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Late Advertisements. FOR SALE. OLD-ESTABLISHED BLACKSMITH'S BUSINESS, in the Centre of the Famous Western District of Southland. Present owner retiring to a farm. About £80 cash necessary. A capital chance for a good man. For particulars apply to THOMSON, BRIDGER. & CO., 13n Dunedin or Invercargill. MILK FEVER IN COWS. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. Spreydon Lodge, Christchurch, 20th January, 1901. Mr John Berry, Veterinary Chemist, Colombo street, Chriatchurch. Dear Sir,— Within the last few weeks I have had six cows very bad with milk fever, and have much pleasure in informing you that through the timely use of your Milk Fever Cure " we have succeeded in saving FIVE out of the SIX. I firmly believe, if your remedy bad been applied in time to the one that died, she would have been saved. She wa* too far gone before yo\u remedy was tried. I might say that all the cows were too fat for dairy cows. .Your remedy being so successful with ray cows, I can strongly recommend it to any"one who keeps dairying cows. I am, yours respectfully., S. GARFORTH, Spreydon, BERRY'S CLEANSING POWDER, For Cows after Calving. Allays Feverishness; Expels After-Birth. 2s; by post, 2s 2d. BERRY'S HEALING OILS, For Woiinds of all kinds on Horses and Cattle, and especially Bruised, Lacerated, or Torn or Punctured Wounds, old Sores. Very Healing for Sore Teats of Cows. 2s; by post, 2s 9d. BERRY'S CANTERBURY EMBROCATION, For Swollen and Hard Udders of Cows Sprains, Sprung Sinews, Over-reaches, Wind Galls Lameness, Stiff Muscles, Bruises, I Strangles, etc.. in Horses. 2s ; by post 2s 9d. WHOLESALE AGENTS— KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO.. 25 S Dunedin. FARM For SALE (230 acres) ; 100 acres in new grass, balance 'n pasture; subdivided! into seven paddocks. New 4-roomed House ; modern conveniences ; large barn, byre, stable, etc.; two miles from Fortification Railway, five miles front Milton.^ A really good investment. Price, £700; £400 can remain on mortgage seven years at 5 per cent. D. M. FEA & CO., Auctioneers, 4& Manse sheet, Dunedin. ;£l«£ :<'Yt-aril. I WILL pay the a.jove Eewaid for Information, leading to Conviction of anyone in possession of Kuriheka Sheep without my authority ond Sale Mark. Kuriheka Sheep are firebranded with a bar down ihe nose (l^in x iin), and registered, in Dunedin , Clyde* and' Oama-ru branding districts. Information re Sale Mark on applica- * tlOnt ° J. COWIE NICHOLS, 1 2j MaheiiO. MARSHALL'S Just now INFLUENZA is very prevalent in Otago and Southland. It is a disease that gives the strongest system a very severe wrench. In eoine ' cases, if neglected, and nobbing taken to eliminate the poisonous germs from the system, pneumonia, bronchitis, catarrh, and other severe after-effects are the result. One of the 6afest and b«3t cures ever put on the market for INFLUENZA is MARSHALL'S CELEBRATED MIXTURES, Nos. 1 and 2. These remedies act like a charm, reducing ( the Fever, Backache, Pains in the Head and Limbs in a very short time. They are good for old and youog, and being very palatable, young children take them readily. Price of the two bottles, 3s ; by post, 3s 6d. FOR. A BAD COLD IN THE CHEST IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL. For INFLUENZA COUGHS there is' nothing like MARSHALL'S COUGH SYRUP. This Syrup is now getting, quite a colonial reputation aa a Cough Curev. ' Some people write U3 saying that after taking only two doses they have experienced great relief, and a rapid cure was effected with the contents of a single bottle It is first-class for Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, and Coughs that are of a persistent nature. Children's coughs yield to its action very promptly. Price, la 6d and 2s 6d; postage, 3d and 6d. If you have had INFLUENZA, and' cannot shake off the effects, get a bottle of RfARSHALL'S QUININE and IRON TONIC. This Tonic will brace up the whole nervous system, make you eat well, and sleep better than you are now doing. It is a first-class medicine for Anaemia, and all cases of Weaknesses of Females. Price, Is 6d and 2s 6d; postage, 3d and 6d extra. If you cannot obtain any of the above from your local chemist or storekeeper, write to us direct, enclosing stamps or postal notes to the value of the goods you required. We are now landing new PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES, Papers, and all Articles required by the amateur photographer. Write for free Catalogues of Cameras and Sundries. MARSHALL'S PHARMACY, 86 Princes Street, Dunedin

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Otago Witness, Issue 2490, 4 December 1901, Page 34

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Page 34 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2490, 4 December 1901, Page 34

Page 34 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2490, 4 December 1901, Page 34