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Waihi Borough Council

The usual fortnightly mooting of the Borough Council was hold last oveniog. Present! His Worship the Mayor (in the chair), and Crs. Hontlorson, Donaldson, Slevin, Newth, Foster, Saunders, Katz, Ryburn, and Brown. STABLE DRAINAGE, Gsorge Johnston, on behalf of the Ohincmuti Coaching Company, wrote asking for permission to drain the Company's Btablo into Main-street watot table,-Consideration was deferred to a later stage. MUNICIPAL CHAMBERS LIGHTING. R. L. H. Murray wrote stating be wat prepared to instal his patent light in the new borough chambers. —Koferred tc •Chambers Lighting Committeo, RATE SUBSIDY, The Commissioner of Taxes wroto ro* spooling the borough rates, and iorwardee a declaration form for the Council to 111 in and sign as to revenue estimated to b( received from rates,—Received. UOLD DUTY Tho manager of the National Ban! notified that the amount nl gold duty paic through tho Auckland branch during Juni was £1295. GOLDFIELDS RHVKNDK The Treasury notified payment and tin National Bank rereipt of goldfiolds revenue for [the period ending 4th Jinn amounting to £l2l 7s 6d, ABATTOIRS SITE The Chief Veterinarian wrote thai tin site for tho proposed abattoir had been ap proved by tho Minister. —Received, APPLICATIONS FOR RESKRVK Jackson and Moresby, borough solicitors wrote as follows " Water Supply Reserve.—This matte came before the Warden's Court yestorda; (Juno 29th) and was adjourned until ncx Court. Tho Warden innouneed that i had not yet been definitely decided ho\ the question of this rcsorvc would bo deal with. " Water Raco Dam, etc.—These nppli cations have also to stand over uniil uex Court. It is necosaary that tho consent o the Ohinem'un County Council should b obtained to the water raco where it crosse the county road, Now that tbo plan o tho race has boon mado wo slmll he ftbl i. 0 to send the County Council a tracing will , f a request for thoir consent, which m J' doubt will bo forthcoming, Wo think tlii applications should bo granted noxt Com' Day. "Town Belt Reserve—Tho Warden in timated tnat he would not be able to gran tho wliolo of this area as applied for, bu would givo us as much as possible. H< said tho grant would probably be of seve' j ral pioeca of tho area applied fot." I Tbo letter was received,

APPLICATION FOE RKLIKF Au applicant who had beon assisted wroto statin" tlmt the- ':' ant had all been spent, and asking for further assistance.—Eeferred to the (V.-!'"'' i Aid Board. SLA!.' ,!'■•);!; ,101. LICENSE The Chip! ■';•! : iimriiin wrote approv* ingot slriil:' 'iioiiae iiconsca to J, Say andS. TaiiM< —Heceived, the Department toL*i.~..ed to approve tlio plans of il'p at once, CHARITABLE AID The Secretary of the Thames Hospital and Charitublo Aid Board wroto as follows "In reply to yours ol tho 11th inst, nslting for rules and regulations governing tho distribution of charitable relief in this district, Ido not think I can do better than send you some of our application forms for relief, and tender forms for anpplies; the former I have only recontlv framed, but think they will answer their purpose well, and render it easy to record all the information necessary for future refei'onco, etc. " The relieving otlicor (whoso oftice is held by the secretary of the Board) has discretionary power in tho matter of affording immediate relief in cases of urgent need, which lie must report to the Board at its next meeting, when such relief is continued or otherwise, at the Boards discretion. " Applications for permanent relief aro reported upon by tho relieving officer, ns you will see by the form, and dealt with by iho Board, " Tho rations list is Bomowhat cumbersome to storekeepers till they get used to it, and we have discarded its uso in the out distriots, though we still uso it at the Thames, Tho rations system is also used in Auckland: it has its advantages. ' Tenders aro always called for the supply of rations, and also for tho goods as per list. We rarely give money, but either an order for so many rations (No. 1, No, 2, or No. 8 rations), or for goods to tho value of so much per week at tho contract prijos, Sometimes tho Board pays or assists to pay rent, and in tcmo instances gives firewood or coal. It devolves upon tho Relieving Officer also to givo orders to patients, unablo to afford to pay a doctor, to attend tho hospital as out patients. ■' I shall bo glad to give you any more information you may rcquiro, but I have indicatod about all that is necessary, " Id tho case of rations it does not fol j low that wo always givo as manv rations as thoro aro individuals in tho family to bo provided for, it depends on tho ago of tho children, and tho amount tho family aro earning, etc." Cr Katz moved that tho lcttor bo referred to the Waihi Hospital Board and that in tho meantime the Town Clerk be authorised to givo toijiporary relief to the applicant previously mentioned. Cr Slcvin sai'.l there was another caso in which tho grant had been spent, Cr Katz objected to further relief in this caso, as no application had been made, Or Newth said inquiries shon'd bo mado, He had heard of pooplo recoiving charitable aid who could go to races, Or Henderson thought both cases should bo thoroughly investigated by the Charitable Aid Board, i Tho motion was then altered so as to : refer both casos to tho Board, and Wus i carried,

LICENSING PI'DLIC BUILDINGS The Town Clork of Wellington forwarded ft copy of the by-laws relative to the licensing of public buildings in that city, -Received. SUNDAY CONCERTS l'ho Town Clerk, Thames, wroto staling that tho Thames Borough Council hud no by law on tho subject of Sunday eoncorte, as tho Council thought tho Mnnioipal Corporations Act was sufficient. —Rccoived. main hoad maintenance Tho County Olorlc forwarded a demand for £262 18a for Main-road maintenance during May.-Hefotrcd to tho Town Clork and Engineer for verification. CIIKViSXIIEET F.XTKNSION Tlio Land and Survey Depßi'tinont for warded plan for proposed extension of Groystroet—Btfarred to Legal and Finance Committee, gold I'URCIIASK The manager of tho Bank of New Zealand fovwaulcd a declaration that the bank had boughtOOozs of bullion, TUB (JUAKBV DISPUTE John Brown wroto that ho had not re* linquished his ri«ht to tho quarry which the Council had purchased from S. Saunv ders, and asked for <CIO to waive his light.—Reooived.

GRANT TO lIOSHTAIi Tho Booretary of tlio Waihi Hospital Jrustcos wrote asking for ut grant of £2OO < or tho hospital.—Referred to Hospital 3oard. LIGHTING Johu Orcok wired quoting prices for ighting tho Borough Chambers.—Refer* od to tho sub-committee, E, G. Wright made an offer to light the lorough with electricity.—Received, 110SEM0NT ROAD, A number of residents complained of the ittd jtato of the footpath in this street, md petitioned for repairs,—Tho matter vaa referred to tho Engineer to doal with. engineer's wort, Tho Engineer reported as follows Fencing Ngntikoi Reserve,—This con* Trtct was let to Messrs Cartwright and \rscott on 14th April last, and as thoy lavo done nothing towards its coatructron, [ would recommend tho contract be canjelled and deposit forfeited, The time jiven for tho work \m two months, and is it is now thrco since the tender was icccptcd and nothing done, the terms of ho general conditions should be adhered [o in this, and all future such oases. Recreation Ground —Considering it dosirablo to deviate the drainage Irom passing through tho reserve and thence through a number of private sections, I intorviowed Mr Barry, who has kindly consented to allow such to be deviated along the conii pany's race and to drop it thence into tho larger tail raco loading ii act to tho river. I recommend this work fui ,'our favour* dble consideration, iu by its construction much prospective drainage to privato property and danger to resident! will bo avoided, ' . Quarries.—The following are works ro» quired jin preparation for stoncnbreaker: Pound quarry, levelling site, £ls; Pitt* street quarry, stripping and preparations to connect with lavage Road, £6o;' Favoua quarry, layiug tram with hopper, . and preparing site, 1200; Waiteto quarry, preparing sito and getting to low level by short tunnel, £IOO. I have provided in the abovo for one hopper only, namely, in connection with Favona quarry, wtaiob will be situated about 80 chains west from the quarry to a spur which offers a suitable formation for erection of hopper. The other (jiuinies, I would ptoposo to work at first, without hoppers, in any caso to delay their construction until I ascertain what arrangements are best after we have the machinery sot up, Borongli Chnmbers—Herewith 1 beg to submit a list of fittings, etc,, with estimate of cost of same for tho Municipal Chambers and Public Library, Tho clause relating to tho Ngatikoe roi servo was rcferrod to tho Domain Board. Tho clauses relating to tbo recreation reserve and tho quarries vrero reforrod to tho Works Commit too. Tho clauso relating to the chamber furniture was adopted, tenders for the linoleum aud furniture to be invited privately, SANITARY INSPECTOR'S RKPORT Tho Sanitary Inspector roported !- " That the s'tablo in Waihi-Btreot owned by G. Crosby iS'iiFn"very iiis3Tntary*coil^ — \ dition, The stable is leased to the Obine* rnuri Coaching Company, On the 13th of last month I served a notieo on Mr Crosby and also another on Mr Johnston drawing tlioir attention to tho condition cf the premises, With tho exception of cleaning up the jard and removing a fow loads of manure nothing has been done, " I bog further to report that the pre* mises of the Ohiiiomiiri Coaching Company in Waihi-street are also in a Tory insanitary condition," Tne question of stable drainago oame up for discussion. Tho Engineer said that tho Company's stable was a difficult one to drain, Drainago into tho Main-street would do no harm as long as tho water-tables wore Itopt Unshed and no stablo matter was allowed to escape. Cr. Foster said that the time was approaching when tho question ot allowing stables in tho main street would have to bo settled. What evor was dono now would need to bo dono only temporarily, as the Council would soon have to movo in tho direction he had stated. Cr. Kilz said tho Company had been prosecuted for defective drainage, and yet the Council had given them no placo in which to drain except into the main street. It was decided, on the motion of the Mayor, that tho matter bo referred to tho iiigincor, with a view to a temporary irrangement. WORKS COMMITTEE Tho Works Comuiitteo reported at fol» ows

" Giluiouiwstroot.—Mrs Sullivan's lottor regarding tho want of proper access to her rc-sidence was considered and it waadecid* ed tiint tho engineer should deal with tho matter tcmporsrily.

11 Kerosene Store.—This matter was dis* cussed by the committee who beg to make the following recommendations: (1) That tlio charge (or storage be Is per week for any quantity up to 50 cases, with a further chtirgo of is per week for each additional 50 eases or part of 50 oases, (2) That tho Borough Inspector be rol quested to tako charge of the store at a salary of £ls pur Annum, this arrangement to bo for tho period ending Slat March, 1905. (3) That tho caretaker dclivor kerosono out of store on Mondays and Thursdays from 8.80 to 9,50 a.m., and that hereceivo koroseno into store on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays," Tho report was adopted, USUAL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE The Legal and Finauco Committee reported as follows " Main Road Maintenance,— Tho borough solicitors wero requosted to advise • what right tho borough had tocompoltho Ohinemuri County to keep the Main Bond in repair, and furthor consideration was deferred until the legal advico is forthi coming. " Cadet's Salary,— I Tho committeo re« commond that the question of increase of this officer's salary be deferred until after tho Town dork's return, "Furniture of Municipal Buildings,— Tho ongineer has boon asked to report on tho matter, " Mr, Gooch's offer to sell certain hop-J pers and building matorial was doferred for furthor consideration," Tho report was adopted. ACCOUNTS Tne following accounts wore passod for pnymnnt: Smithing, £5 17s lOd; rent, 13165; Ohinomuri Coaching Company, £llO a; printing, £2 liis Od; accidont insurance, £810s; fire insurance 18s fid; Extondod G. 31, Company, £2 9s; Waihi G.M. Company, £2215s 7d; Municipal AssooU lion, ±'3 3s; plumbing, £3 0s 9d; sundry carting, £5 lis; hardware, 114 1b j tim* ber, £29 3s 3d; clerici' 1 n«istnnnp, £3 0s; printer, £3; tree planting, £l2 17s 3d; wages, £127 16s; Muni, cipal Chambers, £100: cooperative parties, £3519s 6d; salaries, £57 Is 4d; carting, 1129 -Is lid; breaking, £47118 d: Waterworks loan account.—carting, £4O; wagon, £SB Is; C Mullor 8s; F Olaikin, II 2s Id; Waihi G.M, Company, £3212s 6d; W J Gray, £1 lis; Haszard and Haszard, 19 13s; Northorn Steamship Company, 8s 9d; printing, £1 10a ; salary, £33 6s-8d; E Porter, £3OOO, NOTICE 01' MOTION Cr, Kali! gavo notice to movo at next mooting;—Tlutt the paragraph preooding tho first paragraph of the standing orders bo rescinded and *hat tho following bo substituted: " That the ordinary meet-* .ngs of tho Council be held overy 'our weeks as from the 21at, and that tin

various ioinmittoos raeol prior to tho connoil meeting at such n time as tho Connoil may from time to time determine." IMPBOVKD TITLES Or. Donaldson moved that a committee bo appointed to go into tho matter of improving the land titles in Wa'hi and report. This <vas a very important question, and the time had arrived when it should be taken in hand. When tho Premier was interviewed with regard to loans ho said that was wanted was bettor titles, which would give hotter suonrity than at present existed, ''hoy ought now to approach tho Government with & view to getting tho improvement luggostod by tho Promlor. In any case, it was necessary to havo bettor titles than at present, as with better titles por. sons wjuld be able to borrow at a loss rate of interest than 18 per cont. Or Newth said he objected to any alteration. The present title was as good as any io bo got on a gold full. Or Katz Baid tho matter had been gone into before by Cr Geddis nnd by n committee of citizens, but nothing had como of it, However, thero could bo no harm in appointing a coinmitteo to mnko inquiries, A committee consisting of tho Mayor and Crs Donaldson, Slevin, Saundors and Foster wbb then appointed to consider tho question and report, LAMP FOR BILVKRTON ROAD Or Donaldson said that tho Wailii Company were sending trucks down tho gilverton tramlino after dark, and in Jobnston-Btreet, where thero was a double crossing, thoro wm likelihood of accident from the want of a light in that locality, He moved that a lamp bo providod. Or Henderson seconded, and tho motion was carried. DANGEROUS FOOTPATH C(. Donaldson called attention io the dangerous itato of tho footpath in a part of Moresby Avenue. Ho had heard that r narrow escape from death had rosultcd. The matter was referred to the En. ginoor. CHARITAMB AID Cr. Saunders suggested (hat a mooting be oallod to go into thi3 qnostiom with a viow of providing ways and means and appointing a relieving oflicor. ' It was decided to call a meeting for Thursday, July 14, tho Town Clork to write to the Thames Board for particulars as to salary of tho relieving officer, his duties, and other matters couneotod with the Board. The Council then adjourned.

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1035, 8 July 1904, Page 2

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Waihi Borough Council Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1035, 8 July 1904, Page 2

Waihi Borough Council Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1035, 8 July 1904, Page 2