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Wallace A. and P. Society.

FIRST ANNUAL MEETING'- '""' ENTHUSIASTIC GATHERING. FINANCIAL STABILITY. . ELECTION OF COMMITTEE. WARM DISCUSSION. The first annuaj meeting of the above : society took place m the 1 own Ha 1, Otautau, on Friday eveniiiff, the * 14th instant. The president, Mr David Clark, occupied the chair, and »boi?t sijty members of the Society, . thoroughly representative of the entire County of Wallace, were present. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed throughout tbe proceedings. The Secretary read the minutes of the firs' general meeting of the Society, which were confirmed, on the motion of Mr Affleck, seconded by Mr Saunders. The Chairman apologised for the nonattendance of Mr C. Clark, and tbe Secretary read an apology from Mr R. Tapper, Jnr.. Clifdeni REPORT AND BAIi.VNCE-SHEET. ! The Secretary, then read the report and bal-ance-sheet. The Receipts amounted to £476 12s 2d, made up as follows: —Subscriptions, £ib . 10s ; -members' fee.?, £219 13s; entries. £811 5s 8d ; gate money, £53 18s ; booihs. £12 10b ; catalogues, £3 16s ; adverthwig do, £6 17s 6d ; JKurdles, etp., sold, £51 12s -total £476 12s |2?l. The itehjs of Expenditure were : - £161 IQs 6d7 jitfgos, £13 6s ; lupi?beon, £8 9s 6d; bandj £6; paddosk, £aT3s; sundries, £8 5s 6d ; wages, £18 19s ; hurdles, timber, et«., £86 17s 2d : stamps, stationery, etc,, £<•} 2s $d j printing, advertising, etc,, £34 3s { rebates on entries, 17s : secre ary, salary, and bonus, i'gs; bank charge, -etc £l 16s 9d ; balance m bank. £112 2s Id total £476 12s 2d._ ahsbts;m bank, £] 12 2s Id ; hurdles, gates, ietc, on hand, £18— total, £130 2s ld. There Jwere no outstanding liabilities. '■-' J\ he reading of the balance-sheet was concluded amid applause at the healthy position shown. Tbe aniiual report was then read as follows;— Your committee have to. congratulate members ufcon the satis-f^c.tpry state of affairs at the close of the fj rj 3t ydar pjf the Association. The show held on tip 30tb November }Sst *$yas successful beyond expectations the large ngnjtber ol entries, the quality of the stock, the magqigcent \yeiither and the interest taken by the publiff. p.s evidenced by the great attendance, Lft nothing ti) bdesired by the most sanguine of the promoters of this new Association. The result, as shown tbe summary of accounts giyen below, is a credit balance at tbe baok of £112 2s Id, and some £18 worth of material on hand. The retiring officebearers and members of commitiee are • President (Mr D. Uark), Vice-president (M*r. Wm Affleok), Committee : Messrs Buiok, Carrick, Findlay, James, King, New. ton, and Poyer. T£e audijpf. Mr J no. Fisher. iJRo. retires, and is eligible fop re-election, t The committee here desire to reepvd tbeir thanks tp the judges and contributors of spegjq,l pfizes and donations. Tbe phaifnja-q. fo njoying the adoption of the report aq<J b^laq^c.^eet, apologised for tbe brevity pf the fqrn*er, explitfnjng that it arose thr. ugh some jnisunde*. standing 0U tbe matter between the secretary and b>nj3elf, as he.h*;d the , opinion that the report should h*#ve fully set out the doings of the directors thfemgout the year, as there were many important matters which members were en titled to know, such as tbe proposals for the P'PStop? °K a Property for the show, the derails .o| wbieb hg coii.d not, without particulars m the report, oaj) tg gjjjjtd. The obairj^c^§w%fttadse mMy 99 fa wJaeotty

satisfactory position, a result which entirely justified its inauguration. He hoped it 1 would go on aud prosper, that members would continue to evince "the 1 same hearty .i interest m it they had shown during its initial ) ; year aud that. the end of each financial period would see the credit-balance doubled (loud applause). - MrTßell : I understand you propose to buy eprne property for a show ground. The Chairman : You are out of order, we are not considering ground at present. Mr Bell : Well, I think we can offer you ground at Yellow Bluff cheaper than on this side of the river. Mr Affleck, vice president, seconded the adoption of tbe report and balance-sheet, at the same lime expressing some surprise at the re.hrftftfes^f the chairman m criticising the r-6-jtort f6r its brevity. Tp his mind it was cbheise, -applicable, and to' the point. It had boetvdrawn up by the secretary and submitted tor bis approval and if it did not meet entirely Twith the chairman's approval he should have been present *at its compilation and elm bod bd his requirements there. He congratulated the society on its position. Mr 3el : I beueve you have a paddock you want to sell. ' I think we ought to have the show op the Yellow Bluff. Th& secretary explained that arrangements had' been made for the compilation of the report and unfortunately the chairman was not pre*sent ;" as the time for getting it printed was limited he despatched it m its present form, after ' submitting it to Mr Affleck, the vice-president. As far as the ground was concerned, it was a matter for the committee to cqhsider. '■ .' ■ ' s Mr' Bell: THere is a grand paddock on the" Yellow* Bluff and we have a good bridge over the river:; we should have the- show on tbe Yelloif Bluff: ; ■ Ther Chairtdan intimated that he would be glid to hear r any discussion on the report and balance-sheet. Mtj'Hprrell. : 1 would like to know on what basis memb«rs are notified that they have the right' to nominate or be nominated as members',, of the ; committee. By tbe methods whichhave been followed members have not hadavshow .to nominate or be nominated. Continuing, he sa*d hQ took a deep interest m the socioty and so did many others and he maintained that every member should be • on an equal footing regarding the election of a committee. At present it was too onesided. No word was sent out inviting nominations; 1 apd he for one strongiy objected to such a matter being left entirely m the hands of the 1 reigning committee. The Chairman explained that this was a young society ; it was impossible to let every- . body know. A great deal of preliminary \ work had to be undertaken, but every member of the committee knew the by-law bearing on elections, and he had asked all members ' of committee to make tbe matter as widely 1 known as possible. He could assure Mr j Horrell that everything had been done fairly and above board. There was no underhand work about it ; the regulation was one of » their standing orders, and perhaps the difficulty of applying it was not realised till they • had experienced an election. Mr Horrell : No notice asking for norain- > aiions was ever issued and I maintain every ■ member should have been apprised of what ■ was wanted, and had a show of nominating i or standing himself, We should haye known > 10 or 14 doys sooner. » A warm discussion ensued at this, stage be- • tween Mr Horrell and Mr R. Cupples, jnr, • till called to order by the chairman, who • stated that ho belonged io several kindred > societies and he never got personal notice of 1 elections. . He believed every member of 3 committee should keep himself posted up m • details required by by-laws and acquaint the various members of the society m his looality accordingly. Mr Howeil was still unsatisfied ; he had the welfare of the society at heart, and any dis- » crepancy m "the regulations should be rectif ied. He would not" be satisfied tilt every "•• member .of the society was placed on an equal footing on a matter that was of vital importance to the welfare of the sooiety. - BT-IiAWS Mr Affleck moved that the bylaws, as dra_vjn up. by the committee, be confirmed and adopted. This was seconded by Mr Clark. .■'■:...■ * % findlay: I think we had bstter suspend standing order No. 4 for this meeting, 8 and accept nominations up tp npy. It will, , for the present, get oyer the difficulty 'raised . by Mr HorrelV, and I move m that direction.' B Mr A. Robson, m seconding the motion, , said : Before the balance-sheet is adopted, 1 a have been commissioned fo ask if it is a fact . that the society's hurdles have been used by 9 the Saleyards Committee, and, if so, by whose authority ? • The Chairman • I know nothing qf ifc. » Mr Swap :AU the unsold hurdles were sorte4 , out into lots for sale. What remained unr sold were stored m Messrs J. E. Watson and . Co's warehouse, and are there yet m tbe f care of Mr Dyer. , Mr McLaren :No responsibility tests with Mr Dyer. I was present when the hurdles were stored. While they were being carted, . Mr Walker, carter, brought me word from one _ of the committee to let tbe saleyards have some : hurdles. Before giving them, I arranged that ' the Saleyards Company would be responsible ; for any loss or damage. Every hurdle was . returned m perfect order, and there really ; was no claim to make. j Mr Robson : lam perfectly satisfied. The report and balance-sheet were then ; adopted. ELECTION OV COMMITTEE. ; Tlje election of- a new committee was then I proceeded witty. ' * Mr.Hoijfeil: If tbe by-Jays sife adopted. ; you will go on keeping n;en»b*ers m tlie : Mr McLaren .: The meeting \yas advertised ; m tbe Times -and News, a»d iv the weeklies ; . also m the local- papers, which I .considered , ample notice m apcordauee witb tbe by-lftws. i The advertisement ceitainly did not ca.'l for nominations. But I invited nominations as Widely as I personally could, and . mentioned it to all the members possible. I am only too happy to do all I can for the society, and did not consider it practicable i within the time to send out circulars to each i member. _•*..*.. Mr King heartily supported „slf Findlay's ■ -mption. The Invercargiil Sooiety had the fimsby-la^s s^pd found them unworkable, and, m spite pf them, received nominations right up to the annual meeting. It yould lp most unfair not to allow ail members a chance to nominate l "' Tbe Chairman : It appears to me that Mr Findlay Una Mr Ijiijg dgjsire tp oyerride the by-laws. 1 Mr Findlay : Not at all. We do not want to override, but simply to suspend for this , meeting: ' Mr Swap ; I bslieve it was intended to allow nominations up till to-night. Mr Scott : Could not we pass tho by-laws, leaving (he objectionable one out? The Chairman : I believe it i. compulsory to have that by-law m. . V Mr King j If the by-law 3 are carried as drawn "up; will ypu accept Mr. Findlay's amendment ? ' "' • ' "' * ♦ * The Chairman : Yes, I think so. It would be a pity to have any feeling on the subject', and 1 would like to g^iye memb ers' evory chance. ■.'.'■■ ByrlaTys adapted. Mr Fin.dlay here i»Qye,4 tbe by-law he suspended for this, meeting. Upon'Mr Affleck roading the by-law, the chairman stated be did not thiuk the motion was m order. Mr Siuuders considered the motion quite m order. Simi ar procedu l e often took place m Parhamient and, . provided tbe meeting TT»s woftnimoup, U w«8 io Iprw,

The chairman then pat the motion on. tha lines stated by Mr- Saunders, all the members present voting for it, except Mr R. Cupples jnr., who strongly objected 7 and stated that he would rather retire : from . the meeting than withdraw his opposition. A considerable amount of feeling here manifested itself, and the chairman expressed regret that the motion bad not been allowed to pass unchallenged, so as to .give all members a show. Mr Cupples : I withdraw my opposition and propose Mr Uorrell. Loud applause. The chairman then declared Mr Findlay's motion carried. ■**■ PRESIDENT AND VICK-PBESIDZKT, Mr John Findlay was then elected presf. dent and Mr James Kinj, .vice-president, for the ensuing year. ' Mr D. Clark, b fore vacating the chair , said: My duties now come to a clo^e. I express the hope that my successor and bis vice-president will have the same support from the. committee . as I have had ; that the members will assist thsm as they have dons Mr Affleck and myself and. that at the end of the year thoy will find the society m a strong financial position. Mr C ark and Mr Afflock then vacated tbeir positions, which were taken by M? Find'ay and Mr King. Mr Findlay, m returning thanks, said This is an important society, and I will en- * deavour to promote its interest. I feel the responsibility of following upon so able and energetic an executive as you have had, and - m carrying out my duties will expect members to loyally support the society and assist the committee by every means m their power. I return sincere thanks for the honour con* ' ferredon me. Mr King also returned thanks f orchis pro* motion to the vice-presidentship and'w uid do his utmost to further tbe interests of the society. . Both the above elections were heartily ' approved and enthusiastically applauded. ' Mr Fisher moved that a hearty vote of tbanks be recorded m the. .minutes of the society to Mr D. Clark for the ability, zest and tact her had shown as the society's first president. The members were greatly ' indebted to their- late president 'for his tintiring energy m promoting the welfare ot the | society ih its youth and its present satisfactory condition was largely attributed to Mr Clark's work. : sA • Mr Saunders secb J nd , ed" the motion, adding *»• members scarcely realised the w rk. Mt * Clark had done, and that he was entitled to all the honour the.Jmeeting could give him, ■» Mr McLaren supported the motion as aUb did the chairman, and it wap carried* with. ' acclamation, all the membsn rising to thehr • feet. .:'.,.' ... ' ' ' E Mr Clark, m replying, was accorded a very 1 hearty reception, and expressed fils thank § r for the manifestation of goodwdl and stated r he would always remain an active member of [ the Wallace A. and P. Society. . | A similar compliment - was paid to Mr ' Affleck, late 'vice- president, and suitably " acknowledged. r , PROPOSED WINTER SHOW. . : . Mr Fisher moved, m accordance with notice ' given, that the society hold a winter show. ' r Mr Swap seconded. t Mr Affleck moved as -an amendment that 5 it be si recommendation to the committee to 1 take the q-jatte* into cqqsi^eration, 7. Seconded by Mr Roi)3oq. ■ .-'■; After some discussion, the chairman de.- --• clared the amendment carried,; :, :Jyy.'-^ : XX j J£he secretary here declitlred tliiyi^o^iogr;' L* 'gentlemen elected to the, cpmrtittee' ' m place of the retiring members : MeMri 1 W. Affleck, W. Buiok, T. BuokihghAtn, 1 David Clark. J. Carrick, S. James, Jnr., 9 and Geo. Walton. Of these Messrs Bucking--7 bam and Walton are new. members. * Mr John Fisher was, re-elected auditor - and Mr N. A. McLaren, treasurer. The following now comprise the executive \ for 1905-06; Mr John 'Findlay (Presidedt) ; 7 Mr James King (Vice-president); Committee; \ Mersra W. Affleck, W. Baick.T . Buckiugham, 1 J.Carrick, A. Coster, D.Cameron.R. Cupp es. jnr, D. Clark, T. P. Dyer, S. James, jnr, W. Kennedy, John Lindsay, John MeColl, D. * Murohison, A. H. Officer, A. Robson, James 1 Ryan, VV. Saunders, It. Story, Joseph Swap, r and Geo. AVal ton ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr N. A.7 McLaren ;. Auditor, Mr John * Fisher.l

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Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume I, Issue 12, 19 July 1905, Page 2

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Wallace A. and P. Society. Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume I, Issue 12, 19 July 1905, Page 2

Wallace A. and P. Society. Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume I, Issue 12, 19 July 1905, Page 2