jell-1893 S6. Incorporated by Pahiatua herald. 2w

PANO 1886 Jell(f),ls-D 1887 0-D 1888 F7-DlB 1889 JaB-D3l 1891 1893 JaB-S6

WTU 1886 Jell-1893 S6(m)



Pahiatua argus. 1895 Ag24-1896? 3w WTU 1895 Ag24-031

Pahiatua era. 1905 My 6-1906? d TWMU 1905 My 6

Pahiatua herald. 1893 My 2- . 3w, d 1902? PANO 1893 My 24-1899 *l9OO-1903 *1904 024-1905 Mr O-S *1906 Ja-Mr 0-D *1907 Jy-D *l9OB Jy-S *1909 Jy-S 1910 Jy-D 1911 Ap-D 1912 Jy-D 1914 *1915 Ap-D *1916 Jy-1917 Je *l9lB Ja-Mr Jy-D *1919 Ap-Je *1920 Ja-Mr *1921 Jy-D *1923 Ja-Je 0-1924 1925-1933



Palmerston & Waikouaiti times. 1875 012-1917? w, 2w 1876 JylB, w 1876 N1 DEA 1875 012 1879 Dl 6 1884 JalB

DP 1887 Ja-S3O

DUHO 1877 Jal6-1878 Mr 26 1886 Agl3-N26 1888 1897 Ap2-23 1912 04-1913 Sl9 1915 029-1916 522 1879-1882(m) 1887 N2B(m) WGA 1875 012-1886


Manawatu evening standard. 1880 N29- . Title Manawatu standard, Manawatu daily standard ?, Manawatu evening standard 1905 S5. d. Index (local) 1900-1929 at PP DUHO 1927 F26 PEV 1935 Jy-1939 1883-1886 Je(m)


Manawatu evening standard (cont.) 1897 Je23(m) 1900 Jy2o-1939(m)

PP 1889 Mr2 1896 Je4 1897 Jyl3-15 1899 028 1900 Jel Sl2-1923 1924 Ja-Mr My-1930 1931 Ja-Ap Je-1939 1883-1886 Je(m) 1897 Je23(m) 1900 Jy2o-1939(m)

PU 1883 Ja2-1939(m) TIMU 1926 Ap-Je WGA 1883-1886 Je WTU 1903 Je17,24,30 WU 1903 My 26-28 Je9 1904 JylB 1906 Jas Mr2l MyB,lo

Manawatu times weekly edition. 1889 Apl3?-1891? Running title Manawatu weekly times, w PP 1889 My2s

New Zealand Sunday news. 1933 S9-1935 Fl6. w DUHO 1934 AglB-Sl5 06 N24 WGA 1933 S9-1934 Myl9 1935 Ja-Fl6

Skandia. 1875 NlB-? ft PP 1875 NlB

Times. 1875 023- . Title Manawatu times, Manawatu daily times 1882? (title varies: also Manawatu daily evening times), Times 1937 Ja23. 2w, d 1882?

FEP 1886 N4 PP 1879 Aps MylO 1886 Jals 1889 Mr2 1891 N23 1897 Jyls 1900 S6-1901 1902 Jy-1906 1907 Ja2 Ap-1910 1911 Ap-1939 1877-1884(m) 1885 N23,24,26 D4(m) 1891 N23(m) 1897 Je21,24(m) 1898 D23(m)

PU 1915 03-1928 1929 Ja-F Je-1939 1877 Ja3-1939(m)

WGA 1877-1881 1883-1884


Times (cont.) 1939 1877-1884(m) 1902 Ja-Je(ra)

WTU 1935 S3O-04 1899 Je22-1901(m)


Patea & Uaverley press. 18877Title Patea County press, Patea & Waverley press 1914 Ap2o. 2w, 3w by 1894

PTMU 1905 Mrl 1913 Nl2 1917 Ja3l F7 Je1,18,22 Jy2-6 1930 03 1931 012 1932 AplB 1935 Je2l Jy3l 1937 F3 Agl7 N8 1938 My 4 Sl6 1939 Apl9 Je2l

WGA 1887 Ja3 024-1889 1891-1892 1894-1899 SlB 1902-1939

WTU 1931 012(suppl) 1896-1898(ra) 1906-1909(m) 1925-1929(m)

Patea mail. 1875 Apl4-1889? Title Patea mail, Patea County mail 1880 Jy6, Patea daily mail 1882 Ja3, Patea mail 1882 Ap24. Incorporated by Patea County press. 2w, 3w 1880 Ap29?, d 1882 Ja3, 3w 1882 Ap24

NPMU 1880 Jy6-Sll 1881 Mrlo-N3O 1884 Sl-N26

PTMU 1878 Ja3o 05 1879 Ap5,9 1880 Myll 1881 Jys-28 32-16,21-07,14-23,28,30 1882 Jy2B Ag4 1884 DB-27 UAMU 1882 D 1 WGA 1875 Apl4-1887 S3O WU 1875 Apl7


Hutt and Petone chronicle. 1887?w, 2w by 1903?, 3w by 1906, w 1935?


Hutt and Petone chronicle (cont.) PETB 1906 Mr Ap3-12,21 Myls-29 Je2, 9,23,26,30-Jyl2 Ag14,21,25 315,18-22 09-23 N22 D 6,8,22,29 1907 Ap3o-Je4,22 Ag3l 526 1908 My3o Je2 Jy25,30-Ag27 Sl5, 29-015,27 N3,7,10,14,17,21,26 Dl-12,17-22 1909 F2,11,13,23 Mr 2-11,20 Ap3-8,13-22 MyB,ll Jy3l Agl9-26 02,4,9,11,16,23,28,30 1910 Ja4,15,27 F5 Mr 10,15-19 Ap2l My 12,17-21 D 29,31 1911 Jal9 F9-25 Mr 2,4,9,25 My - 16,20,25-Jel,6-10,20,24 Jy4,6 Agio, l2 512,14,19,21 03,7,12, 28 N7 1912 Je29 JylB

WGA 1926 Dl 4 1939 Je2B D2O

WTU 1890 Ag6 1891 523-1894 Je27 (lacks many iss) 1896 021 1900 Jy2s 1901 Mrs 1905 Jy2s 1906 Mrl AglB 1931 Nl9-30 1932 020 N3-24 1933 Ap2o 1934 Jyl9 S6-20 011,18 Nl5 1935 Ja3-17,31-F14,28-AplB

WU 1903 Jy3l 1905 013 1908 My 2,5 1911 S3O


Marlborough press. 1860 Ja6Pubiished at Blenheim, Picton & Blenheim clB6l, Picton by 1864 09. w, 2w 1864 Ja2, w 1865 020

AP 1867 AplO

BLHI 1860 Je2-D 1861 F2-Dl3 1869 Ja-Ap7 1881 MrlB

NPMU 1860 D 22

PIBC 1902 AgB Dl 9

PIMU 1892 Jal9 1919 Jy22 1921 Jy2l 1925 Ag2l S4 1926 Ag27 019 1927 Agl9 N8

WGA 1860 Ja6-1864 Jy9 022 1865 My3l-1866 Dl 9


Marlborough press (cont.) 1867 Mr 27-1868 1869 D 22 1870-1883 1886 1939 Je3o D 29

WTU 1860 AglB 1880 DlO 1896 Jal4


Pio Pio post. 1920 Dl 6. Only one iss published WTU 1920 Dl6(ra)


Pleasant Point mail. 18982-1899? 3w PLMU 1899 SI




Albertland gazette. 1862 Jel4-1864 Jel9. m AP 1862 Jel4-1864 Jel9 AR 1862 Jel4 1863 SI WTU 1862 Jel4 1863 Ag-D 1864 Ja-Ap


Port Chalmers independent. 1882 Je2 Title Port Chalmers watch and shipping gazette, Port Chalmers independent 1883 Jel2 w DUHO 1883 Myll Jel N23 1884 Ja2s-F29 1883 Myll 1882 Je2,9(m)




Franklin times. 1912 MrB-2 Title Pukekohe & Waiuku times, Franklin & Pukekohe times 1919 S2, Franklin times 1921 FI. w, 2w 1912 01, 3w 1915 Jys, 2w2, 3w 1923 021. AR 1937 Mr 24 PKCO 1912 MrB-1939 WGA 1928 Sl4 024 1937 Mr 24 1939 Je3o 022

Pukekohe & Otahuhu times. 191-2-2 w PKCO 1917 Apl3-D


Putaruru press. 1923 0182- . w PUPR 1923 018 N8,15,29-0 1924 (lacks some iss) 1925-1938 WGA 1939 Je29 031


Lake Wakatip mail. 1863 My2- . 2w, w 1867 Sl2 AP 1867 F2O-27 AWLA 1864 Ap2o 1871 S2O 1881 JaB 1890-1891 1893 027 1895-1897 1899-1901 1913 My 6 Ag26 S9 1915 1916 Fl5-1919 1922 1924 1926-1932 1933 05 1934-1935 1937 Ja-Mr23 1938-1939

DEA 1873 030 DUHO 1863 My2-D 1864 Ja-Jy2o 08 N5 (lacks many iss) 1865 FI,B Ag9 1866 Mr 3,14,17,28,31 Apll Myl6 Jy25,28 Ag11,15 1873 Jell-024 1874-1875 021 1876 F3-D 1877 Ja-025 028 1878 Jal7-D


Lake Wakatip mail (cont.) 1879 Ja-Ag2 S2O-D 1880-1939 1882 SI(m)

IMU 1913 My 6

IP 1871 Mr23(extra)

MIMU 1935 Ja29 WGA 1863 My 2-1868 1871-1886

WU 1865 Jy29


Waimarino County call. 1908 Ja63w OHP 1909 N1 RTMU 1910 030 WGA 1939 Je3o 029


Raglan County chronicle. 1903 Ja7-2 Suspended 1938 Je3-Ag4. w HP 1913 F2O 1916 Jyl3 1934 Jal7 F3,10 N22-D2O 1935 Ja24-F2l Mrl4

OPNE 1903 Ja7 RGMU 1903 02 1904 ApB 1905 Mr 3 Je23 1932 MylB 1934 F2l-N29 1935 Ja-Jes 06-23

TWMU 1909 017,24 WGA 1939 Je29 021


North Canterbury gazette. 19292Title Record, North Canterbury gazette 1932 Agl2. Merger of Kaiapoi record and Rangiora record. 2w, 3w by 1930 Ap2B, w2, 2w 1933 0, w 1938 Mr 24 KAMU 1933 MrlO Je2,9,23 Jy7,21,28 027 N9 019,22 1934 Ja9 1935 Apl2 025 Nl9 1936 Nl7

RAMU 1929 My 29 1930 Ap2B Jy2s SlO 1931 Fl3 1932 Jy29 Agl2-1939 N3O

WGA 1939 Jal2-D


North Canterbury news. 1875 047-1876 Title Canterbury news, North Canterbury news 1875 022? 2w, 3w? WTU 1875 04,22 1876 JaB-Mrl6 Apl-25

North Canterbury news. 1924 FI?-7 Incorporated by Rangiora record? w RAMU 1924 My 16,23 WIAD 1924 Fl-1925 Je29

Rangiora record. 19217-1929? Merged with Kaiapoi record to form Record. RAMU 1924 05 1925 Ja3,27 09 1928 F10,14,21,25 Mr2 AglO S2B 02,12

Recorder and North Canterbury advertiser. 1897 My 26-1897 JeB. 2w CMU 1897 My 26 DUHO 1897 Jel,B RAMU 1897 Jel,B WTU 1897 My 26

Standard and North Canterbury guardian. 1876 My 27-1936 Ag26? Title North Canterbury standard, Standard and North Canterbury guardian 1876 Jel4. 3w, 2w 1876 Jel4, w by 1921 Jy 23

AP 1879 Ag23 RAMU 1895 F9 1901 Mr 6 1902 Jys 1914 Jel3 1921 Ap20,27 Myll Jy23 Agl7 SI 1923 Apl4 1924 07 1927 014 1928 FI 1935 Ag7 016 1936 Ag5,12,26

WGA 1876 My 27-1879 1881-1882 1885-1887 1897 1899 1928 529


Inangahua herald. 1872 F3-1936 08 2w, 3w 1874 Ja3, d by 1882 My 9 GREV 1872 Jel,s Jy3,10,31 1873 Agl3 1874 SlO N3 1875 Jy22,24 1878 AplB 017


Inangahua herald (cont.) 1879 FI Ap3 JylO Agl6 07 Nl5 018 1882 My 9-16,27 Je22 07 N23 1883 Jel2 JylO 020 1884 Jes Sl3 Nil 1885 027 031 1886 Jel2 Agl2 1888 Mrls 1889 N7,19 1890 Jy12,15,24 1891 Je6 AgB 1892 Je2B

HOMU 1872 Jy27 1874 JaB Je23 1875 Jy29 1878 My3o Je6,25 Jyl3 01,29 1879 Ja2l Mr 27 Jyl2 1881 FlO Mrl2 Je14,18 Jy2,19 Ag9,16,23 06,13,18,29 N15,17 1883 Ja4-F22 Mrl-Ap26 Myl-24 Je16,30-018 1884 (lacks some iss) 1885 Ja-F2B Mr 17,26 Ap2-My2,21, 30 Jy4-30 Ag29-522 01-3 N5-D 1886 Ja2l F9 Ap6,B Jyl-019 N4025 1887 Ag3o 1888 Ja-Je 1889 Mr2-Jy3o 1890 Sl3 1891 Mys-9,16,21,23,30 Je4-13, 18-30 Jy9,11,28 55,8 Nl4 1892 Mrs Ap2l-Je SB-D 1893 F23 Myl6 Je22 Jy-Ag19,24-028 N2,11-23,25-023,28-30 1894 Ja4 Mrl4 Je2s 1895 Ja27 F8 Ap12,15 1898 031

IMU 1881 N29 Dl 7 NEMO *1872 F3O-1874 1882 Ja3l F25 Ap4-ll My 9 Je2B N2O

REEL *lB7B-1880 *lBB2-1894 *1895-1899 (lacks many iss) *l9OO-1936 08 (lacks some iss)

WAMU 1874 N3 WGA 1872 F2l-D 1873 (lacks some iss) 1874 Ja-FlO Mr 19,24 Ag6-D 1876 Je-1886 1936 Ja-08

WNMP 1878-1880(m) 1882-1895(m)

UTU 1872 FlO-17,24 Mr 6,9,20 Jy3,13, 31 1873 Aps Jel4 Ag9,16,27 S6 N5,8 D 10,20


Inangahua herald (cont.) 1874 Ja17,22,24 F17.21.26 Apll, 28 35,17 013,20,31 NlO 01,3,22 1875 Jy3,13 Ag3l 39,11,23 N25,27 016,26 1876 Ja15,27 F5,12 Je2o Jyls 312 1877 Mr 1 0,13 Jel2 Ag2,23 315,27 06 013,25,31 1878 Ap11,13,16 My2B Agl 08 N9 1879 F4 Mr 8,13 Ap29 My 15,24-29 311 N1,22 027 1880 Ja2o Jes 09,23 N3O 1881 Fl9 Mr 1 2,22 1882 Jal2 F2B Myll Jyl3 024,26 1883 Jail,3o Mrl My22-Ag2 315 06 N1.22,24 08,20,29 1884 Ja7 F7 N15,22 020 1885 My 7 Jy23 1886 My 2 6,29 39 N6 011,14 1887 Ja6 Ap2,14 Je2B 1888 Ag4,9 020 1889 Ap2 1890 Agl6 1891 Myl2 Jy7 1892 F25 1893 F4 1894 Mr 7 Aps 1895 F3 Jel2 314,16 07 1896 Ja2o ApB Je1,9,13,18 02,510,13 1897 F27 Mr2o Ag2,4,23 311,29 1902 AgB 1878 Jas-1880 Ap(m) 1882-1894 Ag(m) 1895 Mrl9-D(m)

Inangahua times. 1874 Je?- . Title Reef ton courier and Inangahua advertiser, Inangahua times 1875? 3w,

d by 1891 Myl AP 1878 F25 CMU 1881 Je15,17 AgB 012 1882 Myl2

OUHO 1883 05 021

HOMU 1884 (lacks some iss) 1888 Ja2-27 Fl-13 Mrs-Je29 1889 Ja2-F27 Jyls-D 1891 Ja-Je 1892 Ja-Mr Jy-S N7 07 1893 Mr Jy-Ag 1894 Mr-Ap2B 1895 Ap-Je2B 1897 0-0 1903 Ja-F 3

IMU 1881 Nl6 030

REBL *1875 Je4 Ag2 N22 *1877-1878 *1879 My2l 312 029 *lBBO Mrs Jy-0


Inangahua times (cont.) *lBBl-1882 Je N-0 *lBB3-1889 *lB9l Aps,B My 22 Je27 *1893 Aps,B My 22 Je27 *1894-1904 *1907-1909 0 *l9lO *l9ll Ja-Je 0-1939 (lacks some iss)

WGA 1881-1884 1896 Je16,17

WNMP 1916 (lacks some iss) 1917 Jy-D (lacks some iss) 1918 JalO My 2-29 Jy-D (lacks some iss) 1920 Ja-Je 0-0 (lacks some iss) 1921 Jy-1922 Jy4 322-30 N1 (lacks some iss) 1923 Ja26-30 F22-Jy2o SlO-Nl9 013,15 1924 Ja2-24 F22 Mr 24 Apl-4,30 My 7-12 Je2-16 Jy1,22-Ag9,26-30 35-10,30-011,29-0 (lacks some iss) 1925 Jal6-Mr2l (lacks some iss) 1926 Fll-MyB Jyl3-D (lacks some iss) 1927 Ja-Apl My2l-05,14-N16,27 09-31 (lacks some iss) 1928 Jas-19 FlO-Jy14,24-0 (lacks some iss) 1875 Je4 Ag2 N22(m) 1877-1878(m) 1879 My2l 312 029(m) 1880 Mrs Jy-1881(m) 1882 Ja-Je N-1889(m) 1891 Mrl8(m) 1893 Aps,B Hy22 Je27(m) 1894-1904(m) 1907-1909 0(m) 1910-1911 Je 0-0(m) 1912(m) .

WTU 1874 Je29 1875 Je4 Ag2 N22 1877 Ja26 Mr2o Ag6 526 026 Nl4 1878 F6 Ap10,17,26 Ag9 1879 My2l Sl2 029 1880 Mrs 1881 JalO FlB Mr2l My4,1l Je3,16 Ag3l 59,21 019 1882 Je2B 320,27 06 1883 Ja8,26 F2B Mr 9,14 Je29 Jy4,6,11 Ag3 S2l 012,19 1884 Mrl7 Je2B Jy23 Ag4,8,13-18 31,15 03,17 Nl7-21 017,26,31 1885 Ja7,16,21 F6 311,16 1886 Jal Mr 3 Je2l Jy9 Agl3 36 N12,26 08

1 1 0

Inangahua times (cont.) 1887 Ja-Mr4,25,30 Ap4,20,25 My 16,18,23 N7,25 1888 JalB 1889 Ja25,28 My3l Je24,26 1890 Ap4,18,21 Myl4 N3,12,14 D2 1891 F2 Mr 2,18,20 1892 Ja23 Fl6 Ap4,5 1894 Jy9,23-N24 01,8,12,15 (weekly suppls) 1895 Jal9-Fl6 Mr2 (weekly suppls) My 26 Jels Dl 6 1896 Mr 5,11 Ap4 Jel2 Ags 51,22,23 01,3 N4,28 1897 Ags 51,14,15 N22 Dl 5 1907 Je20,22 Jy4 1932 N2B 1875 Je4 Ag2(m) 1877-1878 N(m) 1879 My2l Sl2 029(m) 1880 Mr 4 Jy-1889(m) 1891-1900(m) 1902 My2s-S2(m) 1903-1904(m) 1907-1908 0(m) 1909-1911 Je G-D(ra) 1912(m)

Reef ton guardian. 1888 Ag23-1894? d REEL *lBBB-1894 (lacks many iss)

WNMP 1893 Mr(m) 1894 F Ap-My(m

WTU 1888 Ag23,24 1892 F1,28 Jyl4 Agl0(& m) 1893 F6,17 MrlO.ll Jel(& m) 1894 Ap25,27 My 5,23,29 Jel9(& m) 1893 Mr2-9,13-17,21-27,30(m) 1894 F6 Ap2,3 Myl-3,16,28-30 (m)


Waimea Plains review and market report. 1892 Ja2-1896? Incorporated by Mataura ensign, ft, w 1893 014 DP 1892-1893 Jyls 014-D 1894 Ja-Ap27 GOHI 1894 Nl(extra) 1895 F2B

Western star. 1873 Nl5- . w, 2w by 1880 Myls

DUHO 1881 524 1888 Ap2B 1873 N29(m) 1879 S27(m)

IMU 1878 Nl6-1879 N22

RVWA 1874 Jal7-1897 1898 Ja15,29-D6 1900-1936 1938-1939 My2

WGA 1876-1878 1882 1939 Je3o D 29

WTU 1893 Je3,10,17 1900 Jy5,12,19,26 1915 N2



Evening times and advertiser. 18707-7 Running title Ross evening news? d WU 1870 Myl9

Ross and Okarito advocate. 186871908? Title Ross guardian and Totara advertiser, Ross and Okarito advocate 1880? 3w7, w?, 2w by 1884

HOMU 1878 Nl2 1884 527 1894 My 9 1901 Myll Jy17,20,27-Agl4 1902 My 24 1905 Mr 29 IMU 1874 Agl

Ross mercury and Westland miner 18837-188-7 3w HOMU 1884 JyB

Ross news. 1871 Je32-1873? d WGA 1872



Riverton times. 1864 Ja3o-1864 Ap? w, 2w 1868 Mr? WTU 1864 Ja3o-Mr5,19,26 Ap2,6,13, 16(m)

1 1 1

Hot lakes chronicle. 1885 Je9-1916? Merged with Rotorua times to form Rotorua chronicle, w, 2w or 3w 7 Index (local) 1895-1897 at ROP AR 1885 Je26 JylO Ag4 DUHO 1885 Ag2s ROMU 1885 Je9 Ag11,14 S8 030 1895 F15,20,27-1897 F27 ROP 1895 Fl5-1897 F2o(m)


Hot lakes chronicle (cont.) WTU 1900 Je23 1901 Agio

Hot lakes weekly chronicle. 1889 Ap22 w WGA 1889 Jyl2

Rotorua morning post. 19162Title Rotorua chronicle, Rotorua morning post 1931 Ag24. Merger of Rotorua times and Hot lakes chronicle, d. Index (local) 1933 Jy--1934 Jy at ROP RODA 1931 Ag2s-1935 F Ap22-D 1936-1939 ROP 1931 Ag2s-1939(m) WGA 1939 Je3o D3O WTU 1921 My 23

Rotorua times. 19082-19162 Title Wonderland gazette and Rotorua times?, Rotorua times 19162 Merged with Hot lakes chronicle to form Rotorua chronicle. 2w, d 19102 ROMU 1908 Agl3(special souvenir ed)

Bay of Islands observer. 1842 F241842 027. w

AP 1842 My 5,12 Je2 1842 F24(m)

AR 1842 F24 Mr3,31-Apl4 My 5,12 Je2,9,23-Jyl4 06

DUHO 1842 F24-020 1842 Jy2B Ag2s 027(m)

WGA 1842 F24-027

New Zealand advertiser and Bay of Islands gazette. 1840 Jels-1840 DlO w

AP 1840 517,24 01,8 1840 Agl3 D10(m) AR 1840 Agl3 DlO CMU 1840 Agl3 DUHO 1840 Jels-DlO WTU 1840 Ag6 517,24 D27(f)


Sandfly see DUNEDIN Sandfly


Mt. Benger mail. 18802Published at Lawrence 1912? on. w, d by 1920 DEA 1936 D 9 DUHO 1881 Fl6 Mr2 Ap13,20 1884 MylO Dl 3 1896 Ag22-S5 02-N27 DlB-31 1897 Ja8,22,29 Mrl2 Ap9 My7-D 1898 Ja14,21 F4,25 Mr2s D2 1899 Sl5 1911 04-D 1912 Ja-018 N6-D (lacks some iss) 1913-1937 1938 F9-D 1939 JalB-D 1891 Ap2s(m)

WGA 1939 Je2B D2O

WTU 1880 Myl

Teviot herald and Roxburgh district gazette. 1896 FlB-? 2 WTU 1896 F18(m)


Bay of Islands advocate. 1843 N4-1844 Ja2 w DUHO 1843 NlB

1 1 3


Manawatu farmer and Horowhenua County chronicle see LEVIN Levin daily chronicle



Egmont settler. 18902-1903? Merged with Egmont post to form Stratford evening post. 3w, d 1894 Jy23, 3w by 1897 Ap26 AR 1897 Ap26 NPMU 1893 Fl5 WGA 1894

Stratford courier. 1939 Mys- . w 2w 1939 Jy4, w 1939 Agl6 WGA 1939 Mys-D

Taranaki central press. 19032-1937 Jy3. Title Stratford evening post, Taranaki central press 1936 N212 Merger of Egmont settler and Egmont post. 3w2, d 1911 My 222

NPP 1909 Pl 7 1910 My 7 1914 0-1919 1920 Jy-1925 Je

1 14

Taranaki central press (cont.) 1928 0-1931 S 1932-1934 1936 Ja-N2O

WGA 1911 My 22-1927 S 1928-1935 Je 1936 Ja-1937 Jy3

WTU 1903 Ag18,24,31 (& m) 1904 My3o Je6,13 1906 Ag2,9,16 1929 04,7-9(& m)

WU 1906 Fl7

Taranaki weekly. 1936 Nl2-1937 S3O. w WGA 1937 My2o-S3O WTU 1937 Je24


Sumner-Redcliffs herald see CHRISTCHURCH Sumner-Redcliffs herald


Taihape times. 1903 022- . Title Taihape & Mangaweka news, Taihape & Waimarino news 1905 F7, Taihape daily times 19062, Taihape times 1930 Mr 3. 3w, d 19062 , 3w 1930 Mr 3

TIMU 1915 Mrls Je9,10,17,21-24,26 Jy1,2,8 1916 Mr 29 1918 S6 1919 F22,26 Mrl,B 1921 Ja5,7,8,13,25 F1,8,16-18 1931 Ag24 1932 Ja22 1934 Jy6 1936 N2 1937 D 22

WGA 1905 1914 N9-1938 023 1939 Je3o D 22


Golden Bay times. 18892-1938 Jy2l. Title Takaka news, Collingwood & Motueka advertiser; Golden Bay new 19032, Golden Bay times 19092. Incorporated by Star-times, w NEMU 1896 Ja3o 1934 Mrl 1937 N4

WGA 1937-1938 Jy2l WTU 1903 Jy3o Ag6,13

1 15

TAKAPUNA North Shore news. 1933 D 2-1939 Ja26 w WGA 1938-1939 Ja2b


apanui courier. 1876 N3O- . w DEA 1898 Mr2 1899 025

DP 1895 JylO 1899 513,27 1909 Mr 3

DUHO 1876 N3O-1939 GOHI 1891 S2 WGA 1877 JalO-1880 1882-1883 1885 1939 Je27 023

WTU 1908 My2o-Je3(& m) 1909 My26-Je9(& m)


Taumarunui press. 1906 Sl4- . 2w, d by 1918 WGA 1939 Je3o D3O WTU 1916 D2l(suppl) 1917 Mr3(m)


Bay of Plenty times. 1872 S42w, 3w 1878 S3, d 1881 526, 3w 1883 FI, d 1914 Ag2, 2 19162, d 1919 S2 Index: (local) 1872-1920 at TAUP; (local, Whakatane area) 1872-1911 a WKMU AP 1872 S4 HU 1872 S4(f) ROMU 1885 Jy2,25 1922 S4

TAHI 1891 Ag26 S9 1893 Agl6 1894 Je27

TAUP 1875 Apl4 1880 D 9 1902 b-1939 1872 S4-1874 S(m) 1875 My 29 Jel9 Jy21,24 Ag4,7,11,18 S-1939(tn)

WGA 1875 N-D 1876 Ja Fl9-D (lacks some iss) 1877-1886 1887 Agio 1939 Ja3o D3O

1 16

Bay of Plenty times (cont.) WKMU 1924 My2l 1930 Sl2 1931 D 3 1939 Jal6 1872 S4-1911(ra)

WTU 1872 N2O-D4 1873 Nl9 DlO 1874 021 1875 Ja16,23,30 Mr 13,24 Jy7 1876 Jal F5 Mr 8,15 Je2l Dl 6 1877 JalO 1896 JalO 1906 Je6,13,20 1908 Jy1,8,15 1935 Sl6-21 1919 AgB(m)

WU 1875 Ja2o

Evening news and East Coast business advertiser. 1885 AplO-18872 3w TAUP 1886 Jel4 WGA 1885 AplO-1887 Mr3o

Konga-peke-e-maha. 1916 Fl9-? ? WTU 1916 Fl9

Tauranga advertiser. 1884 D 5-? Title Little 'un, Tauranga advertiser 1885? d, w? 1887 TAHI 1884 Dl 7 WGA 1884 D 5-1885 Apl (lacks some iss) WTU 1887 Ja6

Tauranga argus and Opotiki recorder 1866 N24-1867 My2s. w AP 1866 Dl-15 WGA 1866 N24 WTU 1867 Ap6,20 1866 N24(m) 1867 Ap6 My2s N23,30 Sl4(m)

Tauranga record and Bay of Plenty examiner. 1867 Jels-1868 Je3o. w AP 1867 Jels Jy13,27 N9,30 1868 Je3o TAHI 1868 Jail WTU 1867 Sl4 N23,30


Te Aroha news. 1883 Je9- . Title Te Aroha news and Upper Thames advocate, Aroha news and Upper Thames advocate 1883 Je23, Aroha & Ohinemuri news and Upper Thames advocate 1885 017, Te Aroha & Ohinemuri news and Upper Thames advocate 1889 Ja2, Te

1 1 7

Te Aroha news (cont.) Aroha news 1917 Ap3o. w, 2w 1888 Mrl4, 3w by 1895

TOBC 1889 F9-N23 1895 Jal6-D 1898 Ja-Jy 1900 Ja-Mr 1905 Jy-0 1907 Mrs-Ag 1908 Ap-1909 Dl 4 1910 (lacks some iss) 1911-1912 1914-1915 1916 Jy-1926 1927 S-1930 Ag 1931 Mr-1932 Mr 1933 1935-1939

WGA 1939 Je29 D2B WTU 1883 Je9-1890 Jy23

Te Aroha times and Waiorongomai advocate. 1896 Jy4-1898? w AP 1896 Jy4


Pihoihoi mokemoke i runga i te tuanui. 1863 F2-1863 Mr 23. v AP 1863 F2-Mr23 AR 1863 F2-Mr9 CP 1863 F2-23 DUHO 1863 F2-Mr23 WKMU 1863 FlO WTU 1863 F2-Mr9 WU 1863 F2

Te Awamutu chronicle and Waipa observer. 1880 My 24-2 2 TWMU 1880 My 24

Te Awamutu courier. 1911 AplB- - at Te Awamutu and Otorohanga 1920 09-1929 Jy4. Title Waipa post, Te Awamutu courier 1936 Apl7. 2w, 3w 1919 Jyl. Index (local) 1911-1918 at TWMU TWMU 1911 AplB-1939 WGA 1935-1936 Apls 1939 Je3o D 22


Kopuru bell see DARGAVILLE “Wairoa bell

1 18

TE KUITI King Country chronicle. 1906 026TKWA 1906 026-1917 0 1918 N-1939 TWMU 1906 026 WTU 1935 01,5

TE PUKE Te Puke times. 1911 F6- . 2w TAUP 1913 Ap8,15 My 9,27 Je3-1939 WGA 1939 Je3o D 29 WTU 1935 Sl7

TEMUKA Advocate. 1934 Apl3-1934? w WGA 1934 Apl3-My4

Evening standard. 1933 Dl-1933 D3O d WGA 1933 Dl-30

South Canterbury weekly review. 1933 Ag24-1933 026. w WGA 1933 Ag24-026

Temuka leader. 1877 Dl-1932 D3l. 2w, 3w 1897 018. Index (comprehensive) 1877-1932 at TEBC

DOHO 1889 N2(m) 1891 Jy2(m)

GEBC 1892 D3l 1893 1894 My-D 1895 Ap2-9 1896 SlO 1897 Fib Mr 23 S2B 1899 Jas Mr 14,25 1900 Jal6 F6 JylO 1901 Dl 7 1902 My 13,17 025 1903 F2l Je3o N2B 1906 Myl9 030 1907 Mrl2 Ap23 Jel,B Agio 029 N26 1909 Sl4 1910 Mrl Apl6 Mys Jell 527 Oil 1911 Ja2B Mr 7 ApB My 23 Je2o 516,26 024 N4,14,21 D 5 1912 Ap27 524 1913 Ja25,28 Nil 1914 020

PMO 1900 S6 1901 Fl4 1904 Agl6

1 19

Temuka leader (cont.) 1915 09 1917 MrlO Ag4

TEBC 1878 Jyl3-1881 Jyl4 Nl4-D 1882 Ja-Je Ag-1902 1904-1914 1917-1925 1930-1932 1919-1923(m) 1925(m) 1930-1932(m)

TEMU 1924 Ap26 1927 Mrl2

THE 1926 1928-1929 1878-1932(m)

WIAD 1930 N29

WNMP 1878 Jy-1882(m) 1884(m) 1890(m) 1894-1902(m) 1904-1914(m) 1917-1925(m) 1930-1932(m)

WTO 1878 Jy-D(m) 1880-1882(m) 1884(m) 1890(m) 1894-1902 Je(m) 1904-1914(m) 1917-1925(m) 1930-1932(m)


Despatch : Thames and Ohinemu observer. 1875 F282-? w WU 1875 Mr2o Mail. 1870 Mr 26-2 d AP 1870 Mr 26

Peninsula weekly press. 1931 S?-2 w AP 1932 N23 WXMU 1932 Ap6

Thames advertiser. 1868 Apll-1912 N25? 3w, d 1868? AP 1868 Apll-18 1874 Ap9 1875 Jy-1876 Je 1878 1)21,23

PRMU 1885 Ja-Je THHA *l9lO-1912 (lacks some iss) THP 1874 Ap-1875 Je 1876-1882 1883 Jy-1884 Je 1885-1888 Je 1889-1890 Je


Thames advertiser (cent.) 1891-1899 1908 Mrll

WGA 1870 Jy-D 1872-1886 Je

WTU 1875 Ja2s

Thames courier. 1933 MrlO- . w WGA 1939 Jels D2l 1936 JelB-1939 Jal2(m)

Thames exchange, miners' and merchants' directory. 1874 N?-? w? WTU 1874 Dl2

Thames guardian and mining record. 1871 07-1872? d AP 1871 07-1872 Ag3l

Thames Hauraki advertiser. 1928 Ag231930 JylO ? THHA *1928 Ag23-1930 JylO (lacks some iss)

Thames star. 1869 Apll?- . Title Evening mail?, Evening star 1869, Thames star 1893 Jyls. d

AP 1869 Ap12,13 1874 ApB 1878 D2l AR 1870 Jyls 1876 D3O THHA *l9lO-1939 (lacks some iss?) THP 1874 Apl6-1875 1877 Ja-Je 1878-1881 1882 Jy-1883 Je 1884-1888 Je 1889-1902 1903 Jy-D 1904 Jy-1909 1910 Jy-1932 1934-1939

WGA 1879 1921-1925 1935 Je3o D3O WTU 1877 My 9 1909 Ag20,27 S3(& ra) 1934 Sl9 1935 520,21 WU 1870 Je27 1872 Apl

Times and Thames miners' advocate 1868 Dl 2-1870 Mr? d AP 1869 F22

2 1


Geraldine County chronicle. 1878?188-? Continues? Tomahawk, w TEBC 1880 Jal7-D THE 1878 S-1880(m) WNMP 1878 S-1880(m) WTU 1878 Ag3l-1880(m)

South Canterbury illustrated. 1933 0?-1939? w? DUHO 1933 0

South Canterbury times. 1870 JalO--1901 Sl3. Title Tiraaru & Gladstone gazette, South Canterbury times 1873 MrlO. 3w, d 1873 MrlO AP 1878 Mrl4 CMU 1870 F23(f) 1873 Ja24-1876 Jy

DUHO 1884 029 1892 FI(m)

THE 1879 014-1883 1884 Jy-1886 1887 Jy-1890 1892-1901 Sl3

WGA 1881 Jy-D 1883 Jys-D

Tiraaru herald. 1864 Jell- . w, 2w 1866 Jel3, 3w 1871 Dl 3, d 1876? Indexes: (local) 1895-1939 at TP; (local) 1866-1867 at CMU

AR 1864 Jell

AU 1873 F2B 1876 Ja3

CMU 1866 F23-1867 1869

CP 1864 Jell-1865 D2

GEBC *lBBO-1915(lacks many iss)

THE 1865-1870 1871 D-1881 1883-1884 Je 1886-1887 1890 Jy-1892 Je 1893-1895 Je 1896-1899 S 1901 1903 Ja-Je 1904 Jy-1908 S 1909 Ja-S 1910-1927 1928 Ap-1935 Je O-D 1936-1939 1864 Jell-1939(m)

TMU 1864 Jell-1865 N2B 1869 Ja -N24 1874-1876 Je 1877-1891 1892 Jy-1898


Timaru herald (cont.) 1899 Jy-1926 Je 1927-1936 Je TP 1915-1939 1864 Jell-1872(m) WMAR 1864 JelB-1865 N25 1885 Jy-1886 1887 Jy-1889 1890 Jy-1892 WNMP *1869-1939 1864 Jell-1939(m) WTU 1864 Jell-1879 Je(m) 1880-1882(m) 1883 Ja-Ap 5-1907(m) 1908 Jy-1910(m) 1912 Mr-Je S-1939(m)


Tuakau and district times. 1932 MrlO--1939 05. w PKCO 1932 MrlO-1933 Mr 9 1935 Ap9-1936 WGA 1938-1939 05


Tuatapere guardian and Waiau district gazette. 1914 F4-19282 w WGA 1914 F4-1917 Ja 1926 Ja22 F12,26 Mrl2 Ap3o Jy3o Ag6,20 517-01 N5-DlO

Timaru post. 1899 NlB-1939 Mr3l. Title Morning post, Timaru post 1901 514. d

AR 1928 Jyl3 DUHO 1899 NlB-1900 Je 1901 Ja-1915 Je 1916-1919 Je 1920-1923 1924 Jy-1939 Mr 1914 Ag3-D (Special war ed) GEMU 1927 F2 Ap2 My 10,12,14 1928 My 24 1929 My 4 TMU 1907-1936 Je WGA 1938-1939 Mr WTU 1901 Jy22,31 Ag7,31 57,9(& m) 1905 Jy11,18,25


Hutt Valley independent. 1911 Jal219302 w WTU 1911 Jal2 Je10,24 N4 D2 1912 F3-24 1918 Mr3o 1922 NlB

Leader. 1939 Ja6- . Title Upper Hutt leader, Leader 1939 Je29. w WGA 1939

Upper Hutt weekly review. 1935 Dll--1939 Fl7. w WGA 1935 Dll-1939 Fl7



East Coast press. 19192- 1939 Mr3o. Title East Coast watch and Waiapu County advocate, East Coast news and Waiapu County gazette 19242, East Coast press 19312 w WGA 1923 Ap13,20 1925 Nb,l3 1927 516,30 1930 Agls Nl4 1934 Apl9-Mylo Jy26 Ag23-Nl D 6,13 1935 JalO-24 Fl4 Mr 7 Ap11,24 My2,9,23-D5 1936 Ja3o-Mrl2 1938 06-1939 Mr3o



Waihi telegraph. 1895 01- . Title Waihi miner and Hauraki goldfield gazette, Waihi daily telegraph 19012, Daily telegraph 1908 N2, Waihi telegraph 1923 Je9. 2w, d 19012, 3w 1923 Je9 WAMd 1895 01 WGA 1939 Je3o D 29 WIP 1904-1906 (lacks some iss) 1907-1909 Je 1918 Jy-1939 WTU 1895 01 1934 N24


Waikaia herald. 1882 Ja2-1883? Incorporated by Mataura ensign, w DUHO 1882 S3o(m) GOHI 1882 530(f) D 23



Daily advertiser. 1898 My2B-? Title Waimate advertiser, Waimate daily advertiser 1916 Agll, Daily advertiser 1921 AgB. w, 3w 1899 Myl6?, d 1914 Agl7 DEA 1929 012 DP 1899 526,30 DUHO 1909 020 029 1910 Fll-21,28 Mr 4,9,16,21 Apl, 6 Ag8,12,17,22,24,29, 31 52,7, 19,23 07,17 N7 1929 012

OAMU 1898 My2B-1899 Myl3 WGA 1939 Je3o 030 WIAD 1898 My2B-1899 Agl9 012-26 1900-1902 1908 My-1909 Ap 1912 Ap29-1939

WIMU 1898 My2B Jy2 1899 Ap22 1903 My 23 1908 N23,30 02 1916 514 1918 023,24 1923 Ap26 1925 03 1926 JylO 1927 Jel4 1932 025 NlB 1939 F2

WTU 1905 Jy11,18,25(& m) 1906 Je7,14,21(& ra)

Waimate times. 1875 AplO-19222 Title Waitangi tribune, Waimate times 1879? Incorporated by Daily advertiser. 2w, 3w by 1901 S

DEA 1896 F8

WIAD 1876 028 1882 1886 Apl4 1903 Ja-024 1904 Ja9-D6 1905-1907

WIMU 1887 Jels 1892 Je2s 03 1896 05 1900 Jel6-Jy24 Agl6-25 Sll-1902 1903 N26-D24 1904 Je4 1905 Ja3l-Dl4 1906 Fl3-Nl3 1907 F7-017 1908 FlB-022 1909 Ja7-D23 1910 f-D 1912 (lacks some iss)


Waimate times (cont.) 1913-1914 1916-1917 (lacks some iss)

WTU 1878 Ag21,24 Sll-18(& m) 1888 Jyl4(& m) 1898 Jy6,13,20(& m) 1901 Ag24 53,14,21,24,31 1905 Jy11,18,25 1899 Mr22-1910(m) 1911 F7-1922 Mrl8(m)


Waipawa mail. 1878 Sl4- . 2w, 3w 1885 Ja6

NAMU 1878 Sl4-1879 1883-1885 Ag2o 1886-1889 1891-1939

WGA 1939 Je2B D 29 WTU 1934 N23 1893 N18(m) WWMA 1880-1882 1888 Nl7 1891 D 8


Central Hawke's Bay press. 1905 D2l-? Title Waipukurau press, Central Hawke's Bay press 1936 Jy2o. 2w, 3w by 1908, d 1930 01?

DEA 1936 Jal7 WGA 1925 021 1926 D 22 1930 Dl 9 1935 Dl 6

WPCE 1905 D2l-1906 Ag 1908 Jy-S 015-29 1909 Ja-Mr O-D 1910 S-1911 1912 Ja-S I) (lacks some iss) 1913 Ja-Jel7 1917 Ag2B-S4 04-N 1918 Je-022 1920 Ja F24 Mr2 Apls-S2l D 4-9 1921 Mr-1931 S 1932-1935 Mr Jy-D 1936-1939

Central Hawke's Bay review. 1936 524-1939 Je24. m WGA 1936 524-1939 Je24



East Coast mail and Wairoa gazette 19072-19092 3w2 WTU 1908(m)

Wairoa guardian. 18812-1921 82 Place of publication Clyde, Wairoa 18962 2w, 3w 1910 Ap4. WHP 1893 Jy22 WOST 1909 Apl3-1914 WTU 1898 Jell 1901 031-1905 F3(m) 1906-1907(m)

Wairoa star. 1921 82- . 2w, 3w 1922 Jy6 WOST 1922 Ja23-1931 Je 1932-1936 1937 Jy-1939 WTU 1924 Jyl4 824,26 01


Waitara evening mail and Clifton County chronicle. 18982-1938 Je. 3w RAMU 1906 FI9 WGA 1937-1938 Je3

Waitara press and Taranaki advertiser. 18732-18842 Incorporated by Oaily news (New Plymouth). 2w WTU 1884 N4


Golden age. 1897 Apl4-19032 2w AP 1897 Apl4 WTU 1897 Ap2l


Waiuku advocate and Franklin County chronicle. 1914 JelB-1919? 2w? WUKM 1914 Jel8(f)

Waiuku news and Franklin County gazette. 19152- . 2w WGA 1939 Je3o 022 WUKM 1915 824-0 1916 Ja2B-Mr4 Mys 1917 1918 Jy-D 1919 MrlB-Nl4 1920 1921 (lacks some iss) 1922 Jal7-D2


Waiuku news and ... (cont.) 1923-1924 019 1925 NlO 013,18,29 1926 Jas-026 1927 Mr4-Nl3 D 1928-1937 1938 FlB-1939


N.Z. tit-bits. 1902 N29-? w WAMU 1902 N29-1904 My2l

Reo o te ao. 1930 Mrls-? 7 AR 1930 Myls JelO WTU 1930 Mrls JylO WU 1930 JylO

Taniwha. 1881 F-2 m WAMU 1881 F-Ap

Tiupiri : Maori niu pepa. 1898 Ja41900 Jyl9. Covertitle Jubilee, w, ft 1898 06, v

AP 1898 Ja4,25 AR 1898 Ja2s 1900 Ap26 WTU 1898 Ja4-1900 Jys

Wanganui chronicle. 1856 818- . w, 2w 1864 Mr3o, 3w 1867 My2B, d by 1871. Index (genealogical and local) 1867-1939 at WAP

AP 1864 Nl6 1865 028-N4,15 1866 Jas F7 Ap4,7 1905 Ag26(suppl)

AR 1867 Agl7

DUHO 1865 N8 1883 Ag2B

NEMU 1881 021 D 17,19 1882 JalO-13

PTMU 1860 D 13.27 1861 F7 Jy4 1862 Sll 1865 Mr! 1871 02

WAMU 1856 02-1857 Ag2o 810,17 015-D 1858 Ja-FlB Mill ApB-My6,20-Ag5,26-021 N4-25 1860 Aps 1864 F4 1865 Ags 1875-1876 1877 Jy-1939

WAP 1874-1877 Je 1878 Ja-Je 1880 1883 (lacks some iss)


Wanganui chronicle (cont.) 1884-1913 Mr Jy-D 1914-1916 Mr Jy-D 1917-1939

WGA 1856 016 1860-1869

1870 (lacks some iss) 1873 (lacks some iss) 1874-1875

1876-1879 (lacks some iss) 1880-1886

1893 0-N 1897 Je24 1898 Ja3l

WNMP 1870 525-1871 Ja6(m) WTU 1856 SlB N20.27 DlB

1857 My2l Ag2o 1859 Dl 5

1863 Mrl2 01 1864 N9,30 1865 F8 Ags S2 1866 F14,17

1868 D 24 1869 Jel9

1871 Ap22,28,29 Jy4,29 Ag2,3

N25 Dl 4

1872 N25,29

1873 Ap-S N17,18,20 1870 525-1871 Ja6(m)

WU 1866 Ja3l

Wanganui herald. 1867 Je3- . Title Evening herald, Wanganui herald 1876 Mr 24. d. Index (genealogical and

local) 1867-1950s at WAP AR 1868 Myll Jyls

1870 012 1886 Jals

PTMU 1886 Je4,7,17 WAMU 1867 026 N25

1868 Jy2l 1870 Jy3o

1872 Jel7 Jy6,25 1873 Ag9 520,27,29 1877

1884-1885 1886 Jy-D

1887 Jy-1939

WAP 1867 Je3-1876 1877 Jy-1880 1881 Jy-1884 1885 (lacks many iss) 1886-1896 1897 Jy-1915 1916 Ja-Mr Jy-1939 1867 S-D(m) 1868 My-Ag(m) 1869 My-Ag(m) 1870 My-1871(m) 1872 S-D(m)


Wanganui herald (cont.) 1873 My-S(m) 1874 Ja-Ag(m) 1875-1876(m) 1877 Jy-1879(m)

WGA 1873 Jy2 1881-1884 1886 Jy-D 1893 0-N 1905-1939 1867 Je3-1875(m)

WTU 1867 Je27 1868 D 9

1869 F2,4-6 My31 Je9,11-14,16

21 Agll 1870 013 1872 My2o 1889 Fl5 1902 Nl4 1903 AglB 1904 DIO

1867 Je3-1875(m) WU 1868 Jy2l

1869 Myl

Wanganui record. 1853 N16-1853 D282 w WAMU 1853 N16 D14.28

Wanganui times. 1865 Jy252-1869? w 2w 1865 Ag29, 3w 1867 Je25?

WAMU 1865 Agls-D

1866-1867 Jyll (lacks some iss) 1868 Agl,4


WTU 1868 Jel3(m)

Weekly chronicle. 1871 Ja7-1911? Title Wanganui chronicle, Weekly chronicle 7 w

WAMU 1886 Je26 1891 Mr 7

WTU 1871 Jy29 1873 Apl2-527 1884 Ag3o

Yeoman. 1869 Ag7-1906 025. Title Weekly herald, Yeoman 1880 Jy31. w DUHO 1875 030

WAMU 1869 Ag7-1870 Jyl WAP 1869 Ag7-1877(& m)

1880 Jy3l-1887(& m) 1888 Jy-1896(& m) 1897 Jy-1906 025(& m)

WGA 1873-1880 Jy24 1872 1880 Jy3l-1886

WNMP 1869 Ag7-1871(ra) 1873-1887(m) 1888 Jy-1896(m) 1897 Jy-1906 025(m)


Yeoman (cont.) WTU 1872 F24 MylB D2l 1876 Mr 11,25 1878 Apl3 1903 Ag27 1869 Ag7-1871(m) 1872 F24 MylB D2l(m) 1874(m) 1875 Jy-1887(m) 1888 Jy-1896(m) 1897 Jy-1906 025(m)

WU 1893 My 6


Rodney and Otamatea times. 1901 Mr 2- . w

AP 1922 Sl3 AR 1901 Myl7-1902 Mr 7 1903 818,26 1904 Ap3o Je4,18,25 810,24 01N5 D 17,24 1905 F25 Ap1,22 My 6,13,27 Je13,17 Jy8,22-82,16 07,14 Dl 6-30 1906 Ja6,20 F3 Mr 24,31 Ap3l 06 1907 Agl4 1909 Ja6,13 1911 Myl7-1921 1922 Fl-Nl5 1923-1939

WRMU 1901 Mr 29 N1,15 1909 Sl-15 1915 020 1919 524 1938 Jal2 D 7 1939 Mr 8,15 Je7 Ag23,30

WTU 1938 Jy6(& m)


Critic. 1899 Je29-1899 021? w WTU 1899 Je29-021

Daily advertiser and Wellington register. 1870 Jal7-1871 N7. d WGA 1871 Ja-N7 WTU 1870 Jal7 Apll 1871 Jyl3

Daily commercial news and shipping register. 1895 S2B-? d WTU 1895 S2B

Democrat. 1902 Nl4-? w CU 1902 N2B DUHO 1902 N2l D 1906 O-D


Dominion. 1907 826- . d DUHO 1907 826-1914 8

PU 1917 0-D WGA 1935-1939 1908-1939(m)

WNEW 1907 826-1939 WNMP 1907 826-1911 Ag(m) 1912-1939(m) WP 1913-1939 1907 526-1934(m) 1935 Ja-Jy S-1939(m)

WTU 1907 826-1930 1932 S-D 1933 F-Ap 1907 526-1939(m)

Echo. 1896 S2B-? d WTU 1896 828-01,6,7

Era. 1881 029-? w CMU 1881 029 WTU 1881 029

Evening chronicle. 1874 F25-1880 Dl 6. Title Tribune, Evening argus 1875 D 6, Evening chronicle 1878 Apl. d

DUHO 1874 F25-1875 D 4 WGA 1874 F25-1875 (lacks some iss) 1876-1880 Dl 6

WTU 1874 Ap7 DlB 1875 Mrl2 1876 Mr 4-17 Dl 5 1877 JaB-1879 N29 (lacks many iss) 1880 Jal2-Dl6 (lacks many iss)

Evening post. 1865 F8- . d. Index (international) 1934-1939 at WP AP 1865 F9 AU 1870-1920(m) DUHO 1879 Jel7 1886 Jel9 1895 Jy27 1901 Ja23,24,29,30 FI 1914 0-D3

LP 1865 FB-1939(m) WGA 1865 F9 D 27 1869 Je11,25 1891-1892 1938-1939 1865 FB-1938(m)

WNEW 1865 FB-1939 WNMP 1893 F-1895 1865 FB-1938 Je(m)

WP 1880 Jy-D 1865 FB-1939(m)

WTU 1869 Ag6,13,20 818 1870 Jyl9 1871 Jyl2


Evening post (cont.) 1873 Ag6 1874 Ap7 1877 1878 Ap-1883 0 1884-1889 Je 1890-1910 1911 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1912-1924 1925 Ap-1939 1865 FB-1938 Je(m)

WU 1865 F9 1867 N2B D 24 1868 Mr 24-31 Jy11,14-18,20-25,28-Ag22,26-511,15 1869 My 26 Jy13 ,16,17,20,21,23, 26 01 1871 AgB 03,4 1872 Ja3 1892 Ag-D 1907 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1908-1910 1911 Jy-D 1912 Ap-1939 1865 FB-1906(m) 1907 Mr-Je(in) 1911 Ja-Je(m) 1912 Ja-Ap(m)

Evening press. 1884 Jy2-1894 031. d WGA 1884 Jy2-1894 031 WP 1893 Jy-1894 031 WTU 1884 Jy2-1892 Je 1893-1894 031

Greater Wellington chronicle. 1917 Mr3l-? m WTU 1917 Mr3l Ap2l

Guardian. 1896 015-1900 F222 ft, w 1899 Agl7 WGA 1896 029-1899 Dl 4 WTU 1896 015-1900 F22

Karere o Poneke. 1857 Sl7-1858 D 27? w WGA 1857 517,24 015-D 1858 Ja-F22 Mr29-D27

Karori and Northland mail. 1933 Jy71934 Mr 23? ft DEA 1933 Jy7 AglB Sl5 WGA 1933 Jy2l-1934 Mr 23 WTU 1933 529 027 NlO 1934 F23 Mr 9

Lowry Bay buster. 1899 Ja7-? 2 WTU 1899 Ja7

Morning post. 1867 Nil?-? d WTU 1867 Nl9


Mourning press. 1894 N7. Only one iss published. WTU 1894 N7

New Zealand advertiser. 1859 Apl318692 Suspended 1867 Sll-1868 My3l. Incorporated by New Zealand times. 2w, 3w 1862 Jy2, d 1868 Je4, 3w 1868 Jy272

AP 1867 Sll AR 1866 Myl4 CP 1859 My 18,28 JelB 1860 Mr2B DUHO 1861 Jy27 PTMU 1863 Je9 WGA 1859 My2l-D 1860 S5-1867 Sll 1868 JeB-D (lacks some iss)

WMAR 1859 JeB D 24 1862 Ag7,12,14 1863 Fl2 AplB Myl4 1864 Ap26 023(extra) 1865 Mr 9 527 02-6.13-N3 1866 Ap2s Sl7 1867 Jail Ag2

WTU 1859 Apl3-D 1860 Ja Mr3l Ap7,1l N2B D 8,19, 22,29 1861-1865 (lacks some iss) 1866-1867 S (lacks many iss) 1868 JelO Jy27 014,19 1869 Ja22 F3,10,12,22-26 Mrl--8,12,26 1867 S2-ll(m) 1869 Jal3-F10(m)

WU 1861 D 4 1862 Ag12,23 D 24 1863 Fl2 Ap16,23 1864 Jy9 011-1865 (lacks many iss ) 1866 Ja26 1868 Jy10,13,15,16,18,20, 21

New Zealand colonist and Port Nicholson advertiser. 1842 Ag2-1843 Ag2. 2w

AP 1842 Ag9-D2 1843 My2,12-Ag2 (lacks some iss ) 1842 Sl6-D2o(m) AR 1842 Sl6-23 D2O CP 1842 D 9 DUHO 1842 Ag2-1843 Ag2 UGA 1842 NB-D6 WP 1842 Ag2-1843 Ag2 WTU 1842 Ag2-1843 Ag2 WU 1842 Ag2-1843 Ag2


New Zealand critic. 1925 027-19302 Running title Critic, w WGA 1925 N3-1927 S2O Dl 7 WTU 1925 027-1926 1927 Ag3o

New Zealand critic. 1934 S2-2 w WTU 1934 Oil 1935 Fl5

New Zealand free lance. 1900 Jy7Running title Free lance, w

AP 1900 Jy7 AR 1900 Jy7-1901 Je 1902-1905 S 1906-1915 Je 1916 1917 Jy-1922 Je 1923-1931 Je 1932-1933 Je 1934-1938 Je 1939

CMU 1929 Jy3

DUHO 1900 Jy7-D 1906 Jy-D 1907 Jy-1914 Je 1915 1924 Jy-1931 Je S2 1932-1939

KAMU 1932 N23-D 1933 Jels Jy

WGA 1901-1906 Je 1907-1939

WTU 1900 Jy7-1939

New Zealand gazette and Wellington spectator. 1839 Ag2l-1844 525. Title New Zealand gazette, New Zealand gazette and Britannia spectator 1840 Ag22, New Zealand gazette and Wellington spectator 1840 N2B. First iss published in London, w, 2w 1841 02, w 1844 Ap3

AP 1839 Ag2l S6 1840 AplB-1842 N9 (lacks some iss) 1843 Ja2B F18,25 S2(suppl),6 04 1844 Ja2o Aps 1843 D2O-1844 Ja27(m) AR 1841 My4(suppl),29 1843 D2O-1844 Ja27 Ap24 CMU 1842 Myl4 012 CP 1842 My2B Je1,8,18,25-Jy6,13-20 Ag3,6,24-31 012 1843 Ag2-9 1844 Jal3 Fl4 Mr3o JylO

DP 1844 Jes DUHO 1839 Ag2l 1840 AplB-1842 (lacks some iss) 1843-1844 525


New Zealand gazette and ... (cont.) WGA 1839 S6 1840 AplB-Je27 Jyll-Ag15,29-D 1841-1844 525 1839 Ag2l-1844 S2s(m) WNMP 1839 Ag2l-1844 S2s(m) WP 1842 Jyl3-1843 04 (lacks some iss)

WTU 1841 Ja2 F27 1842 Mr 9 1843-1844 525 (lacks some iss) 1839 Ag2l S6(m) 1840 AplB-1844 S2s(m)

WU 1839 S6 1840 AplB-Agls N2B-1841 1842 Ja-Mr3o 029 D 24,31 1843 Jail Mr 1,8,29-1844 Mr3o 525

New Zealand mail. 1871 Ja292-1907 N1 Incorporated by Weekly graphic and New Zealand mail, w

AR 1877 Jy-D 1879 Ja-Je CU 1907 Sl3-N1 DP 1878 Ja-Je 1879

DUHO 1871 F5-1874 S5 1907 Jel2

WGA 1907 S-Nil 1880 Ap-1898(m)

WNMP 1874 Jal7-1898(m) 1900(m) 1902(a) 1907 Ag-Nl(m)

WMAR 1874 Jal7-D 1877 Jy-D 1880 1884 Ja-My 0-N7 1886 01-15 D 24

WTU 1876-1877 Je 1878-1879 1881-1884 1885 Jy-1886 S 1887-1890 Je 1891 Ja-Ap S-D 1892 Ap-1899 1901 1903-1907 Ag2B 1874(m) 1876-1898(m) 1900 Jy-D(m) 1902(m)

New Zealand spectator and Cook's Straits guardian. 1844 012-1865 Ags. Incorporated by Wellington independent, w, 2w 1846 My 23 AP 1850 My2l-Dll (lacks some iss) 1851 Mrl9-D24 (lacks some iss)


New Zealand spectator and ... (cont.) 1852 Mrl7-1854 (lacks some iss) 1855 Mrl4 Ap4 Ag4-8,29-55,12, 19,26 013-17 Nl7-21 08-12,26 1856 Jal9-23 Mr 1,12,19 Ap9,16 Myl7 1858-1864 (lacks some iss) 1865 Ja4,7 Fl2-Ags (lacks some iss) 1845 F22-1849 Mys(lacks some iss)(m)

AR 1845 F22 My 17,31 Ag2 527 018 1846 Mr 7 Ap4 My 23 JelO Jy8,15 N7 1847 Je23 Jy3 04-11,25 1848 025 1849 Mys Nl7 1850 Myls 1852 Mys,B 1853 029 1854 Jal4 My 27 Jy12,19-Ag2,19, 26,30 513-30 07-21 1855 FlO

CMU 1846 Fl4 CP 1844 Nl6 1845 My 24 Ag3o 018 N8 Dl 3 1846 Ap2s Jyl Agl,s 55 010,24 N14,25 1847 Ja16,20 Fl3 Myl2 Je16,26 N6 1848 Fl6 My 17,31 D2

DP 1844 012-1847 1848 018,25-N4 1849 AplB

DOHO 1844 012-1865 Ags NPMU 1845 My 3 PTMU 1848 F23 WAMU 1845 Jy26-D 1852 D-1853 Mrl2 WGA 1845 Jail-1865 Ags 1844 012-1850(m) 1853(m) 1861 Jy27-1864(m)

WNMP 1844 012-1848(m) 1853(m) 1858 Je-1864(ra) WP 1845 Ja4 011-1847 (lacks some iss) 1850 Ja26 1856 025

WTU 1844 012-1850 1852 Mr-D 1854-1865 Ags 1844 012-1848 Mr29(m) 1852 My-1857 N(ra) 1858 Jel9-1864(m)

WU 1844 012-1845 520 1846 526-1856 1858-1859 1861-1865 Ags (lacks many iss)


New Zealand times. 1845 Ap2-1927 Ja22. Title Wellington independent, New Zealand times 1874 Jel. Incorporated by Dominion. 2w, 3w 1862 Jyls, d 1871 Ja?

AP 1846 Mr2s 1849 Ja6,10 1862 021 1878 524 1845 Jy3o(m)

AR 1845 Je2l Jy9,30 Ag2 1846 JyB,lB 1847 Jal6 MyB Je9 AglB 016 1848 Ja26 025 59 1849 Jal3 N14,28 1850 Mys,B 1853 Ap20,30 My 11,18,25 Jy6,13 N5,12 1854 Je12,14,17 Jy15,19,29 Ag3o 520,27 07,14-25 D2O 1855 N3 1856 My 7 1860 Ja2o 1866 Fl7 1878 Fl6 1911 NlB 1927 Ja22

CMU 1845 Ap2 My3l JelB 1847 Ap3 1849 Jyl4 1851 Jys Ag2o 1852 N6 1853 Mrl6 My2s Je22 Jy27 Ag6,17 57,17-28 08 N5 D 3,28 1854 F4,11 Mrls ApB MylO-24 Je7-14 Jyl2 59 D 2,23,27 1855 F2B Mr 17,31 Ap2B Myl9 Jy2B Ag4 55 1857 Dl 9 1859 Apl9 My 27 1861 Ja2s Apl6 1863 Mr 10,21-28 Ap2,14 Je23 Jy9

CP 1845 MylO Je4,18,25 Jys Ag6 01 1846 FlB ApB Ags 526 Ni1,14,25 D 5,12,16,26,30 1847 Ja2,20 MrlO Jy14,17,24 S4 030 D 4,29 1848 Jal2 F5 Apls JelO S9 04 D 6,27 1849 017,20 NlO 05,15-22,29 1850 Ja2,19,26 F2,20 Mr 9,16 1851 Apl2 My 3 Jys Ag23 Nl2 D 3

DP 1845 Ap2-Jyl9 1846 Ja7,21 Ap22 Je27 Jy4,15, 18,29 D 23 1847 Ap7,10 MyB 1848 Jyl9 Ag9 018,25,28 N1 1849 Jal3 Mr 7 Ap4,18 1850 Jas F2 Ap24 MylB Je8,12 1851 F26 Jy9,12,19-26


New Zealand times (cont.)

DUHO 1845 Ap2-1857 1859-1869 (lacks some iss) 1870 1875 Ja-Je 1877-1886 Je 1887 1889 1890 Ja-Ap Je-D 1892 Jy-0 1893-1898 1908 1909 Ja-Mr Jy-D 1910 1911 Jy-1916 Je 1874 Je-1876(m)

HU 1877 Jy2-D(m)

PP 1883 Jy7

WGA 1845 Ap4-1846 (lacks some iss) 1847-1848 Apl2 1856 Jyl6-1874 My3o 1899 Ap-Je 1874 Je-1927 Ja22(m)

WMAR 1874 Je-D 1875 Jy-1876 1877 Jy-1880 1883 Jy-D 1884 Ap-Je

WNEW 1874 Je-1879 Je 1880 1881 Jy-1885 Je 1886 1887 Ja-Ap S-D 1888-1892 Je 1893-1896 1897 Jy-1900 1902-1927 Ja22

WNMP 1879 1845 Ap2-1859(m) 1874 Je-1927 Ja22(m)

WP 1866 1870-1871 Je 1872-1873 Je 1874 Je-D 1875 Jy-1886 1887 Ap-S 1888 1889 Ap-S 1890 Ja-Je 1891-1892 1893 Jy-1894 1896 Jy-1897 Ap 1898 1899 Jy-D 1900 Jy-1901 Mr 1907 0-1927 Ja22 1882-1888(m) 1890-1904(m)

WTU 1845 Aps-1854 N 1860-1864


New Zealand times (cont.) 1865 Ja7,14,19-My6,30 Je3,B Jy4 Agl2 53,23,30 N25 D 9 1866 Jal3 F22,24 Mrl My3l Je26 016 Dl-25 1867-1880 Je 1881 1882 Jall-31 Ap-My Jy-D 1845 Ap2-1859(m) 1874 Je-1927 Ja22(m)

WU 1847 Ja2-1850 Sl4 (lacks many iss) 1854 Je24 1855 Jalo-Nl7 (lacks many iss) 1856 (lacks some iss) 1858 Mr 6 1860 Mrl6 1863 N21.24 1864 Mr 10,17 Ap12,23 Je4 Jy2,7, 12,21,28 Sl3 01,11-13,18 N1,10,12,29 1865 Jal4 Jel3 Sl2 Dl 4 1866 Jal3 Mrl3 Apl2 1868 FI Ap9,16 D3l 1869 Mr2 Je29 016 1870 Mrl2 Aps Je9 Jy2B-Ag4 S3 1874 Je-1875 Je 1876 1877 Jy-D 1878 Ap26-D 1880 Jy-D 1881 Jy-D 1884 Ja-Je 1891 Ja-Je 1892 1894 Ja-Je 1896 Ja-Je 1897 Ja-Je 1898 Ja-Je 1899 Jal-21 Jy-D 1900 Ap2,30 My 19,21 1901 1903-1904 Je 1905-1926

New Zealand times. 1867 Sl6-1867 Nl. d, 3w?

AP 1867 516,17

WTU 1867 Sl6-N1

WU 1867 Sl6-N1

N.Z. truth. 1887 Ap2- . Title Truth, N.Z. truth 1906? w

AR *c1906-1931 *1934 Ja-Je

AU 1906 Jy-1931(m)

DEA 1931 015

WGA 1932-1939 1906 Jy-1931(m) 1934-1939(m)


N.Z. truth (cont.) WNMP 1905 1916 Jy-D 1920 1927-1929 1930 Jy-1931 1934 Ja-Je Ag-D 1935 1936 S-1937 Ag 1938 Ja-Jy N-D 1939 My-D 1906 Jy-1931(m) 1934 Ja-Je Ag-D(m) 1935-1937 Ag O-N(m) 1938 Mr-Jy N-1939(m)

WTU 1887 Ap2 1906 Jy-1939(ra)

New Zealander. 1878 Ap29-1880 Fl7. d AP 1878 My 6-8,10,13 Je2l-Jy4 1879 AglB

DP 1878 Ap29,30 NPMU 1880 Ja3 WGA 1878 Ap29-1880 Fl7 WTU 1878 Je24 Ag-D 1879 F6-27 Aps-Dl9

WU 1878 Ap29-1879 Je

New Zealand's European mail news. 1896 D 9-2 ? AP 1896 D 9

Newtown advocate. 1895 Jy?-? w WGA 1895 Agl7

People. 1895 05-1897 Ja9. w DUHO 1895 05-1896 My 23 WGA 1896 Ag29 1897 Ja9 WTU 1895 05,26 1896 F29

Platt's weekly. 1921 S9-7 w WTU 1921 S9-D9,23 1922 Ja2o-F10,24 Mr 6,20 Ap3-24

Searchlight. 1907 My26?-19092 w WGA 1907 Ag3 05,19 1908 Ja2s WTU 1907 Je22 1908 Ja-0

Standard. 1910 S- . Published at Christchurch, Wellington from 1911 F. Title Maoriland worker, New Zealand worker 1924 F6, Standard 1935 09. m, w 1911 Myl2 AU 1910 S-N 1911 Mys-19 Je2,1l 1918 SlB


Standard (cont.) 1919 F5,12 029 1933 N8

CMU 1935 D 4

CP 1935 09-D 1937-1939

CU 1918 09,17 1925 021 1933 N8 1935 D 4 1937 Ap22 1938 Mr 3 Mys

DUHO 1910 S-1920 (lacks some iss) 1921 Jal9 Fl2-16 Mrl6 Apl3-My4 1922 Agl6 1928 Ja-Ap4 1933 N8 1939 F9

LP 1938 D 8

WGA 1912 Jal9 1918-1921 1922 Jy-1939

WTU 1910 S-1917 1918 Ja-Mr Ap17,24 1919 Jyl6 1922 018 D 6,13 1923 Fl4-Mr7 Ap4-My9 017 N7,28 D 12,26 1924 1927-1928 Agls 1929-1932 1933 Nl5 1934 Mr2B Ap18,24 My 2,9 Je6-20 Jy4,11,25 Ag1,15 1935 Ag2l 1936-1939

WU 1910 0-1913 Ag22 1914-1917 1920-1924 1926-1939

Sun. 1902 Jail-1902 Apl9. d WTU 1902 Jall-Apl9

Tribune : weekly issue. 1875 Ja7-? Running title Weekly tribune, w DUHO 1875 Jal4

Victoria times. 1841 Sl5-? w WTU 1841 Sl5

Waka Maori o Aotearoa see GISBORNE Waka Maori o Aotearoa

Waka Maori o Niu Tirani see GISBORNE Waka Maori o Aotearoa

Weekly herald. 1887 J/16-18932 Title Jubilee herald, Wellington herald 1887 Sl7. w


Weekly herald (cont.) WGA 1887 Jyl6-1890 WTU 1887 Jyl6-1890

Weekly herald. 1909 Apl7-1912 AplO. w DUHO 1909 Apl7-1912 AplO WGA 1909 Apl7-1912 AplO

Wellington advertiser. 1881 Ja29-2 w WTU 1881 Ja29 1882 JelO

Wellington citizen. 1884 Jys-2 w WTU 1884 Jys

Wellington free press. 1931 52-2 w WTU 1932 529

Wellington journal. 1868 Mrll2-1868 N2 3w AR 1868 Mr 23 WMAR 1868 Ap27 MyB Je3,8,10,15,17, 22,24,29 Jyl WTU 1868 Apl3-Jy22(m) WU 1868 Apl3-Jy22(m)

Wellington weekly mercury. 1879 031-2 w WTU 1879 031

Workers' weekly. 1929 Jy-1939 Je3o. Title Red worker, Workers' weekly 1933 N7. m, w 1933 N7

AP 1933 N7-1934 NlO (lacks some iss) 1935 Ja26 Mr 10,30 Ap2o-27 1936 F29 Mrl4 Agls 09 N6.20-D 1937 Ja Fl9 Mrl9-1939 Je23

AU 1933 N7-1939 Je3o CP 1933 N7-1939 Je3o

CU 1933 N7-1939 Je3o

DUHO 1931 Ap N 1932 Ap My Ag 0-D 1933 Ja-Je 0-D 1934 (lacks some iss) 1935 Jal2 F23 MrlO-23 Ap2o-Jy2o Ag24-S2B 012-N9,23-D 1936-1939 Je3o

HU 1933 Nl4-D 1934 Ja Mr 27 Myls-Jy7,21-AglB 515 020-N3 1936 D 4,18 1937 Ja29 Ap9-16,30-My7,21 Jy23 Agl3-Sl7 08,29-D 1938 Ja-028 Nll-09,23 1939 Ja13,27-My26 Je9-23

WGA 1929 Jy 5 D 1930 Ja Mr My-D 1931 F-Ap Ag 514 03 N2, 20(special) DlO


Workers' weekly (cont.) 1932 Ja-My Jy-D 1933 Ja-Ag 0-1939 Je3o (lacks some iss)

WTU 1929 Jy 0 1930 F Ap-D 1931 Mr Ap 514 N2,20 DlO 1932 Jail Mr 7 Ap4,26 Myl6 Jyll AgB D 3 1933 Jal2 Mr 24 Ap24 Myl9 Je22 02 N7,14 1934 Ja23 F2O-Mrl3 Myl-D 1936-1937 (lacks some iss) 1938 F25 Ap29 Myl3 Je17,24 Agl2 530 07,28 N4 D 2,16,23 1939 Ja-Je23

WU 1937 Nl2-1939 Je23 (lacks some iss )


Buller miner. 18812-1921? Suspended 1920-19212. w

WTU 1881 MrlB 1886 F5 Mrs-Jell 1887 Je24 1890 N2B 1893 Apl4 1901 Ap26-Mylo 1903 Ag7 09 1908 54 09 N20,27 1910 07 N25

Buller times. 1892 Mr2l2Merger of Westport star and Westport times. Title Westport times and evening star, Westport times & star 18982, Buller times 1937 Dl 3. d

CU 1896 Nl6 1897 Myl2 1899 MrlB 1906 AplB 1919 Agls 1927 Ja24 1933 Ap27

MUMU 1926 Jy9

UGA 1937 Ja2-Dll 1938-1939

WXU 1893 My 29 Sl6 N25 1894 S7 1896 N23,25 1897 Ja9 My 12,15 09 1898 Mrls Ap2 Dl 3 1902 AgB 1903 Jy24 1904 Jy2,9,16,23,30 Ag6,13,20, 27 53,10,17 08,15 1906 Ja22 1908 Fl5


Buller times (cent.) 1909 06,14,20 1926 024,31 1927 Jas 1928 My 22 1935 F2 1936 Jy14,16 05,31 1937 013 1939 N3O

Taffytown and Glasseye chronicle. 193-?-? Published at Westport? ? DUHO 1930 Sl3

Westport advertiser. 1881?-1889? w WTU 1882 NlO 1883 F9 Myll Ag3 1884 Fl9 Mrs Jel9 Jy24 1885 Jal4 Mr 26 Jy16,23 Agl3 SlO 022 N19,26 017 1886 F25 Mrll Ap8,22 My 27 JelOJy15,29 Ags N4,25 016 1887 Jal3-27 Ap14,21 My 26 Je23Jy7 06,13 1888 Ja26 Mr 8,15 Apl2 My 3-17 Je7,28 Jyl2 04 N22 013 1889 Ja3l

Westport star. 1867?-1892? Evening edition of Westport times. Running title Westport evening star. Merged with Westport times to form Westport times and evening star, d

CU 1876 Ap22 1881 N1,3,12,16-19 1882 N25-29 1883 Jas-Je (lacks some iss) 1884 S8 1886 Ag2B-57,17-19

WNMP 1877(m)

WTU 1876 Jal7 Fl6 1877(& m) 1879 Fl3 MrlO Jy24,25 Agl,46,13,14,22,25,27,30 81,6,9,10, 13,15 07,11,18 N7,8,15 1880 Jy2-15 86,10,17-20,23-25 06,28-N5.i1,13,17,18,24,27,29 02,3,7,8,10,15-17,20,22,23,30 1881 028 1882 Ag2o 1885 Ja2,3,7,14-Je 1887 Jel7 027 1889 Jy25,30 Ag30,31 012,15,29 N6,12,13,16,18,20-22 D 3 1890 D 24 1891 N3

WU 1877 Jy2

Westport news. 1873?- . Title Westport news, Buller news 1874?, Charleston news?, Westport news 1882? d

CU 1906 Apl9 1920 Jal 1926 N5 1933 Myl

DUHO 1926 D2B 1939 01

WGA 1939 Je27 019 WTU 1874 014 1875 Myll 1880 MylO 1882 My2o 1891 522 1893 N23 1895 My 4 1896 Sl5 1901 Je5,6,26 1903 Jy24 1906 Ja22 1921 08 1923 Ag2l 1926 N5,6 028 1927 Ja3 1929 Jel9-25 JyS(suppl) 1933 F2 09 1934 Ja2 1939 01

WU 1875 Je2


Westport times. 1866 Dl 6-1892 Mr? Title Westport times and Buller express, Westport daily times and Charleston argus 1867?, Westport times 1869 Jal2. Merged with Westport star to form Westport times & star. 2w, d 1867?, 3w 1869 Jal2, d 1872 Mr 4, 2w 1872 Ap2

AP 1878 F22

CO 1867 814 1868 My 2 6,27 1871 Jy6-D23 1872 018

WGA 1868-1869 1870 Mr 15,19-1874 1879-1884 1886

WNMP 1875-1878(m)

WTU 1867 Sl4 1868 My2o 1869 Ja7 1870 N22 1871 Ap29 1872 FlO 1873 F25 Je27 1874 F6 Mr2l Mys 1879 816,23-30 Nl4 09,16,19,30 1881 ApB 1882 F2,21


Westport times (cont.) 1885 Jel6 1875-1878(m) WU 1868 Jy27

Kamo & Hikurangi echo (cont.) gazette, w? WHP 1891 Ap29 Jy15,29 32,16-30 021 N4,18-02 1892 Ja6-20


Bay of Plenty beacon. 1939 Ap2l- - Bay of Plenty beacon, Whakatane beacon ? 3w WGA 1939 Je3o 029 WKBE 1939 Ap2l-D WKMU 1939 Nl5

Bay of Plenty press. 1907?-1939 Fl4 Title Whakatane County press, Whakatane press 1916?, Bay of Plenty press 1935? 3w?, d 1916?

WGA 1938-1939 Fl4

WKMU 1909 Ja29 1911 Mr2l Jel2 1914 Jy22,24 1915 Fl5 1916 Jy14,21 1917 Myl6 1918 Ags 1920 Fl7 MylO 1921 Jy26 Ag24 1922 Ap22 Je6 08 1923 Agl6 1924 Ja2B 1926 F2,12 MylB 1927 Mr 23 Ap26 1928 N2O 1929 Ja24 Je29 023,28 1930 Ja4,6,1l Mrl Jyl 1931 AgB 03,19 1932 Jyl9 Ag4 1933 AplB 1934 Jy2l Ag18,25 022,27 1935 N22 1936 Mr2 My 29 Jel9 018 1938 Mys N9 1939 Ja7 Fl4

Whakatane times and Opouriao advocate. 1899 Fll-1899? ? WKMU 1899 Fll Mrl


Aotearoa : he nupepa Maori tenei mo Whangarei. 1932 Je24-? ? AR 1932 Je24

Kamo & Hikurangi echo. Kamo. 1891 F27?-? Incorporated by Marsden times and Whangarei County official


Marsden times and Whangarei County official gazette. 18927-1894? ? AR 1892 314 WHP 1892 F17,24 Ap27 My 4,25 Jels Jy6 321 026 021

Mirror. 1931 Ja?-? w WTU 1931 MyB-Jes

Morning press. 1905 Jyls-1908 0? Title varies?: Whangarei County press?, North Auckland press? d? AP 1908 Jyls

Northern advocate. 1875 JelTitle Whangarei comet and northern advertiser, Northern advocate 1877 Je6. w, 2w 18917, d 19027 Index (comprehensive)l9os-1939 at WHNA and WHP

AP 1875 JeB 1879 Mr 26

AR 1883 Ja27(suppl) 1895 Ag3l 1897 Jy24 1898 Jals Agl3 1899 F4 1903 Je2o 1904 Apll My 16,17

DUHO 1875 JeB-NlB

WHNA 1910 0-0 1912 Jy-S 1926 0-0 1927 Jy-1934 1935 Ja-Mr Jy-1939

WHP 1887-1893 (lacks many iss) 1896 Apll Je22 N7,14,21,28 01,5,12,19,26 1897-1898 (lacks many iss) 1899 (lacks some iss) 1900 Ja27 F3,10,17,24 MrB Ap7 Jel6 322,29 027 N3,10,24 015,22 1901 (lacks many iss) 1902 Je-N (lacks many iss) 1903 Jy-Ag N-1904 Ap (lacks many iss) 1906 1910-1914 1915 Ap-1926 S 1927-1939

WTU 1889 Ap29 Je22 1900 020 1901 JeB S2l


Northern advocate (cont.) 1904 Ag22,27 35 1934 F5,6 1909 My 21,28 Je4 S10,17(m) 1932 D9(m)

WU 1903 Mr 26

Northern advocate weekly. 19087-1914? Incorporated by Northern mail weekly, w WTU 1909 My2l-Je4 310,17

Northern chronicle. 19027-1902? Incorporated by Northern advocate, w WHP 1902 My 24

Northern mail. 1908 Sl2-1913? Incorporated by Northern advocate, w, 3w by 1910 Ag2s, d by 1913 My 22 AR 1910 Ag2s-Sl 1913 My 22 Jy9 DUHO 1910 Mrl,B Ag6,11,13,18,2531,8,15,24,27 06,8

Northern mail weekly. 1908 S?-? w WHP 1914-1915 FI9

Northland tribune. 1932 Ap7- . w

WGA 1939 Je29 D2B

WHP 1938 Mys Je23 D 22 1939 Je22

WTU 1937 S3O 07 1938 N3


Winton record. 1897?- . 2w, w by 1901, 2w 1913?

DEA 1936 FlS(suppl)

WGA 1936 FlB 1939 Je27 Dl 9

WINR 1898 018-25 D3O 1901 Je7 N22 1906 Mr 9 Jyl3 Agl7 012 1907 Jail 1919-1920 1924 1929 Mrs-D 1931-1932 1935-1937


Examiner. 1883 03-1938 F22. Title Woodville examiner, Examiner 18927 2w, 3w 1880 02, d 1891 02, 3w 1893 Ja7 ?

WGA 1883 06-1884

Examiner (cont.) 1885 F3-D8 1888-1889 1891 1892-1907 1909-1935 1937-1938 F22

WNMP 1886 Jas-029 1890 JalO-D 1933 Ja4-016 N24 D 27 (lacks many iss) 1885-1887(m) 1937-1938 F22(m)

WTU 1887 Je14,17,22,24 1890 010 1922 Jes 1885-1887(m) 1908(m) 1937-1938 F22(m)


Wyndham farmer. 1895 Jyl- . 3w, 2w by 1905?

DUHO 1896 My6-Je3 1913 Ja-07 (lacks some iss) 1922-1936 (lacks some iss) 1937-1938

GOBI 1910 F4 WGA 1939 Je3o D 29

WU 1906 F2,13

Wyndham herald. 1895 Jyl- . 2w

DUHO 1909 Ag3l 1910 Fl5-22 Mr 4,11,15 Apl,s Ag2,16,23 39,23-30 07,18 Nil 1911 Ja3l Ap2s My2 1925 My2B 1936 (lacks some iss) 1937 Ja19,26 F2,12,23,26 1938

WGA 1939




Advertiser, 3

Advocate, 119

Age, 40

Akaroa mail and Banks Peninsula advertiser, 1

Albertland gazette, 104

Alexandra herald and Central Otago gazette, X

Anglo-Maori warder, 3

Anzac, 76

Aotearoa : he nupepa ma nga tangata, 82

Aotearoa : he nupepa Maori tenei mo Whangarei, 147

Aotearoa : or the Maori recorder, 4

Argus, 74

Aroha & Ohinemuri news and Upper Thames advocate, 117

Aroha news and Upper Thames advocate, 117

Arrow observer and Lakes District chronicle, 1

Ashburton daily news, 2

Ashburton guardian, 2

Ashburton herald : Borough and County advertiser, 3

Ashburton mail, 3

Auckland advocate, 4

Auckland argus (1907-?), 4

Auckland argus (1908-?), 4

Auckland budget, 4

Auckland chronicle and New Zealand colonist, 4

Auckland city and suburban

advertiser, 4 Auckland daily news, 4

Auckland evening bell, 4

Auckland evening post, 5

Auckland evening star, 6

Auckland examiner (1856-1860), 5

Auckland examiner (1860-1861), 5

Auckland examiner. Trumpeter and universal advertiser, 17

Auckland free lance, 5

Auckland free press (1868), 5

Auckland free press (1879-188-?), 5

Auckland free press (1903?-?), 5

Auckland graphic, 5

Auckland independent, 5

Auckland independent and operative's journal, 6

Auckland morning post and provincial advocate, 6

Auckland register, 6

Auckland standard, 6

Auckland star, 6

Auckland telegraph, 6

Auckland times, 6

Auckland truth, 7

Auckland weekly argus, 7

Auckland weekly news, 18

Auckland weekly news and farmers gazette, 18

Aucklander, 18

Bay of Islands advocate, 113 Uo ir r\ £ T ?-• 1 rl /I o 1,, ra 1— -u- . "7 A

Bay of Islands luminary, 70

Bay of Islands observer, 114

Bay of Plenty beacon, 147

Bay of Plenty press, 147

Bay of Plenty times, 116

J - J , Beacon, 38

Birkenhead gazette, 38

Bluff press and Stewart Island gazette, 22

Bratska sloga, 7

Bridge : the highway to prosperity, 20

Brighton standard, 25

Brighton times and Pakihi reporter, 22

Bruce herald, 80

Bruce standard, 81

Brunner news, Blackball courier and Grey Valley advertiser, 22

Budget (Dunedin), 38

Budget (New Plymouth), 91

O \J / J ' Budget and Taranaki weekly herald, 91

Buller miner, 144

Buller news, 145

Buller post, 82

Buller times, 144

Bulletin (Auckland), 7

Bulletin (Invercargill), 63

Bulls roarer and Tutaenui skunk, 22

Bush advocate, 35

Busy bee, 7

Canterbury argus, 25

Canterbury news, 107

Canterbury standard (1854-1866), 25

Canterbury standard (1881-?), 26

Canterbury times, 26

Central Hawke's Bay press, 126 Z'’ ~ I II 1. _ I _ n - . . „

Central Hawke's Bay review, 126

j - j Charleston argus, 24

Charleston herald, 24

Charleston news (Charleston), 24

Charleston news (Westport), 145

Cheviot news, 24

Christchurch guardian, 29

Christchurch star, 26

Christchurch star-sun, 26

1 5 1

Auckland and Thames leader, 4

Christchurch times, 26

Clutha County gazette, 32

Clutha leader, 19

Ciutha times, 20

Colonist (Dunedin), 39

Colonist (Nelson), 87

Coromandel and Mercury Bay gazette, 98

Coromandel County news, 33

Coromandel mail, 34

Coromandel news, 34

Coromandel news and peninsular gazette, 33

Coromandel sun : Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay gazette, 34


Critic (Christchurch), 2

Critic (Wellington, 1899), 131

Critic (Wellington, 1925-19307), 135

Cromwell argus, 34

Daily advertiser, 125

Daily advertiser and southern league, 38

Daily advertiser and Wellington register, 131

Daily commercial news and shipping register, 131

Daily mail, 58

Daily news (Dunedin), 39 Daily news (Invercargill), 64

Daily news (New Plymouth), 91

Daily press, 36

Daily southern cross, 8 Daily telegraph (Dunedin), 39

Daily telegraph (Napier) , 82

Daily telegraph (Waihi), 124 Dannevirke advocate, 35

Dannevirke evening news, 36

Dargaville news, 36

Democrat (Dunedin), 47

Democrat (Wellington), 131

Despatch, 61

Despatch : Thames and Ohinemuri observer, 120

Devonport gazette and greater North Shore advocate, 38

Devonport news, 38

Dominion, 132

Dunedin advertiser and business directory, 39

Dunedin leader, 39

Dunstan news and Wakatip advertiser, 47

Duns tan times, 32

East Coast gazette, 96 East Coast guardian, 96

East Coast mail and Wairoa gazette, 127

East Coast news and Waiapu County gazette, 123

East Coast press, 123

East Coast watch and Waiapu County advocate, 123

Eastbourne sun, 47

Echo (Auckland), 9

Echo (Christchurch), 28

Echo (Dunedin), 39

Echo (Wellington), 132

Eden express, 9

Eden gazette, 9

Egmont settler, 114

Egmont star, 59

Eketahuna express, 47

Ellesmere guardian, 73

Eltham argus, 48

Era, 132

Evening argus, 132

Evening bell, 4

Evening chronicle, 132

Evening echo, 3

Evening herald (Dunedin), 41

Evening herald (Gisborne), 50

Evening herald (Wanganui), 129

Evening independent, 39

Evening mail (Christchurch), 28

Evening mail (Oamaru), 94

Evening mail (Thames), 121

Evening mail and Port Chalmers express, 40

Evening news (Auckland), 9

Evening news (Christchurch), 28

Evening news (Dannevirke), 36

Evening news (Dunedin, 7-18647), 40

Evening news (Dunedin, 1876-1878), 40

Evening news (Dunedin, 1876-1879), 40

Evening news and East Coast business advertiser, 117

Evening news and Hawke's Bay advertiser, 83

Evening post, 132

Evening press, 133

Evening standard (Temuka), 119

Evening star (Auckland), 6

Evening star (Dunedin), 40

Evening star (Greymouth), 55

Evening star (Hokitika), 61

Evening star (Thames), 121

Evening telephone, 9

Evening times, 40

Evening times and advertiser, 112

Evening tribune, 40

Everybody's weekly news, 83

Examiner (Nelson), 88

Examiner (Woodville), 149

Express telegram, 20


Facts, 49

Featherston inuenendent, 48

Feilding guardian, 48

Feilding star, 48

Forbury news, 38

Franklin & Pukekohe times, 105

Franklin times, 105

Free lance, 135

Free press, 20

Freeman's journal, 12

General advertiser, 9

Geraldine County chronicle, 122

Geraldine guardian, 49

Gisborne courier, 50

Gisborne herald, 50

Gisborne standard and Cook County gazette, 50

Gisborne times, 51

Globe (Christchurch), 29

Globe (Dunedin), 41

Golden age, 127

Golden Bay argus, 33

Golden Bay news, 115

Golden Bay times, 115

Goldfield's advocate, 70

Gore standard, 53

Greater Wellington chronicle, 133

Grey River argus, 54

Greymouth evening star, 55

Guardian (Dunedin), 44

Guardian (Kaitaia), 69

Guardian (Wellington), 133

Guardian and Canterbury advertiser, 29

Guardian and evening star, 61

Hamilton courier and Waikato district weekly, 57

Hastings evening star, 58

Hastings standard, 58

Hastings star, 58 Hauraki Plains gazette, 99

Hauraki tribune and County of Ohinemuri advertiser, 99

Havelock mail, 59

Hawera & Normanby star, 59

Hawera morning post, 59

Hawera star, 59

Hawke's Bay daily mail, 58

Hawke's Bay herald, 84

Hawke's Bay herald-tribune ,58

Hawke's Bay times, 85

Hawke's Bay tribune, 58

Hawke's Bay weekly courier, 86

Hawke's Bay weekly times, 86

Hokianga County times and northwestern representative, 71

Hokianga herald, 71

Hokianga star, 71

Hokianga times, 71

Hokianga times and north-western representative, 71

Hokioi o Nui-Tireni, e rere atu na, 93

Hokitika advertiser and general goldfields' advertiser, 61

Hokitika chronicle, 61

Hokitika daily news, 61

Hokitika evening star, 61

Hokitika guardian, 61

Horowhenua chronicle, 73

Horowhenua daily chronicle, 73

Horowhenua review, 73

Hot lakes chronicle, 112

Hot lakes weekly chronicle, 113

Huia tangata kotahi, 59

Hunterville express, 63

Huntly press and district gazette, 63

Hutt and Petone chronicle, 102

Hutt news, 74

Hutt Valley independent, 124

Illustrated examiner : summary for England, 88

Illustrated New Zealand herald, 41

Illustrated New Zealand news, 41

Illustrated New Zealander, 41

Illustrated press, 29

Inangahua herald, 107

Inangahua times, 109

Inglewood record and Waitara age, 63

Inglewood record and Waitara news, 63

Inglewood times and County chronicle, 63

Invercargill times, 65

Jack Blunt : the voice of the man in the street, 9

Jacksons Bay chronicle, 67

John Bull's register, 9

Jubilee, 128

Jubilee herald, 142

Kaiapoi record (1909-1929?), 6

Kaiapoi record (1937-1939), 67

Kaikoura herald and East Coast advertiser, 68

Kaikoura star, 68

Kaikoura sun, 68

Kaipara advertiser and Waitemata chronicle, 61

Kaipara and Waitemata echo, 61

Kamo & Hikurangi echo, 147

Kaponga courier, 69


Kaponga mail and district advertiser, 69

Karere Maori or Maori messenger, 9

Karere o Nui Tireni, 10

Karere o Poneke, 133

Karori and Northland mail, 133

Kawhia settler and Raglan advertiser, 70

Kimbolton times, 71

King Country chronicle, 119 Konga-peke-e-maha, 119

Kopuru bell, 37

Korimako (Akarana), 10

Korimako (Opotiki), 96

Korimako hou, 96

Kumara times, 72

Labour, 15

Lake County press, 1

Lake Wakatip mail, 105

Lantern, 62

Leader (Auckland), 13

Leader (Hokitika), 62

Leader (Upper Hutt), 124

Levin and Manakau express and Horowhenua County advertiser, 73

Levin chronicle, 73

Levin daily chronicle, 73

Levin times, 74

Liberty, 29

Little 'un, 117

Lowry Bay buster, 133

Luminary, 70

Lyell argus, 74

Lyell argus and Matakitaki advertiser, 74

Lyell times and Central Buller gazette, 75

Lyttelton chronicle and Peninsula news, 75

Lyttelton times, 26

Magnet, 41

Mail (Coromandel), 34

Mail (Thames), 120

Manawatu daily evening times, 101

Manawatu daily standard, 100

Manawatu daily times, 101

Manawatu evening standard, 100

Manawatu farmer and Horowhenua County

chronicle, 73

Manawatu herald, 49

Manawatu standard, 100

Manawatu times, 101

Manawatu times weekly edition, 101

Manawatu weekly times, 101

Mangaweka settler, 76

Mangonui County times and northern representative, 69

Manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer, 9

Manukau advocate, 95

Manukau gazette, 95

Manukau news, 11

Manukura : Maori recorder, 11 Manukura : te reo o nga morehu, 11

Maori messenger : ko te karere Maori 9

Maori messenger :te karere Maori, 11

Maoriland worker, 139

Mareikura, 55

Marlborough daily times, 20

Marlborough express, 21

Marlborough express. Express telegram, 20

Marlborough express weekly edition, 22

Marlborough herald, 22

Marlborough news and general advertiser, 20

Marlborough press, 103

Marlborough times, 20

Marlborough weekly news, 22

Marsden times and Whangarei County official gazette, 148

Martinborough star, 76

Matamata record, 80

Matamata review, 80

Mataura ensign, 53

Matuhi, 77

Mercury, 76

Milton mirror, 81

Mirror, 148

Monthly record : a summary of New Zealand news for home readers, 12

Morning advertiser (Auckland), 12

Morning advertiser (Nelson), 88

Morning herald, 41

Morning post (Timaru), 123

Morning post (Wellington), 133

Morning press, 148

Morning star, 41

Morrinsville star and Matamata gazette, 81

Mosquito 12

Mosquito (Gisborne), 50

Motueka herald and Waimea advertiser, 81

Motueka star, 82

Mt. Benger mail, 72, 113

Mount Ida chronicle, 87

Mourning press, 134

Murchison standard, 82

Napier evening star, 86

Napredak (progress), 12

Nelson advertiser and family

newspaper, 88


Nelson daily, 88

Nelson daily examiner, 88 Nelson daily times, 89

Nelson evening mail, 89

Nelson examiner, 88

Nelson spectator, 90

Nelson weekly examiner, 90

Nelson weekly news, 90

Nenthorn recorder and Uaikouaiti County press, 90

New Zealand advertiser, 134

New Zealand advertiser and Bay of Islands gazette, 114

New Zealand celt, 62

New Zealand colonist and Port Nicholson advertiser, 134

niwuuiouil au»Cl CXOCL , IJ4 New Zealand critic (1925-19307), 135

New Zealand critic (1934-7), 135

N.Z. forward : the voice of Labour in the south, 42

New Zealand free lance, 135

New Zealand freeman's journal, 12

New Zealand gazette, 1

New Zealand gazette and Britannia spectator, 135

New Zealand gazette and Wellington spectator, 135

New Zealand graphic, 1

New Zealand herald (Auckland), 12

New Zealand herald (Gisborne), 49

New Zealand herald and Auckland gazette, 13

N.Z. home pictorial, 13

• lioiuc pit lot iOi J X New Zealand lantern, 1

New Zealand leader

N.Z. life, 42

New Zealand mail, 136

New Zealand observer, 14

N.Z. pictorial news, 1

New Zealand protectionist, 14

New Zealand public opinion, sportsman and Saturday advertiser, 42

N.Z. Samoa guardian, 14

New Zealand Saturday advertiser, time-table and literary miscellany, 42

New Zealand spectator and Cook's Straits guardian, 136

New Zealand sun, 42

New Zealand Sunday news, 101

N.Z. tatler, 2

New Zealand times (1845-1927), 138

New Zealand times 11867), 140

N.Z. tit-bits, 128

N.Z. truth, 140

New Zealand watchman, 15

N.Z. worker, 15

New Zealand worker, 139

New Zealander, 1A1

New-Zealander, 15

New Zealand's European mail news, 141

News bulletin, 8i

News letter (Auckland), 16

News letter (Masterton), 78

Newton bulletin, 16

Newton echo, 16 Newton sun, 16

Newtown advocate, 141

Ngaruawahia advocate and counties' gazette, 93

Nokomai herald, 93

North Auckland age, 69

North Auckland press, 148

North Auckland times, 36

North Canterbury gazette, 106

North Canterbury independent and farmers chronicle, 67

North Canterbury news (1875-18767), 107

North Canterbury news (.1924-?), 107

North Canterbury news and farmers chronicle, 67

North Canterbury standard, 107

North Canterbury times, 29

North East Valley weekly advertiser, 42

North Marlborough advertiser, 59

North Otago standard, 93

North Otago times, 9

North Shore chronicle, 38

North Shore gazette, 38

North Shore news, 116

Northern advocate, 148

Northern advocate weekly, 149

Northern age, 69

Northern chronicle, 149 Northern luminary, 70

Northern mail, 149

Northern mail weekly, 149

Northern news, 6

Northern Wairoa gazette, 37

Northland age, 69

Northland tribune, 149 Northlander, 69

Oamaru mail, 94

Oamaru times, 93

Observer, 14

Ohakune times, Rangataua advocate and

Waimarino gazette, 95

Ohinemuri gazette, 99

Ohura advocate, 95

Ohura mail, 95

Ohura Valley gazette, 95 On guard, 76

Opotiki herald, 96

Opotiki news, 96

Opunake times, 96

Orepuki advertiser and western district advertiser, 96

Otago colonist, 39

Otago daily mail, 44

Otago daily times, 42


Otago guardian, 44

Otago liberal, 38

Otago mail, 44

Otago news, 45

Otago news letter, 45

Otago witness, 45

Otago workman, 38

Otahuhu dispatch, 97

f — > Otahuhu news, 97

Otaki mail, 97

Otautau farmer and Wallace County gazette, 97

Otautau standard and Wallace County chronicle, 97

Otira mail, 98

Otorohanga times, 98

Owaka news, 98

Oxford and Cust observer and Canterbury liberal, 98

Oxford observer and Canterbury democrat, 98

P.B. standard, 50

Pahiatua argus, 99

Pahiatua era, 99

Pahiatua herald, 99

Pahiatua star and Eketahuna advertiser, 100

Palmerston & Waikouaiti times, 100

Paraekaretu express, 63

Patea & Waverley press, 102

Patea County mail, 102

Patea County press, 102

Patea daily mail, 102

Patea mail, 102

Pelorus guardian and miners' advocate, 59

Pelorus news bulletin, 59

Peninsula weekly press, 120

Penny journal, 16

Penny post & general advertiser, 46

People 16

People (Wellington), 141

People's journal of New Zealand, 46

People's voice, 16

Pictorial New Zealander, 46

Pihoihoi mokemoke i runga i te tuanui, 118

Pio Pio post, 104

Platt's weekly, 141

Pleasant Point mail, 104

Ponsonby sentinel, 16

Popotunoa chronicle, 32

Port Chalmers independent, 104

Port Chalmers watch and shipping gazette, 104

Port Lyttelton herald and New Zealand shipping gazette, 75

Poverty Bay herald, 50

Poverty Bay independent, 30

Poverty Bay standard, 50

Press, 29

Progress, 57

Province, 82

Puke ki hikurangi, 23, 55

Pukekohe & Otahuhu times, 105

Pukekohe & Waiuku times, 105

Putaruru press, 105

Raglan County chronicle, 106

Rangiora record, 107

Rangitikei advocate and Manawatu argus, 76

Record, 106

Record : of public business and home interests, 20

Recorder, 97

Recorder and North Canterbury advertiser, 107

Red worker, 143

Reef ton courier and Inangahua advertiser, 109

Reef Lon guardian, 111

Reo o te ao, 128

Review, 80

Riverton times, 111

Rodney and Otamatea times, 131 Ross and Okarito advocate, 112

Ross evening news, 112

Ross guardian and Totara advertiser, 112

Ross mercury and Westland miner, 112

Ross news, 112

Rotorua chronicle, 113

Rotorua morning post, 113

Rotorua times, 113

Sandfly, 46

Saturday advertiser, time-table, and New Zealand literary miscellany, 42

Saturday advertiser, time-table, and New Zealand public opinion, 42

Saturday review of politics,

literature, philosophy, science, & art, 46

Searchlight, 141

Shannon news, 7 A

Skandia, 101

Sketch, 47

Social democrat, 16

Society, 30

South Auckland courier, 9

South Canterbury illustrated, 122

South Canterbury times, 122

South Canterbury weekly review, 119

Southern cross (Auckland), 8

Southern cross (Invercargill), 63

Southern league and daily advertiser 38

Southern mercury, 47


Southern news and Foveaux Straits' herald, 64

Southern standard, 53

Southland daily news, 64 Southland news, 64

Te Awarautu chronicle and Waipa observer, 118

Te Awamutu courier, 118

Te Puke times, 119

Te Rau weekly press, 51

Telegraph (.Christchurch), 28

Telegraph (.Napier), 87,

Telephone (1883-1885.), 51

Telephone (1895 1900),51

Temuka leader, 119

Teviot herald and Roxburgh district gazette, 113

Standard and North Canterbury guardian, 107

Star (Christchurch), 26

Stratford evening post, 114 Suburban review and Peninsula advertiser, 47

Sumner-Redcliffs herald, 30 Sun (Auckland), 16 Sun (Christchurch, 1895), 30

Sun (Christchurch, 1914-1935), 30

Sun (Wellington), 142

Thames advertiser, 120

Thames courier, 121

Thames exchange, miners' and merchants' directory, 121

Thames guardian and mining record, 121

Thames Hauraki advertiser, 121

Thames star, 121

Timaru & Gladstone gazette, 122

Tiraaru herald, 122

Timaru post, 123

Times iGisborne), 51

Times (Lyell), 75

Times (.Palmerston North), 1U1

Times and Thames miners' advocate, 121

Tiupiri ; Maori niu pepa, 128

Trades and labour chronicle, 31

Tribune (Auckland), 17

Tribune (Wellington), 132

Tribune : weekly issue, 142

Trumpeter and universal advertiser, 17

Truth (Christchurch), 28

Truth (.Wellington), 140

Tuakau and district times, i24

Tuapeka press, 72

Taraaki West recorder, 17

Tuapeka press and goldfields advocate, 72

Taniwha, 128

Tapanui courier, 116

Taranaki advertiser, 91

Tuapeka recorder (1896-1900?), 72

Taranaki central press, 114

Taranaki daily news, 91

Tuatapere guardian and Waiau district gazette, 124

Taranaki herald, 92

Taranaki weekly, 115

Tauraarunui press, 116

Tauranga argus and Opotiki recorder, 117

Upper Hutt leader,. 124

Upper Hutt weekly review, 124

Tauranga record and Bay of Plenty examiner, 117

Voice of labour, 7

Te Aroha & Ohinemuri news and Upper Thames advocate, 117

Xe \roha news, 117

Waihi miner and Hauraki goldfield gazette, 124

Te Aroha news and Upper Thames advocate, 117

Te Aroha times and Waiorongomai advocate, 118

Waihi telegraph, 124


Tomahawk, 62

Tuapeka recorder (1865-1867), 72

Tuapeka times, 73

Victoria times, 142

Waihi daily telegraph, 124

Tauranga advertiser, 117

Taranaki news, 91,92

Xamaki recorder, 17

Takitimu, 51

Takaka news, Coliingwood & Motueka advertiser, 115

Taihape times, 115

Taihape daily times, 115

Taihape & Waimarino news, 115

Taihape & Mangaweka news, 115

Taieri advocate, 81

Taffytown and GXasseye chronicle, 145

Table-talk, 66

Stratford courier, 114

Stewart Island chronicle, 94

Star-times, 82

Standard (Wellington), 141

Standard (.Murchison), 82

Standard (Gisborne), 50

Spectator (Christchurch), 30

Spectator (.Auckland), 16

Southiander, 66

Southland times. 65

Waikaia herald, 124

Waikato advocate, 23

Waikato argus, 57

Waikato independent, 23

— ~ r - — ~ > Waikato mail, 23

Waikato times, 57

, — . Waikouaiti & Shag Valley herald, 60

Waikouaiti herald, 60

Waimarino and Ohakune times, 95

“ > Waimarino County call, 106

Waimate advertiser, 125

Waimate daily advertiser, 125

Waimate times, 125

Waimate witness, 75

Waimea Plains review and market report, 111

Waipa post, 118

Waipawa mail, 126

Waipukurau press, 126

Wairarapa age, 78

Wairarapa daily, 78

Wairarapa daily news, 23

Wairarapa daily times, 78

Wairarapa free press, 78

Wairarapa journal, 55

Wairarapa leader, 23

Wairarapa mercury, 55

Wairarapa news and Valley and East Coast advertiser, 79

Wairarapa observer, 23

Uairarapa register, 78

Wairarapa standard, 55

Wairarapa star, 78

Wairarapa times-age, 79

Wairarapa Valley guardian, 24

Wairarapa weekly, 79

Wairarapa weekly observer and east and west coast advertiser, 24

Wairau record and Marlborough advertiser, 22

Wairoa bell, 37

Wairoa guardian, 127

Wairoa star, 127

Waitangi tribune, 125

Waitara evening mail and Clifton County chronicle, 127

Waitara press and Taranaki advertiser, 127

Waitemata County messenger, 38

Waitemata messenger, 38

Waitemata news, 17

Waitemata post, 17

Waiuku advocate and Franklin County chronicle, 127

Waiuku news and Franklin County gazette, 127

Uaka Maori o Ahuriri, 52

Waka Maori o Aotearoa, 52

Waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 52

Waka o te iwi, 17

Wananga, 86

Wanganui chronicle, 128

Wanganui chronicle (weekly), 130

Wanganui herald, 129

Wanganui record, 130

Wanganui times, 130

Watchman, 15

Weekly advertiser, 31

Weekly argus, 55

Weekly budget, 47

Weekly chronicle, 130

Weekly despatch, 66

Weekly graphic and New Zealand mail 17

Weekly herald (.Auckland), 18

Weekly herald (Wanganui), 130

Weekly herald (Wellington, 18871893?), 142

Weekly herald (Wellington. 19091912), 143

Weekly Marlborough express, 22

Weekly mercury and Hawke's Bay advertiser, 86

Weekly news (Auckland 1861-1877) , 18

Weekly news (Auckland, 1877- ), 18

Weekly news (.Invercargill), 66

Weekly news and weekly herald, 18

Weekly observer, 24

Weekly Ouehunga independent and districts advertiser, 95

Weekly press, 31

Weekly standard, 19

Weekly star and Wellington distric advertiser, 79

Weekly times, 66

Weekly tribune, 142

Wellington advertiser, 143

Wellington citizen, 143

Wellington free press, 143

Wellington independent, 138

Wellington journal, 143

Wellington weekly mercury, 143

West Coast mail, 9

West Coast standard, 55

West Coast times, 62

Western star, 112

Westland chronicle, 62

Westland observer, 63

Westport advertiser, 145

Westport daily times and Charleston argus, 146 ~ t i

Westport evening star, 14b

Westport news, 145

Westport star, 146

Westport times, 146

Westport times and Butter express, 146

Westport times and evening star. 144

Westport times & star, 144

Whakatane beacon, 147

Whakatane County press, 147


Whakatane press, 14

Whakatane times and Opouriao advocate, 147

Workers' weekly, 143

Wyndham farmer, 150

Uhangarei comet and northern advertiser, 148

Wyndham herald, 150

Whangarei County press, 148 Uhetu o te tau, 19

Yeoman, 130

Uinton record, 149

Wonderland gazette and Rotorua times, 113

Zeal andia, 19

Woodville examiner. 149

Zora : the dawn, 19

P. I). Hasselberg. Government Printer. Wellington. New Zealand—l9Bs

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Bibliographic details

APA: Harvey, D. R. (Douglas Ross). (1985). Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940 : preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand. National Library of New Zealand.

Chicago: Harvey, D. R. (Douglas Ross). Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940 : preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand. Wellington, N.Z.: National Library of New Zealand, 1985.

MLA: Harvey, D. R. (Douglas Ross). Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940 : preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand. National Library of New Zealand, 1985.

Word Count


Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940 : preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand Harvey, D. R. (Douglas Ross), National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z., 1985

Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940 : preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand Harvey, D. R. (Douglas Ross), National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z., 1985

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