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FiEST Day— Sattjhday.

Tfce May mesting of tbe Dufit'din Jockey Olub w.\g coxnmenccd on thf Forbnry racecourse on Hfeturday. The attend m.^e, though' it reached lair dimtnaioos, was distinctly below the avo-l-fcge, but this may doub hss be attributed to the rain v?laich fell in the morning, an 3 tbe doubts <hst were entertaiwd a? to the likelihood o >he weather clearing As it was thoee who \ i)K«'d the course took their pleasures sndh 1 nongh. There were frequent drizzling , ahow«s»B during the d&y, and while this was depressing there was very little countervailing excitement. The "going was heavy— much more so than the duration of the morning's rain would have justified one in expecting — and although the fields were very fair the racing was J nofc particularly interesting It wou'd have been unl'ke a race day at the Forbury if there were ao protests, but the likeness was preserved, a protest being iodgtd against ArUne, the winner of the Tradesmen's Handicap, on the. ground thfct the rider had failed to draw weight on returning to scale. There seemed to be some mystery about tbe affair — a mystery which the club itself assisted in creating. It was obvious to all onlookers that Rae. Arline's rider, had, on weighing in, some difficulty in making up the nropsr weight, and some curious stories gained circulation in which there was mor« or less confused uieaUon of the foot of one of the srewaros, & bit; of lead, and the rider'e bridle. The press representatives were asked to the scales by one of the stewards to have the circumstances explained to them, and it was then [ stated by the clerk of scales (Mr Bivtcner) ' that while Rar foiled io draw weight at frat he 1 subsequently bj aHe" ? .g hia position on tbe tcales and by bringing his bridle into the reckoning just succeeded in amwering requirements. About the time at which this explanation was given it became known that Mr M'Ginuess, the owner of Maremma, the second horse, had \ entered a protest, and a meeting of the stewards | was Bummooed. It is the policy of the club to ! admit the press to meetings of the stewards when protests are under coDs'dera.tit>aj but on this occasion the secretary informed the reporters that they were not to go into ths room. Subsequently it was announced that consideration of the protest had been adjourned until 8 p.m., at which time our representative presented himself at the club's office, bui; waa j informed that the inquiry was not open to the ' prees, and that a reporc of what iif^ppaucd would be supplied by the club From this it appears that the protest wa3 dismissed, &nd that Mr Fleming, owner of Arline, was consnred for touching the scale. It is understood that before the protest was entered a, number of the holders of tickets on Arline received dividends from the tot&lisabors. In the absence of Mr P. Miller, who was hsdisposed, Messis S. Solomon and J C. Shors cfividtd the duties of judge. Results: — FIRST HURDLE HANDICAP, Of 80SOVE, second horse lOsovs from the stakes. About two miles. 1. o. 51 22£-Mr H. Kerr's b g Supplejack, by Bucephalus — Katey, aged. 9.0 (Walls) 1 34 23 -Mr George's b g Stanley, a«al, 10.10 (<J. Robertson) 2 55 36 —Mr J. M'Kewen'a b g Bslmoar, aged, 10.12 (F. M'Grath) 3 ■41 31£— Mr H. Lunn's eh t; Kaiti, aged, 9.12 • (W. Ularke) 0. ISI 113 The field went away together, and when they had taken their places Belmont was in front, with Supplejack second and Stanley third, Eaiti being pulled back to the vaav. A bad jump by Belmont brought him into third place at tha back tf the coarse, but he recovered his position on the flat, snd, with the exception of I Kaiti, the field was in a cluster at the hot bom of tbe course. Supplejack, however, led at the foot of the straignt, where he knocked a hurdle over, and he held command also as tha mile was completed, Stanley be'ng then a length or so bfchiir.d him, wiih Bduiont third and Kaiti fourth. Running rouDd the top turn Belmont compounded, and Kaiti went after the leader, entering the back stretch five or six lengths behind Stanley, while Supplejack had increased, his lead over the latter to three or four lengths. Kaiti's effort made ao impression, and was of short extent", and with halt' » mile to go the issue was reduced to one between Supplejack and Stanley, and the former, though he again knocked a hurdle down at the foot of tfce straight, was never troubled, winning in a canter by three.lengthfl. Bslmont was a bad third, finishing juat in front of Kaiti. Time, 4min 21sec. Dividends : Inside, £3 3s ; outside (10s tickets), £2 ss. ! BIAIDEJT PLATE. Of 50sovs ; f-etond horse ssovs from the stakes. For three-year-olds and upwards that have never won a race exceeding SOsovs in value. One mile. 1. o. 117 757— Mr J. A. M'Ginness's b c Fulmen, by Castor— Hilda, 3yrs, 7.12 (Brown) 1 9.4 16 -Mr G. Robertson's b g Gienoie, aged, 8.2 (], King) 2 6 3J— Mr D. Napier's cb g Wimbledon, • 3yr5,7.9 (Hendrick) 3 18 19 —Mr J. Hopkins's b b Wolf't Drag, b'yrs. 8 5 (Tiee) 0 3 4J-Mr E. H. Ilankins's b c Linkahol, syrs, 8.5 (Rainbow) 0 54 43J — Mr D Ileffernau's eh c 1/iberty, 4yis, 8.2 (T. BudcUcomb) 0 2 2J— Mr G. Brown's b g Glenavy, aged. 8.2 (X Pine) 0 S 2 —Mr T. Griffith's br m Lady George, 3yrs, 7.10 (Hitchen) 0 227. 166 i The horses were in even line when the barrier was removed, but la the struggle foi;

places Pulnaen assumed the lead, and Lady ' George and Glenavy — the latter pulling out very wide— disputed Ja3t place. Fnlmen led i round the top of tho course, with Wimbledon and Wolf's Crag ia close, and Gleuors fourth, aud this order was maintained for three furlongs, «b.t ii Wsnib'.edon shook oft" Wolf's Crag, while a couj-le of lv: Songs further ou the latler was di^jilaccd by G'enorti under ! the whip. OonHnui'jg his run all the way J home Glenora just beat Witriblsdon on the post j and finished second, Fulmen having never been j disturbed in the lead and winuincf easily by a length and a hslf. Time, lraiu 52* sec. Dividends : Inside, £1 14-i ; oafside, 19?. Bin ran ay handicap, Of SOOsuvs ; second- horse lfeovg from the slakes. One mile and a-balf. 134 B*4— Sir SI. ELohbs's b ni Starabot, by Cbainshot— Veno, 4yrs, 8 12 (W. Shaw) 1 27 23i-Mr 11. Reay'a br f Scquiu. Syre, 7.5 (J. Piue) 2 10J 40i-5Jr II Friedl mder's blk h Double ICvent, syrs, 7. 13 .. ... (Davey) 3 /"Mr H. GoouJiian's b b Black and Ited, =,; 4 ai j s}'r#, 7.6 (Murray) 0 00 Wj ) Mr II Gk,oduian's br m PUch aud V Toss, 4yrs, 7.2 (Hewitt) 0 56 3.&— Messrs Stephen on and Hazlett's bm Marlin, 4yrs, 7.0 [car. 7.2] (L. King) 0 6 2 —Mr 'W. Al'Gavock's blk h Monte Cuilo, aged, 6 7 [car. 6.10] (J. M'Cluskey) 0 480 2241 Monte Carlo became entangled in tbe tape at the start, which was otheiwise a good one. Starshot was the first to show in front, but she was promptly steadied, and Sequin took up the lead, which she maintained t*v ihe home turn, where Black and Red joined her, with Fitch and Tcsa in close attendance. Aa sonn as they were in the straight Pitch aud Tons moved up and : took charge, which t-be held as th^y passed the \ stand, Sequin thon King second, Double Evdit i third, and Black aud Rsd fourth, while Sisrshot \ by this time was last. There was some changiug of positions in the unplaced division in the next furlong, but Pitch aud Toss was still leading with Sequin on her quarters. Prom the balf-mile post Sfcarshot began to niovo up again, but in the next furlong Sequin, having disposed of Pitch and ! Toss, secured a clear lead of a couple of lengths. At the home turn Double Event was secoud, and in the next few strides Starshot ran into third place. Running verj kindly, the favourite displaced Double Event in the straight, and with an admirably-judged effort canfibt Sequin in the last lew yards, winning very c!everly by » short htad. Double Ev?u!; finished thi^d, a couple of lengths away arcl Pitch and Toss was four-'b, aud Black and Ee.d fifth, Monte Cailo whipping in. Time, 2min 46 3-ssec Dividends : Inside, £2 11s ; outside, £1 3«. ■WINTER WELTER HANDICAP, Of 7550V5 ; second horse s*ovs from the stages. * Seven furlongs. 1. o. 90 35 -Mv J. Eitzgftrald's blk g Vandyke, by Vanguard — Lady's Maid, 6j>r», 9.5 (M'llroy) 1 101 61-Mr W. J. Marshall's b h Barmby, aged, 813 (Derrett) 2 6 s— Meteis E'.lis Bros.' b f Decoy, 3yrs, 8.3 (Tree) 3 50 30- Mr ,»'3l- vi St. Ouicla, 4yr.«i. 8.12 1 (Brown) 0 13 7— Mr E. H Haufciu-'s h s P.P.0.. 6yrs, . 8.0 (Rainbow) 8 i 10 6 ~M r R. Alexander's eh ml he Orphan, j 5y.-s,B 0 ' (T. Buddicomb) 0j 269 153 I The horses were in line when the word was giveu, but St. Ouida and P.P.C. were both caught in the tape, and got bsdly away. Batosl-ji v?iN tl»c fl>-*t to move., closely fulioiifd by ihe OcpUftKii vrhile Decoy joined Lfiis psir iv tUe first furlong, thu tbree runniug togßther for sowe little distance. St. Ouida was fourth at halt a mile, at which point Barmby, having btak*n The Otphan and Decoy off, held a clear itj»d. At the bottom of the course Vandyke v?,- csilleil on, and- c^ft!!fcnging Barmby at the '- :>. tu=p, wire fcia* d^wn s ana wen comfort,,i..v b\ ihie" lengths. Decoy was two ler>gvhs awn;, third, »£id Th« Orph&n, Sd. Ovid&, and P.PjC. fiuisfced ia that order. Time, Imin 36sec. Dividends : Inside, £2 13s ; outside, £1 198. I SELLING KACE, Of oOsovs. Wei/at for age, with selling allowances}. One mile, i. o. 132 10!;*— Mr J Eos«s eh c Hippoinenes, by St. Leger— Atalanta, aged (£4O), 8.11 (Emmerson) 1 19 10J— Mr G. Robeftsou's b g Glenore, aged (£2O), 7.11 (J. Pme) 2 I 37 35 —Mr A. Sefton's br g QuilUri, syr 3 I (£4O), 8.11 ... .:. (Fairbrother) 3 4 SJ-Mr J. Banger's b h A?.ic'ch-»t, aged (£3O), 5.7 , (\V. B-.f.oieomb) 0 9 2 —Mr T. Thomps.fni's or luMijdawn. i aged (£10), 7.3 (b. King) 0 ! 31 21 —Mr A. Smith's eh « Stimulant, aged ! (£10), 7.4 [cat-. 7.10](T. Buddicomb) 0 ! 9 6J— Mr S. Brown's b m Miss Lochiel, aged — — {nil), 6.12 • ... (T. 1 W. Cotton) 0 241 183 Hippomenes, slippJDg under the tape at the start, was the first away, but Sfcitnulauo fook command at tbe top of th-j coisr-se. Gleijoro joined the latter as soon as the back B'.rf'-ei. bad been entered, and passed him in the nexi; ct.uple of furlongs, leading at the half-mile post, iro«\ which point Hippomenes again went up to him. I The top weight led at tbe home turn, with Glenore second, and Quiltiri third, and this [ order was'-uuehanged to the finish, for though Glenore struggled gamely to again get on terms I with Hippomenes, the latter won comfortably by a length. Quiltiri was third, two or three lengths away, and Mis* Lochiel was fourth, and Aidershot last. Time, Imin 50 4-siec. Dividends : Inside, £1 12s ; outside, 16s. The winner was bought by the owaer for £50. tradesmen's handicap, Of 120-jovs ; ttround horse lOsovs fiom the stakes. i Hix furlongs. I r. 0. ■ 5S 411— Mr ii Brown's h m Avline, by St. j Clair— Gitana, syrs, 8.12 ... (Rae) 1 i 68 48J— Mr J. A. M'Ginness's br g Maremma, i 6yrs, 8.0 (T. Buddicomb) 2 80 50 —Mr J. Lloyd's cb m Belle Clair, 4yrs, 7.12 (Brown) 3 i 64 42J— Mr F. Friedlander'e eh g ftannon- ! shot, syrs, 9.0 '(Clarke) 0 15 12J— Mi 11. Lunn'3 b h Skirmisher, aged, j 8.1 (l''aiib/other) 0 ! 28 24J— Mr C Kennedy's blk tn Vauilla, aged, 7.11..: (L.King) 0 43 32}— Mr H. Cassidy's eh m Bracelet, 3yrs, 710 (Rainbow) 0 8 10-Mr J. Brett's br c Nihilist, 2yrs, 7.6 (Hendrick) 0 4 ]i— Mr P. Toomev's b f Refugee, 2yrs, 6.7 [car. 6 101 (J. Pine) 0 S7O 263$ Belle C)a<"r drew hito the had from the start, j fcilowed by Vadila sn.l Bs-jiedbt, but befors i the half luJlo po;l LaO. besn reactcu Vahillj. had assumed the lead, and Arliae. commeiiced a ruu which carried her iato the lead t>y the time the home iurn wa-a reached. Entering the straight, in tho middle of the course, the caara had a useful lead, and although Matemma on the inside came with a powerful dash he was unable to get on terms with Arline, the latter winning by a long ueck. Belle Olair was a good , third, end Nihilist, Cannonshot, Vxnilla, Skir1 inisher, Refugee, and Bracelet finished in the

order named. Time, lmiu 19 4-s?eo. Dividends : Inside, £5 14* ; outside, £2 17s.

A protest was entire.! agtias- the winner on | the ground thab the j ick«\y had failed to draw ' weight. This was cor. aider ad in the eveiiing, : when, afltr evidence had been ts-.keu, it was ■. resolved — u Th*b the sfci w*rds are of opinion j tbat a* tha clerk of tho scales states that the i rider of Arline weighed in correctly and that he declared ib to be ao, which fact was corroborated by several witnesses, they must diamiss the protest. They wish, however, to express their s^ronjj disapprobation that Mr Fleming, as the owner of Arline and a .steward of long experieuce, should have committed the grave ! impropriety of touching tha scales." j AUCTION STAKES, '. Of 20-sovs. No weight under Sit.. Six furlongs, i 1. o. ( 8 S —Mr R. Ellis's br g Plotter, by Catesby— s Wai, 4yid (L. King) 1 j S 124 -Mr H. Kerr's b g Stockfish, aged (f. Burtdicomb) 2 9 5 — Bliziard, aged (Hendrick) 3 I 25 25i I Plotter and Stockfith disputed ihe lead for half a mile, but t.he former lastfd best. n:s& won by a tengfcb. B!izz*rd, after getting badly away aud chasing tbe other pair the whole distance, finished half a length away. Tune, ! Imin 23spc. Dividends : Inside, £2 16s ; oatside, £1 18s. The winner was bought in for £15. • j Second Day— Tuesday. The attendance at the Forbury racecourse yesterday, when the Dunedin Jockey Club's May mseting was continued, was cone-iderably larger than on the first day of the meeting, but the weather was again gloomy and cold until the af tern -on was well advanced, when the sun broke through the clouds and for a time very pleasant conditions prevailed, but after that some rain fell and drove many peop'e off the course. The going had improved greatly since Saturday, and was fairly good. The fields were fairly large for mo3t of the events, and some interesting sport was -*isocs«ed. In the Hurdle Handicap the 1 rsfnll of Saturday'!* race was reversed, Sup,;]'.'jack, the favouri'.e, bainjj h^nd?.jinsly beaten, j For the Provincial Handicap Sequin w&s nnade a somewhat strong order, but «be was rarely prominent, and Msremma, coming with a characteristic dash up the straight, to the foot of which Vandyke had led, won ruthfr cleverly. Remor*e II wss a pr-nounced favourite foi* the St. Clsir Ha'idicip, but though he. shovvwi plenty of pace hh < ff.->rt wa» delayed until too late iv the race, acd he was unable to catch Barmby, the latter, after gire some trouble at the itart, wimtiug practically from end to end. Sc. Ouida had no difficulty in accounting for the Novel Race, for which there were 11 starters ; and the Wairongoa Handicap then came cm for decision. Arline w*s a strong favourite, being bvked almost down to level tnouoy in a field of seveu, aad, stffer occapying a bandy posision f<;r half a mile, shs. was brought to the front at the foot of the straight, and, deposing of, Caunomnot- in » brief luß*le,> encountered no £t!ttber opposition, placing a "merit.jriou* victory to her own ; credit and ths thud -pui ot the day to a War- j rington sire. The refuifc of the Disposal Slakep was iiavftr in douKr. L<.st Bfeoi" icjtliDg from start to Buih. !?<>«• fch# J/a^vell Handicap Mr Do«'fi« adjusted wtigkts i\x ?.O horgps, aud aceeptanefS w«re paid up for 11 of these, i Hippomenes w»s picked ©n us a good thing, but although th« big chsatnut got away with the lead he was headed after going a couple of furlongs, and in the end Remorse II proved the winner, paying a dividend that caused tho O'.m»iru contingent attoog tbe »v e - ! ' a fa )rß to leave the couiise'in good spiri's. Doru g the foivnojn J. Pine, who rode Sequio in the principal event on Saturday last, was halad before tbe stewards, j on the complaint of Mr ML Hobbs, owner of Starshot, that he had struck that mare across the head witk his whip, and he wan severely reprimanded by theaj. The amount that wa* I passed through the tiUlK&tors by Me*sr Mason ! and Robacts- was £4209 10s, whii;L i*> £20A9 10s ■ iesi th»n was handled on the corresponding day lof last year's meeting. The total opera* fit! upon duriug the meeting, just over was £7031 10*, as •gainst £10,185 10s *t the May vat efcing ot 1897. The Engineers' Band performed an acceptable selection of music on the lawn. The starting was sstisfactoiy. feud the other arrangements left little to bt desired. It was evident, however, that the dub was endeavouring to " ruu " the details in connection with the management of the club with an insufficient number of hands, and, after the first fevr races, there was anything but punctuality, observed in the starting of the events, the result being that the final ! racs was run a'.moii; isx the dark. Results :—: — SECOSP HUM 1,18 HANDICAP, Of 70.-ovs ; istjeoad hoiee lOjoxs from the stakes. On? wile and a-balf. I. O. S5 75 —Mr George's bg Stanley, by Le Loup. aged, 10.12 (G. Kobertsoa) 1 14 16£— Mr H. Lunn's eh g Kaiti, aged, 9.5 (Telfer) 2 136 99}— Mr H Kerr's b g Supplejack aged, [ 10.9 (Walls) 3 15 21J~ Mi- L. C. Hazlett'b br % Gladitoue, ! : agcJ, 9 2 (FitdUtcr) 0 1 250 21^ j While Kaiti hung at the po»fc Gladstone was I ihe first to move, but was immediately sup- | planted by Supplejack, while Stanley took ! charge at the home turn. All but Gladstone ; were well together at the hurdle at the foot of : the (Straight, and passing the stand Supplejack, rapping tha hurdle shurply a& he cleaied it, •gas first, with Stanley )-econd and Kaiti third. Gladstone had dropped so far behind that before going anofehsr fuilong fa.c was pulled out of the race, and Eaiti was under punishment at the top of the course. Stanley and Supplejack ran almost stride for stride along tbe back strstch, bub from the half-mile post the former began to irorge ahead, and, safely negotiating i.he lait liutdle, be won easily by a dozsti lengths Ktuti, ridden right out, passed Supplejack in the straight and gained second place by a couple of lengths, but the favourite waa easing ap. Time, 3min 13sec. Dividends : Inside, £2 12s ; outside (10s tickets), £L ss. PROVINCIAL HANDICAP, Of 15(teovs ; second horse 10;ovs from the stakes. One mile aad a-ciuavter. 1. o. 132 t>B£-Mr J. A. M'Ginness'a brg Marentrna, by Rubezabl— Lady Emm», 6yrs, 7.12 (T. Buddicomb) 1 88 48 —Mr H Friedlander's b g Cannonshot. Byrs, S lO . ... (Clarke) 2 39 31 -Mr H Goodman's br m Pitch and Toss, ivTB, 7.0 (Hewitt) 3 _ Mr H. Friedlander's blk h Double Event, ayra, 8 2 ... (OavejO 0 54 37 —Mi- J. Fitzgerald's blk g Vandyke, i 6yrs 8.0. . , (Fair brother) 0 1 143 99 —Mr R. Keay"s br t Sequm, "yvs, 7.10 „ (J. Pine) 0 " 450" 283* ' Oannoat-hoS was coupled on tbe totalisator with : Double Event. Upon fcne tape being elevated Maremma shot to the front, Pitch and Toss being the last to move ; but as they swept along the straight and past the stand Vandyke wa>- *«s the van, with Sequin, Maremma, Double E"en^ Cannonshot, I and Pitch and To»s following l;a that order. ' Double Event ran into secoud dace at the tea J

tarn and occupied thai; pot-ition as J ;hev >'sn along fcha back stretch, Vandyke still holding command, with Marsanma and Sequin lying together behind D -uMe Event and in frcn*. of Canuoushot. A'< Ilia ba>f*miie post Sequin diopped. ba,eic a length ci- two, s.t;d ag ibey rounded rbe b'Hid at the hcfcwn-. of fb* *• >-r?8 GamioDshofc male a for«7&v^ ;iio r e3""*£T. ' Tir.dyke being still at the head of afE-in, r? : .<.h Double Event hangiiig to him. A« fchns psme to the home turn r.he field drew together, but Vandyke shot bis bolt at the bottom of the straight and Double Bvaat momentarily took up the running The latter was immediately passed by Mareinnis and Csnneiishofc, while Pitch av-d To's. on the outside, put in a cUttu. M<*,rsmra», fairiy wearing Cannonibnfe dowv m the r*ee home, wok comfortably by t<vo leug&hs and a qu\rt«r, and Pitch and Toss fiuisbed third, barely two lengths avvray. Seqnio was fourth, Double Event fifth, and Vandyke last. Time. 2oaiu 16soc. Dividend!: Inside. £3 2s ; outside. JGI 17s. ST CIAIH W.J.TER HANDICAP, Of SOsovs ; seoi.aid ln»rse li.Vovs from Ihs stages Seven turlongs. !. O. 81 CSJ~Mr W J. Marshall's b h Birmby. hy . Vanguard — Misa'Lucy, aged, SI 5 (D<rrett) 1 195 125 —Mr W Gardiner's br g Item.nse 11. Gyrs, 9.2 (Tripp) 2 99 55 — Me^rsStep'aeneoii and llazl.-tt's b m - " Mat-lin. 4yrs, 9.1 (T. Biidriimmh) 3 39 , 37* -Mr H. Goodman's b h Black and I'.sd, - syrs. 9 3 (Murray) 0 10 9J— Mi W M'Gavock's blk h Monte ' Carlo, aged, 8.6 (ftae) 0 • 9 9*— Mr D Napier's cb g Wimbledon, ' 3yrs, 8 3 (Kingan) 0 7 3i— Mr R H Hankins's b,g P. P.0., 6yrs, S.O (Rainbow) 0 440 305J Wiiubi-idnn was the fist to break tbe line, followed by Barmby and Merlin, and these constituted the leading division for the first, couple of furlong", after which 15.P.0.I 5 . P.0. deprived Marlin for a few strides of third place. Bartnby and Wimbledon d>sptued the load past tbe halfmile post, with Martin third and Remorse- II and BUok and Red t>rio«ing up the rear; but a furlong further ou Bvwb?, running very kind'y, was ia rnlp c miauu' 1 , ?.;.O both Wimbledon *ud Msrlin were bswig liddeu to retain second and third pUres respectively, while at the home turn Remorse II WiS taken into fourth place. Continuing a poworful effort Remorse II ran into second place, but was unable to get on tejms with B&rmby, and the latter won easily bj two lengths. Mariiu was third, three lengths behind Kemoive 11, and M"iste Carlo, Wimbledin, Bhck »i-.(t R-d, and VP C finished in that ordi-r Time, loom Dividends r Inside, £4 17.? ; outside, £2 Is. 1 NOVEL RICE HANI'ICAP, Of (Kfcjovs. Six fuilongs. i. c. 124 76 —Mr James's b in St < uida, by St. Glair— Ouioa. 4yrs, 712 (Brown) 1 13 7i -Mr R. AlfXAmJei's eh m The Orphan, Byrf. f, IB (J. Piue) 2 40 29 1 . — Mr H Goodman's cb m Cherrystone. i ' 3yr57.7 (Hewitt) 3 j 31 27s— Mr A. Softon's br g Quilfiri, syr.s, 8.9 (Fa'rbrother) 0 73 57i — Mr G. Robertson's b g Glenore, aged' S2 (I, King) 0 19 22 —Mr R. Ellis's br g Plotter, 4yrs, 8 0 " (T. Budciicouib) 0 43 29i— Mr O. Tluthven's eh % Quicksbot IV i'yrs, 7.!0 ... (VV Buddicomb) 0 7 B— Jlv.J. Jlnpkins's b ft Wolfs Crag. tfyrs, 7.7 •. (M'Kldowney)" 0 4 2 —Mr 1. Thompson's br in Maydawn, aged, 7.3 (M'Kay) 0 23 175— Mr A. Smith* eh g Stimulant, aged, 7 0 (Ratcliff); 0 15 9J-— Mr S. Brown's b m Miss Lochiel, aged, 6)2 (T. W. Cotton) 0 392 2S6JPVr.oi a good etfirl Sb Ouida quickly drew ! iiito ihe lead, and, mt.klng eTery post a wibI ni))g post, w»s in front all the way round the back, with Qaickshot II and Stimulant as her closest attendants. At the foot of the straight The Orphan tan into second place, but she could not gefi up to St. Onida, the latter winning comfortably by a length. Time, Imin i ?,osec. Dividends : laside, £3 163 ; outside, £1 ! 33<*. I Tha winnor was bought by Me M'Fheraon for £40. WAIRONGOA HANniCAP, Of 10030V3 ; second horse lOsovs from the stakes. Six furlongs. I G. 183 114 —Mr H. Brown's b no Arline, by St. v Clair—GiUaa, syrs, 9 7 (Derrett) 1 40 28J— Mr H Fnedlaader's hsCunnonshot, syis, ».2 (Olarke) 2 45 34 — Mr ('. Kennedy's blk ru Vanilla, aged. 710 (1.. King) 8 86 55 —Mr J. Lloyd's eh m Belle Clair, 4yr<, 7.13 (Brown) B 16 37 —Mr H. Cassidy's eh m BrScslet, 3yra, 7.8 * ... (Rainbow) 0 5 5J— Mes»rs.Stephen?nnand HazleU'sbm Marlin, 4yis, 7 '.'> (M'KWowney) 0 5* 2?l— Mr J. Brett's br c N ihilist, 2yr«, 7 2 (Hendrick) 0 6 2 —Mr P. Toomey's b f Eefugee. 2yrs, 6 7 (J Pine) 0 j 435 2S5i j Refugee hung at the pos l -, but tbe start was » i good one, Beile C;air and Vanill. 1 ! moving awny ! ti>csb smartly »nd Jewlti g along tbe back-h< i company, with Arliue tbir^ and N'hUist fourth { After three furiojigs had been covered Belle Ciair wa3 done with, and V*nilla left in the lead, which she held at the home turn, where she was challenged by Arlius and Cannonshot. Derrett gave the former a cut or two with his whip and then settled down to ride her, and j Canoonshot being unable to keep on terms with [ her shfc won by nearly two lengths. Vanilla was f a g&oci third, ar.d N-hilist finished fourth, Belle Clair, Bracelet, Kem^fe, and Marliu following iv that order. Time, Imin 19ieo Dividends : Inside, £2 2s ; outside, £1 2a. DISPOSAL STAKES, Of 20sovs. No weight under S.O Five furlong? 1. o. 85 51— Mr J. M'l'owell's eh g Last Shot, by I Ciia'tisho'u— Mts-3 Sykes, 6yrs (L Kicg) 1 10 4J--Mr -J. Hopkin's b b Wulf's Crag, 6yra (Tree) 2 8 ]5J— Mr W. Lawrie's hr c Choroid, 3yrs (Godfrey) 3 3 lA— Mr J. Lean's eh m Stramonium, afe-si (J Pine) 8 12 lOJ— Mr J H. Biggius's eh g Blizzard, aged (Burns) 0 9 9---Ms-J M'Kay"-: L b Baadon weli, aged (M'Kay) 0 52 20J— Mr J. Rosl's eh m Irish Girl, 4yrs (Emerson) 0 2 2 —Mr T. Griffith's br ni Lady George, 3yrs (Donovan) 0 181 114£ Last Shot drew out at the start, and, leading all the way, won by a length and a-balr'. Time, -Imin Bjec. Dividends: Inside, £1 18s; outside, £1. The winner was bought in for £11, FAREWELL Of 70sovs ; second horse 10oO>3, and tV. ; n'. Ssovs fiom the stakes. One mile. 1. o. 46 20£— Mr W. Gardiaer's br g Remorse 11, by Jvcintb, 6yrs, 7.8 .. (L. Kiog) I 7 6J— Mr H. Goodman's b h Black and Red, syrs, 7.2 , (Hewitt) 2 63 27&— Me R. Lunn's b h Skirmisher, aged, 8.0 (Brown) 3 11 23£— Mr W. J. Marshall's fe h Barmby, 4$ aged, 8.8 (Derrett) Q 13 9£— Mr H. Friedlander's blk h Double livcnt. syrs, 8.5 (Davavi i

127 68 --Mi J. R,osr's eh g Hipppnaenes, aged, 8.4 „. , (Emereou) 0 '63 241— Mr J. Fitzgerald's blk g Vandyke, - fiyrfr, 8.2 (Fairbrother) 0 13 i —Mr .Of. A. M'Ginness's b g Fulmen, •Syrs, 7-4 ... ... (Haudrick) 0 B 0 — 2>lr A. Sefion's br g Quil iri, svis, 7.0 (J. Pine) 0 4 1 -Mr J ffllWs b f Decoy, 3yrs, 6.12 (Duncan) 0 0 0 —Mr W M'Gavock'3 blk h Moute Carlo, aged, 6.7 ... (T. W. Cotton) 6 885 183 Barmby and Quiltiri were left at the start from which Hippomenes shot out into the lead, maintaining it for two furlongs. Decoy then passed him and led to the home turn, with Hippomests , second, bub when h^&ds were tun-edjor hoir,e x ib was Skirmisher fchab'wasin the Van.,, 'Coming, however, with a late tub Remorse Ilcutdowirevery thing in front of him, and 'TTOD'b'j about a length. jTiuce, lmin~4Gsec. Dividends: Inside, £7 10s; outside, £8.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2308, 26 May 1898, Page 34

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DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB'S MAY MEETING. Otago Witness, Issue 2308, 26 May 1898, Page 34

DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB'S MAY MEETING. Otago Witness, Issue 2308, 26 May 1898, Page 34