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Tenders for painting at tho huspital close 10-ilnr (Tuesday) not Thursday us advertised ycstonlnv. We find (hat the " rarlugs" of fuel (.> the Uorir.itWßO from Kairlio Cr«k is IM Klj prt ton, mid thai ivo were in error in stating " (lint tho cost uf fuel at Vairlio Crepk was JL':( 10s per ton." Wo lmvn to nckimrlcdgc the riveijil, fioin tho Government Printer, of a copy of l'n> fessor Kirk'g work entitled "The Korerl Flora of New Zealand," nnd shall take fir early opportunity of rsviowinff it. During Jlic list tbrro »lnys wtlconrt showers have fallen nil over Wnimato County, nnd in many places limy bavo been the lalfation cf the crops which wore beginning to droop and wither. Grata nnd gardi'hi preicul ti forward ii])pc:irsnco. Potatoes which have been frosted onco or twice, arc now coming on nicely, and green pcue an'.! jtrawberrios aro rrady for iiu, Tho DnmtiiH 'J'imrn records a fatal an-ideiil in a slucing claim at Drybresd on Turtdaj nftornoon Just, tho victim bring Ororgr Hastier, one of t ho olde«r residents in tlw district. Tho ground v/ns only Rft deep, u ml n fall coining nwny suildculy, riiught dcceisscd and rolla-.l over him. On boing extricated he said he did not fed much hurt, only fiolnifj wciit, but scarce lialf-nn-huur hid elapsed when, on boini; rouvcu 1 '! to his lioin- 1 , In' expire I.

Tho grand and common juries for the Beonber sessions, will bo struck by the sheriff it 2 p.m. on Wodnesday. Mr Turnbull, M.11.R, arrived at Lyttelton Dy Iho Hotorua on Saturday, and will probably reach Tiinaru to-day. Wo ore pleased to hear that he is in a fair way of recovery from Ill's serious illness. By the last San Francisco mail information haa been received of the award of tho Grand l'rii or Paris to tlio McCormick Now Seed Binder. Tlie conipctil ion took placo on tlio farm of M. Menicr, near Noisicl, in tbe prosenco of momberj of tbo Government, tho International Jury, and tlio President of tho Republic. It was an iuteresting tight ndown or bo reapers working in uat and whrat fields. Tho McCornnct did its work without mining a single sheaf, and tho manager of the citati) wat so well pleated that he bought tho machine nnd retained it on tho farm. We have it on good authority that Mr ircCormick will ivccivc the Bed Ribbon from the French Government. His father held a very high runk in tho Legion of Honour, and in 1873 ho was elected a mem' ber of tho French Institution for having dons itoro than any other living man in !ho imubs of agriculture. Messrs Pries', and Holdgatc are local agents for the McCormick binder. As it is not gonerally known, wo draw attention lo tho fact, thnt among Iho train arrangement, for Thurid.iy nott it i« notiCed that the early train will leavo Timoru instead tf froir. Studholmo. 'Ihis arrangement will enable visitors who wish to see tho Bt. Andrew* Caledonian gathering to get down lo St. Andrews ul an early hour, and t'icy can return by the 7 p.m. special. Iho Utter leaves town at 1.10 p in. to Hint all who oo greatly benefit by tho Tliure;laj half holiday can easily be in time for it. Iho progratnmo of games is ft lengthy one ; all events have filled well and tlicro vull l>3 no lack of competition j tho ground is handy to tho station, ar.d tho track is in very fine order. Most completo arrangements have been niado for tho reception of tho public, ami in addition to music by the society's imd otber pipers, tho Timaru Qarri?ou Bend will bo in attendance. Gi^cn " Itoyal weather," the gathering should bo even more euccesuful than it ira« last year. The AV ip Ztaliml Herald understands that Mujor-Gcncral Edwards' report on the Ooloniil Forco wm posted to tho Government with whom will remain tho decision as to whether it should be made known to the public. The General, after going through tho colony and eecing Iho wholo of the Colonial Force, his come to the conclusion Ihnt the physique of Iho men is good, but the organisation deffctivo. Ho considers Unit the standing and ellicicnir of oflicsrs woul'l be increased by the elective element being eliminated ; that tho officers should piss .1 severe examination, and be nominated br Iho Go\crnincnt, the Defence Minister of courso beii'g responsible for the fitnees of tho appointments ; »nd the forces should bo partially paid in. in tbo other colonies, llic General is in favour of Sir Hsnry l'aikes' views n lo federation, atr.l that New 2'Niland should be in tho confederacy. Hij elipijcslions as far a* known arc that, thero shmld be nil Australasian division, with a general ofliror in cnmni'ind, the " fortress, corps " bring m.ibi'.r. and tha'. tho ommi'.iijn* should bo from the Queen, New Zealand should luve a. commandant, ol(o nn Imperial pfli.-cr Tor its forces. Tho forl«, as forts, he rejards ai excellent pieces of fortification, but i» nf opinion that in time of war it would be impojMhlc to defend more than the four ceaIroj i^f population. Yrrlertlny at. the Resident Magistrate! Court, Tcm'uka, beforo llr A. M. Clark, J.P., J;uiiei Guild was charged with being drunk in a public placo on tho 12th inst., and with having on the eauio date m.ido uso of insultir>g lanfjusgo at the Temuka railway station, Defendant pleaded guilty to Iho chargo ol drunkenneis. — Stewart gnvo cvidenco ol Iho language used ut the railway etnlion bj defendant, nuil of the manner in which h« was nnnoying penons who wcro strangers to him. W. ilaldorton, station master, gave corroboralivo eviiinnce and further stated tint on Iho previous Saturday his attention hurt boon railed to defendnnt, who was cresting n disturbance ar.d making insulting remarks to «ju:o ladies. Ho did not henr what tho remarks were, tut ho had warned him ti be more careful in his behaviour. In reply lo tho bench defendant 'stated that it mu his fiiMt offence, nnd us ho »m in hijuor at tho time he liaci no recollection of what had tnken place. 110 was iu regular work nn 1 had corao from Timaru. Conslablu Morton said that defendant had been locked up on Iho 12th and admitted lo bail on Iho l:i'.h inst. His Worchip mill that such conduct, which rendered ladies liablo to be insulted when travelling, inu.»t bo stopped) nn'J that at dofend.inl had been previously warned, ho wouid be fined Oi for being drunk, 2Us for tho insulting language, nnd in default one. week's iiiipriMiiinK'ul. Tho ' cjud then ri)."i'. Tho followtnt; arc adililiun&l porliculars tf tho meeting of the £oulh Canterbury Ilunt Club held ut tho Ship Hotel on Saturday afternoon. 'Iho election od tho committee of Messrs W. 8. I.indsny nnd O. Wood w»e confirmed. Tho treasurer, after reading tho balanco for past year, submitted a list of subscribers. Tbo balanco sheet showed : — Receipt* — Subscription*, £221 Os ; eap at opening meet, £1 5s Gd ; stccplcchaso oiceting, i's 7s j enlertaimncnt proceeds, JCI7 It's i'il j total, £219 Is 3d. Expenditure— contribution to master, £235 ; eompenB:itioii lo farmer, £.'( i printing, adverliuing, and ofllco cipcnKcs, £10 Us Ud s balttiico cash iu bank, 12s Id ; total, £240 Is .'ld. Thfl treasurer explained thnt when the promised Bi>b?iriplions are pnid iu there will be sufficient lo ninko up tho contribution U> tho nutter to £250 which was Iho sum contcniplaled nl tho comineiiceiuciil of Iho season. It whs much to bo regretted that after tlio firdunuK exertion) of those who had so kindly given their services in tho production of n theatrical perform.ineo for tho benefit of the club, tho proceeds wcro not larger, but it eppeprs the litno for tho presentation could not bo so well chosen a« in the previous year. A very hcivrly vole of thanks win accorded ta the muster for tho very nblo mannor ho had carried on tho hunt during the past season. Mr F. T. Hhodc« in reply thanked the meeting and expressed tho pUasuro that it had given him to promote th<> sport in the district. After sosio disnuition ns to the proposed arrangements for next rciton, Mt Khodrs intimated his willingness to continue Urn mn*ti<ri>hip for another senson, which <ni received with ai-cliuuiliiiii. Mr It. (1. llhick's rcf'gualiou ul the Ireasureriihip, vthn'h foi vations rraau.'is he was unable to continue, was received with extrrnio regrel, Mr Uhuk having fulfilled the dillicuß duties with tact and tucceei. Mr Gordou Wood was tinnnimj ously electe^ to CM the fool.

Members of the C B.iltery, N Z A., arc reminded thnt a Government daylight parado will bs held this evening, ut 7 30, when a full attendance is specially desired. Tlio approaching end of the roar rendors it of great importance that every parado thould count, for which a two-thirds muster is necesiary. Archdeacon Harper, and Mr William Montngue Sims, were Ihoonlj person* nominated at noon ycaterday ns members of the Timaru High School Hoard of Governors, and thcro being two vnesnei?.', wcro declared duly elected. Mr Sims was nominated by Mr Arthur Gabitcs and Mr W. Priest, nnd Archdeacon Harper by Captain liclGeld Woollcombs nnd Mr Thomas B. Jones. Very liltlo interest was taken in the matter. Hie seventh anntveraary of tlio Juvenile Foresters was celebrated tail evening in tiiej George street hull, by an innocent jollification, b liltlo tea and other light refreshment, with songs, etc, interspersed. A number of the adult Foresters attended and kept the ball rolling. 'I lie juveniles con number about a score. As they aro drafted into the adult loJgo on becoming eighteen they never bare a long muster roll. It is satisfactory to find that the transfers, -not lo;scs-nre continually mode up bv now recruits. Tlio meeting was kept up with much ppirit, and both young and old enjoyed themselves very much. Thodravf for the committee's fours of the Timaru Boating Club took place lost evening tho result being as follows : — First heal: Mullcr meets Gooch j ceeond heat : Mntheson meets Laurcnson ; third heat : Cameron meets Maclean. The winner of the third beat gets tho bvo in tlm second round. The first round will bo rowed off to-morrow evening, tho first race being limed for f>.ls, second 5 W and third G.13. Each stroke hopes tint his crew will bo punctuul in attendance. The course to bo rowed will depend upon tho slnto of tho water— if smooth it will bo from orawcrd of lhi> be)] buoy to tho north fide of the Moody j-'tty. Tho mnjority of crews hare been tniininu very hard, and it i» quite on the card Hint some tough contests will be witnessed. Mr Q. K. Worburton in starting businesi on his orni account in " Stafford " street, in tho old established shop next Shapperc'*, ii (bowing a good deal of enterprise in the complete way he is having the promises renovated Passers-by cannot fail to nute the tasteful new arrangement of tho windows, whereir mirrors and plush curtain* at the back one new and ornamented ttock on tJjte-plaf: shelves in front, have effected a comploli transformation. Tho shop has been re arranged and repainted and papered. A light green paper for the walls form a vcrj r.ico background for tho rows of bottle? Counters and other fittings have, been re painted, the floor re-cOTercd, and when thi decorator* aro dismissed and the stocl properly displayed, Mr Warburton will hati a shop attractive intide and out. A sinul room off tho shop has been furnished m i consulting room for which its complcti privacy welt Ct» it. Mr Warburton bar obtained n reputation hero aa a skilful an< careful chemiot, and we have no doubt ho wil bo well supported now tliat ho has cjm mcueec! on hie own account. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVKHTISBMKNTB N'.Z. Loan, Oanisrn— lmportant ».'.K' o stock on l!3nl inst. Timaru S.S. Co— Shareholders meet tlii: ovening. J. Ballantync and Co— Full particulars o! hiirh cIM3 tailoring. Tho McCormick UiuJer— lmportant notice to farmers. J. H. Bnkor — CalU for tenders for loasinf )»nd. St. Andrew's (J.ithcrine; — Particulars ol trains. Mount Cook Coayhin.T Co— Mail timo table Wanted — Thrco notice.-).

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4697, 19 November 1889, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4697, 19 November 1889, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4697, 19 November 1889, Page 2