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Hiironlui! llic frihs tin, I ~„|ii,>> 111,-1,1 . M ipain IJiißwoil lij i:,ii nniiriUl lii' win ; llorc Trull' Imr i;l riuiHiiro-Miitsuru, Ple'lfeil to Rclifimi l.ilurty, a>:.l I.i.w

[n ft fi'W hours from thn potmiiii; of llioso linos tlm yiiir niiiotf-on liiiitilrr-.l nwl four will have gone ilswuy into thn uiwl<ei , < iiblo p'ist, i!ml 11 niiw yinir will h"ivn dawned upon IK Apropos, it l* «i'iilify ini; to bo uljlt In any (lint llio twelve months Tfhich an dnwin" to n c'ihi hiivc bufui ))i':iperoiH uik.-i (or tlw colony. Thoro is no boiler proof of this thin I In; fiiet Ih'il bn'.ino-is in nil pun of Nr,\v Zuiilnnd durios; the pnH v/ijcl; or two h;\', biiuil llinjnrallnlpil in activity, siiowing ihit tlm spendin» power of thn pi'oplo Ims I'Beii «feat indeed. In ill briinrJius of tiulj in bo:ii inl'inilsllm v.'roipi iniiy bi' iiiiiimoi up in four w>r It —busy uii'l piuspcrons tiiOL-f. In ihc oiont.7 ili3iricn good pr'eos hiivu been rul/Tg for nil pro'■tet«, and the dtniimd is unabated. It is

true llint in tho Soulh Island the export of frozrii meal, butttr and carnnls lor iho putt nine months shows a (alii g off as compared with tho exports ol ! ii; In.t H? ngiiiim this there is to bo takon into ivcount tho recant incrcaru of population ] mi Hi" consequent incroaio of local demands. We also find that althongh ihn export of frozen meitwas smaller this year, tho vnluo was greater than (nr largor ■"hipmsnti in previous fears, proving tint the prices are woll mainUinod in the Home Country. It is plowing to loam New Zealand hunter is taking precedence over all other Inrters on sale in the Homo markets, and tlut our proluctisso well liko.l that tho agon' of a foreign huMor company admits that ho

■liiunut compute against it, an I ii d'jp-irr. iii» from Britain to soek new fields. The wool clip has not only bean exceptionally good, but owoptionally high prices have been g.r. for i», and even 'imv tho demand il so keen '.hat growers are not waiting (or tho mirkot, but arc Rollin" privately at high prices, ft lias of course to ha adniittod that in some of the banks tho withdrawals have been heavy; that monoy is therefore tight; and that as nconsequence the hunks hnvo raised tho interest, But this is only another uvlicilion of tho general prosperity, for it shows that imlnooinonts ouside the banks aro offottng for prolitablo invßsttncnt, and lhat people with money aro taking due advantage of tho splendid opportunities. The scheme of opening up tho country lor close sottlcmcnt-a scl-eni'i that is likely soon to be adopted in Australia-has boon carried on with vigour during the year. The Wamamata Estate, which up to a few weoks ago

bus la ; n in idleness, is now lo't'd with ilio houß't o( settlers, is (i notable ami tlio latest cxumplp d! tlio l).:iv.'lits o( land seliloment Settlement of tlio ottntry is naturally followed by an impetus b business in town*, for it is ((Din tlio towns ths. nil

supplies come. In gold minini! thero is film ft Rood rocord. Wo find thai for tlio cloven months of the year I'm export of go'd Walled £1,875,481, as agiiust JH,BII,WO for thtj olovon month l ! of tlio previous year, and for tlio wholo twjlvo ramtln may constitute a record 'or thirty-ono years, which is held by tlio export of last year, Tlio industry throughout the two Islands, more particularly the North, isexpanling, ind th" year just upon the eve of r-lis'iig has seen development" in wine of 'ho tint give promise (if fulfilling •he expectations of ho most laiiguine supporters of tlio industry. To conn to mv own goldliolds—Thamoj and Waihi•.lioi's is liltlo ground for dissat'laciioii, On the oontrary, wo havo rGason to congratulate ourselves on tlio advancement tlio indus't'V his male; and the pyosiMit condition of mining points 'o still greate' progress, with probabilities that take us back thirty»four years, 'lio time when tlio Thames made hisaory that wilj not bo f option by minors for »m \t itions to com', Tlio recent development in tlio Waiotahi initio on that onoo famous field loads ono to tlio hopo that history will reDoat itsolf. Tlio development of the mines ■n Waihi has the poopla in tho plucs tbo fnllo-'t confidence in tho fn(tiro of the groat industry, and thoir conlidencoisjustili'd. In no year in tho history of tlio field havo tho indications of tho perinanoncy of tho field boon sj protiouiiccd m m 1004, Wo refer to the continued improvement in the roofs in iie lowor levels if tho Wiii' mi no, fid to tho satisfactory dovolopiaont in the G-rand Junction and W.iihi Ejicudtid mines. Tie intersection ol a well defined reef only 500 feet from tho surface, and tbo knowledge that tho roof is an extension of tho great rci of tho W tilti mine, says a deal fur tho fu'iiro of the industry on this field, Nor is tin improvement confined <a the Thatms and Ohinemuri fields. It is in ovidonoa throughout tho 'iatiraki l'oninsuU, Sida by side with tlio progress of tho gol 1 industry has been the spread of soiontifio knowledge in minim.', and improvomonis in tho methods of treating ores. Tho given to Schools of Minos Ihronglioiit tho wholo district has boon satisfactory, and tho encouragement is justified by the work porformed in theso institutions, a work of matorial assistance to tlioso engaged in tho industry, Our local School of Minus has hud a successful year, mil tho results, as will have been seou by 'he examinations during tho twclvo months, havo been encouraging and sa'isfaot'iry to all concerned. Locally, tho your has boon a good ono. In nil parts of Waihi thure urn signs of steady progress, Buildings have ineroasod and multiplied, and iho population is advancing so mp'tlly that tho supply of suitable houses is short of tho demand, l'ocplo who nvo roiurning after an absence of twelve uioiitin or over are struck with thoini-

provements mado in tho town, notably tho lino borough chambers, tho lire brigade siaiion, tho bum! rotunda, the now nml handsome shop-i, tho street fonu'ition wnl moialhm,-, mid ihe orcct'on of a belter class of roßiilonceti than Waih bus hithetto boon used to. Those are uh impiovomonU tlmt ilenoto tho mid Btability of tho town, and are cycopenera to thoio who rotiirn to iib. Tlicro is ovnry prospect l hat lliocoining yonr will be as prosperous as liio otto tlmt is now closing, For tho coming yoar there uro indications tlmt tho good time will continue, 'the successful lloatingof tho Now Zealand loin is an assurance tlmt public worki mid land settlement will bo pushed on with reasonable vigour. I hero is also nn indicntion tlmt our trade with tho Uotlrr Country, thanks to tho grading of our produce lor export and the energy of our agents abroad, will funhor dnyolop, and that by tho end of 1905 tho colony will havo a still higher name as a producer of marketable goods, In the fullest luitic of this, wc wish our roaib'rs A Happy Nkw Ykak.

The Daily TiiiiKoiiAPU will net bo published on Monday next. Mr. St. CI ih'McD.wild, foreman nfllio engineers'simp at iho Nn. 2 shall of th" Waihi Golduiinin;; Company, who is Itviving the company's em|:loy in take charge of an engineers' chop in Auckland, was tho niher day priwni -d by his fidlnwworkmen with a handsome iniei\ini">pr and a set of callipers, The presentation was made by Mr, J. Henderson in the workshop.

Killn sliofjiug matches commence At , he Penrose )ln»fl on Monday mid concludo \ he followil; day, Oaptnin Heady and i nventl otlifl members of the locnl corps \ eft this ißmini; to take put in tlio lmtclies, B The WaH Beach United Gold Miniiiß Ji)iii|)iiny Hito tomlois (of sinkiiii; mid amborinfJßhaft lilG font more or loss, l'hc cnmißi will supply the timber mid lo the wiihTii», mid the coiHvnclurs are lo f'lrnish bncnmoii. Tenders will close with the ni'innjjor, Mr R. McDonald Scott, on 10th .1 miliary. Mrs EventiDii, who was no seriously injured by a buojiy nsciilont- while proeecd. ins '3 Hie Bowontown Heads on Tuesday hist, announce that in consequence of hor slate of health since the aceident she is coinpelli'd to retire from the conduct of tlio Strand Dinin» Rooms, and offers the rooms fors'ilr, or she will lew ilirin, Mr-s. l'jven«cu is anil sufl'erin<,' considerably from tlip effects of tiie accident. "Vickotcrs and other frionds are reminded that a coach will le:ivo Filling's corner on morning at S o'clock for Kutikati, whero tlio annual cricket mutch between Wnilii and flint township will ho | played, Those who accompany the team can witness the match and enjoy a plea- i saut outing besides, As there are only a | limited nnnbrr of seats, applicants should interview Mr. Wallnutt at his office this evening. ■ Mr. R, 11. Holmes'young son Roy sot a severe fall from his pony the other day, resulting in the dislocation of his vi«lu ilbow, He was galloping, when the pony suddenly stopped dead, and the boy was shot oyer his bond. This, his father say, is abo'tt the lentil spill the boy has li-ul, 'litl* in spiln of warnings and frequent ilimbics, tlio youngster persists in ridini; the por.y at a gallop whenever opportunity offers,

it is interesting to note tho comparisons in llio deaths, births, ami marriages in Wnilii lor the your just clnsinj; with those of llie ycnr previous. l''or this information wo are iiideh'"il to our (isicenied postmaster, Mr Mann. Dmins the year 190:! the ro»istPr shows 2M birth-', fil uV-.iths unci 27 mariners During 11)01 tboro •.v<ro 22:! births. -IG dniillis find 43 marriages, I 1 will be noticed 'hut during tbo p:is: year there was a sli»ht decrease in th" birtlii and (lenlhs, and lnr«e incr nse in mar: lines, r.s compared with llie previnis year.

To-morrows church service" arc advertised as follows: At the Primitive. Methodist Church Mr. Toy will conduct tho mornim; service, his s.ihjeei being " Vain Thought--, 1 ' and in llio evening the Eov, SoHibern's subject will be'' l'uving Opportiinties," Services nt llie Presbyterian Church will he conducted bv Ficv. iVatt, of To Arniia, morning and evening. Pastor Perry ivill conduct hodi morning mid. evening services m ihe Paptisi OlmHi. At tho W.ialev Ohuivh t!'.« subject in (he morning wi'l he " Out and In," and in iho ovening " Ktoeli-taliing," Uev. l). 0. Harrison being ibe preacher,

On the occasion of Messrs. James Inglis and Robert Stone severing their connec-' tion with tho Wnilii fiold Mining Compuny, with whom lliey hive boon engaged as eiirponlers for tho pis! ton years and six years respectively, a (arewcll social was tendered to tln-in by their friends, The proHramni" included songs and musical item-' cmiirihniid by Messrs,], Tbompson, T. T) ; ekson, ,1. lien derson, .1, Morillean, .1. Goar I, li. .1 • > I'. J Tlart, mid V. Cumin.' During an interval in the evening tho chairman, Mr J, Henderson, on behalf of their fellow employees presented the guests with gifts as tokens of esiecm, Mr Inglis receiving a case ofsilvormotmtod pipes, tobacco pouch find cigar case, tho la'ter being suitably inscribed, and Mr Stone was Ibe recipient of a handsome saddle and brid'n. Doth gentlemen expressed thanks for, and appreciation of, the valuable (jifis. A pleasant evening lerminaiod with tbo singing of " Auld Lang Syno."

It thorp is anything in tho suggoslion of W. L. 0. Williams, Hint llm dijcnso now nff"clin« 'ho potatoes grown around Auckland wns brought from the fjmith, then (■wvs thn Obsnrvnr) tho embargo placed upon our crops is Iho veriest farce. In any case, growers who have tukon steps In kfipp thoir crops plpiiii lmvo linen treated with scum consideration. Hundreds of pounds htivo boon spent in the district in tho spraying of potatoes, generally with cor.ipHn success, At iho very least tho provident, should lmvo been given tho opportunity to prove llm l his pittiouliir crop was tinbliglneil, an 1 in ilint oaso allowed to send it to ihn wider market in the South, Flownvcr, Anclelaud is gotling used in this kind of d'iYo reniial troalm°nt by the authorities, Who cm forgot its experience during thopligiie -•cares, for instance?

A bolt down Main- front this morning of n litdo Shetland puny atinchcd io a twowheeler occasioned some excitement. Tho pony started from the upper end of ihn street, and dished along i'. Nt, as a by slander remarked, the rate of ii tiro engine, Tlio unpin" pony disap ponrrd our ol silo along liroadw.y, and covered two milos or moro before it was pullod up, Yestorday morning tho high wind at Howcutnwn, which later increased ti ut tj'ilr-, and the consequent big sea which resulted in Bow mown harbour, was the cause of a bna'ing aceitlen;, which very nonrly occasioned loss of life Two liro'hers named Markwick, ono of whom is tho sccroinrynf the regatta being h>dl thorn to-day, sot on; in a rowing boat from tho bay, intending to pull across the cstuarv, at a poi-'t a milo or two from the I'litrance nt iho heads, to ihn npfo-ite slinre, Mataltana, for tho purpose of bringing back two pcoplo who were wailing on Matakwi for a rct'irn passage to the bay. Tho tido wis running out, and Ilia wind, which was rapidly strengthening into a ■■, we.-* ahn st dead against them, Tnoy had got about tuudo from the bay, when ll was perceived bv those watching on shoro that, the craft was m danger of being swamped, The men cotl d be seen pulling with desperate energy, and shurtly after, by some mischance, the boat got broadside on to I'm sea, mid thn next momeni turned turtle, •Htor a brief struggle in tho water both nion succeeilod in clambering on to tho bottom of iho bunt, Messrs. Leech Urns', oil launch, which had only a short time before roiurned to the bay from n fishing excursion. With as little delay us possible site slipped her moorings and sioained oil' io ihc rescue. The wind and tide wore so strong that tho launch was obliged to resort to the use of her sails, and in order lo ilTclivcly use the latter sho had to lake a zigzag course. Even with the combination odor engine and sails the progress of tho launch was so slow ilnit the w.ilchors on shore feared she would mil reach iho men in tune. Mean while the upturned boat and llm men wi'i'o being rapidly swopt tilling with the current (j towards tlio month ol the harbour and out to tho sea, From the vantage point on Ihn headland a large iimnhurof campers anxiously w t di-d ' tho progruas of the lauiiidi. Kvtn now i and iig'iin the boat would disapp-nr I'm in ! tho view of ihose on slior;i. From ilir j tmi'i the Imineb 'eft to go to the! rc'suuo io the lime -ho lYftehcd them over bull' an hour had elap cd, and at lite moment llm men were prise,i . Up they were just enti rmg the me row en ; iiv.nw! where I in; citrreiit 'run sabout seven' miles an hour, AVhon pieced up, the men were in a urns: exnau-.vd condition through being waves, Uiid tin; laillleli not boeii tv.iitnlil.> there was no boal in the be.y ibat oouhL hove lived in the mai, and cotiscnuontlvf the men must have boou ilrownot;

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1212, 31 December 1904, Page 2

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THE Waihi Daily Telegraph WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE WAIHI MINER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1904 Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1212, 31 December 1904, Page 2

THE Waihi Daily Telegraph WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE WAIHI MINER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1904 Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1212, 31 December 1904, Page 2