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In response to the advertisement calling a meeting of lady and gentlemen subscribers to the recent Carnival, only the following • gentlemen attended at the Athenseum Hall on the night of the 12th :— His Worahip the Mayor (Mr H. J. Walter), and Messrs J. O. Eva, J. L. Gillies, W. G-. Geddea, T. Bracken, and J. B. Thomson. Mr Quin, secretary of the Benevolent Institution, was also present. Mr Walter was voted to the chair. The following was taken as read :— ' Report of Executive Committee Benevolent Institution CARNIVAIi, 1880. The Secretary of the Benevolent Institution, Mr R. Quin, having privately drawn the attention of a few individuals, on whose sympathies and active assistance he could depend, to the urgent necessity of an effort beinn- made to raise funds to meet the pressing demands upon the Institution, with the consent of his Worship the Mayor (H. J. Walter, Esq.) a meeting for the evenin" of 16th April, 1880, was convened to be held in the Council Chambers, to consider the question of how the exigencies of the case could best be met. Eight gentlemen attended. After deliberation, it was resol/ed " that the meeting stand adjourned till the 20th of the same month," when the number then enrolled only amounted tolß,includingthose who had sent apologies for non-attendance, but who promised their assistance. At this meeting, although from reports given in the raising of funds looked almost like leadino- a forlorn hope, it was determined that a duty clearly lay before those present, and that although they were few and socially feeble, " Forward" was to be the watchword. Accordingly an honorary secretary was appointed, committees were formed, and amongst those present the work was divided, so that while all agreed to labour towards one main and common object, each individual was to be considered " general " of and responsible for the success of his own division or department of the work. The result of this individualising of responsibility, at the same time convergin"- it into one head, to obtain the desired end, proved most successful ; and in addition to the "■ratification at the unequalled success of the effort and the comparatively small cost incurred, the machinery of the movement wrought so smoothly and pleasantly that your Committee have to look back upon it rather as a pleasant recreation than an arduous work in which it has been engaged. Appointments.— Chairman, H. J.Walter; hon. secretary J. L. Gillies. Committees— Hall : J. B. Thomson (convener), J. Lewis, D. M. Spedding, and Geo. Blyth. Finance : H. J. Walter (convener), A. Rennie, and R H. Leary. Canvassing and Receiving : W. G. Geddes (convener), W. Wilson, T. Low, J. Lewis, W. Prosser, A. Rennie, and VV. Watson. Music and Amusement: Geo. R. West (convener), John Eva, and D. M. Spedding. Printing: Honorary Secretary (convener), Geo. R. West, and H. J. Walter. Carnival Gazette: James Barr (manager). Ticket Comptroller : W. G. Geddes. The Honorary Secretary was appointed on all committees. ... Arrangements having been made by Mr Quin (who throughout gave his most valuable assistance) for the use of the Garrison Hall for the Carnival, circulars were issued, directed specially to the school teachers of the various districts included within the boundaries of Otepopo (north) and Mataura (south), inviting their co-operation and assistance, and your Committee have great pleasure in acknowledging how well, in most instances the appeal was responded to. The noble spirit and enthusiasm with which many of our teachers and children gave themselves to this truly Christian work, in a time of great need, is surely strong evidence that, although some of the formalities of religion may have been banished from our schools, its essence and spirit is quietly and unostentatiously operating to the training up of'hundreds of true women and true men. The seed sown in the hearts of these little workers in connection with this movement will no doubt bring forth , jruit after many days, and the Committee venture to say that the true pleasure those children have tasted, in being active helps in the good work, will incite them in the future to engage even more earnestly to do what they can to relieve their fellow creatures when the cry of distress is heard. Several meetings of ladies were called in Dunedin, but although the numbers that responded, and who ultimately gave their assistance, were comparatively few, right loyally and heartily many of those performed their share of the work. Districts we're apportioned out, but from whatever cause, so lukewarm— to use no stronger expressionwas apparently the feeling in regard to the movement, that a sufficient number of either ladies or gentlemen could not be found to canvass Dunedin and the suburbs, and members of Committee had to make an effort to overtake part of this work, but which, it has to be confessed, was only partially accomplished. The ladies and gentlemen who gave themselves specially to the work were-Mrs H. J. Walter, Mra W. Watson, Mrs W. Douglas (Harbour terrace), Mrs Aldrich, Mrs D, Stuart, Mrs Rigg, Misses Dow, Glasgow, E. Little, Wilson (2), A. T. Gillies, M'lndoe (Caversham), and Bowler (Roslyn), Messrs A. Rennie, J. Brown (sen.), W, G. Geddes, J. Lewis, D. M. Spedding, T. I^ow, Wm. Wilson, Robt. Wilson, H. S, Fish, jun., and W. Application having been made to Mr Donald Reid, he most willingly and liberally placed hia suite of rooms, opposite the Garrison Hall, at the disposal of the Committee free of charge, at the same time, in the same spirit and terms, consenting to receive and store all donations of produce forwarded from the country districts. The value of the conveniences thus handsomely placed at the Committee's command can scarcely be over-estimated, as without them it ia difficult to see how the Carnival could have been so successfully carried out. An acting paid secretary (Mr Holman) was appointed, whose duty it was to attend these rooms during the day ; and four nights per week the hon. secretary and some members of the Committee were generally in attendance from 7 till 9 o'clock, An account was opened with the Colonial Bank of New Zealand, and all moneys were gaid in as received— the Press kindly acknowledging the same. All disbursements have been paid by cheques, drawn by the hon. sec. and countersigned by the chairman. The Committee desire to recognise the warm interest and valuable support received from the Press generally, both town and country. Donations of goods, as received, were entered by the acting-secretary in a day-book or journal, and the articles were arranged, classified, and priced in Mr Reid's rooms. The Hall being used for divine service by Mr Brunton on the Sabbath Day, possession could not be obtained till the Monday morning, and it is due to that gentleman to acknowledge the obliging manner in which he met the views of the Committee, and accepted the draping in of the stq,l]s on the intervening Sabbath when it was found expediflnt to continue the Carnival beyond the week as first intended. On the morning of the 14th June, at 5 o'clock, Mr Thomson, the convener of the Hall Committee, with, his staff of workmen., ob,tained possession, and, according to plan previously resolved upon, proceeded with the erection of th.'o tables and stalls. Captain. Bascand, Pilot _ Stevens, and a contingent of nautical volunteers quietly and systematically at the same time floated the bunting" that added so much to the appearance of the room., while another detachment expeditjously transferred the goods from Mr Reid's room to the officers' room adjoining the hall, Mr Charles Watt was meanwhile busy outsjdo the building getting the electric light apparatus into position. By 10 o'clock, the stalls and tables being ready, a, number of ladies arrived, and under the leadership of Mrs Walter, Mrs M. ( lnd.oo, Mrs Geddes, Mrs Purvis, and Miss Cullen (Taieri), Misses Wilson, Holman, and M'lndoe, ably assisted by Messrs W. D, Moaros and D. Russell, assiduously made as equitable a division of tho goods as possible, and placed them on the several stalls. The stalls were then balloted [for, and the ladies who had undertaken their charge were placed in possession, and the further arrangement, management, and conduct thereof left to them. Tho Committee, while not overlooking nor undervaluing the individual private efforts of many ladies and gentlemen, and whoso names are given in the list appended, feel constrained specially to note the valuable work contributed by the Normal and Albany street -Schools, Dunedin, which contributed over 200 articles each— the Boys' High School and George street School also contributing some articles in addition to money subscriptions. Of the many other schools outside Dunedin that contributed children's handiwork, special mention is duo to the Tokomairjro I High School and Tapanui District Schools, both of 1 which seemed to have vied, with cs^ch. pther in

the number, excellence, and variety of their contributions. A splendid collection of needlework, useful as well as ornamental, was also received from the East Taieri through Mrs Will, and it was regretted that arrangements to have a special stall presided over by Taieri ladies had to be departed from. The Committee have to thank those ladies for so kindly acquiescing in the subsequent arrangements that had to be carried out. To the Congregational [ Dorcas Societies, senior and junior— represented by Mrs Jago, Mrs Webb, Mrs Connell, and Mrs Geddes,— I the Committee have to awaid the honour of having first put their hands to the "scissors and needles," and of working earnestly and enthusiastically to the end. Work was also contributed by All Saints' Guild through Mrs Douglas and Miss Howlison. Before de tailing further the progress and results, the Committee desire to acknowledge the valuable daily honorary services of Messrs W. D. Meares, Jas. Mollison, sen., David Russell, C. Chadwick, J. Stenhouse, jun., J. M'lndoe, jun., and E. Faulds; and of Messrs Jones and Watt, electricians, assisted by Mr Daniel, in connection with the "free beer" attached to their galvanic battery. The electric light and appliances were kindly lent by Mr D. Proudfoot and the Otago Harbour Board. The weighing-chair supplied by the Turkish Baths Company was a source both of amusement and profit. Oysters were supplied on different evenings by Messrs Melville, Smith, and Tunnage— they handing over the gross takings to the Carnival. Acknowledgment is also due to Messrs Fergusson and Mitchell and their employes for supply and working of a printing machine, and to Messrs Wilkie and Co. and Mr Marshall and their assistants for their manugraph and chromoxraph plant and material. The Carnival Gazettes, three in number, were presented free of cost by the Daily Times, Morning Herald, and Saturday Advertiser. Acknowledgment has also to be made of the promptness with which the Honourable the Minister for Public Works complied with the recommendation of the Commissioner of Railways that all donations to the Carnival should be carried free of charge ; and to Mr Grant, general manager; Mr Butchart, Dunedin stationmaster; and, indeed, to the whole of the stationmasters and railway employes the thanks of the Com- i mittee are due for the care and kindly interest they ! took in taking charge of and forwarding the goods committed to their care. Ihe Committtee have also to record its appreciation of the kind and valuable services of the lady and gentlemen amateur as well as professional musicians who voluntarily gave their services, and of whom tho following is a list :— Miss Cargill, Signora Palma, Herr Benno Scherek, Messrs A. J. Towsey, Kelsey, Baber, Baker, Bailey, G. Brown, C. Brown, Borrell, Cook, Davidson, Eva, P. George, F. George, Greensides, Hale, Wiggins, Hogg, Iveson, Ibbotson, Kennard, Kerr, Krull, Leary, Lewis, Marsden, Mendershausen, M'Cubbin, A. H. Norman, J. C. Norman, Palmer, Peters, Sinclair, M. Smith, G. Smith, Stewart, Stoneham, Stratton, H. Towsey, Wadie, Ward, Wells, West, Williams, Williamson, Yates ; City Guards Band and Headquarters Band; Committee, A. H. Norman, E. Stratton, andG. R. West (convener). The Committee desires also to express regret that it was found impossible to take advantage of the kind offer of Mr Fred Chapman, representing the Stone Age Club, to exhibit their most interesting and valuable collection ; and of Mr Barrett, and the Alliance Dramatic Club, to give entertainments. The hall was formerly opened to the public, and for the purposes of the Carnival by his Worship the Mayor (Mr Walter), with a suitable address, at 7 o'clock on the evening of the 14th June, and closed upon the night of 22nd June, when all paid labour was dispensed with, the winding-up of affairs being left in the hands of Mr Quin and the hon. sec. The stalls were taken charge of and managed by the following ladies and gentlemen :— No. 1 Stall— Mrs Borne, assisted by Mrs J. Hislop, Misses Bowler, J. Bowler, M'lndoe, Knox, Cullen (Taieri), Borrie, Ross, E. Ross, Wallis, and Messrs Smith, A. Smith, E. Bowler, J. Borrie, Hay, and Ross. No. 2 Stall— Mrs Douglass, assisted by Mrs R. Purvis (Taieri), Mrs D. L. Simpson, and Misses Simpson, Burn, Sperrey, Scanlan, Mackay, Howlison (2), Rochford, M. Little, Gillies (4), and Messrs George, Harris. Kennedy, and Douglas. No. 3 Stall— Mrs Webb, assisted by Mesdames Kingston, Crick, Baber, and Misses Tunnicliffe, Holman, and Mr Crick. No. 4 Stall— Mrs George Grant, assisted by Mesdames W. D. Meares, Miller, Misses K. Grant, Meares, Finch, Fitchett, J. Glasgow, F. Nutt, Paul, Paterson, Messrs Richardson, Dick, Good, and Grant. No. 5 Stall— Mrs Watson, assisted by Misses Dow (2), White, Brown, Mercer, Watson, Messrs Moritzon, Weymar, Burnard, White, and Jago, jun. No. C Stall— Mrs Jago, assisted by Mesdames Connell, Israel, Lodge, Misses Page, Connell, Sculley (2), Baird, Thomson, and Mr Jago. Plants— Misses Keith and Duncan ; Messrs M'Kinlay and M'Gruer, jun. Grocery— Messrs James Mollison, sen., and James M'lndoe, jun. General— Messrs W. D. Mears, D. Russell, G. Chadwick, J. Stenhouso, jun., E. Faulds. To Mr and Mrs Farley and their assistants the thanks of the Committee are due for their attractive and valuable honorary services with braiding and lewing-machines. On the evening of Monday, the 21st, the ladies were relieved from the charge of the stalls, and during Tuesday the goods remaining unsold were collected and submitted to auction in the evening. Messrs Park, Pym, and Whitelaw, auctioneers, voluntarily exercising their well-known eloquence and skill in obtaining the best prices possible. The fragments that remained were taken charge of by Mr D. M. Spedding, who disposed of them for the Committee at his own rooms free of charge. The Committee have also to acknowledge the voluntary services of Mr R. W. Capstick, auctioneer, on several occasions during the' week in disposing of stock. Tenders were invited for the various lines of produce given as donations, and satisfactory prices obtained. Acknowledgment has also to be made of the donation by the City Corporation of the amount paid the Hall Commissioners for gas consumed, amounting to £10 14s. There are still a few donations to bo obtained and disposed of, but your Committee have doomed it advisable not to delay laying before the subscribers an account of their stewardship and general results, which are summarised as follows : — Receipts. Cash donations— Dunedin .. ..£530 6 o Suburbs .. .. 46 15 1 „ 01 country districts . . 677 3 9 Doors and tickets .. .. .. 381 3 1 ' Stall No. 1 .. ■• £109 4 8 2 .. •• W9 16 6 3 .. .. 68 0 7 4 .. .. 61 16 6 5 .. .. 92 14 11 6 .. •• 64 14 1 „ Plants .. 85 7 6 Grocery .. 32 14 3 „ General .. 36 2 0 Mrs Fairley (braiding) net .. 7 2 0 Pastry and refreshments .. 10 5 0 617 18 0 Goods sold by auction and after close of Carnival .. •• .. 295 14 4 Weighing machine.. .. &6 2 10 Manugraphandchromograph.. 5 5 7 Printing machine . . . . 82 8 Gazette .. .. .. 917 1 " Cradle Song of the Poor" .. 010 0 Madame Urso's violin . . 31 10 0 Oysters .. .. 5 16 0 Captain Labarte's baboon . . 415 0 71 19 8 £2620 19 11 Expenditure. Goods, purchase «. •• „ £56 13 0 HaH cqmmissianers . . „ 58 11 6 Music „ .. .. „ 20 1 0 Advertising and printing „ „ 93 10 2 Cartage .. .. .. .. 16 12 6 Coal, timber, and chemicals . . . . 10 17 0 Engineer and labour, electric light . . 6 0 0 Fitting stalls, carpenter, &c. . . . . 4 18 7 Acting-secretary (Holman) . . . . 31 2 0 Assistant-collector (Harvey) .. .. 4 11 8 „ (Baker) .. .. 4 3 4 Hallkeepor (GartlauU) .. .. 3 0 0 Doorkeeper (Ward) •• .. 2 0 0 Postage, telegrams, and petty disbursoments.. .. •• .. 3 19 4 £316 0 7 Total receipts .. •• ..£2620 19 11 „ Expenditure.. .. .. 316 0 7 Total balance .. •• •• £2304 19 4 John L. Gillies, ' Hon. Sec. and Treasurer. Audited and found correct. Henry J. Walter, ) All , lifoi . q A. BARTI.BMAN, } AlUllto1 3Mr J. O. Eva moved the adoption of the report, and in doing so warmly eulogised the work done ia the position of honorary secretary by Mr J. L. Gillies, to whom he also proposed <t hearty vote of thanks,

Mr Braoken seconded both propositions, which were carried.

Mr Gillies acknowledged the compliment paid him. It was agreed to print the- report, along with the list of subscribers, in pamphlet form. A special vote of thanks was passed to Mr G. K. West for his success in arranging for the supply of music during the Carnival. Mr Quin, before the meeting concluded, returned thanks to the Carnival Committee on behalf of the Committee of Management of the Benevolent Institution, none of whom were present. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1501, 21 August 1880, Page 10

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Charitable. Otago Witness, Issue 1501, 21 August 1880, Page 10

Charitable. Otago Witness, Issue 1501, 21 August 1880, Page 10