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SUMMARY OiF WORLD HAPPENINGS USNDOX, November 22. Eyery penny of t'hj proposed French load of ±552.000.000 will be subscribed at home. IChirty-thm: persons have been arlrested at Oporto m connection with the recent attempt at a Royalist vising m Portugal. 1$ is proposed m the Isle, of Wight to raise a fund of at least, ,£IOOO a year for^three years to advertise the attractions- <of the island. *Tpe. keel of a 30,000 ton Japanese sujfev-Dreadnought has been laid at Yo&mika, Japan. i; .;> <m < 7|> is estimated that the millionaires whp are on view at the great Horse Show -in New York are worth £200, 000,000. overhead cr^ne, valved at £4000, ■was blown down and wrecked m a shipvarjtl during a gale at Belfast. The >fund -raised by the City vSub •GommittG«, on behalf 0f... .the London ♦School of Tropical Medicine, amounting to £70,000, has been closed. Ruth Sorensen has been, appointed judge ' at Hammerfest, , Norway. She is the/first woman to occupy a seat on the Novwegian benolu . It has been foiled, that the cream by the; guests at, a w.edding<in France were poisoned was infected by fliesfrom a. stable. A new variety of microbe has been isolated: s by . . the scientists» who, gated the;. death? of H people who wer£ poisoned by, -cream. at..*Ckolet, France. . Cinema, -pictures, of .all i branches of the •army have been taken by order of the War. Office.:-'. They., will.wbe shown throughout the country to advertise the service.-.- „. ,; , . ?. -,-..j ■■ ,■'. .; ■.. One hundred povrids was paid at Sotheby's >.ofpr a penny- of the neien of V|?bert: X ing . tf !. !• .Wjes-e-x, ', ' (527-839) , found .at Staplord. Hill m I&>6. . . Four.' workmen were fatally iinjured \v the "breaking ,6tV- a (.chain, .while, a Voiler. was being hoisted l "oh board the batt>eship Poltawa m the Admiralty yai'xl at St. Petersburg.' " " - ' The ne^v Austrian-Lloyd, liner Marien"W (12*000, aground near the island of Corfu, m fho Adi-iatic. The passengers, the Paris 'agent*, of .the com-i-ihy 'M.v.^.bave been -ti?aiißferred to , the Hrier He\ouan, m which they -are being .fcajpen to Trieste. vr< >4u \ 4 : • "5Jt William Gibson, jeweller, of Bel-f^l^d-iLbjadori^ Jat^lpM'^ 18 *^ Echo* Bras 'left about for educating he sons of farmers m the counties of Antrim a.nd Down. .Representatives of .the city of Glasjrow, the county of Dumbartonshire, arid I'he. buVgh of * Clydeba.nk /have, agreed provisionally on a scheme foV construct* rng a new road or boulevard from the westjiend, 1 ofiHheVtsitxytof^owliiig r-The voad will be at le-ast 100 ft. m width, about.6| miles m length, and will pass through a district not yet opened up by ioa#iways. "The Argentine Government ~! i ibited, nthe ' entry of cattle from . England aatd Wales" into Argentina. ' This action has been' taken m consequence of the ..outbreak of • foot-and-mouth tliseasem Eriglarid. -■' ' - Wi|h, the,instit»tion of a proper ferry Nanking, and Pukow the Sharighai-Nankitng and the PukowTientsin Railways haxe arranged a serr vice of througji >eM)re9ses: which brings Shanghai "within 14 day«*jof , London. Our Berlin correspondent telegraplis tliatthe profits of tlie Krupp firm fast year rose from £1,476,000 to £1,830,000, the most satisfactory result m the history of th« concern The dividend is -again increased, i.e., from 12 to 14 per , ' : . . , ' , ■ TUchartl . AJJiaoii, .an . aged Hartlepobl shipwright, i. who.; was nearly i.blind,. was going, .upstairs- with a .candle when heatcidentally. set. his beard alight. All his hair was burnt off; and he died m the ; hospital.,; ;; ; „. ,*- • *'■.-,■< Bodies still float aahore along Lake a result .of .the great .storms a week ago. According to the estimates of the Lake Carriers' Association and the shipping companies 266 lives have been .Ipaj ;..aod. 166 bodies recovered ' If^Y.q,,,years ago -a Jiachelors',, C3,ub . -wm founded m Severance, Colardo, witH twenty -members, but the club-luis just "lieen ! disbanded owinjj to the fact that all the members. are, or are; »b6ut to be married, and, according to the rules, are np longer* eligible ,f<>r membership. A" portiQn of the hospital, at Zalamea de la, Spain, collapsed, and sev-. orajl^ beds; their , wck : . occupants "were, t buried Un the. dfibris. One" old mail w^,s killed, and another person was seriously injured. ■■ ■• ' -'" STEASIEB.JSUNK IN. THE • : .-. - -MERSEY. -Mill ,-, ..,.••■.. Shortlyi after 2- o'clock on '.Wednesday; morming the steamer Rissa, of 1600 tons register, belonging to the Cork Steamship Company, sank, m the Merpey .opposite .^i^kenhe^d,^ m - collision " ; wiihv the Wallasey fe-rrys-bpat Rose, which Avaa. at anchor. Nineteen of the. crew were rescued by the Seacombe ferry-boat Iris, but tKe stewardess is missing. MRS KISS' KISSES. John Kiss, of Chicago, has obtained a divorce because he found Mrs Kiss too anxious to live up to her naraej jHo explained to the' judge that his wife- was far too friendly with her mal^.^arders and that he had caught her kissing one of them when he returned home unexpectedly' one. night. _.'.. GOLD ICEBOUND IN AXASKA. News has been received m that a steamer witli gold onjward from Klondike worth about t£4sf,opo is,, fcebound m the Yukon River, ? some 200 miles from the coast. ' Arrangement have therefore been made forAtne gold to be transferred to sledges, which. '.will be drawn down the riven to the.toort of St. Michael, Norton Sound, Alaska, by teams of dogs. \,, v ■-•' . MILITARY AStATION IN RUSSIA. The Dunja this year Voted- a graait of 36,000,000 .roubles' for the /development of military aviation. The. .expenditure is to be spread over three years. At the present time there are 12 dirigibles and 360 aeroplanes, m the larmy. Half- of the latter are biplanes, chiefly for the fortresses. The Wax Office hss • ordered 1000 aeroplanes, which are to bo delivered by 1916. All these orders are. being executed by Russian firms, which now manufaqture-ftheir own, motors. HAPPINESS ILEJIQM. . ..„ A wealthy American philosopher has formed the Appreciation League of the United States, and aims to promote talosophy, the art of making happiness epidemi«i>-»> The -> only requirement > for membersliip is a desire to make other folk, happy. Members will be provided with blanks and will .report to the headquarters of 'the- league-, acts of courte»y oy employees of all sorts. Notice of these, reports will be sent to the courteous one's employers. , When O^ eibpjoyee gets three "courtesy xeppils" he; is entitled to a special letter from* the «§cpetaryof the league and a badge of merit. JBiVAHMAPUTRA EXPLORATION. ' dipfeins Bailey and Morsehead, who yjaif^^Dfeen . exploring the mysterious fej^npo Raver, have returned to India iffix f n arduous journey They proved fi^lu^iyely that the Sanpo and the aihmaputra are cine and the same ,er thus renioying the last shred of dpubt on this -point./ The falls of which si): ?9 u ch H* 8 b«en heard were, however, fJmH4' l 'ttt>''pjp I '~a myth. . ■ MipiICAN RAILWAY DISASTER. ■AT^train fell HThirough a trestle bridge rtjtsay Clayton, Alabama, and 20 persons w^V^kfHed, and;2oO injured. The twin \s?as, carrying a large number of merryifl^k^Vs' to a country fair ait Eufaiiia. |(fl»fJff;b?Hind time the driveu,vput on Apeed to make up the lost minutes,, and tsf -/bridge : gave way under, the strain. l&riejß of the caw fell .through and were smashed to "pieces pn the ground below. ; ' H#jNTt#G FIEJ^P DEATH. ! Captain CJiarles Adrian Goughrßecher, lalte of 'the King's.pragofin GHarda ?i who, hyVed. Boui^n^<tbejjyat«^,; died ; in tl^e'huntin.jr fieHryeste^diiy, while riding •mtti'JttiefHeythrop hounds. He was rij^g -through jthe Bould Wood, when Hj's.?h'p>Be stmnbled, but he was not un«easfld.^ •; A- little latei* he fell from the Buddie, and when he Was picked up he Tra»jdead.. "■-,'■:.:.', '.,,,. ,-.....-.: -■■.-.■,..„ ; . :-iB!4,000 A YEAR FOR DRESS. "Ir spend •■* £14,000 a year on my clothes, 1 ' says. Mile. Gaby Desjys m the current ; number of The Patrician. "If f 'were not careful it would be much niore. , •My hats cost me £3500 a year;

then, there are my shoes and other things. Please say £10,000 for my dresses alone, if I buy new furs, and it is necesßary each year, it is something extra," uzaß's Luxurious motor. The Czar has lately, ordered some motor oars of exceptional dimensions, says the Gaulois. One car -is 'for his personal use, and the second ;£qr " his suite, while the third is completely equipped as a kitchen, with an alcohol stove, hot water reservoir, " ice storage accommodation, a silver service for a dozen people, a folding table, and 12 chairs. , The interior of -the .Czar's personal car can be converted into a comfortable bedroom. FEARED LOSS OF A LINER. It is feared that the Hamburg-Ame-rican liner Acilia, which left Valparaiso on October 23 for Hamburg, and is long overdue 'at Monte Video, has been lost, and 90 per cent, was quoted for reinsurance at Lloyd's yesterday. The owners have asked the Chilian Government to send a,.cruiser*to. look, for the vessel. £12:000 DIAMOND THEiFT. It is reported that two men broke into a diamond-cutting establishment at Antwerp on Tuesday, bound the watchman, on duty, and stole diamonds : Vorth £12,000. The robbery took place m the establishment of M. Klippner, 64 Rue Pelican. The watchman 1 declares that when the thieves broke m he was asleep, and he cafl, therefore, only; give a vague description of t'- : ..en. He has been taken into custody. , „■;;;• FAMOUS JOCKEY KILLED. Tommy Burns, the well-known American jockey, was killed on the Brighton Beach H. elevated railway near Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. ! His mangled remains were found oil the line. Burns, who was 34 years of age, was married, his wife being the widow of the jockey Classonj>, who. died .twelve -years ago. Burns had been .one of ..the leading jockeys. ,of the wortd for more than ten years,;.' and rodo winners time 1 and again m big; , races on both : sides of the Atlantic- .£ij>' „:"' FATAL LEAP^FROM BURNING ■:s|E-;.>- HOUSE. 7 Exciting scenes >; were, j witnessed at a nrev> in> Dublin oil . r Monday afternoon. An invalid, named »']BVhela'n,< and liis wife liriij&f'hui-a- room; -on the third storey, andflwhen. the flames-, were noticed the couple- \ went to the.- window \ and called foEjhelp. j Neighbors spread a sheet and oilcloth, r ;and the *yomaiv Jumped to safety. The man hesitated, -but as the flaittes" approached nearer he became particjstrjcken and gave a. wild* leap, falling? -on his head. He died half an hour? later m hospital. ■ iSHIfBUILDING. Thbji Canadian Vi Qovernrnent is 1 calling for tenders for the strongest and bestequipped ice-breaker- .«ver< constructed. It will be used exclusively, for ,the>.St. Lawrence route, and the contract" pro^ vides that the vessel shall be'jbuilt,,in Canada. Practically all ice-br.eaking vessels now m the Dominion Jteryice were constructed . m- the Old . Country, but this policy willijiow. be reversed by Mr Bof den's Government. BPMB-THROWIN/G FROM AERO PLAiNES. A competition m throwing bombs from aeroplanes began at the military flying ground at Doberitz, and will probably last about a week..,. The competition is open only to machines of which every part, including the motor, has been made" m Germany. They must be able to remain four hours m the air, and to carry two men and ten bombs.. The competitors, of which there are at present seven, have to drop their bombs from a height of 800 metres on a small round target. ;; The,' machines are fitted with discharging instruments/ some of which are automatic. HOW; MUGEH THE WORLD QWE& The United States Bureau of. Foreign and Domestic ■Commerce has issued a report showing that the official indebtedness of all the "Governments of the world totals £8,400,000,000. This is an increase of 20 per cent, m the last ten years, and double the indebtedness of 40 years ago. The heaviest • burden, of debt is borne by the following countries m the order, named : France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, India, Japan, Germany, and the United States. ' ■'■ ! IN THE LtONS'DEN. Mme. Emmy Destinn, the prima donna, who sang for a cinematograph company . at Berlin recently • m: a lion's cage, has Teceived for this performance the largest salary ever paid to a singer. For singing a single aria from "Mignon" she has been paid £2500. She was m the cage exactly five minutes, so that the payment .. works, out. at . £500 "..a. minute. li} addition: to this, 1 the 'film company had to insure her for-. £25,000 against death or injury*? ■— %.»-.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13269, 3 January 1914, Page 7

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OUR MAIL BUDGET. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13269, 3 January 1914, Page 7

OUR MAIL BUDGET. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13269, 3 January 1914, Page 7