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Tub question of how far "under the influence" persons should be before they may safely be said to be intoxicated has neycr been settled satisfactorily to all con. cerned. There are very few outside the temperance circle who can be found to agree on the point. The definitions so far recorded would (ill a volume bigger than the biggest dictionary, and as tim« goes oil iliey will probably fill a library. It is noteworthy that Waihi has furnished a definition as novel as any proceeding it or is likoly to follow it. The definition, as reported yesterday, is simply that if a person alleged to be intoxicated can keep 011 a straight line tor three paces, and articulate ''truly rural" distinctly, he is a sober individual, Wo aro not sure that tho definition will be accepted by tho world as a solution of tho problem, and aro inclined to think that the arresting constables hold tho same opinion now in respect of the accused as before it was given l But it scales another niche in tho fame of Waihi, Wo have a strong reputation as a peoplo of original notions, which shows that in jtimping.into famo we are not depending on quartz heaps, There are great|possibilities in store for the chalk line and " truly rural" tests. X demand for chalk will now set in as a matter of course, Persons of bibulous tendencies will require to have it in readiness in case of arrest; and chalk lines throe paces long will perhaps now be features 011 the floors of hotel bars and 011 footpaths in front of hotel buildings, and also 011 the floor of tho lock-up, They aro all handy places for tho chalk-line test. Thero will also be a run 011 medicos who keep chalk in stock and who can articulate" truly rural" without dislocation of the jaw. And bibulous persons are likely now to go into bard training for mastery of thf> "truly rural" teßt. We prophesy that in cases of arrest it will bo no uncommon tiling for the person arrested to resort to the second test when the lirst fails, and tbatjas thu policeman take*, hiin in his judicial embrace he will bring his training into use and hurl "truly rural" at linn as distinctly as an orator. In view of tha decision yes. terday there would be no use arrest.

itig him, anil release would follow, The famous definition of Sir Robert Stout, that a man is not drunk as long aa he can ask for drink, lias been quoted hundrodsof times since he gavo it years ago, and was quoted yesterday by the artful counsel for defendant, Put Sir Robert with people half as far gone as the condition of spoecliltisa

drunkenness, and he would promptly alter his opinion. If the police arrestod for drunkenness only those persons in the stage Sir Robert indicates, hundred of deal lis would occur in the colony every year from exposure. It seems to us that members of professions are no better than any other class at telling when a person is drunk, As good an opinion of drunkenness would be givon by a child in one of the schools as numbers we have heard, including Sir Robert's, lint the definitions are increasing daily,

and we are not sorry that Waihi has furnished one, It is well to be in the fashion, and the chalk-line and " truly rnral" tests are as good as thousands which have gone before them. The" truly rural" test is not so hard as the alliterative one, " Throo green geese in a green Geld grazing," or "A lump of red leather, a redjlcather lump," or even " She saw soa shells," but in this kind of test doctors as a rule are not hard to please,

At a meeting of tlio Library'Comraittoe last evening His Worship the Mayor presented a cheque tor ten pounds as a donation to bo Bpont in now books and a supply of chess and draught boards for the library in the Council Chambers,

Wo ntjain remind our renders that the Waihi Fodoral Band's bazaar opens on Thursday next a special nißc-tinff o( the Indies commilteo will be hold ibis ovening, for ibo purposo of making final arrangements to carry tho bazaar lo n successful issue, Wb aro pleased to learn that His Worship tho Mayor has consented to officially open tho bazaar at a timo to bo stated in anotbor issuo of tliii paper. On Friday evening next in tho Y.M.I.C, rooms nn nddross will bo given by tho Rev, J. 0. Jainieson, who for tomo years has been organising secretary of the Young Mon's Biblo Classes throughout tho colony, Tho movement with which Mr Jainieson is connected has met with marked success in almost every town in New Zealand, and his address, in which ho will givo a short review of the movement, should bo highly interesting, Tho address will be opon to both soxes, but young men arc nioro par* ticularly invited to attend,

Says tho Wnilmto Times" In tho courso of conversation yitli n gentleman at present in Hamilton, and who. is connected with the Auckland Savings Bunk, ho informed us that, in tho event of tho Governisont refusing lo grant ft loan to tho Hamilton Borough Council for drainngo works, tho Council would lipvo no difnculiy in obtaining a loan from tho Havings Bank at the current ruto of interest, as tlioy seldom refused loans to local bodies wlion the security was fair, ami also that, if required, ho would help tho Council in this rospcot."

Wo again remind our readers of tho visit here to-morrow night of tho Black Family, who have tho reputation of being highly talented musicians, This, no doubt, will beacknowlodgodbythoseoftho public who had tho opportunity of liunring tliem on the occasion of their previous visit. Miss Nellie Black, it will bo remembered,

greatly pleased her oudioncos by hor singing and violin playing. Both as (i singer mid violinist alio is ackcowlcilfjetl to bo well above ordinary porformors. Miss Elsie, a younger sistor, is also n clover flautist and dansouso, Mr Bortio Blank has also claims lo distinction as n musician and dancer. Mr J, Black, tbo head of the family, to wl'orn its member? oivo their training, is a gonoral entertainer and a clever instrumentalist. They give bat ono recital in Waihi, and the house to-morrow night should bo well patronised, Tho prices of admission aro only 2s and Is,

Enthusiasts in cricket, and thero are many in Waihi, will not need to bo reminded of the general annual meeting of tho Waihi Cricket Association in killing's Hotel on Friday oveninij next, but tlioso of our rondors whoaronotkoenly interested, but who, nevertheless, tako a healthy interest in tho line old English gauio will, wo trust, mnlio an effort to bo presentIn the past tho indifferent success of cricket in Waihi is the lack of genoral interest taken in tho game, and it is to tho support of the general public tbat'tho Association will have to look for a succo'sfitl season, Waihi is not wanting in skilful wiolders ofjthsjwillow, and with fair encouragement tho coming soason should boo a local eleven that will do credit both to themselves and Waihi. x

The Firo Brigades U'll, which was reported in tho HOUBO on Wednesday, has boon considerably altered in oommittoe, It is now proposed that thoro shall bo a firo board for each provincial district in tho colony, ono member to bo appointad by the Govornor, threo by tho insurance companios, and throe by the loeal authorities in tho province. TIIO board may establish tiro brigades in such parts as it thinks fi', appoint superintendents, and control brigadoa in 5110 province, Brigados shall have froo use of water and access to pipes bolonging to local bodios. Tho cost is to bo mot as boforo, viz., insurance companies and local authorities oacli paying hr.lf. Tho local authorities may pay their contributions out of their genoral rates, or may lovy a soparato rate on all Government or other property within their district. Tho powers which tho original Bill would liavo given to firo boards to borrow money ara struck out. Tho clauso handing ovor oxisiing lire brigado equipments to tbo tiro boards is struck out. Plants and appliances ars to bo taken over by tho board at a prico to bo agreed upon between tho board and tho local authtfrity, afld if they fail to agree, tlion tho prico is to bo fixed by arbitration, as provided in tho Arbitration Act of IbSJO. Payment of tho prico of the plant and appliances may bo sproad ovor any period not oxceoding 10 yoars, at 5 por cont. interest.

Tho namo of Mowbray is practically a household word in mining circles. Tho nanio has boon long associated with broking, especially in mining. As fur back as 1872, when tho great Caledonian mint! producod so much gohion wealth, attracting thousands of peoplo to tho Thames, Mr. John Mowbray was doing btisiuoss 011 tho Auckland Stock Exchange, and no doubt could relate many interesting iucidcnU in connection with tlioso booming times, In the your mentioned, 32 years ago, Mr, Mowbray held a sharebrokor's license, at that timo issued by tho Govornmont at tho rato of £25 por year. Evor since, under tho title ot J, M, and J. Mowbray, tho firm havo been dealing in mining shares solely in Iho interests ol their clients, having no dealing on their own accounts therel'oro no personal interest other than doing I heir best in tho intorcsts of clients. 'J'lio linn lmvo their own ngonts in London, who aro members of tho London Stock Exchange, which put them in a position to do tho best for clients, and keep them well posted ns to tho market concerning Waihi sharos, including, Waihi, Talisman, Grand Junction and Komata Beefs Gold Mining Companies, Elsewhere upponrs tho firm's cai'd,

Thu Waihi Co-Operative Socioty notify ;lmt tlio bocioty'j boot department will jo openod to-morrow (Vednesday), Tho Waihi Grand Junction Cold Mining Company advovtise for tenders for driving a water-race tunnel. It is announced olsewhoro that tho llolinnco Dining Rooms ami Fruit Shop hi\ve changed hands, tho business having boon pold by Mr, E, Rorbort to Mr. B, Luks.

In our report of the Court proceedings yesterday tho test word used by Dr. iSlater in his ovidenco in tho alleged drunkenness case was sp.dt " too-m-roo-ral " The spelling should lmvo been "truly rural."

All those intcrostod in tho carrying out of tho Friendly Sociotios' football match are requested to meet at tho Sterling Hotel to-morrow (Wednesday) ovening at 7,30 o'clock,

Mr, Fowlor, Government auditor, who has boon ongagod for tho last ton days in Waihi, examining tho books of tho War* dou's Court, Borough Council, and Waihi Hospital, concludes his duties this evening, and leayos for Auckland to-morrow.

Iu anothor column Mr, and Mrs, Meyor tender their thanks to tho members of tho Waihi Volunteer Fire Brigade for their prompt atlendauco at tlio outbreak of lire at tho Hotel nt an oarly hour this morning. They nlso oxtond to thorn an invitation to a social to bo hold in tlio Waihi Hall on Friday ovoning uoxt at 8 o'clock. It has boon decidod to play tho last hockoy match of tlio season at tlio recrea* tion ground to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, Tho malob will bo Rawhili v, Buttery, Messrs Ulrich and McKinley will !io captains of tho respective teams.

Woundorstaud thutthe Katikati Dairy Co, is arranging for a vigorous opening for tho now season about Oclobor Is!, arrangements being in pvogross for a third skimming station, iu tho To Puke district, whilo tho chairman Mr, Edward Enrl, well and favourably known in Waihi, is to advise all suppliers on their farms as to the treatment of milk to ensure the bo3t quality of butter. Many supplies woro observed increasing their herds ai the recent cattle sale nt Wigley'a yards and a Krgcly increased output is expect ed. Mr. MacMillan is ro-appointod sccro toy for the season,

Tho Minister for Minos, in reply to a question in tho House tho otlior diiy, said tho toward for the discovery of a now mining field was fixed by tho Mining Act, which provided lliat tho toward should bo computed on tho basis of tho number ol miners bona lido ongagod in mining operalions on a now field at tho expiration of twelve months after tho date of discovery thereof, and tho total amountof tho reward should in no caso exceed £SOO. It was rot proposed to incronso this amount, ns should any person be lorlumito enough to discover a new mining fiold ho would Inivo all tho advantages resulting from his dis* covery, in addition to any reward lie may reeeivo from !ho Government.

Judge Parker {says a New York paper) is beginning to find that thero arc serious personal inconveniences attaching to a nomination for tho Presidency. Ho happens to bo exceedingly fond of bathing tuid haymaking, and it has, inconsequence, becotno the ambition of over? amateur photographer in tho States to snapshot liim in the act. limited by crowds of these people, ho must know that if over ono of them manages to catch him in an undignified al'itudo tho Republicans will tiko ciiro to publish reproductions of tho negative all over tho Union. Abo Lincoln was tho only Presidential candidate who could Imvo survived being photographed in a bathing dress.

A resident noar Stratford, writing on hodgo shelters, says:—l nm suro if tho settlors knew the real value of tho pampas grass they would plant it extensively. I simply allowed ono poition of a hedge to grow at will for about live years, and tlion cut it quito easily with ordinary garden shears, and gathored up llto clippings and sproad thorn round tho roots of my fruit trees. Jn about six mouths it was quite rotton, and mado an oxccllont manure, whereas with any otlior hedge it would liavo taken days to cut tho pieco wo did in ono day, and it would lmvo taken many moro days to bum up tho clippings If you plant about 18 inches to 2 feet apart you should soon lmvo sholtor and ft fowl-proof fouco in about three years."

Bcsidos the Waihi Council, tlio Tauranga Borough and County Councils are pressing on Government tho impor« tanco ol authoriiing and constructing tho railway oxtcnsiou from Waihi as booh as colonial funds permit, It is pointful out as tho Waihi lino is specially financed that a cousidoraklo outlay on extension is dub for arrears, which no lino not yet building has any right tc claim in precedence. Ministers liavo so far returned only formal replies, tho Minister Mines specially stating tho request for the lino has been minuted to tho Minister for Public Works for cousidoration. It will bo romombored in Waihi that tho survoy of a portion of tho lino reoontly completed was undertaken during Mr McGownu'a tonuro b( 'ffio Inter portfolio, \ Waihi, it would appoar, is endeavouring to 1m abreast of the timos in moro ways thaD one. Bosidos hiving troo-plnmed si oeti, and ombryonio parks in the Suburbs, it has tho speedy motor cur hustling along its thoroughfares. Tho latest addition to this up-to-dato aud fashionablo convoyanco has boon mado by Mr Charles Brown, of tho Waihi Company's Union Battery. Tlio long distance automobilo is tho typo of car purchused by Mr Brown, with a registered speed of 50 miles an hour, It was obtained for a lo figure for tho reason, we understand, that tho original ownors failed to got any paoo out of it, in fact, tlio whools frequency rofusod to go round tit all, But this dilliculty has boon overcome by tho now owner. On tho trial run tho oar ai mined a spoed of about twenty miles. Willi further im* proveinotils in viow Mr Brown expocts to convert liis car into a first olass machine.

A little after milnight an incipient lira broke out in ono o( the down stairs rooms' (used ch'cily its a storo room) in iUoyfcr'a hotel. The first inliiuiition of tho out. break was given by ono of the girls ill (ho house, whoso bedroom was immediately above tho room to which tho fire was subaequoiitly traced. Being n light sleeper, sho was awakenod by tho prcsonco of suioko, which lmd penetrated tier bedroom froai below. Li a fow moments sho became thoroughly awakened, unci tho alarm. A fow luinutos later tho inmates,

-and, as it happened, tho house was full —wore all astir, Meannhilc, one of tho boarders hastened to tho fire station and gave the alarm, Within throo minutes tho brigado wove on tho spot, tho smartoal turn-out, as far as Wailii is concerned, on record. Tho room was soon roaehfid and water dashed into it, and tho firo was got under, By this time the brigado was at band. Tho early discovery of tho lira no doubt averted what might havo been a sorious conflagration. Tho brigade aro to bo commondod fur the oromptness of their action, although their services, a? it happily turned out, woro not actually required.

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1098, 20 September 1904, Page 2

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1904 Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1098, 20 September 1904, Page 2

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1904 Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1098, 20 September 1904, Page 2