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,; . j (Before W. FBA9ER, Esq., 8.M., "Warden.) i- \ THE'DRAINAGE'CASES/ ■- Poxping Association v. Otago G.'M. Company (Registered). — This Wi|S""'a~"claim- for-- drainage contributions .—Mr. Tyler; and ; Mr • Macdonald appeared Torthe 'Mr: iiogaii for the ,defence.--The : .defendants' counsel, admitted,service of" notice aa'd also ! tlie [fact that-the 1 mine .was, being ■■drained. '■The incorporation of; the Caledonian, Golden Orbw'n,'. Im'periarCrdwh'were '.admitted,'also of'the ; Otagp, /;G.M,;/Cd.. .';pther'|: prieliminary 'matters? were,; admitted.',. t'Tllb'. .iiolije' served .:Qnvdefendants/was,put ! in eviden;ce. f ' —•Mr Bogan?,itook? phjec'tion thafc^the" ; notice served by the registered* companies iwas not-under the seal.of theixompanies registered- Act. [was also taken that the : evidence of-, the .iu>;. co'rpprati'dn' of theTookey Company > was'' and that' there was no evidence ?$y their '] of J<: incdrporation ; ''ta ' .engage,,! in,, j^^ '.Stephen ~Eddy ;siphards ; am,' j ]magager:iof[>thei.Caledomaii: iinunager of.thp.'.O.fcago, mine,;defen?.dan(s'; i'mine..: r/Th'ey work • by; /means,, : .0f,., jtKe. 'Galedonian'shaft,' atthe 270,feet;leveii!or ; about 1 190 or'2oo feet 'below HhV. level .-of i thesilldf Associationshafts: They i'a'v'f npxpenses forirainageV They-' ! could,Qrain their mine I 'for '£500 a -year.-' ;: f Th^ost 1 of. j labdivir and i '|Tuei' exoe'bd If the, Pumping, ( in'g„the 6,fcag6j would be pump,'! ( I have, a •perfect, knowledge of the .raiQp'j; I , know (the' d^y,, ? while-:the , G.blden Calf andiCdntral Italy heW,water,: : 'There' J -is'^o6 !( b*- 800ifeet?.between-,the. shafts, but the,.wo r rkingsA.arec'cl'ose'itb-' workings; have 1 broken thr'ought'o'thVOtago. '■The Ot&j>& shaft! '/'the; ?beforp'they TO^sid|f ; a! wjnzc '"tpVconnecb ,'witn (mapsput in evidence).,!. .winze'is i ,9&'; feek'deep.iyertio'alijr,. 'Itis ai^t;that : the;-Ot'agp-'had.a?jifctle r water..until; tjie. GoidehUalfbroke.'fchrough'tbeir workings... They would'- have- water ftom.:ithe.. Golden! Calf. :i The.Otago'mine would not> be 'dry unless thepumps were kept going. AlexariderDewar; manager bf the Tookey; deposed -that' ,the ; Compahy.'had .been carrying'on .business; in oyprVfive with?' all the ?time; ? I:4aye! i tak ; en? l pal,minyrs' : rights onibehaif of jh.e. Company, during that time.f I was employed by .the. Com: . puny' in • Victoria.-; iV The •. document produced 'is'a'copy-of-the Gazette of the' colony ■ of '.Victoria. >i ;-The Todkey'Quart^'Mining. Company is in ! inTOrpdrated'Cohi'pany'/u'nder'the Companieß':B.tatu.te!lß64« - : ph6;iQ J .1' have documents necessary to incorporatipn.''; I'.'gi.strar's, - the .'deed, of .association.! ji;have, 'had, considerable. x experience in. mining,, Victoria;'•:• I-have been engaged, in. , mining- for ■ 17' years..—; Mr.-: Dewar was 1 then examined as'4o ; f the : mdthbd adopted in l , drainage contributions- J in Victoriaj'and';said'he never, 1 during his-;; experienpein'Victoria, heard of• drainage'; rates' bein'g!,?leyied r'dn' a''ba'sjs^, of depth 1 ' alone.^vThe; /length'. Jiji'e"of'reef and the depth of,workings .were.'.compute.'di;' ] and a big-claim paid : .,)nore.?^han ] ,a/sm^r.. one.-;-Warwick^^Westondeposeiihat'the;: cost of pumping toithe.Pumping iAswoia-j. tion-'was ; from»£lo,ooo ; :to:£l2,oo3?,per:: annum; 1; Aocbrding to 'the scheme of con-. tribtitions iaid; ; db'wn, -we seek- to =raise£7,ooo'. r; We nav'e r been defeated l in the 1 ; cases against the.Ce'ntral Italy and 6-blderi; Calf, butbur'exp?enses'''r'emaiii' the ■'■sMii'i; They.claimed .£3O, a month from„the dd-' fendauts/ ; .'.,," ?;,',?!' ?!?/?!?!?.,!■'?!? i After ; |he adjournmVnt,?,lfr,?Rogan.jadr dressed,-.the .Court, referring to the scheme, of "contribution; laid: down-) by: the jiffs! 'He'cont'ended.they were ionly'tenri titled to a fair and reasonable-scale of contribntidn; th'e fixing of whichlay entirely 'with 'the'Opurt.--; 'The' seheme- of'the; : |plaijn ! £iffs^ayeJ- : tiy'"'asaiyfanco\ : tdf tHof J G6hilt' : inthls reapept.'!. He alluded to tho';'ka'nV 'fea'l; ]pf..phargiiig .;]a !the same as"a large claim,' even, althdugb' ■their.,shafts might, be-thdj,same:".'djap'tn.' ilfcinwas ■: a .Jquesiion'; of,. ruinatipn ; ; to ; mines., iiThe. question : of> area'/ jhe'submitted .was/the onlyTair;iOne;on-Iwhichtolevy-'contributions.niThe ques-' jtion of whetheriaf'mine 1 went'downdeep l ioir'not:'did'npt'mate any difference'iiithe cdst;pf?dralnihg.' ;: (Hiß,Wdrs | hip''said;th'ey never''cdntended that:"-'They^'only?'said; th,at,'thie l benW vyas'grfateif.when?,their shaft; wkslleep!)/. Mr?Koganiaid the'scheme Vas at variance. {other places. He ,'shown; nothing. to .-entitle them ; Jb the j I amount,which) they asked. i-He regretted I ithat'he-could 'afford thei Court no assise | ;tanc'e in arriving at aconclusion as j ! just amount : of :i 'contributbn.;—His' Wor- ! ship said "that lie had 1 no^'doubt the .'Otago 1 ; ;CQmpany;'deriyed;beriofit' : tb'| theamduht ' 'dimmed,' ,' pay that, ampunt.r«With/ ; tM'^.cp.nsentj'pt', ; plaintiffs, .cpunaei,"the' ].^^defendants : !w;'ore. ordered to? pay, £30i-ja , mpnfh\,'fpr.six! 'months.'' ,The,.'costs-were,;;.|l3 f On the question of the?KQoSts,r;ih. the .case? h of the (Bumping iAssociationiv.l "Imperial | Gityj'considerable.argument ensued.'"/Mr, ttdgalh contended 1 that a large number of withdsse's' I 'had'been examiaed'iwhb' 1 had sunk'- doles'' all .'round' the flat?;" but who' n'ad'rid!khbw?lcdge at all of their Mr, jtfaddbii^ld;'3aid.; ; cpmVprepMei'Jfo^ ali'the witnesses,' 'they,,hadr brough'twero that the amount,of costs would depend very muoh upon- the iaward-i.givea.sMr: ,'lyler addressed the Court .•onithd'point of whether any of the : witnesses ■. called had evidence .to give which'w'ashpt material to theissue. —His"!W'of'ship r said ! that ityas" his'con;vic-. iion'thkt-'if' : '"P. p^pß!r,basine"s's!-mM ! liaa 'ufadectakeii tlib'!Betllei^int c^o, f',jthia; tidn, 'Ihero'wduld 'have ,; b"een'n'o lb

body was prepared to pay ti and tho t sympathies of the-public were'with th* ' Pumping Association, until a scheme was .brought down in a - dictatorial spirit, and":L~. the other claims were told they musti swpllpwthat, ; dc let; quite sure that even in the" pases which :'-: hacl defeated the : Pumping Association wojuldhave paid. He wa3 quite surefrom conversations he had? had with directors ~ and mine managers, that Pumping Association had :cbme in; av-conciliatory frame of mind—in a give and /take,, spirit j —ihat the other!olaims wouldihaye'paidl The peopleVwhov lived here, knew'that these a great public benefit, and were? "reasonable: ; enoulkstneß, but theyv,?did/n6t';;like,£.what>sthey ';:' 'consideredV,extbrtlon.^r : ' : . that in y: TOe;, • cases.^in ; . •Bright : and with which-hV: ; ;badi;beettvCorijieoted, / in|no bad^heVsligli.test-iatima-tidn of an offer been made.—His. Worship , said he had heard an that they, i; ; : . ,wduld:pay if the Bright Smile would gi vet, '■ them an.indemnity.against the .Pumping, Association?—-Mr' Ma'cdonald ; • saidWorship did.not'knqw'the history of that suggestion, l would' hot ;[ tnihk? s'd-" | much of it;—Mr'Tyler t said' ; h'e' had/been M. throughout in apposition'to entertain any y offer, ; 'but'nbbddy 'seemed '•'•in'clinea-'-to' '-a make far'a's cobcerned, and-Kd-'f-believed.)also the. Piimping Association,- they .were quite - thbmselves to ■ fix-o.the:■ ;proportions, and /; were ready to give them : all the informa- .

tidn they'r^uired ; as'to>the!expenflssJ.of= ; v; the machines.—The Court then ; ad-^; ; ?/;f; journell.i 1 •••.'•-:' '.-.■ l^-«- - iahh^f-- ■• ■;; tPoiiprif a'' Assocuno's'''•v^ n .'' | lMPEßiit ; |. GiTT J3-.flj[.o;-Inthis case the.Oogi;g- : > sembled #t /.-'.' ceive the award''of'the geritlenien—'' > 'Messrs'Dewarr Wright,- and- Kernick—•• -:■;,> v

•who had been appointed .as arbitrators, 'arid by whose decision both parties had ;;'■ i| 'agreedV;to.'abidq.;a Mr ,'s'eht, and delivered:to,the WardentheV 1 |in;aj largtf-^sealed : ; S; | jerivelope.—His _ Worship opened .the {;' K ',^nVelope, ; i : and at^the ;^; ..' |. contents/ said that the award was an ';■;• : ' : Elaborate scheme y fr'dmbegmuiiig' to\en_d of iari assessment pn;every claim on Afield;— M c Macdonald s'aid'th'eyhad.'ho*'.- J■■ ■- i'-th'ine; to do with that. They had only to; ■;:■/■■..• l ; :do with'the; result of; thet sehemejscf v' i'Wthe Imperial City was concerned. ~*^: : j'Mr Wright said .theifirstiiclause be sufficient for (•'' |Wle,;the '.undersignedf the, iiij c; /■the above case,! investi- ■• ■- :; !. gating and taking into consideration every > 'Ciroumstarice ;counected%^therewithi'hayefX} " ./fixed the gamely, .that > ;jj. . • tlio Imperial City G.M.O..shali contribute : for the termfQf/sixvmonths,tto:vmeetthei ■ cqst of tli"e surh ! 6f ygg ■ siioffbeing in)dnr opinion "feqntributioa in Uiejpresegt-posifcipri of the '';].-;; Wbrkijigs of iffi wa§ ! tlien'' eritorfe'd' j J for"' f: tfi'e - s: ,&ps i| ! i;ibr B eif mj)np{ i pr|i6 Ik ifc£ lie....diU; $g kaojv v tlie.document ahoold'be read/, ' trators;iseemedlb i himi to^have;()aken;.aj;.; a |s| - great deal of troublein. the»matter. »£&.& >.-'■: thought that'poasiblyJit would vbe'-; b'etter?lA / to keep tlie'plan for ■•' and o 'if'-'the'Pumping .' \ ;would'likefto;lb'bk'at4fclje would be'happyJ'H ■■■' '.to let cbpy r 1 r bf.'it'/ !^ffe;I liid e - < .; / t J tli'e, /pmp^M'v'Oi^^'^ : had anythidg" to do,witli j 1 q^copt; i^PJ v! .as ifc.cqjaceraed pprhapSu.thati at j,would;;begetter; l in ~; present snot-: to ..the^ '% ■. award .public, but the .-Pumping ;::; tion-'could ;have the /benefit of-it.if th'eyjiwr>.;V 'pnbae? 'fietoight gay that he tWas-muctiiy*''.* personally to the ; assessorsior aU lfi 8: ; ;: 'tpe trouble they had taken. They had '''■■: :: - ; :\ ■'■. goneihto'the-matterVaiidhe thought ; the: : .award might be of "great use hereafter,"if ~ ;. ; - nokappliea' .at the t present \ u discussioVthen toot ;:'.■ : ' : ,as to what should' be paid to'theassess&sVv ;V ,'to ,a question.lrpni, |i^.'^;; '',M.i\ Wright^said''that be had f: : fpu£da^s;an&pl,r^ ,' : ;e : imaking up .the.iruoalpulatioi^^^^gj^,y. 'tjo ■ their! having;..gone ,ii was , .intended Y<they,sho!ajd^gp, : .the^/.^;>..--to .take- every existing'•■'. .\^ ; ] ■■ dircumstance -into. consideration..=eJf ;• ' iVprsbip said that he looked upjnit.thalg' ; ■this would- : yroujd,be, of. assistance. ilf the'^'„ ; '; '■-'■ Asso'ciation : '6r 'any other person r wan|e"o:'- A : it, he wduld''make r 'them''pay £lO ; for-it. }f > the defendants :hadiiadmittedvbenefilvK. o v,; he wj>u}d! - ; / ; / _ ' them, because s jihe /disproportion . : what was claimed. and■; What' : y?as ;! walaiittie ; Vunder clauned vr JJut; ; '•.. theseajroitfatorsnadihoto - :> the benefit; it was merely; aa, i assessment,they, were to' aot.'.irAft'er soinei'■ further.diseu.saion, hi's. Worship .!said<thafc ; J;■ , ; > he would '"'award _ tttT/ arbitratora .'ten ■■. i/. '• guineas;;and :ifr,theyv/w,ould^ag^ee::to; ;:A y. : - divide the.amouut,: he would' give; de^:.'^ : '" 'tW h^ward?f aud "th!e; Otte| : side|;||; (so^djbblwnj^ojpy^ 'the'jscheme jiyas*•mubK mire in ; accordance oy: . |Wifch'Whatjwas_fair than the . jThe costs against the defendants amounted^ ;to £86.165 ; (}' k*i --'i{ W y-jw vV;^S:v : 0y ; i PailPlNff ABSOCIiTION V.:: HAZBIBANk- : .^ feM.O.~Mr ; Mftcdonald:said;;that; ihtbia : ; been ia,gpmmjaujcj»tipn,w^th;t : |tho parties, and was', at liberty to take':aai;; 'np jqrder fpr the ; ia" month "for- sisf months "witti i^sloslis.'-/ :;j|

i A Girl .Wanted.—Some perapain^few^ott•;.:' ;•■ j whoWhad trouble witU lusliemnts, adv«tise)| > Ifor a girl. He ; says ( ;^VWanted/' a ; gui. Ho*: : jdwellin my f amity;' assist my wife in doing the (work/- lr a'nd $vel direeUons-'geaerally; A\pges>'■;. j not muoh'objeot if shewill oily leavp c m,e. en«ugfc (.; v A ibreaks,"'lf aUe,Bhoa}d.^no'fcbeaafefi^fwitahayj* 1 1 _ .ling'fiyeeveningiin','a week', to ; feMrt"' b'e .• ■ >-, jmade ! to ; sre'her 'eight'; shei eaf^'atowKetiiervit:shalbßeii ;:- '«tj \ overdone, underdone', 1 or don&at ap, ; an^,do,,in;( XXX : fact, as slie pleases, except wear ! and shoes u (unless her hands and feet^are^it^ \ folirtfzes" of Toeing iKfp small/) 'We^lroys^:«^,,, .p'ect t6 v giVe';out■ 'servant Christmas; and'Newvj:; ;" Year'aj gitts/t .worth .from »ld6lri tOiilOOdoL't -ij usbt- f as f wer'prefer.i, j Feather ; be^ajor^attrqaseij,,^^.. . preferred.■:vA»ct;Bister i .or4d.fflot£^ r^|ll^'*':;:- ' no objection,'as we hare* a'Bpare chamber,.and * will, if necessary, hire a nurse to ;take'Me'of: v ' ■' her -~!ftS."-& and masic;'s,up' , ■;.' of charge. The ÜBe of theparlour for company.:;>;■: No acMnatMea'of^ugar^tsnter^o^leAvas/^vo;: : the .v1% ( ,; T ," XX : \cX:X''"'■'■■''■■ . IMloxmy's'TiiU -arii l Ointment.— The'- mb3t? 'N : : '• effectual (Juro jfor [Rheumatism.--V freiiuout cause of these complaints Is the inflammatory :%. ■■'.. state'blithe'blood;';wliich'lislally,attontebad.digesT\i;; .:j Hon, .'produces;lassitudo .w'itli groat'; % debilis''and"•;<&;■iiulicates ; -tlio- waiit of ft'- proper■ ci«s'ulati6a;6f. that :"' ; fluid, which with .its'-.impurity superinduced greatly aggravates tlioie ; dis6rdori''-lloUoway , B-Pillß ; ara of» >:V. so purifying a natnro, ; that a fowdoses taken ini-tlmo *:'-:- \ [ X are au effectual preventive against g;ut anirhear inatism, Ijtit'whbeYeY hava'arijatitaok' of 'eltlior w, -..; should uso llollbway's Oiutment'alio, tlio searching ■• ■'■: properties of which,' combined with the effects of tno . i'llfyonsuVtf'afcortata'curo. .;:;,•• par,ts affected,,aftor tho'y havo*beenrsuMeWly ? > ;;• fombnte'dwitU'watihwater to bpeivthe;pores,anal: V.;. thereby fabiUtaK tho irttwduotloaot th 4 Ointment:;;: : : to to glands, ? : ,v--- k - : :'■ XXXSX : ' I: •;w:HK>;^;,i£ y h'H'fu i : ?w av>3 a-'^ri- ;;-•:.?'«•; '.j j:'? "l'.-- r :,ii : :-^ : !.' ';•?:'";

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Thames Advertiser, Volume VII, Issue 1866, 24 September 1874, Page 3

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WARDEN'S COURT.-Tuesday. Thames Advertiser, Volume VII, Issue 1866, 24 September 1874, Page 3

WARDEN'S COURT.-Tuesday. Thames Advertiser, Volume VII, Issue 1866, 24 September 1874, Page 3