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Tho attention of our rondors is drawn to tho replace advortiicinent, appearing on our first page, of F. It. Marriott, ffh intimates that ho is carrying one of the Ifti-Rost stocks of jowollory, including a valuable assortment of greenstones, yet imported into tho district, Two '• irreconcilable" Boer prisoners of war remain on tho island of Ceylon, Tho.v declare tliey will never take the oath of allogianeo to Britain, and would rata die abroad than return to tlieir native land under British rule. Up till recently they wore able to procuro luxuries by allowances from a fund administered by tho Dutch Consul at Colombo, but thosohavo now bton disallowed,

Tho Waihi School ol NMnes now possessoa all tho apparatus necessary for complete microscopical examination oi rocks and ores. By tho last English mail additional Icnscß, otc. for tho penological microscope were received, Tho J , inch objective is a very good one, and by its aid a magnification of about 250 diameters can bo obtained. This moans that tho apparent sizo of an object can be increased about G2.500 times.

Comparing tho eight principal warships on the Australian station with a similar number of .hpaneso vessels, it is stntod that the Australian ships would avorago a speed of approximately 165 knots, and aggregate about 17,000 tons, wlnlo tho eight worst vessols of tho Japanese cruiser fleet possoss an average speed of 18 knots, and any four of tliern would outwoigli tho oight Australian vessols in nage, and are proportionally moro fori midable in armament,

The othor ovoning ft ploasing event took pleoo at tho residence of Mr. J. Ciisloy, Into conductor ot (ho Presbyterian choir, when tho mombr ; of tho choir waited on him and presented him with a handsome music cabinet as ut mark of their esteem. In tho conrso of tho presentation many compliments woro paid to cho recipient, reforenco being made pecially to tho interest ho had takon in tho musical portion of the church services, anil to his capability as a conductor. Mr Casloy rnado a suitablo and feeling reply, assuring tho choir that the gift would always bo a remembrance to him of tho pleasant times tlioy had spoilt together. Tho Presbyterian concert, in which tho choir, under tho conductorship of Mr. J. Roid, took a leading part, was hold in the church last night. Tho anthems "Holy is tho Lord" and "Rock of Arcs" woro pleasingly and ellioiently vendored, tho solos being taken by Mr. Humphrios and Mr. ltoid. Tho orchestral effects woro specially good. Solos woro givon by Mesdames Ilolmos and Tanner, and Messrs, Humphries and Yowles, Ducts woro con* tributed by the Missoa Nowdick, Miss and Muster Gardner, Messrs Morgan and Humphries, Partisan and Nicholson, k trio was givon bj Messrs Gardner, HumIjfirioa &ud Hw&tott, iV\ t\w\Wv' qunr.'otto was contributed by Mrs Holmes, Mias Hume, and Messrs Humphries anil Reid. A cornot solo by Mr Ho.vstpn, and i violin duct by Miss Scott and Mr, Clark, brought a Yory enjoyablo programme to a close.

In the Hjhso on Wodnosday Sir ,T, G, j Ward, in roply to Mr, Barltor, who urged that bonn fido members of friendly societies should got tho uso of tlio baths and modioal attondanoo froo at tho Qovcrnmont sanatoria, said thai to accodo to tlio roquest would ontail considerable extra provision being niado to moot such demands on tho aorvicea of tho Imlnoologist niul bath attendants, sooing that there woro somo 41,000 friendly soeioty members in tho colony. During tho lest 12 aontlia friondlv sociotios' patients received accommodation at tho sanatoria, medical attendance, and baths to tho value of £865 3s lOd, towards which the pationts contri butod .£l(!3 13s only. Tho Government already granted froo treatment, baths and inodic'al attendanco to a largo number of peoplo during the year, but only to those who wore absolutely without means of paymont, and to oxtond froo concessions to persona other than those described would lend to disorganise the whole system of Govommont assistance to deserving porsons, and possibly permit of abuses of tho privilego, 11 is a curious fallacy that tho brown coloured ogg is necessarily superior to tho ordinary white egg, hut it is doubtful whether tho colour of tho shell boars any relationship to tho nourishing quality of tho egg. There is most probably, howovor (states the Lancet), on important diotio diilerenco botweon two oggs. the yolk of one of which is a very palo yellow colour and that of the oihor a rich, almost reddish, colour. Tho substanco which contributes colour to the yolk of tho egg is iron, just as it is iron which gives colour to tho blood, and there scorns io bo little doubt that tho iron compound in tho yoko o( the ogg is of a similar naturo to that of tho blood, It is easily assimilated, and eggs aro regarded as a suitablo food for the onmmic porson, as they present a concentrated and generally easily digested form of nutriment rich in iron. The iron compound of tlio ogg lias, in fact, been termed a " haematogeii" (blood former), beoattso it is probablo that from it tho blood of the chick is derived. A Berlin correspondent roports that a dramatic ineidotn occurred whilo tho Crown I'rinco was riding at tho head of [ his company of tho .st Regiment of Grenadior Guards at Potsdam on July 13, j \Vhilo the horses woro at a canter a smartly dressed girl of distinguished uppearanco, carrying a baby on her a 1 lit, threw herseli in front of dio Crown Prince's horse. Tho Crown Prince promptly checked his horse to avoid trampling on hor prostrato body, and tho wholo company were brought tu a suddon hall. The girl thoronpon asfinned an attitudo oi supplication, and tho I'rinco dismounted from his horse, gently raised her, and inquired what was the cause of hor strange behaviour. Slio wiih in a stitc of agitation bordering on liystorics, but was able to explain that she was the friendless orphan of. ut German ollicer who died wearing the Emperor's uniform, and that a couriier, whom she mimed, had betrayed and deserted her, leaving hor destitute. In desperation nt the prospect of her child dyii.g <,f sinrva* lion, alio had been driven to appeal to iho only momberof tho Imperial Fauiily within reach, Tho Prineo promised to report the incident to tho Emperor, and meanwhile bad tho lady placed undor the pro* teotion of thtlocul pastor'n wife, 1

A ropiosentntive toam of tho iluckltmd Hochoy Club will try conclusions with a Waihi team in Worth's piddock to-mor-row aftornoon, A small charge of Pd for admission will bo made for gentlemen, lndios being free. Tho visitors lire said to bo n strong tonm. They will bo cnteitained at lunch at the Waihi Hotel by tho local team,

_ To-night, in the Academy of Ali'sie, tho first grand bnlliindsr the auspices of the Waihi United Frhully Societies will bo hold. Tho committee entrusted with the arrangements for to-night's function is composed of mombors of each individual society, who lmvo had considerable experience in such mattors, They have worked mini, so that to-night patrons may find a good door for dancing, au excellent supper, and dance aius<c of tho heat. Many doublo t'ekets liavo been sold, so that a htgo gathering is onticipatcd.

A dwcllinghcnse of sovon rooms, near Paoron, owned and occupied by Mr A. J. Thorp, was destroyed by iiro early on Wednesday. Mr Thorp awoke at 2 a.m., and discovered that the back portion of his residence was ill llaii'os, He got. his family out, and saved his piano, but practically everything olso was destroyed. Tho house had been insured for 19 yoars, but Mr Thorp thinks tho policy has lapsed. The chimney was swept the day before, and soot was left near tho house. It is supposed this soot blazed up during tho night,

Tho ticket hold h,y Alexander Watson, of Wellington, which won the first prize of £'looo in Tattersull's No. 2 sweep on the Adolaido National Hurdle Raco, was owned by a syndicato of four, of whom Watson was one, the other three homgtos fellow workmen, Archor, Myers and Dyas, Tlioy uro foremen wharf labourers, em* ployed by the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company. Each urn invested ss, and received i'looo. Tho lucky investors, who aro not unduly excited by their good fortune, have reeoivod a private telegram confirming the hows contained in tho press message,-Now Zealand Times,

A Ohristchurch doctor, lecturing before a largo uudience, in pointing out tho injurious effect of drug treatment in general, remarked that it might bo said that the dootors prescribed drags, " Our reply," ho added, '• is that you compel us to prescribe drugs, for if we tre&ted you ration 1 ally, you would go to another doctor and got a prescription. Sponge yourself to tho waist every day," ho remarked later in tho evening. " and you will nevor catch cold. This is a tip that is worth a good many guineas,''

The usual meeting of tho Waihi School of Mines Council was held in tho school building Inst night, 1'roBont: Messrs, Thomas Gilmour (President), W.H,,Johnston, R, E. Williams, A, H. Benge, C. J, Saunders, James L, Gilmour,E.G.Banks and J. Foster (Borough Council member), Accounts amounting to £3918s 6d wero passed for payment. Tho director reported that the second term had onded 011 tho 20tl> inst., and that tho school was now closed for the usual term of holidays, and would re-open on Friday, 9th September, Tho shipping invoices for chemicals for tho 150 worth of goods ordered from Townson and Mercor, London, had just come to hand, and the goods themselves might bo expected within a week or two, Home lenses anu other microscopic apparatus had also been received. A discussion took place on the question of lowering 1110 class fees in certain subjects, and of applying to tho Government for a subsidy 011 tho fees paid, but it was decided to defer furthor consideration of both matters till tho noxt meeting, Tho electrical subcommittee, Mossrs. T. Gilmour, A. T. Kenrick, and W, H, Johnston, reported that a contract had been let for the erection of tho engine and dynamo room, F. Chnppe 11 being tho successful tenderer. Mr, Heard, secretary, owing to ill health sent in his resignation, but it was rosolycd not to accept it for the present, and a Wish was expressed for his speedy recovery, when it was hoped ho would roaumo his duties, In tho meantimo it was resolved to ask Mr C, L. Clark to act as secretary,

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1077, 26 August 1904, Page 2

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Untitled Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1077, 26 August 1904, Page 2

Untitled Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1077, 26 August 1904, Page 2