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Alohday, July 30. The Colonial Secretary (Mr.Stafford),moved the first .^ro : -/oiwa, of a - revised Bankers Returns!, act, 4858.. ' Bill read accordingly;."-’ The Colonial, Secretary laid 'on The’; table the reply of her Majesty to the address Of this house on the’.Marriage of-.the; Princess Royal to Prince Frederick VKilliam of Prussia ; and moved; ' that;. that' reply be ■ entered- on-’the Journals ; of the House/ Agreed to; ■ - v - i - The following, documents were -laid’onthe table by the Colonial Secretary apd Native Mimster by command of the' Governor Sr ' . Papers’relatlve to <the Steam Postal service—(in continuation. ;of Papers presented 22nd!Juhe,\l]358)..._ •.''or;A of elecim ' ' tfn: . /- ?J . ‘';'i '

Report by the 4 oh the Postal of NeW Zealand:.; - v ; : ’• • '; Papers' to- tlje;-Right;'p f abori'ginal , 1 ■ / relkliy(S' i 'to''fNative affairs-—' (Memorandum of?29th 185.83* • Papers relative to t-hn Nativ'e insnrrectioii. / Fiiihhcei accounts! (^elienil^ovisn)^ merit of New bctdherj 1857,‘ -.tot '3oth ’Septembier/ ?1 'lriciudirigStatements of the Receipt and Eifperiditure’ of- trie Ordinary Revenue for The 1 Firianciat") ears

Eurther -papers, relative toJJhc railitary'.defence of : 'New?vZeiilan ; of papers; presented’on"' ftHe ;fi 23ril ISpS)^ a, No; 6: : - ''■* 'V '• ;'\l ‘j - y .' v Ditto,'’ “. * ' Papevs i rfilatiTe , f6 ; ‘Abts’aFG : eftiklii.-Asgojafe|y oT Session W'22*Vicf "_r v: Papers relative to ! the- Pr t o : viucial bills cbntmtTatjbu serited on-tlie TSfiir, May,■ 1858.): ; V' V;- ,; ■ Report;’-of 1 tiie- the ,‘Spprefoe Court tdhis ExcdUency'tUe. Gdy-ernpr tesplbf! 1 fog Crinvinar Prosecutions and.lustices’bf the Peace. * - - •• s --- r *

ißeport of the Judges of the Supreme Court to the Governor on a 6'iipreme Court Jurisdiction hill. s -

- Report of the Judges, of. the Supreme Court to ' the Governor, on the consolidation and amendment ofr the. law of New Zealand ire specting the Qualification and Admission: of Solicitors'. ’

August 1, 1860. Present, —The Speaker and 38 members. /Mr. Richmond laidvoii the , table papers on the J subject of the Taranaki .Land question from 1839 to 1859, presented .to-, the, Honor,able the house of Representatives by command of Iris-Excellency.... . ■ Mr. A. Clark presented a, petition from L. Berlowitz.; Ordered not to be received., Mr. F. D. Bell presented! a petition from Arthur Guyon Purchas and James Ninuis .for a.private bill.. . ~ r

Ordered to be received. Mr ; Carleton then gave notice that on the next sitting ,day' he should move for the depositions in the case, of the Government v. Yates. . Notices of? Motion.

Mr. Daidy; gave notice that an Fridayvhe should move— .■ - ’ .

... Ist. For a return, of alLpurchases of Native land subsequent to the 30tli June, 1856, specifying acreage, price,: A position; whatdisiputed claims' , haye‘ Aarisen : .out of ! the purchaseswhether - settled; -.or unsettled ; actual cost pep .each .province, inclusive of ;; incidental and departmental expenses. ■ -./a - -V -'

f '2nd. .Also a return of the quantity purchased, by Europeans, -under.; the. Waiver of 4>i;e- eruption ;; what disputes.* have arisen between tlie. buyers,'and sellers, -and if any are-now: outstanding. •; . : ~!: 3rd-. Also? a return, bf.the.:.quantity of Land iiow.under, offer -to, the Government in;each province. "•

. -r4th. Alsp,a return, of the.estimated.quantity of land acquired by Government and.'individuals ; and .the; quantity, remaining =in the .hands of the Natives,in, each province. <-.. ; “- .!. sth. Alsoja .return of.the estimated quantity of land ineach, province in: the Northern island now available for said'or occupation.. t. .

B. Bell, then gave notice that he should move on Thursday (yesterday) for leave to bring in a bill to grant a Patent to Arthur Guyon Purclios-and Ninnis, for the preparation of the? ‘ .Plio-rraium tenax” and other plants. ' ' ' MfcForsaith to move (the. same day}*-- ; ■ That l a : respectful address be presented to liis Excellency the Governor, requesting him to furnish to this - house copies! pf any. additional reports, minutes, memoranda, or other papers (not heretofoi*e laid before the house) from persons holding official appointments, nr .from; ;.other unofficial but reliable - authorities, relating to - the- origin arid progress of the agi tation prevailing amongst certain native tribes, and which lias resulted in the .il/aori King movement.

. a respectful address be- presented .to his Excellency, the Governor,' requesting him to furnish to this house .copy. of • the Despatch .or. Despatches; forwarded; by t him- to the Imperial Government relative tothe recent movement in Auckland in favour of alteration in the present system, of ; acquiringj;land; .from 'the Natives,., together? with the documents relating thereto.

Mifi: Richmond to. move (the same day) the appointment of a select committee;on. private grievances ; the committee to: consist of Mr.; UeU,.»MEi«Brown, Mr; Daldy, Mir. Healey Mr. King, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Domett; and*Mr. fFard ■;

Mr. Carlet.ou then brought forward the motion, standing-iii . biie' name for the appoints ment of .a select committee on . Standing or : ;de^s ; ; committee , to.' consist of .Mr: Speaker, the hon. Mr. Richmond, Mr. Brandon, Mr, Eox, .Mr: Domett* and, Mr. Gillies. Agreed .to.;,; iy .. Mr. F. D. Bell moved the.appointment of a House,committee,. to, consist of the following members.:-—Mr. ; Cookson; ; Mr. Henderson. Mr. Heale, Mr. Joll#,] Mm Moorbouse, and the lion. Mr. Weld. Agreed to.; , : / ..;' , w ,Mr.. \yard -movedythe appointment of a Lib-. rary and. Printing, committee,, to. consist iiof Mr.” Speaker, Mr. Fitzherbert ■> • Mr.; Domett,the.hon.,iVlr.Staffordv. : Mr. Carleton- and Mr.. Healei , Agreed ;, ... -i ~.jMiv Forsaith them moyedi.- that aa bumble 'fiddr^'be^pres'eo^ed;:^ o Ws.• Excellency 5 tlig •‘Governor; requesting Mni to send dow;u to. this house .an A bstract‘return of all: rejected? .applk cations made,; by Natives,' during, the period intervening: between,; Ist January, ;ip4o, to 31st, December, ,1845, "-to., sell - land,to fieg MaGovernment,,,specifyingiims,;.nearly as njay bcj •tbe>foiiowing J particulars name? of jtlie mm applicants i. the situation, and estimated,extent; of the,land offered.;; thetermA, (if -any)•'•of «tlre offer; and the,reasons £sjfatty) upon.whiebiithe rejections! the applications, were founded.;; | , j, jAgreed to, .'"with*the; addition, \ ofi.tnfrwords •suggestion, whether any, part' of; the ’land-, has been since i wJ).brd' v M • ‘ f , i

ft .'-Mr.; Wa&l? then' moved l that-the following Return be to 1 on the ! table Aißeturaibf itbe number-of Crowtf Grants now in; tlie;;Crown>,GrttntS office: ! bf;the’colobyvSpbcr» bettoee&’thib'stf completed and incomplete bn tlie 30thV J«ly, ; 1860 • alsb specifying tlie lebgth of tirne elapsed. since the from fea'dh pi-bViiice r whi : cli may=bave‘been dbtfgest’ In ; : ‘aiidMhio the HTafisaction id ? ‘wbl^h : the/sajhib sball ibScrfmm(l ; to refer. to. 4- • •. • . . , '

. !.. . . Thursday, August I 860! . .The Speaker and ‘l4 members were present. ,'rhere not; beingial quorum the house stood adjourned till 3 ' t FkIDAY, August 3. ; -Present, the Speaker and .38" members. On which; day .'the following Afotices •of motion were given : ' ; ■ l.;"The hon. Mr. .Richmond to; move-the appointment of a select.'committee on Private grievances the committee to consist of Mr. Bell, Mr; Brown, MrA.Daldy, Mr. Heale, Mr. King, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr; Domett, and Mr. Ward. . * • : ‘

! /‘/2: . TlieHon.: Mr.-.‘Richmond to move’ the appointirierit i of, a, committee to inquire and report whether- any' arid what [system: iof >extinguishing,the rights oi the aboriginal*Natives to: their: lands jean be advantageously substituted/or the present system with f ,[power to call: for persons and to consist' of Mr. Fitzgerald, Lieut.-Colonel Haultaih, Dr. -Featherston, Mr. Daldy, Mr. JFilliamson,' Mr. A Sewell, and Mr. Forsaith. Report to be brought'up this day-fortnight. ■ 3. *Mr. Forsaith to move, That a respectful address be: presented to; his> Excellency* the Governor, requesting him to furnish; to this house copies of any additional'reports,"minutes, memoranda, oyother papers (riot heretofore laid before the house) from persons: holding official appointments, F ;oy from...; other a unofficial but reliable authorities, relating to the; origin anti progress .of the agitation v prevailing: amongst certain Native tribes; and which has resulted in the Maori King* movement. * 4.: Mr. Forsaith to move, That a:respectful address ,be . presented! to his Excellency J the Governor, requesting him :to. furnish to this house, copy ~of the Despatch or Despatches forwarded by liimJto.the Imperial Government relative to the .recent.*movement in Auckland iii; favour ofsyrn valteratioririnTlSeCpfesent system of acquiring, land from the Natives, together with the documents relating thereto. 6. -Mr. jl’arleton to m'Sve; That a> respectful address be presented- to his Excellency the Governor, requesting v copies of such original Maori documents A as., it're vgiven in English in the Papers relativetto: the iVative insurrection,” be laid ion , the , table- of i the .bouse... .: ' p t'S; /'... -A : v--'.'

,7. Mr. Dillon Bell ;to [ move, for ; leave to bring in* a bill to grant Patent to Arthur Guyon Purchas and James Ninnis; for the preparation of the Phormiutn tenax; arid other plants.,. - , p-, .. = / ....-A-; -.:<!• 1. P ,,B;.;Mr Fox to t move for the production; of the s ßepprt of Mr.; Protector Clark oris the tenure of Native ..Lauds, f,which ,isl printed; in - the parliamentary ; Papers, *1844; Appendix, 356 .. Also a Return ofall lands; purchased. from individual Natives in New Zealand; Without the. consent of the tribes toavhich'sUch.Natiye.s belonged, or of the principal Chief, of such tribe ; and.also ; a return ofall lands so purchased from individual Natives in disregard of/the Temonor against the prot jest-of the tribe or principal; Chief. • , Also, for jthe production, of; the Memorial of New: .Plymouth, Provincial .Council, May, 1858, presented during the Session of that year to this.Hqqse. a,., i.:. V- > 9 Mr Fox to move, That the Petition of Hpury jPeery* be referred:to;the- Committee on Private Grievances, i V • ■ . '

10 Mr. Carter to move, -For a Return o‘f the various sums expended out of the £TBO, 000 being the portion \pf theViLobn of £§oo, 000 allocated, for the; purchase -of J 'Native lands in the Northern Island .; such Return to specify the number of.acres purchased in eidr district,'Off' by what Commissioner effectedirand.the price .per acre: 1 Such- return also to 'state the amount of the said £ ! 80j000 unexpended, .tlie balance due on each provincial Account, and how such balances are- now invested..,, . V

.11. Me. Afoorhouse to move; For leave to refer to “ the joint; of both* houses on private..bills ” a certain bill, entitled, “ The Ly ttelton and Christchurch; R ail way bill*** * 2. ; ,Di110n Bellto: move,(That’ the name of Mr. Crosbie Ward be added to the House;Committee. o : A—••• t»

. ; 14. Mr. Carleton: to move; The. appointment of a committee .of inquiry : into the Vircuras.tances ;;whicli;:led to the Taranaki war. Committee toiconsisti oti Eti-Gbloftel //aultain, the hon. Mr. Richmond,. Mr. Fitzgerald;- Dr. Featherston, Dr. Monro, the Tionr Mr. Weld, Mr-. Rrown, ; Mrnßelh and'Mr:‘Fitzherbert. Report to be brought up August 2lsfc. . .ORDER OF THE DAY. : Adjoumedr debate on the question,‘That Xhe. . hon> Mr: Richmond have lea# to introduce a bill to enable the Governor in certain‘cases' to prevent- .dealings ; and?. iCommuni#tibh'> withaboriginal natives offending against the law.

Business' for; Wednesday.

• , ( NOTICE OFMoTfotf.- ■ ' * ; ; Mr. :BeWeli'to move,:The production of the Report of the committee of thej-House of Commons on the. New« Zealand Loan 1 ' bill,’ 1857, and of all Letters, transmitted through(the Governor;# the Secretary i>f State relative to the Evidence'given, before SticK committee, and pf alhDespatches tb 'an.ib from the'Secre.tary relative 1 # the same: - '

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 4, Issue 206, 30 August 1860, Page 4

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HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 4, Issue 206, 30 August 1860, Page 4

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 4, Issue 206, 30 August 1860, Page 4