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June 1. — The different celebrations ihr/i have occurred from time to time during the progress < f fie war have always been eb^rved by the local -residents in an <riithu e iasti>: manner, and live glorious finale was 1.0 exception, to the mle. The first intimation of the news of 3'cace was conveyed by the bugle call of the Wakatipu Mounted Rifles, and within the space of a few minutes all the bells in the place were unging a joyous peal. The mayor at once pro<laimed a public holiduy, and addressed a Jarge crowd from the post office steps, m conclusion calling for three cheers, which were 2ii3tily given. A detachment of the Wakatipu Mounted Rifles fired a feu-de-joie, and tho band rendered several stirring patriotic selections. During the afternoon an entertainment ■was given an the Athenseum Hall for the benefit of the children, and 111 the evening r. very enjoyable dance was held. Considering that no special programme had been mapped out, everything wont off very auct.c-sefullj', and tiiere is no doubt the memory of the day will bo lasting with both young and old who participated.

Coronation Celebrations.— A public meeting convened by the Borough Council was held in the Council Chambers en Saturday evening, a good attendance being present. His Worship the Mayor, who presided, stated that the meeting had been, convened for the purpose of receiving suggestions as to the most advisable means of commem aratmg the Coronation of his Majesty the King, .ynd intimated that the council had decided to vote £25 towards the celebations; also, that it was desirable to elect 9 committee to work 111 ronjunction with tho council. A strong corami'tec was formed, and ■the following piogramme wab drafted —The morning to be demoted to church services; in jt'ie afternoon a piocesMon to bo formed, startDng from a certain pcir.t aud terminating at ."ihc Recreation Ground, where a monster picnin. and sports will he he-Id, ihe Wakatipu Mounted Rifles ball in the evening forming a 'fitting finale to the day's proceedings. The meeting was also of opinion that seme lasting memorial of the day should be erected 111 si prominent part of the town, and the most favoured idea sesmed to be the erection of a 3arge lamp. The committee appointed consisted of Mesdaineß Preston, Payne, Bevin, # 2tushton, Fletcher, and Plumb, and Jleosr-* 33evin, Orr, Perrclle, Fail, Dr Thomson, and the Rev. D. Keay Fisher. A meeting of the icommittee was held on Thursday evening, at {which the programme for the day was fully snapped out. It was decided that a bullock be aoasted in honour of the event. Messrs Bevm »nd Jenkins wore appointed marshals for the jirocession, and a committee of ladies was appointed to undertake the dutie= pertaining to ()ut naforing-, Pxeßellt mdj^aUOllS ire that the

event will be celebrated locally in a most enthusiastic manner.

Football. — On Tuesday a football match took pjace at Queenstown between representatives of the home and Arrow teams. Tlie result was most decisive, Queenstown winning by 39 points to nil. Owing to Monday unexpeetc-d'y becoming a holiday, many of the Arrow picked team, found themselves unable to get away on the Tuesda} 1 , so rather than break faith with the Queenstown Club a scratch team, consisting mostly of very young players, was sent over, consequently the result of the match was not unexpected. A return match is to ba played in about three weeks on the local ground, when no doubt the teams will be more representative. Entertainments.— ln this respect we have been well provided for during the past week. To commence with, th^re were the peace celebrations on Monday, with the dance at night ; on Tuesday evening the first dance of the series to be given during the winter months under the auspices of the band, it proving very enjoyable; on the same -day we had a visit i-om that much-travelled gentleman, Herr Willy Schwiegershausen, whose experiences vere listen°d to by a small though appreciative audience in the evening; on Wednesday evening a lectuio on ''Phrenology" was delivered by Mr Mazengarb, of Duuedin, the lectuier baing attentively listened to, though at the close no one appe?ved to be brave enough to h«ve his or hey "bumps"' re?d before the audience. I understand a similar lecture is to be given at a wear date, when piobably some one will have found the necessary courage. Volunteers. — To-night a parade of the Wakatipu Mounted Rifles is to be held. Sergeantmajor Grant will be present, and will give his first instructions to thi corps. On Wednesday a strong committee of ladies met in the Oiderly Room cf the W.M.R. to ruakp arrangements for the .animal ball, to be held on the •26th inst. Town Improvements. — At the meeting of the Quoenstown Borough Council, held on Wednesday evening, it was decided to erect a rotunda on the Marine Parade, near Charch street. It was decided to have the foundation stone placed in position on Coronation Doy. Church Servicas.— At the Anglican Church, Queenstown, a service was condncted by the Rev. H. Brooke ou Tuesday morning fs a thanksgiving for ycac. The rev. gentleman delivered a very able aud appropriate sermon from the text, "Put up thy &word again to its sheath." A good congregation was present. Thanksgiving services were also held in the Presbyterian and Wesleyan Churc'ies. Weather. — We hava been well favoured in this respect during the past week, very shaip frosts in the mornings and evenings, making the warm sunshine during the day nuich apI«reciated. In Arrowtown itself there is rather a -scarcity of the latter, though, as the surrcunding hills prevent the suu's rays from reaching us for more than four hours during the day at this time of the year. As scon as the sun is lost it commences to freeze.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2517, 11 June 1902, Page 31

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ARROWTOWN. Otago Witness, Issue 2517, 11 June 1902, Page 31

ARROWTOWN. Otago Witness, Issue 2517, 11 June 1902, Page 31