The Station
Peter Ayson, Esq., President ; Geo. Scott, Esq., Vice-president; Wm. Tosh, Esq., Secretary ; Stewards— Messrs F. C. Roberts, John M'Neil,. James Ucott, Jolm Watt, James Petrie,' .Welter Robson, Robert Grigor, A. Ironside, James Whyfce, F. S. Canning, R, Muir, G. M'Donald, J. Bruce, J. O. Anderson^ and John Paterson. The eighth aunual exhibition of the Clutha Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held in the extensive paddock of Messrs Barr Brothers "on the 24th, and was in every way a success. The weather presented an agreeable contrast to, tha,^ which prevailed when the last show took place, and the , paddock, whr-jb. is situate about a quarter of , a mile, from the township, had- an exceedingly gay appearance. Farmers from all the surrounding districts were present, as .well as a. number of visitors from Dimedin. The exhibits wer<> numerous and of g<aai .quality, the Leicester sheep being the finest ever .shown in.theidistrict',.tbe merinos also being..df good quality. Shorthorn .cattle mustered strongly ; the Ayrshire breed was not so well represented, the only competition being in cows of any age, for which Mr R. Muir took the first and B^cond prizes. Of horseflesh there was great display, the thoroughbreds being numerous.' The dairy produce .(which, was exhibited in Mr Maitland's stiore) was of really fine quality, and was highly commended by the Judges. Agricultural implements were not numerous, but one or two new things were shown, including a turnip Bower. No ploughs ■were on the ground. Appended is tho prize , ~" ' CA-TTLE. ' (Judges : Messrs B. Kempshell, West Taieri ; J. Sheehan, Waiporl ; and Wm. Sheath, Tuapeka.) BiiOftTiions,
Bull, any age.' Three, entries— M'Donald Brothors, 1 ; George Scott, 2 ; ! Q.' Dlckson, 3. Bull.'two years old.' Two exhibits— G. ScoH, Waitepeka, 1 ;' O.'Dickson, Inoh Clutha, 2. • Bull, 'one year old. Two exhibits— G. Dickson, 1. Cow,. any sue,- four entries— Jas. Wright, 1 ; M'Donald Brothers, 2. Heifer, two years. , Two entries— George Inglis, 1 : R. Thomson, 2. Heifer, one year. Four exhibits— M'Donald Brothers, 1 and 2.
AYRSHIRE. Cow, any »go. Two'cntries— R. Moir, 1 and 2. extras.
Cow, *BT age or biced, excluding shorthorns and Ayrt hires. Nine' entries— Ward Brother*, 1; , Peter jloran,i2. ; Beit 1 tlireo Provincial-bred cows. Four entries - M'D6h«ld Brothers, 1 i:j Ward Brothers, 2. Two head f^t cskttlo. ..iThroei entries— R. Paterson, lj Wivrdßrethers,!}.- . ,> Beat cdttar'B,cow. Three entries— James Roble, 1 ;
,i :', -A i-A ''. ; 'iRA«aH*.' • ■ > (Jndeirt : :Me»«r4<Robi)rt Milier. North T»ieri; Alex. ;u E^ri^!!rMep>;>nd,awnuel. Young:, MosßleU Bntirfthowtf,. »Ny »««- George Hir^y, Iron DuVe, lj'JohnSiioW^Vouhtf I Nftt)ol«on,2. Entire obltj'thieb Te»n old— T. PollooV, 1. Entire cblt,itwoye*r» pW-Bryco ißrothwi, 1. , Entir*-, cqlt, on© ye»t|Old. ■ .three entries— Bryce, "Btbo^imSi^ln ««i oi ! fo»l *t foot. Three entries -Bryco Brothers, 1; B Claris, «;, Jimea O.
Filly, three yews old-HJBpp Brothers, 1. , . ! Fill»*;t W o years old— H'Donald Brothers, 1 ; Smith Filly ' one * : year 1 old. 'Three' entries— M'Donald Brothers, I1?I 1 ? William M'Keiizie^ 2. Yel'd' mare origeldlnc, any ago., Eight ontrles-^R. ClwV, 1 ; Hislop Brothers, 2. -. - Pair of mares or geldings. ( Three entries— Hislop Brothers, I;' R v Cliik; 2.' ' y , . ' ' iJeitHhriee mwss or geldings, for work purposes on'y: Six'entries— B. Clark, 1 ; Tosh and Coasons, 2; Hiilop Brottio'rsy 3.' ! • r . , ( ''' '■ TIiOROUGIIBKBD. • ' > i
Entire Worse, any' age—lst' prize;, •silver 1 ' modal— ThoniM' PollocW."( • ' ' " Mare .'of any age, in foal or , with foal at foot— lst prize, silver inedal;- 2nd,, hon. certificate. Two entries. 'R. S.'Moßley, 1. This prizo wag awarded to Mr George Sterens, but Mr Mosley entered a protest which was sustained asd the prizo awarded to him. Colt, 3 'years old— lst prize, silver medal; 2nd,' hon.. certificate.,; No entry,.', . Colt, '2 ■ years old— lst prize, silver medal : 2nd, hon: certificate, G. HI Gilroy. ' ' ' ' ColtJ Dyeaf old— lrt prize, silver medal ; 2nd, hon. certiflc»te./< No entry.* ,„ ■, PiUy. 3 years old— Ist prize, silver, medal ; 2nd, hon. certificate. Fourteen entries. Thomas Pollock, lard 2.' ' ' ' Filly, 2ycarß old— lst prize, silver medal ; 2nd, hon. certificate, Q. Townsond. Fitty. 1 year old— lst prize, surer medal ; 2nd, hon. ccrtißcate, W. S. Mosley. Best hack— lst prize, £2 2s (gift of Mr W. L. Philp, Shamrock Hotel, Dunodin). Nine entries. T, Pollock, 1 ; Miss F..M. Pillans, 2 ; John MNeil, 3. Boat pony under 14 hands high, any age, entires excluded—lst' prise, £2 2s (gift of Mr T. Stanbrook, Crown Hotel, 'Balclutha).' Kight entries. John NclBon, lj.Robt. Clerk, 2 JSia're or geldinjr, flfc for spring cart— lat prize, £1 10<* Three entries. Tosh and Cossens, 1. Best buggy aud pair— lat prizej £2 2s (gift of air John Dunne, Nowmarket Hotel, Balcluthi)- J- JSmith, 1. ' * Best lady's hack, to be ridden by a lady— lst prize, £2 2* (gift of Tftos. Reod and Co., f aitaupat-i) ; 2nd, lady's riding whip (tf ft of Mr John Low, Balclutha). Six entries. Msbs Moffat, 1 ; Miss E. Ayuon, Finegand, 2.' '• ' < RHREP. . • -
'(Judges: Messrs Fichol, Dalgrließn, and Melroao.) Beat ram. any ajjoL Ten entries — N.Z.L. and M.A. Obmpany. Waitepeka, 1 ; Mcssis Bowler, IncU Glutha, S; Joseph Arthur, 3. Beat ram, 2-tooth or under. ' Seven entrie*. — N.Z.B. ' Company, 1 and 2; J C. Anderson , 3. •Pou of two ewes and Jambs. « Two entries— Company, 1 and 2t Two ewes, 2-tooth or under. Seren entries— N.Z.L'. Company, l. 2. and 3.
Best'ram.'any age. Three entries— N Z.L. Company, 1 ; D. Monfries, 2 ; N.Z.JLi Company, 3. Bent ram, 3-teoth or under. — N.Z.b. Ccmpany solo competitors. Pen of two ewes find lambs. Throe entries— J. C. Anderson, 1 and 2 ; &. ltobtton, 3. Two e>es, 2-tooth or under. Two ontrieß— D. Monfries, 1 and 2. , ' Pen of two cross-bred sheep, any ape or sex ; cross to'fco stated. Four entries— Gilbert M'Kay, 1 ; P. and J. Ay«on,2; D. Monfries, 3. Pen of not less than five fat lambs. — Mrs Bowler, Inch Clutha, I. ' ' ' '. "Pen Qt not Ic3B than flvo fat sheep. Three entrio 1 " — J: 0. Anderson, 1 ; P. aud J. Ayson, 2 ; It. Paterson, 3.<\< , ; < . MBBIXO. , Best ram, any age— lst prize, silver cup (tr«f tof Mr BobortGrigor, Baiclutha); 2nd, silver tnod*i. Six entries. John Watt, 1'; John Johnston, 2. Best pen of two rams, .2-tooth or imdor — Ist prizs, £2 ; 2nd, hon. certificate. .Eight entries. John Watt, 1 and 2.
,Two ewes and lambs, any ope—lst prizo, silver medal ;' 2nd, hon. cortilicate. Two entries. John Johnson, I and 2. Two ewes, aiiy acre— lsv prize, £2 ; 2nd, lion, certificate. John Johnson, 1 ; John Watt, 2. Two c'wch, 2-tooth or under— t»t prize, £2 ; 2nd, hon, certificate, tivo entriew. John Vv\vtt, 1 and 2. Besi, pen of llvn merino rams, 2-tooth— lst prize, cup (yift of Messrs Maclcnn Brothers, Dunedin and Balclutha). Three entries. John Watt, 1.
SWINE. (Judges : Slesira J. O. Dobson, D. Whytock, and J. Scott.) Bow, any age, lwge brtod. Throo pnftfaa— Sovn prville Brothers, first and second,
POULTRY. (Judges : Messrs J. O. Dobson, D. Whytock, .and J. Scott.) BenH, pair of Brahma— Wm Briprgs only exhibitor. Cock*, Spanish breed— Mr« Martin only exhibitor. Hens, do— Mrs Martin only exhibitor. Cncks, Dorking breed.— A- Quartior only exhibitor. Hens, do.— A. Quarter only exhibitor. Cocka, any other breed. Four entries— R. Young, 1. Hens, do. Two entries- B. Young, 1. DAIRY PRODUCE.
Blh Fresh Butter, in lib rolla— lat, box ea (gift of M. Ryrio and Co.) ; 2nd, butter cooler and two knives (gift of ATewrs Harrop and Nfcill) ; 3rd, ornamental cake (gift of Kilgour Bros.) Twenty-seven entries— Mrs A. Johnston, Puerua, 1 ; Mr* J. Hislop, Balclutha, 2 ; Miss Chunwido, Balclutha, 3. Commended : Mrs R. Mbir, Balclutha ; Miss C. Lawson, Inch Clutha, 31b Powdered Butter, in lib rolls— lat, set of china, value £3 (tfift of John Macdonald and Co.) : 2nd, dress-piece, value £2 (gift of Brown, Ewingr, and Co ) • 3rd, 10s (gift of Mrs Stanbrook). Thirty-three entries — Mrs R. Moir', 1 ; Mrs R. Gray, Wangaloa. 2 ; 31 rs W. Moftat, Te Houka, 3. Commended : Mrs W. Dallas; Te Houlta : Mesdames Sandilands, Phodden, and J. Morton, Puerua. ■ Fancy-made butter, for the tea- table— lst, cruetstand,, value 30s (Rift of Mr Robert Hog?); 2nd, book, valuo 10s (gut of Mr P. S. Canning). Two bntries— Mrs R. Clark, Hillend, 1 and 2. > 101b Salt .Butter in ' crocks— lst, box to» fatft of Sornerville Bros.)'; 2nd, teapot, value 20<j (gift of Gunn and Robs) ; 3rd, fancy butter keir, valuo 20s (gift of Mr Seaton . Porter), Twenty-five entrie*— Mrs J. Robertson, Balclutha, 1 ; Mrs Hewitson, Lo veil's Flat, 2 ; Mrs J. M'Pherson, Kaihiku, 3, Commended : Mrs G. Jnhnbon, Kaihiku ; Mrs J. Johnson, Kaihiku ; Me'oUmes Sand'latfds and "Adams, Warepi. ! Full milk Chosse, over .three months old, made by exhibitor — Ist,, 'cruet-stand,' value £'4 10s (gift of Soutter and Gray : 2nd, bedroom set, valuo 20s (gift of Horn, Rpy, ai)d Co., Stirling); 3rd, 10s. Seven entries — Mrs Hewitson, 1 ; Mrs,D. Paton, Milton, 2 and 3 : remainder highly commenued Pair r f pork hams, smoked— l. bedroom sot, value £1 15s (gift of ' Mr W. T. Smith, Kattangata) ;2, liw. Nine entries -G; Reid, and Co., Kaitangata, 1; W. Fraser, Milton, 2.' Side of bacon smoked— l, £1 la (gift of Mr James Patorßon, Puoru,a) ; 2, pair of trousers (gift of Geddes and Kirn, Balclutha). Six entries — Somerville Brothers, Wait'ep'eka. 1 ; W. Fraser, Milton, 2. ■ Rolled- bacon, ertloked— l, £1 ; 2, 10.% Four entries —S->merville Brother*, 1 and 2. ' i Pair of pork hams, unsmoked — 1, value £2 9b foiffc of A BriscoeaudCo.); 2, IBs. Eight entries— W. Frasor, 1 ; W Currie, 2, ; i Side of' bacon, unsmokedi-l, pair of lustres, value £1 12s 6d (gift of Mr O. V. Brewer) j2, 10s. Fire dntries— W. Currie, 1 ; W. Fraser, 2. '•Rolled bacon, unstnokedr-1, lamp, value 32s Od (gift of Messrs Hislop Brothers, Kaitavißtita) ; 2; 10s. Fivo entries— W.- Fraser, 1 ; Somerville Brothers, 2. .
• Plain oat-cake- -1, rocking-chair, valunj£l 2a 6d (Rift of Mr A. Bain); 2, bock, value l"s (gift of Mr G. W". Hutchins). SevcntQPU entries— Mrs J. Hislop, 1 ; Mrs J. Shaw, FiriogUud, 2. '
There were no entries in the Romney Marsh class. In implements, there were four entries, all single except Messrs Galloway and Drennan, who showed eight articles — viz.,' reaping machine, two turnip sowers,, rollerj dray, scraper, set harrows, and horsepower, "which received the prizes/ 1 ''' , !\! \ Two accidents' occurred during the evening. After the Show, Miss Ayson, of Muegand, sustained a fracture of, her collar bone, through her hoiße running away ; and a boy of Mr "Win. Nichols,' watchmaker, was kicked in the face by ah entire horse. ' " . ! The Show was 'a 'great success} and 'much larger than th'pse of any;, previous year. The gates to the gVp'und drew L'3s 128. ' Dairy pro duce l»8t year drew Til 16s'; this year, L 7 16s. > All the classes were well represented, andthe exhibits highly 'preditable to'the"cdmpetitorn, I In' the" evening a dinner took place at Stanbrdok'u Hotel. ' ,',,'.
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Otago Witness, Issue 1305, 2 December 1876, Page 18
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1,796The Station Otago Witness, Issue 1305, 2 December 1876, Page 18
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