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The statutory meeting of the above council was held in the County Chambers, Balciutiia. on Wednesday at noon. The Clerk (Mr P. Nelson) presided, and the councillors present v,ere— Messrs W. Hay, J. R. Mitchell, A. C. Saunders, J. Johnston, D. A. M'Lachlan, J. M'Neil, D. Robe-tson, J. Clarke, and R. Simmers, jivn. Cr M'Lachlan proposed that Cr M'Neil be elected chairman for the ensuing year. Cr Hay seconded the motion, which was put and carried. Cr M'Neil theu took the chair, and returned thanks for his election. The business of the ordinary monthly meeting was proceeded with, the same councillors being present. Mr R. Meikle, Waitepeka, wrote stating that he found his total acreage was nearly 598 acres, and he was charged rates on 588 acres 3 roods and 32 poles in Richardson Riding and 9 acres 3 roods 8 poles in South Molyneux. He had been—overcharged by 14 acres for five .years, and by 10 acres for two years, and he asked for a refund.— Referred to the" Land Valuation Department, who had made up the valuation roll. —The Secretary to the Treasury advised the payment into the county fund account of £1500 (Pomahaka loan account). — Received. Mr Cruickshank, S.M., notified that he had bten appointed commissioner to inquire a3 to which local authority the control of the Tuipeka Mouth punt should be vested in, and also as to the proportions to be contributed by the local authorities for the maintenance and repairing of tha said ferry; and that he would hold such iniquiry at Tuapeka Mouth on Tuesday, December 10, at 9 a.m. — The chairman, Cr Mitchell, and the clerk and engineer were appointed to represent the council at the inquiry. Dr J. Malcolm Mason, chief health officer, forwarded copies of pamphlet on " Scartet Fever " for circulation. — Received. Dr Fitzgerald, Kaitangata, wrote with le/crence to dangerous state of road leading to the Lighthouse, Nugget Bay.— Matter being attended to; letter received. Mr John Campbell, Seafield, Owaka, wrote with regard to the dangerous state of Cannilial Bay road. — The council had already decided to put the road in order as soon as the weather was suitable, and Mr Campbell to be advised accordingly. Mr D. Neil, Tahakops, wrote that he was requested by settlers of block XIII, Rimu, to ask the council to spend the thiirds, £51, lying to the credit of the 'block. — To be attended to as soon as possible. Mr D. Murray, Glenfnlloch, Warepa, wrote drawing attention trf the fact that gorse and broom were spreading on. roadline le.ading from his property to that- of Mr Win. Ross. — Received.

*Mt Jas. Donald- and 20 other settlers at Hunts road, Katea; wrote drawing attention to the need for putting rotten rock on 14 o*15 chains of_ Hunts road, starting at the upper end of section 31. — A further communication frotn Mr A. Shields and 14 others at Purekireki, respectfully -asking the council te take the necessary steps to have the two sham pinches made easier, and the formation made a little wider on road in front of Mr Robert Tapp's; also asking that the road from Ivatea upwards towards Purekireki be surfaced. — Cr Saunders asked whether, in the event of a section being bought out, the council got a third of the purchase money. — Cr Robertson and the Engineer were of opinion that it did, but the Clerk was of opinion that the clause in the act dealing with the matter only referred to deferred payment sections. — Matter to stand over till next meeting. T. Sinclaiir, butcher, Balclutha, applied fcr a slaughtering license for section 11, block XXII, Clutha survey district. — Granted. _Mr Jas. M'Gcwan, Department of Roads, Wellington, wrote on behalf of -the Minister of Lands, acknowledging receipt of petition from John Draper and other settlers at Ahuriri Flat and surrounding bush districts, asking th?t £650 be provided for metalling the road, and in reply stating that he regretted his inability to accede to the prayer of the petition, as provision for the work could not be made in the appropriations. — Cr Hay said he did not know what to do in this matter. It was a pity the application was not made in time, as he understood from Mr Thomson, M.H.R., the Minister was favourable. Perhaps it would bo best to let the matter stand over till next meeting, and in the meantime he might call a meeting of the settlers. — Matter to stand over. A recipient of charitable aid at Houipa'oa wrote that he expected te be able to manage without further assistance, and thanked the council for the aid received. — Received. -Mr J. Roger, Owaka, wrote requestii;* the council to order the immediate removal of a camp on tne road at south end of section 4, block VIII, Gienomaru.— lt was stated that it was a contractor who was- camped on the road', which was a side road, and not much used-. Matter referred to the_ engineer.


The County Engineer (Mr M. Paterson), in ~hie monthly report, enumerated the" works for ■which tenders were called, and continued: ." The wire rope at South Molyneux ferry Lias not yet been raised, but I have made arrangements for it to be done, and expect to Lave it put right in a day or two. " The ditch on Owaka road in front of Mr Thomson's place has been attended to, alpo the road leading to Mackenzie's and Hawley"o places. "In resirfl to Mr Robin's application, I have levelled the road leading up to his place, and find that the grade is a little steeper than one in eight, and that portion of the road is back lying, and m the winter time often wet and slippery, making it a difficult task for a team even with a light load to get lo the top of the pinch. I have laid off a grade at one in twelve, and estimate the cost of the earthwork at £90. If this work is done there is a small bridge at the foot of the hill which will require to be rebuilt at a cost of from £30 to £40. " Two briSges on. Waikoikoi road, one has been redecked and repaired and the other rebuilt. "It will be necessary to undertake the making up of the approaches to Arthurton bridge. The contractor for the construction or the bridge will possibly complete his contract by about the new year." The report was adopted. In regard to works on road near Mr Bobin's, Cr M'Lachlan said .there -were no funds a-vailable at present, and the matter was allowed to stand o\er in the meantime. Tenders were accepted as follows : —Contract No. 875, John Tayloi*, £65 Is 6d; No. 928, John R. Crossan, £160 (conditionally on work being done by horse labour, not by traction engine, failing which the tender of Jas. Sutherland, £193 10s, to be accepted); No. 930, A. and J. Harris, £72 (accepted to amount available. £60) ; No. 931, A. and J. Harris, £10 ; No. 932, P. M'Rorie, £100; No. 933, P. Kane, £4 10s per chain; No. 934, P. M'Rorie, £96 17s 6d ; No. 935, Jno. Sharp, £88 10s. Two tenders were received for contract No. 929— £84 10a and £85 10s respectively,— but they v. ere considered too high, and fresh tenders were ordered to be called. C; Saundeis said k$ thought thgt ill JhgJgMi

of a contractor getting more than one contract \\£ should be compelled to complete the contracts in the order in which he them, and moved accordingly. — Cr M'Lachlan seconded the motion, holding that what was proposed was perfectly correct. — In reply to Cr Robertson, the Engineer said there was provision for the infliction of a penalty of £1 per day after the expiry of three months. — The motion wag carried. Cr Johnston proposed that tenders be called for 50 yards of broken metal between Mv P. Watt's gate and the railway bridge; also 50 yards broken metal between Hogg's bridge and the Waitapeka railway station, tenders to be in by next meeting — Seconded by Cr Saunders and earned. Cr Saunders said that the subsidy of £100 (pound for pound) for metalling Owaka-Chnton load, and for which no tenders could be got last year, was still available. He moved that tenders be called for the work. — Cr Robertson asked where the funds were to come from for the council to pay its share. — Cr Saundeis said he intended to strike/a separate rate for this and other purposes at next meeting. — Motion carried.


Cr Saunders said there was a considerable difficulty in-getting a poundkeeper 'at Owaka. Mr Logan was, however, agreeable to undertake it, an,d he moved that Mr^Logan be appointed. — The motion was carried, and Cr Saunders was empowered" to get the "pound board removed, and certain other matters in connection with the pound attended to. .

On the motion of Cr Saunders, it was decided to call for -applications for ranger at Owaka; salary, £5 a year and driving fees. On the motion of the Chairman and Cr M'Lachlan, Mr- Peter Miller (Dunedin) was appointed the council's delegate for the election of Hospital Trustees. Cr Robertson moved that the council pay Is Sd per 100 for small birds' heads and eggs.— Seconded by Cr Clarke and carried. The monthly paysheet, amounting to £294 2s Od, was passed for payment. The chairman and Cr Robertson were appointed to sign cheques. • APPOINTMENT OP ENGINEER AND CLERK. The council then went into committee to consider the applications for the offices of engineer and clerk.. For the former theie were IS applicants, and- for the latter 48.

On resuming in open council, after being two hours all but five minutes in committee, the Chairman, in accordance with the, decision arrived at in committee, moved that Mr J. Walker Johnston (Gore) be appointed engineer to the council ; seconded by Cr Hay and carried. The Chairman then moved in accordance with a similar decision that Mr Angus M'Donald (Clinton) be appointed clerk; seconded by Cr Clarke and carried.This concluded the business.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2490, 4 December 1901, Page 19

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2490, 4 December 1901, Page 19

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2490, 4 December 1901, Page 19