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The Deanery of Ripon has been conferred upon the Bey. Sidney Turner, who Ihib for many years filled the post of Inspector of Eeformato'ry and Industrial Schools. The further examination of William Collie, of the firm of Collie Brothers, merchants, of Manchester and London, who failed a few months back with enormous liabilities, has been again postponed for sis months, the absconding partner, Alexander Collie, not having bean captured. A coroner's inquest held upon the body of the Rev. B. T. Suunders, a clergyman of the Established .Olmrch, aged 73, who was found dead in his room at Leamington, proved that the deceased, who was in very straitened circumstances, has suffered greatly from want of necessary food. Serve HIM Riguit!—Tho captain of a Hull steamer has been fined £20 and oosts for not rendering assisttance to a fishing boat with which his veesel had been in collision. , .

Further trials of the 81-tori gun have been made at Woolwich, a 1,400Jb projoctile being used. The results Were satisfactory, and the bore of the gun is now to be enlarged. A married woman, named Sarah Ridley, was found dead in a wood npar Maresfield, Sussex, and it is believed she had been robbed and murdered. :

'A number'of men'and women have been sent from St. Petersburg to form a war hospital in Montenegro. The vine disease has made its appearance in Spain and Portugal, and is causing great alarm. , A conflict between Christians and Mussulmans ,in Candia, respecting the right of the former to enter a church, led to a considerable loss of life. At a public meeting, held ut Chesterfield, under the presidency of the Duke of Devonshire, it was determined to build a public hall as a memorial of George Stephenson, the engineer, and £6000 was at once subscribed for that purpose

Tho earn of £500 has been granted by tho Eoyal Agricultural Society towards defraying the cost of loientiGc inquiries into the causes of the prevalent cattle and sheep epidemics. The Bund has received a private despatch from Cairo stating that Dr. Munziger, with 300 men, fell into an ambuscade treacherouely laid for him between Tadjura and Cuhnosa,. Africa. Dr. Munziger and 140 men were massacred, the remainder reaching Tadjura after five days'fighting. Mdlie. Dejazet, the famous French actress ha 3 just died, aged 77. At the conclusion of the trial of the Wainwrighfcs, the Judge ordered a reward of £30 to be paid to the witness Stoke 3.

At Leeds Assize?, William Smedley, a table-knife hafter, at Sheffield, was condemned to death for the murder of a woman named Elizabeth Frith.

A girl, aged 13, who was sentenced by the Eoss magistrates to 14 days' imprisonment and four years' detention in a Reformatory for stealing fruit, has been released by the Home • Secretary, a memorial from the inhabitants of Eoss having requested his interference.

Dp Owen, a Protestant aud a Conservatire, has been chosen as Lord Mayor of Dublin for the ensuing year. Mr Wise, a diatiller, at Cork, has given £20,000 and Mr Crauford, another distiller, £10,000 towards the completion of the Protestant Cathedral of that city.

The Redford goods station on the Midland Railway was burnt down on December 2nd.

A fire broke out on December 2nd in the Choristers' Schoolroom at Eton College, but it was extinguished before it reached the hall. The bakery and schoolrooms above were entirely destroyed.

The Duchess of Manchester, while driving with another lady near Berkeley Castle, was thrown from the pony carriage and fractured her arm.

Eight seamen were charged at Cardiff with refusing to proceed fo sea in the bark Ennerdale, for Algiers. They alleged that the vessel was unseaworthy, and, a survey having proved the truth of their allegation, they were discharged, and proceedings have been taken by the Board of Trade against the owners. The Monarch, ironclad ship, put into Plymouth on November 28th, having been in oollißion with a Norwegian ship. Both vessels sustained considerable damage. The Companionship of th 9 Order of the Bath has been conferred upon Mr E. Herries, late Secretary of Legation at Eoine, Mr T. Mitchell, lata Consul at St. Petersburg, Colonel John Bayly, E.E., and Dr W. I>. Carpenter. A heavy shock of earthquake was felt at Washington iuid other parts of America on the Dight of December 22nd.

The Royal Palace at Barcelona, Spain, has been destroyed by fire.

It is reportpd in Spain that General Caballa de Rodas is dead.

The London Gazette publishes a notice to masters of English vessels, warning them to keep from the Spanish coast east of Bilboa, as Carliat batteries are placed afc intervals along the shore, and fire at anything appearing.

A Vienna despatch says it is reported that the Montenegro Minister of War intends to purchase rifles in Vienna. A telegram from Servia says the makers of arms are very active. The Roumanian Government is hastening the completion of arming.

The Prince of Wales on December 16th, had a day's sport in elephant hunting at Kitulgala, in Ceylon. He succeeded in killing two animals. In returning the Prince's carriage was overturned, but he has sustained no injuries.

Itisfitated that the authorities of Eton College have absented to a proposition of the Pro'essor of Music, Mr Barnby,- that all boys of the lower division of the school should be required to obtain an elementary knowledge of music.

A public meeting was held at Leeds to favor Church extension in that town and neighborhood, at which the Bishop of Ripon presided, and a sum of £32,800 ■was subscribed in the room.

The lateMr Wyhn Ellis ha 3 left legacies of £2000 each to many metropolitan and national chanties. To the Hospital for Sick Children he has left £15,000; and to the Female Orphan Asylum £10,000 j and his pictures to the National Gallery.

. Oh Saturday, December 4th, being the 80fch anniversary ot his birth, several addresses from literary men:and students, both British and German, •were presented to Mr Th6ma9 Cat lyle. .

Two servant git Is,, at a farmhouse near Wigtown, ■were found dead in their bed, having been suffocated; by the fumes of burning coals, which they had placed in a'shovel, there being, no fireplace in the room.

A new plan for- the mobilisation of the British Army in case of war has been prepared at the '.Wa-j Office, and has been published in the English journals, causing much-discussion. '-~.'.'•

The statue of Oliver Cromwell, presented to the' city of Manchester by Mrs Hey wood, was unveiled on Wednesday, December Ist. Mr Thomas Carjyle; declined ' an invitation' present on account of his age and ' delicate health, but expressed his; '•ympatby with the interesting Occasion. , j

The Bishop of Manchester, in a lecture at the! Athenseum of that city, said, that while he most! •trongly disapproved the light and indecent burlesques arid ballets now so common oh the stage, yet he. could' not join in 'tUe.'sweeping' condemnation of dramatic performances of a superior charaoter.. ,' Mr Stansfeld, M.P., in a speech at Heading, staled thafc the future Liberal policy v would be to procure an extension of the County Franchise, so as to include; 400,000 agricultural laborers, who ought to possess the franchise.

At Montreal, Canada, on Dec. 17th, two thousand, unemployed people came into collision with the police., They demanded work or bread. They attacked and | carried off the contents of two waggons, one containing beer and the other bread. Most of the rioters were Frenchmen.

The obituary list contains the names of Lord Dorchester, W. D. Fordyce, M. P. for East Aber-' deenshire; T. E. Headlam ex-M P for Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Lord Fitzwalter; Cobbold. M P for Ipewieh ; Sir T. Burke, ex M. P. for Galway. Bir H. Stewart, Junior Admir'a^ of the Fleet, and Professor T. Hewitt Key,' Head Master of University College. Sir •J. Huwley1' GHover, has been appointed Governor-General of Newfoundland.

— Augustus -Mayhew, a contributor to tho London Punch is dead.

Jules de Mohl, the Oriental scholar and member of the French Institute is dond.

Negotiations are pending with Austria with regard to the construction of a direct railway between ■Vienna and Constantinople

Rumors, are afloat of,negotiations between. Germany; pnd Belgium, which ; aye euppised to indicate preparations for the absorption of tlie latter byj the former. . ■ ... , ........... ■:■■!.... '■■■■,s; ! ■

A Vienna correspondent telegraphs that a body of two thouiand eight hundred 'insurgents tried to surprise iMostar, bat wars defeated and almost totally destroyed.

There is great uneasiness in Egypt on account of no late news having been received from Colonel Gordon, the Khedive's commander o£ the expedition to Africa.

Disturbances have broken out among the striking minors in the Louviere district, Belgium. Tho rioters used firearms. A portion of the garrison at Mem has been sent to quoll the disorder. :

A special from Vienna reports that, the resignation of Prince Yon Auersberg, President of tho Austrian Cabinet, is feared, inconsequence of the difference with Hungary on the curroney question. The. King of Italy gave a brilliant New Year's day reception. The diplomatic, body also dined with the.. Ministry. At the Quirinal in the evening the Pope received many: visitors, but no speeches were made. The Bishop of G-esen and Posen, who waa recently oonvicted.of violation of the ecclesiastical laws and condemned to six months' imprisonment, has :been arrreeted,and sent to prison to serve out his term of sentence.

A dispatoh from London states that serious disturbances have occurred at Bannofoofc county, Armagh, Ireland, resulting from the marriage of a Protestant girl to a Catholic. A number.of Protestants attacked the house where the marriage took place, and completely wrecked the premises. During a fight that followed, a number were killed and severalbadly wounded.

While about a thousand children were attending Sunday-school in the.basement of St Mary's Catholic Church, Boston, U.S.', ou January 2, the drapery of the statue of the Virgin Mary".took fire. Some of the children raised the cry of " fire! "and a panic seiaiog them, they rushed fir the doors to escape. The teachers promptly closed the doors of the school, and the burning drapery having been torn from the statue, the fire wna extinguished, and the children resumed their exercises. Meanwhile the alarm of fire in the basement reached the congregation worshipping above, and with one accord the peoplo rushed to tho two doors opening into the porch. These were choked up instantly, as were also the narrow stairs leading from the galleries. Many persons in the galleries leaped from the windows, many women fainted, and it was nob till after the largest part of the congregation had escaped to the street that the cause of the panic was ascertained and quiet restored. There wa3 no ,loss of life, bub there were several casualties.

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Colonist, Volume XVIII, Issue 2038, 19 February 1876, Page 4

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LATE ENGLISH & FOREIGN NEWS. Colonist, Volume XVIII, Issue 2038, 19 February 1876, Page 4

LATE ENGLISH & FOREIGN NEWS. Colonist, Volume XVIII, Issue 2038, 19 February 1876, Page 4