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THE DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT. We have been favoured with tho report of the arbitrators (Messrs W. O. Wright, A. Dewar, and Jas. Eernick) in the drainage contribution case United Pumping Association v. Imperial City, and the tables furnished by thorn as the basis of assessment of claims below the Moanataiari slide. We append the report and assessment scale:— . United Pumping Association v. Imperial City G.M.C. To the Warden at Grahamstoivn. _ Sir,-We,, the undersigned, the assessors in the above case, after carefully investigating and taking into consideration every circumstance connected therewith have fixed the following award, viz:- ' " that the Imperial City G.M.C. shall contribute for the term of six months to meetthe cost of drainage, the sum of £b'4lss If], such being in our opinion a fair and just contribution in the present position of the workings of that company " In order to arrive at a fair decision in tho matter we found it reonisite to thoroughly investigate the whole subject of the Thames drainage, and we furnish for your information the accompanying table, the result of such investigation unon which our a«ard is based, ! lu _ When action was taken by the United Pumping Association to recover contri buhons for drainage there were in occupation areas equivalent to 1168 8-10 men's ground, with an aggregate depth of the different workings below the sill of Mia United Pumping ,yso,-i,t,, l , „f 49;31f feet. Uf this, for the purposes of the case before in, we hud thv 4j.> I ID mens srround, with an aggregate depth of 2424 7-10 feet can only with ceriainty b-.> considered benefited, and on these figures our assess ment has been determined. We are, however, of opinion that several other companies are as fairly entitled to pay their contribution toward drainage as those assessed, but wo are doubtful how far in their present position the word benefited may be aUcable, and have therefore omitted them. These, if assessed, will greatly reduce the rate, or will serve to augment the amount of contributions should such be required. We found that by assessing entirely on depth some of the smaller holdings, such as theTmperiaU lty, would be burdened with a very heavy rate, whilst the larger areas would be paying in very small proportions to the extent of ground held by Ihem and on the other hand, by assessing entirely on area, the larger claims would be heavily taxed, whereas .the charges against the smaller areas would in no way com pensate for benefits conferred by drainage. We therefore have assessed one half ou depth and one half on area, making the total amount of assessment-£6OOO or an annual charge of £6 18s s£d per man's ground, and £14s : 8fd per foot in depth of all workings now going ou below the Bill of the Pumping Association shaft. Scientific investigations have proved that the drainage of mines assumes the form of an inverted cone, the drainage shaft being at the centre, and the mining operations on tho flat have shewn the same result; and by taking the depth of drainage in tho United Pumping Association shaft at 400 feet, and at the City of London shaft at 210 feet, the outer edge of tho drainage basin would exclude the Wo. 3 Lease of the South British and the Ashley claim. " But the cross-course, which was proved in the case against the Central Italy $ have intercepted the drainage of that mine, has in our opinion also intercepted the drainage of the Golden Calf, Morning Star, Waitemata, Nonpareil, and Italy We also find that some obstacle, probably the same cross-course in its continuation has interfered with the drainage of the City of York, Young Q;teen, and the Lneknotr • and until this cyoss-course be penetrated by driving no thorough drainage at the back of it can with any. certainty be expected; in these cases, therefore, drainage cannot be proved excepting in the case of the City of York, which mine has two shafts the mam shaft near the City of London boundary being some 40 feet beW the sill of the United Pumping Association shaft, and being quite dry, whereas the other shaft, some nine chains toward the north-east of it, is full of water, and could not be drained by horse whim. Iu this case we have assessed about one-third of the area, or so much of it as lies southward of the line of the Central Intaly slide The following claims have workings. below the sill of the United IWnij Associalim s shaft, but are at present standing idle, Herald, Hand-in-Band Inver ness, Moanataiari, Prince Imperial, and those in surface occupation only ' Britwh Umpire. Hon Pedro, Hllie, South British 1, 2 and 4, and Smiling Beauty, these are not included in the assessment. J . .We consider the tables furnished to be the best mode of assessing the whole field below the Moanatataian slide, and. even beyond it, when by cuttin* the different slides and cross-course that at present intercept, the drainage, other claims shall receive the benefit, and we are of opinion that tho whole cost of drainage whether from one or more pumpmg engines should be defrayed from one general rate made in accordance with the plan therein setforth. ' , We have the honour to be, Sir, i'our most obedient servants, W. O. Weig ct, Alexander Dewab, r, i ,■ « . James Jlebnick Grahamstown, September 23,1874.

, OTITBD'PUMPING ASSOCIATION V. IMP.UHUL OttT G.M.C. (Table showing the plan of Assessment). 13g B fi J! i it Rame of Claim, | J ||l|| | llt lil it* IVM ft fit 1' u ff- 2 " Shu %5-4 a«§iaP •§»& "a* o I_l___J f i p ! * Ashleyc 8,1 &{\ & * * '*s ' l &sd ~T Albion 20.(1: 400.0 181 2(i 40U7 10 20 0 400 0 isi 9li tn , „,„ All Xatioiis b .111.0 50 10 7 50 IS 2 I 18i 2 ° 4911710 079 0 1 Bml-iii-lliuul 30.7. 225.0 251 0 9 278 7 0 30 7mflomn nI n „ » , Bryht Smilec 17.9] 2210 12.S IS 0 277 2 7 I 251 ° 9m 7 «i 532 8 3 British Umpire <J S7 00 i 5 fu"' o US 63.0 Silo 7 SI 2 S lis jo n 1 qi ~ - CityofYorkc 100.7 40.0 CO- 010 49 0 9 3-7 £ So 8,,? n 1 %I 8 IGS 16 3 City of London 19 0 ISS 0 135 13 5 223 17 9 ].« i«S ?« ii - 9 9 275 1C 9 Ciwal'rince/ 49 5 110.4 312 12 9 Ml 5 0 «$ 11 4 49 oi fh 17 9 3(ii " 2 Central Italy g 7.172 7 49 211 89 IS 10 V U ° Ui 15 G 485 8 4 Oaleiloiium/i 11.5 277.0 7912 0 34214 1 Don l'cdro (i 2.2 15 4 G 3 I I Hilled 0 9 o 4 7 5 J Eureka ft 5.9 4010 9 ! | Exchange 51.S 197.5 358 11 2 24-i 7 2 51,8 197 5 mll 91l on - „, GoldeiUlrownJ (i.6 142.0 45 13 8 175 13 7 IMU 25 M 7 2 i GO2IB 5 Golden Calf 1/ 10.2 143.1 112 2 8 177 010 nazeUwuk 3.7 91.0 25 12 3 112 11 10 3,7 9. n] 0.-, 19 o 110 „1n Ilcvaldy 2.0 100.0 131010 123 14 4 '■ 12 d 11JU1() 138 4 1 llinl-v-B,mdy 0 4 123.8 44 0 0 153 3 3 l»ty M 71.7 ,10 10 10 88 14 3 w 71 ,| 4010 w „u , u Impei'ialOr'ivnui 45.7 400 0 337 2 0 49417 7 | lnvonie.«y 5.S 50.0 40 211 01 17 2 I Jwicuon <j 5.0 • 3412 2 S \ \ Kci]niin'.il,easwi 24.3 \f& 41 Si Kiiranuio 30.0 207 13 2 I LntlcnoH-j; 14.0 ""<)(i 18 1 Long Drive 14.0 79 0 101 1 3 0715 n „, m „ Jlannkau _ 2.4 70.0 11 3 8 2 M™,\ ?J »'« 0 198 10 3 Moan-ila-arir, m 5W m 8 4 ™1 11 U IM \ K> 12 3 ; SO 2 3 103 4 C JlurningStarr/ 4.9 45.5 33 18 i 50 510 i iNoniiaveil- 22.7 157 2 7 Prince Iniperia 41.5 ufl 257 5 3 ?| It l °' 7 179 ' 4 w7 0 | 22119 3 203 6 9 Queonof Thames 45.7 100.0 337 2 0 12314 is ,u, innn M , „ „ i (JiicouofJlnjr 17.9 155.0 123 18 1 S8 0 ?n 'n , ? 123 U ° 4UO 1G fi ueenoflieanty 9.0 257.0. 00 9 0 317 19 G A^n l ?r l ti miSO mWI Mo-l Oiieen 7,1 39.0 514 5 4353 i b . J? ° 317 19 0 SB4 8 0 South Uriiishf 55.3 500 811 m 51 i 5 «5 3 09 9 8 „ Ji'o iu 85 3 ' 590 811 „No 3u 54 (i 377 is 10 „ A'o4w 24.9 172 7 1 Smiling Beauty*/ 20.7 184 10 i ! Shotveni 5.0 237.0 ii 15 3 355 10 11 lookcywi 7.1 400.0 49 211 494 17 7 I |Sl l f,} §t?SSS SSS KSJ S3! 5i «»««»» AVaitcinaary 7.5 51 IS 3 ',7 2l ° 8 G SSII 3 j 303 2 9 Young (Jiiecnr/ 17,1 120 SlO I • Totais STTT^T^STTT In the alio* table fractional parts are omitted " ~ a Outside drainage urea, b Not workiii" belo <i sill ni ir n 1 „i « report. *j Greater part not drained, see report. / AreVorkinVni • Tt w e , lm^: * »ot worHne, se 0 report, k I'uinping. k Worked out south of t'ulii „' ?,? PCI - Smce a « e3S "'W't. g Se e c.pally oubndo dra uage area. p Outside drainage aoa q«X& ee r oPri » ■

'PHE PATENT "BURLKIGH" ROC£ L DRILL and AIR COMPRESSOR, driven by STEAM or COMPRESSED AIR, The most approved machinery for mining, tunnelling, quarrying, shafting, open catting, submarine drilling, aud, in fact, every form of rock work. It coir bines SIMPLICITY;, SMIENGTH LIGHrmS, and COMPACTNESS in a remarkable degree, and is convenient, easily handled, and NOT LIABLE TO GET OUT ul? ORDER. It drills holes from if to 5 inches in diameter at a depth not exceeding 30 or 35 feet, at a rate of from 2 to 6 inches per Minute according to the nature of the rock. ' The average progress in the Hoosac Tunuel by hand labour was 49 feet per month ; by the "Burleigh" Drill 150 „ „ n l , dol. C. Lost per foot by hand drills was -43 87 , •',. . » " llurleigli" .18 75 and this includes the expense of removing debris, laying t ril ,n, ami clUt i ug tu3 watei , dliul in bottom of the tunnel. The GOLD RUN DITCH and MINING COMPANY, PUCER COONT7, CAL creased their ciiuing in a 7 feet x 8 feet tunnel troin i tent ti inches per week by hand labour, ?,'S °?- °.'.. 6U i d n llarS ' t0 18 feet l ,er week by Jiurleiph drills at a reduced cost at 50 per cent. Any further information as regards Prices Terms, Ac, on application to ' ALDERSON aud SONS. 221, Elizabeth-street, Sydney, N.S.W. SOLE AGENTS fo7 all the Australian Colonies, including. N. 8. Wales, Victoria. New Zealand, Queensland, &c.

GUl4'l'JßFtJli.-C(MFOttTI <j, E-P psrs ooooa. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowlefge of the natural laws which govern the operations of'digestion aud nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Eppg has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage, which may save us many Heavy doctors' bills."-C« Service Qasetle Manufacture of CoooA,-"We will now give an account of tUo process adopted by Messrs James Epps and Co., manufacturers of dieted articles, at their works in the Euston■road London."-See article in QmdttUom. IM Qmk. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets, labelled thus:_ JAMBS BPPS & CO. < fIOMffIOPATHWOHBMISTd," 48, 'itueadueedle Street, and 170 Piccadilly, Works, Diana Place, ' Eustou Jioad, London. D. WIOKfI aM, MINING & COMMISSION AGENT, Bummxt torn* Bmm

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Thames Advertiser, Volume VII, Issue 1880, 28 October 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Advertiser, Volume VII, Issue 1880, 28 October 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Advertiser, Volume VII, Issue 1880, 28 October 1874, Page 4