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I-■ ■ . . ■ BABGAINS TODAY ; AT GEEAT SALE OP . "TfMACFARLASTE'S AMBERLEY STOCK. I / ••■'-. ' MBlack. he-.vyC'EOVte____; SEEGE, I&6Ji_,_.oW _ ___ -**. ! 24 mSilkFinlßt^ L^^ fi^S,allsli_.des,2B 3_.;*oyr_ ... ... -|~ *i ** j Extra Heavy AMA^WCI-OTH, oil colours, le M m ow -| g i|_ fjQPAIE Brown GrItf'BLASJ&ETS, reduced t6 ... ___f_\__. \ 160 p CS Striped Ft AN^tiETTES, from per dozen Jg lljj .^ ; 200 PCSPink ' Blue » Cr ' Mm 3St» v j.'-'' 4Q DOZ LADIES' KID GLO>l__«;&6d, now ._. ... .„ -i <L V 4 DOZ White Lawa APfcONS, Ml sfeie.lß 3d, now n ' . 20 DDZLa^ eB,B^ ctCash ™ efff ' HfeßE » Eibbed « 1 8Sd,no»>' .„ ... .... fni. n ' ' DOZ COMBINATIONS (Natural -Grfey). 12s 6d, now j- |L ji JO'DOZ LADIES' FLAtfiTELET'rE KSICKEES, reduced tot. ... ... j n >' .EEIVWETH MATHESOIST & CO., THE HALL, Hl(_H ' STBEEW, CHBISTCHUBfISL

I . ■ • Tate Advertisements;.; ■ — — — — _ . : | | m ■ "'FBB N.Z, ,QWWB®S-- ' THIS WEEK Owe Prbi-p^<___»_. '/, VVTAN-lEbtoSell, I.^%x^ll_V.cli«>W. ___) ' ,„JJ Apply, Mr B Pietwm; Hortß A*<ra I#vs, W Bichmond. „•',.••>•-'.' \ ' ,<wi* ' ?t ■ ' ■ ii r ii- -i-i-i-LiL^. '-y ■'■ , ■ '; ¥^FAJITOIEp r Bwj&t; mmvefc Paiut ahou. Wprtat-Nq niy^jeto_j>Btr(-et;.* " s__T WAOT_sW^Kursev.for'the oonntry w_^« ■ofMi.-MMBHaaplftyth Belt. ; . ... . , Jftfi ■ . lS__\f^^m;Tßnjera ferwar FJanDelett«g_lßlld ■Jf^TiL. P B ** *»«•» AjiDo_riiChef»s4td. Ckttw ffllirt_^s.4|dV worth 6*d. B_Aw, BoWmon WOo., Odshel S.-Wt;oppoßite^*_n*« " OJSfce. Ud to -OB' >6d_ Bhaw, BobjhtMQ &wtV C 0... <SMuel B_r_et.ogapciß.<lfr , 'Preßß'*o_____'... t s\ %* r__4-Tr__D. Bnyore m^mwe VW.t% <J#onl_rJ, IL-- P* 1169 lld » «atr_-__irge finlld, GMMmil 3W.Pt^tfrtt^7id, HJ^allTt^d.' Bb«w~_i_s_»: sog: audi Go., Cwhel Stoeet, oppo«it«"« IWft" Offica. WJ-NTHJ ), Buyers, for o--Ti 2b 6diKid Glovmm 16 ll<dS; Ca_h-_-.ro___»Be, le-SttfOr vm&M Pieces ai^lPNetsfto_6i-S4iLiHlea__kres9i«s6w - 6td. ai — , .u_j___— n ri-^-ftf fn n iitf||gfr___^ | _ w _w__. site " PasesA-O-fice; »"*<%ipi <r , WANTED, Buye»'_b*x«___',___i,'Wi'sß~6flta*__ . 6^^Blouse_ia6_-__Udamrtt^d: I____Sb_« Sailor K_ts»;ls.lld to akeaj^Ul^t ■ •■&... :'Flow«fc3dl and6dF_«-spn_y. Bh_JW„l_<S^nf«n.-^V!o.,<_B__fcel Street. T,pp)j»Cß»ite " 'Preum"'Qmcx**WA»TED, Buyero ft* - on>ir »Ud BUel Figured Lup3_tw_*_* lajViflv.*H 6d Dn__w» for 5s IM; and 17s 6d Droast-. -/rfnr-'«v,sd; B-tairing Silks 4s -_Hto._6 6d, all_*.__!a_di|W,..'i-lld. 3hr»w, K.-ibinsurmidCo., Casb»ol_»tnß_6t-.p;wpt«j_it« " _=_•_« * Office. . WO /10©K__, . mist, ha. \t*gt 0. . AA), \j >_»<__- ti,mMm" WAHDO," best r-medy made ___*»<_«-*<!.- Sk>maoh, Liver Compliiiui 2MB WT.. McFEBI-_--*^t_),R ; jß_i S 8), C_«_n__i_ « »igh Sireet,.. sells!.. 'W___too-th»> gp-Mt RemeoyXfOr Indigestion. A>NTfcU Knownr-Thai' __6*«al Tea f» the beat nerve inviEttg»toriiapt-»i» market__H__W "T^n-aoNTED Known— ___ > uoa_«H<G.I.C. fovCe^. W Undo Tea. T3Hm \ a7rSOD_>' Fig-Lax___HPe-toit-««p the ijivar and ft Digestive Oiga-.8,. i*<aaa»eable tos take. Sold Orocers and Cber»i»tß; ltoSil and 2«6d; ii "TWriND Spftßl__%Cc-io 1 •fl-i__I-l_^a. ,, "Whit--7 t worth Refr BttttlA». Ift 6d. A_V an» Lanc_*li-«»lad what i.••w^^'l•_^^_H ,, '• E. _ £_-»*»«». C__-1W Street wesiH' 0711- ' .. F>ED Gauntlet^ *bestilX>-__i__iold oint»e_iti» JBAj tho world I- -Ittßtai*. Cvure for alll Stares, Ao.^ E.JR. Allpress, _o9) Ca_i-e_lS_reet west, 9.lo mffffi be.fc Livw»Pill! a. be World«l? Dt JL' Fid--t.t'B, recommeadedt by three • Gtoterbury Dociora. Is 6d per box. B. B. Allpwsß, 239. | Caaflfil Street West:. 97K BIN v KB, Sets i.lB to _._ 2s, urqqualled valrea Minson's Chenp Depot. Xl 69*' K. HTK • _^.7AH-(l.urto<>. who ib retiring «, from busißese, bas.Fon- Sale, cheapr-1 TyreT>cndingMachlnet.lsinul] fftwHenoh, lHOßseahoei»akißg Machine, I -aa-gmTurniing Lathev wi4h 7 .in pentreaud gap. 46*37 J" SNELL, Colombo Street south, Christ* . church, Wasto- Product and Bottle Met- | chant Cash Par .haser. oMiags, Tailorel' Cuttings j Bope, Bones, La__l/ -.i_M».Bh_-<s, Copper, ,Droß, Flin Glass, Paper, Iron (Efjorop^ Oil Drumo,. _m., Ac ! Every desertion ot boitilos bought, sold, or I exchanged. 255 ! -ja/f ADAM CAB_,>l_E h ITalmistry,, 2>t»5, 6 to 9. ; JjJL ViqcvaiO.-iS^_ooii„-laßta)idNan_feße]t. SMOKE Cameron's La_twt rtoauotaor, the New Venus Dark Aromatio Tobacco. 2268 SEWING ,- MaoWnea aenaired aDdiadjuslod at DavijVlejrtica-i Feed Sowing Ms__.ine Depot,, 220, Colombo St-vwt. X1699 ' (__l M AI-_ Bread" (ftntmont; ____Js wounds iry allays ixzoitatlcflt, cures Bi___ttura, drlighi filjtr oooliHg to skint 3( 1. Chemists. Grocera. TEA Sets, 40' gfeoos, 12s 6eh, 14s 6dj th* thfiitf l aei in JtJB. Minaog;,. Cheap Dep6t_ Tf/- INCAH_,Storekoep_r, for " Wahoo," • __L\_ 2s <ftp_ ; best remedy mado GoneaaJ, debiJJty, O ;e_*t©i_____, Piles, Sio_. HeAdaohos, Ne*< raigja.. Honrthurn. 226_r ri^ 1 rffSAtLO—, Storekeeaen, Mwaya stuokk. -_L« .ft. LOASBT'S" WAHOO,' 2s 6d caren I_idige_,tio-i., Flatnlence, Palp-iotion, Nervotusness Sick Headaohea, Slnggiah Li . _rs^ ? ___ 1-J X M S K A S O. N.. j NBGta of 5 JAM JAES ... ls 6d : Nests of 6 JAM JARS, ... 2s Od Nests of 7 JAM JAMS ... 2s 6d i llason's PINT JAIRJ3 ... 5s 6d iozen Mason's QUART JSARS ... 6s Cd dozen Haßon's 2-QUAJiT JABS ... 9a 6d dozea, DUNFORD & CO., 156, COLOMBO STBEET, CHBISTCHUBCH. GENTLEMEN, »*7"c havo Just Opened a Freßh Sh_jMneiit oS KINNEY BROS/ FULL DBESS CIGARETTES ESLICK" BROS. TOBACCONISTS. NEW JOOKS, [.. Turner— Lights of Sydney, 2s 6d and 3s 6d Kingsley— Titus, a Comrade of the Croßß, 2s 6d HopkiiiE— Kilmainbam Memories/ls Hocking— Fields of Fair Bonown, 2a 6d and SB Oft Pantoi —From Kitchen to Garret, 2s 6d Gosse— Critical Kit Kats, 7s 6d John Davidson— The Pilgrimage of. Strong a PayuG—Jorry, the Dreamor, 8b 6d [3b W W. G. CHARTRES, WHII HABT BUILDINGS, HIGH STREET, W telephone 800,

,' • . . .... j; Late Advertisements. ]j*T H E" N.Z. C^€?LIST ,, || THIS WEEK (BwPiroßpeetus). !J|_yTCLE J\prDl_«G OCBOOI. 1 1 CrCLBNG, A-C-WM-MW— I! DRILLSHED, CASHEL STREET, <__B3&Tli «HUBGB. :j Promoter ... F. W..P'AINT_S_»_ Open Jaim. tilDSip^mi '■ DAILY SESSIONS Frcm- 2't0.3. p_m_ ; Tickets ls~ 6d eapRM.. or TVrelve' fsr W& ©3. i ?RIVATE TUlT2oN.— l_iwSe» or Gentlemen nstpiirinff Private Lemons, wi_h SJwctal Attention tc Deportment, can arrange hours to suit convenience. Terms 2a 6d per lesson «r 21s per course. 4257 INDIGESTION o« WAHOO WHICHISITTOIB®? -W-OU CAN HAVE EITHEB, BUT TOU CABPT HAVE 80-TH. 2s 6d Everywhere. Wholesale Agents, Kearpthorne, Proeser and Co., New Zealand Drug Company. WANTED, a Girl about 16; B_e__> at home Apply 120. Kilmore Street. 5_19 ANTED, Smart, Educated Lad of 15. Apply, own handwriting, 27, Antigua Street. 5405 WANTED, Gentlemen Boarders, share room ; superior accommodation; terms moderitp. 110, Barbadoes Street, near Hereford Street .aster _____ WANTED Known— Pure Wool Combinations 16s 6d for 8s lld, Flnnnelette Chemises ls 6d, Flannelette Nightilresses 2s 3d, at Macfarlane's S-o"k Sale. Kenneth Matheson and Co., The H-fll. WANTED Known— Uubleachea Twill Sheeting for double beds 7.d yd, 150 Coloured Skirt Lengths ls 9d the piece, Linen Table Damask uubleached ls, now BJd yd. Kenneth Matheson and Co., The Halh ' ■_ WANTED, Ladies in want of Female Servants to apply Miss Glover, at the New Zealand Labour Exchange, Manchester Street south. Every care taken in selecting servants with bona fldo references. Reliable servants will i find it to their advantage to apply at this offlce. . Now wanted— Housekeepers, Cooks, Generals, Lady Helps, Young Girls, &c. For the convenipnee of emp'oyers p.nd servants this office will be • opoii on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, . from 8 to 9, commencing April 6th, 1897." Telephone 256. COMFORT ft BLE Home in private family for '" J Three Gentlemen, 3 minutes' walk from city ; ,no others kept (piano) ; 15s. Address at "Star" : Office. 54225 422 F~" OR Sale— For Removal— rour-roomed Cottage, irou roof. Apply, corner Ferry Road, i Barbour Street. YOUNG Lady wants Dres?making or any kind sewing. Terms very reasonable. M.A., " Star" Office. 5416 I' OST, on Oxford Terrace, Star Badge, W.P.L. J Please leave office of this pnper. i 5415 American Obgans new models, just received, ORGANS FOR CHURCH ORGANS FOR SCHOOL ORGANS FOR PARLOUR ALL OF SPECIAL VALUE, AT THE D. I. C. "WELLINGTON HOTEL, TUAM STREET, OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE. VISITORS,Y ISITORS, Tourists, Travellers and Ihe public generally will find at this modeni-iotel most excellent accommodation AT REASONABLE RATES. Tho Largest Stock ©£ SPEIGHT'S CELEBRATED PRJ?E ALES* Iv Bulk and Hot tie, in Christchurch. Visitors who recoaruise the necessity of drinking only the Best aud Purest Beverages will patrou_3e the' Wellington Hotel. All' Draught Ale is an Thorou"h Condition, nnd drawn direct from idle wood. "The Wines and Spirit, are of the fisust brands. EUCIISf p ropr i ce t o;rt Wellington Hotel, P4734 Tuam SbaQt. ARTIFICIAL TEETH.. WE have import .d tho Latest Appliances and MATERIALS for tlie Constauction el ABTIFICIAL TEETH, and GUARANTEE a SET OF TEETH from £g £&. A SINGLE TOOTH from Pp ■ immnnMnn m m— wp-ipm — mmim Highest Class Work at tho very Lowest Fees. PAINLESS DENTISTRY— Nitrous Oxido Ga&. Positively Safe, Perfectly Harmless. 9. MYERS & CO., SK, By University examination, Caaiiel Street, Christ, church ; Octagon, Dunedin. Attendance, 9 a.m. to 6 i).'m. Other hours and Sundays. Private residence: Comoro. Cashel and Barbadoes Street.. „ TelerUouc— Surgery 279, House 50S .

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5835, 31 March 1897, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5835, 31 March 1897, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5835, 31 March 1897, Page 3