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'l'ho Agricultural Department has nolithe Wftibi Uorongh Council that tho Do< purtuicut approves of the proposed abattoir sito at "NVnitoto Crock.

Tho Ladies' Hospital Cumuiittcu mot yesterday, The date for tlic ball, which h:ui already bi-en announced, was confirmed. Tho voluntary and gratuitous cervices of lite Wailii Federal liand were accepted with thanks, This morning Mr. 11. H. Hookani, of London, and Mrs, and Mi«s Worry, o( Timarti, who are at present visitors to Waiiii, pniil n visit to the Wailii Gold Mining Company's mine, and, descending No. 2 shaft woro shown some of tho larger roefs in tlio levels and slopes. Naturally they woro greatly impressed with what they saw.

At- a meeting ot the Waihil'ive Brigade, held nu Monday night, it was resolved, on the proposition ot Foreman Honderson, to submit to tho Firo Council a resolution to the i fleet that a member ot tho brigade, with gear, be stationod at ovory public hall in Wailii at which an entertainment was taking place, with a view of preventing outbreaks ol tire, and alto to seo that the door? were kept unlocked, in order to facilitate exit from tlio halls,

A meeting of ladies was held in tho Music Ilall yesterday afternoon in connection wiih the forthcoming hand bazaar, I lie following wero present: Mesdanus (Jihnour (Mayoress, president), Oliilf'inm, Steer, Trussoll.Zenovich, King, MeDiTinoti, Henderson, Hartley, Scott, White, .1011, Smith, Nowdick, and liiss Prisk. Progress was reported, everything promising well for the aueoivs of tho undertaking. It was decided to hold tho bazaar on tho 22nd, 23rd and 21th of September, tho Academy having been secured tor the purpose. A sub eommiltco was appointed to select material for mak* iug up, and donations of various articles for disposal woro requested from any ladies who would liko to li ';i,

Tins morning a visitor, in company wiih the general manage!, was looking over the big pumping plant at the Wailii Company's No, 5 shaft, when the latter,in commenting on tho Immense volume of writer issuing from tho pump, casually remarked it was being doiiß in tho in-ten-sts of the sanitation of tho town, " Indeed I" replied tho visitor, not sco» uig the point of the joke, and with sinceiily in his voice, "I should hardly have thought, however rich a company might bo. they would be irnbuod witii such a philanthropic spirit," Evidently he knew littlo about mining, otherwise he could scarcely have thought that pumping would bo done for tho solo purpose of providing running wator for tho slreois.

Tho Wnihi Association Football Club jfliirticyud lo Wiiiliino on fjaiiir'kv last lo try conclusions tot tho second time, aii'l after n good wore n»«in <t' S'l- !■.jcl. tho scores being—Waikino, 5 ;'o' ij !) behinds, 39 points; Wnihi, 4 Sals 5 behinds, 29 points, Mr W. Tumor acted as ruforoc. Tho committee and players of Vfiiilii wish to thank the ladies of Waikino for their kindness in providing roficshuionta, and foi- the lwarty way in which tho playsrs and supporters were received.

Tho sail news of tho death of Valentino MoCoy, who was woll-known in Wailii, reached his mother hove yesterday, The deceased was only 2-1 yoars of ago, and when lie left Waihi a littlo over twolvo months ago, for Western Africa, ho was in robust lwiltli, and physic,illy strong Ho left New Zealand with his friotul, Ernest Hicks, for Africa, and after a short; rssu dence thoro Hicks left for England, II was from this sourco Mrs McCoy received tho news of hor son's doath, Mr Hicks writing from London, Tho deceased died at Yiabiana from enteric fever after four days' illness. Much sympathy is i'olt for die family in their very sad bereavement, Mr McCoy, father of deceased is at present in Australia, being on a visit to Ilia Lnurriod daughter.

\ This morning, afior tho adjournment of the Arbitration Court to inspect tho . pumping plant at tho No, 5 shaft, in connection with the arbitration case, somo delay was occasioned at the mouth of the i shaft prior to tho party, consisting of Mr. Northcroft, tho two arbitrators, Mesrs, Brokoushiro and Koclie, and Mr, Millar, counsel for tho Inspector of Mines, descending in tho cage. On inquiry it was ascertained that though tho oilskin suit provided for Mr, Northcroft fitted hn, ho could not be fitted with boots, and some ono hit on tho happy idea of applying to Mr, Barry for a pair of his pumps, Ultimately a pair was produced, and Mr, Northcroft, us ho stepped into tho cage, jocularly remarked that if the water at the bottouvof tho shaft was deep ho would be ablo to sail, On Monday night, in Wesley Church, a farowoll social was tendered to Mr, It. E. Evans, who is leaving Wailii to take up ministerial duties in connection with tho Methodist Church, at foahtliorson, Welt lington province. Considering tno state of tho weather and the roads, tho attendance was excellent. Among those prosent wera representatives of practically cvorp church in tho town, During tho evening no less than four presentations woro uiado to Mr. Evans. The first, eonsissing of a handsomo writing eabinot, fitted with all tho customary writing materials, was given by the scholars of tho Sunday School class which the recipient had taught, Next, Mr. Evans was presented with a beautiful ltible,with concordance etc.. attached. This was on behalf of his follow teachers in tho Sunday j School, and was made by Mr. J, Roberts, superintendent. Tho Itov, 0. Harrison I thon, on bolrnlf of tho numerous friends i and admirers of Mr, Evans in tho church | and elsewhere, presented him withaspleii" did travelling companion. Tho companion, lilted as it was with all tho usual requisites, formed a very handsome present. The fourth presentation was made by Mr, A, H. Clark junior, President of tho Young Men's Improvement Club, as a mark o! the esteem in which tho menibors of tho Y.M.I.C. hold him. It consisted of a shaving ouilit- Each gentleman, in making his respective present, referred lo tho sterling qualities j of Mr Evans, and expressed tho best of i good wishes for his fu'.ure prosperity. The ! recipient briefly thanked all his friends (or; tkir kindness: Tho interval between tho j difl'eront presentations was occupied with j musical items and t.vo or three farewell spoeches. At tho conclusion supper was , partaken of. Mr Evans loft yesterday for his new sphero of labour, with tho best < wishes of his numerous Wailii friends, j E

Mr. Wallnutt uotitus in this issue that ho has several half-n.ros seotions, good building sites, in hand cheap, also a fonrroomed residence near hospital. Full particulars lu advertising columns.

On Friday evening next the Wailii Miners'and Workers' Union hold thoir annual reunion and dance in tho Academy of Music. Dancing will be Biipplomcntod by an interesting musical progiannne, consisting of vocal and instrumental itoms,

A rather interesting point cropped up in the Magistrate's Court last week, A defendant had c.miplaiimt that he had been served with a summons and had no time to put in a counter claim, and contended that it was tho duty ot tho Clerk ot the Court to fix tho dato ot summons so that a defendant should have ample time to put in a counter claim. The Magistrate, howover, said that ho thought tho Clerk was bound to issue':'a summons for tlio first sitting of the Court if tho plaintiff so desited,

Mr, Northcrott, S.M., who is presiding at tlio Arbitration Court, mailo soino remarks about the slowness of tho conch journey this morning from Paeroa. Ho said ho thought ho had neeidonii 1 )'f;ot into a hcarso, Tho delay at tho dilfcrent places en route might bo obviated, ho thought, if tho coach, instead ot waiting the allotted timo in front of tho hotels, waited only long enough to let thoso got out who wanted to, and then procoeded straight away to the post offlcos to deliver and take in tho mai's. Tho passengers who got out at Iho hotels could walk as far as tht post I ollico and rotembark, and two stoppages would thus bo avoided,

The usual weekly mating of tho Wailii Rugby Union was held last evening, thore. being a large attondlmcE. An application by C. Oampboll to be reinstated as a junior was granted, Mr Fletcher, dclegato for tho Katikati Club, who was present, informed the Union that tho Katikati Club wished to nlliliato with the Wailii Rugby Union as a union, and if they could not do that to affiliato as a club, It was decided to accept them as a club. A letter was received from the stcrotar/ of the Botonia Itngby Union, asking thorn if they could sond a rep, team to Rolonithis season, Consideration of the matter was deferred till Tuesday next, It was decided to writo lo the Auckland iicfcrees' Asso. eiation, asking them to send a reforeo for Saturday, Our Tliamos correspondent -writes:— fj'omo doubt appears to exist as lo tho powcrß and jurisdiction of the District Court, tho first silting ot which at iho Thames, presided over by Judge Kettle, will bo held on July 9tli, In civil cases the Court has juiisdiction up tolfiOO, whilo in criminal cases tho Court has power to sentence up to 1 years'imprisonment. Certain ollonces ate exempt from trial at district courts-collective conspiracy, criminal libel, etc., but to all intents and purposes the District Court is on all (ours with the sitting of the Supremo Court, One advatw tago to tho district is that tho Court has full jurisdiction over all cases dealing with matters relating lo mining, and it is also a Court of Appeal from (ho decisions of the Warden's Court.

Tho first half-yearly mooting ot ttio St, Joseph's branch of the Hibcrninti bociety was hold Insl night in St. Joseph's sohoolloorn. Thfli'o was n good attendance of members. Tho Society was reported tn bo mnking good progress, both numerically and financially, Tho following officers were olected tor tho ensuing six months: —President, Bro. Thoirns Collin?; VicoPresidont, Bro. \V. Sullivan; Secretary, Bro, C. B. Irvine; Treasurer, Bro. J. W. A. Hayes; Warden, Bro. R. K, Graham; Guardian, Bro, P, McFamara; visitors to sick, Bros.\v, F, Amsnnd.J D, Ryan; auditors, Very Rev, Father Brodio and Bro, G, Foy, Tho past president, Very Rev, Father Brodio, installod tho officers in their respective positions. Tho nowly elected oflicers returned thanks for the honour conferred on them, and tho president promised to presont a monitor's sash of best design to the brother introducing the most new mombcrs during the coming twelve months.

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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1033, 6 July 1904, Page 2

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Untitled Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1033, 6 July 1904, Page 2

Untitled Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1033, 6 July 1904, Page 2