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Thk usual monthly meeting of the above body w,is held at the boards office on Monday afternoon. Present : Crs. Houghton (chairman), Lewis, Hewitt, Hughes and Gillett. . , FoorrATH, Brycertrket.— Mr Mernck applied to hive the footpxt'i on the cast »ide of Bryce-street foinied between Queen street and Alpha-street.— Cr. Lewis thouerht there wrie other works more necessary than this. He would propose it be not done at present. —Cr. Hewitt said the surfaceman could do what w as wanted, and the work was much needed. He would propose thnt the Hin faceuiiin be authon-ud to do it. People could not get out of their homes to church at night in wet weather. About £2 would do the work.— Cr. Hughes thought pioent in view of tho foiuution of Chapel street, which had been standing over long enough.— On the suggestion of the chairman, both motion and amendment were withdi.uvn, and it was instead agreed that Cm. Houghton and Lewis should view the woik and report at the next met'ting of the bo.ud. Mas Thomsons Tiwm.— Catheune Thomson wrote stating that during the construction of the Karapiro bridge thr engineer, Mr Hoskinrj, had borrowed liur trolly cm the understanding she would get fid a day for its use. She had neither got trolly nor remuneration for its use, and now claimed £5 10s as recompense.— Matter de-ferr-d until next meeting for inquiry. AvoTHhK Footpath.— Mr Mynott wrote asking to have the footpath formed in front of his property in Hall-street.— Matter referred to Cis. Houghton and Lew is to reportupon. Hvmiltov Ro\d Formation Contjiut. The contractors, Brockl^shv and C<> wrote a long letter pointing out that through an en or on thepait of the enpin- . , they had experienced a hn.s on the .il.ovi contract to the extent <>f £22.— They u.-ked the boud to recoup them tins sum.— Mr Gwynneth, C.E., who wa« piesent, pointed out tliat the lo»s was solely attributable to the contractors themselves. — After a very spirited discussion on tho matter as to who was to blame, and as t> hether the lo*asses^cd by tho cnntiactois should be icfund.d by the boai d, tho further consideration of the subject was adjourned till Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Chu'F.i, struct. — A deputation consisting of Messrs Ashei, McVeagh and Carnachan attended and enquired why the board had not proceeded with this wo»k i according to promise. The necessary in deinnity had been feigned by the property-holders and was at present in the board's possession, and notwithstanding the work was yet untouched.— Mr McVeagh thought the board yvafe just resorting to a little bit of shuffling. They did not intend to do this work.— Cr. Lewis took exception to a inenibt:r of tho deputation using, such language. Had nc\er heard of such unwarranted impertinence.—The Chairman explained to the deputation that tho indemnity of the. piopeitv holders was just about to be considered when the whole matter would be definitely, and he hoped satisfactorily disposed of.— The deputation then withThe inciting then adjourned till three o'clock on Tuesday. , The board met again at thiee o clock on Tuesday, when Cr". Houghton, (chairruau) Hewitt, Lewis, and Uillett were The matter of the Brocklesby and Co's claim was bi ought forward for disposal— Cr. Hewitt uiged that tho 10. of the men should be made good in some <vay. The error of calculation was not theirs, and he did not see why they should suffer for the errors of other people. He agreed with the view taken by othei liu'inbeis, that the precedent would be a bad one to establish, for if they made good the loss in this tu.'-e, so also would they be asked to make it good in others. He tiusted the brn-i w-niM f iv'W'hlv ''m(-mHim tV [nopi>~al. He would pinpo'C that th>'\ receive a. gift of £10.— Ui. Lewis felt very ir uch for the unfortunate eonti.tetois who, theie could be no doubt, had experienced a very c n;stdeiahle loss. He should like t<> see them compensated in some way, but how that compunction was to be effee t<;d -from whom it was t>> come — to his mind another thing entirely. Vsa membei of the bodid, however, he could not see how they could make good the deficiency. To establish such a precedent would be very wrong indeed. Thoy would have other contractors coming on them with a like claim. He would bo very happy to subscribe his quota- of tho loss to which these men had been subjected.— Cr. Houghton was of Uib same opinion. He thoioughly sympathised with tho contractors, but lie could not see how the board could possibly iecognise their claim. If the loss were to be made good, it could only be done by subscription.— Cr. Hewitt's motion not being seconded fell through.— lt was then agreed that the amount certified to by the engineer (£2.S) be paid. Mhckiximsovs. —Mr Thomson was reappointed dog registrar and valuer. Vicruui* SriiKKT.— No steps having yet boen taken to form the east side of Vic tori.i-street from Taylors gate to the town belt, it was agreed to interview Mr J. B. Whyte on the matter. Nmv Imi'Olnuino Arr. — A committee was appointed to report upon tho improvements required by this act, and the working of the act geneially. „.,«»., O\ mnuvn'. — The cleik stated that tho owfcrdraft of the board at present was ±1000 8s Gd. , , . This was oil the business.

London pedestrians arc well acquainted with the appearance of the " sandwich " men with their advertisement; boards, and now it seems tfiat girls in ueat costumes are to be utilised for a similar purpose, as several of them have lately been parading the thoroughfares between High Holborn and tliu Stiand In some parts of Germany boxes are placed in the cafe's for the onda of cigars cut off by smokeia, and these aie collected and sold each Christmas on behalf of the funds of a Society established for the purpose of supplying new clothing to poor children. The iuiii thus realised in one year amounts to something like £1200, which shows how lorgely smoking \i practised iv Coimauy.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1954, 15 January 1885, Page 3

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CAMBRIDGE TOWN BOARD. Waikato Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1954, 15 January 1885, Page 3

CAMBRIDGE TOWN BOARD. Waikato Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1954, 15 January 1885, Page 3