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OTbom Odh Own Cobbf.spontient.S

LONDON, March 27. Major John Rose, New Zealand Staff Corps, M.C., had his decoration conferred at Buckingham Palace at a recent investiture, and on the same occasion the Royal Red Cross of the First Class was awarded to • Matron-in-Chief Mabel Thurston, N.Z.A.N.S., and that of the Second' Class to Matrons Elizabeth Nixon and Fanny Wilson, and Sister Marie Wilkie, all of the N.Z.A.N.S.

To his disappointment, Second Lieutenant Nicholas Greenwell, R.F.C., has been obliged to _ relinquish his commission on account of ill-health. He had been granted the lion. _ rank of second lieutenant. Formerly in the Public Works Department .at. Taumarunui, Mr Greenwell arrived in England in February, 1916, and obtained his commission in the R.F.C. two months later, subsequently obtaining his wings. Meanwhile he had been engaged on • munition work for a couple of months. In June last year ,he had the misfortune to. be badly injured in an accident, falling 1200 ft, while night flying, and in the following August he was classed as unfit for general service and inads equipment officer at Reading. Later, however, Mr Greenwell was considered fit for duty. His brother, Sub-lieutenant A. Gi;ecnv?eil, R.N.A.S., was killed in Lincolnshire last Octobcr through his machine nosediv'r,?.

Whii.-. employed ■with the British Red Cross Hospital at Netley, Dr A. G. Shera is to havo the rr.'nk of non. captain. Lieutenant . Allen 0. Knight, 7th Battalion ?ou3cr;ct Light Infantry (son of Dr A. O. Knight, Auckland, has relinquished his commission in order to continue his me-dical studies. He. is granted the hon. rank of lieutenant. In October, 1915, Lieutenant Knight was in Dorset with an injured leg, and in September last he was wounded on the Somme.

Captain E. M. Litchfield, R.A.M.C., who got his. commission in 1915, has now relinquished it, on account of, :11-health, after over two years' service. Captain is one of the " Old Boys" of Christs, so many of whom are scattered through British units, Mr Louis W. Blundell (Wellington), who recently arrived from Canada, has gone to Exeter to take a course with the_ O.T.C. for the Royal Field Artillery. He is a 6on of Mrs Henry Blundell. Captain J. Bruce Baird, R.A.M.C. (Invcrcarcill), is at present attached to the 44th -.Field Ambulance, but he expects to transfer to the N.Z.M.C. in May.

Dr Howard Christie (Wanganui), who was at Pont de Koiibbeli Hospital, Egypt, t~.en in France, and more recently on the staff of No. 1' New Zealand. General Hospital at Brockenhurst. is , now in Edinburgh. He terminated Ir's engagement with the N.71.M.C. in February. Mr Sydney T. Stidolph (Wellington) has since last November . been • stationed _at Sheffield, as exam : ner in the aeronautical inspection department, under the Air Directorate. He is again putting in his papers for a commission in the R.F.C., having now l>een declared medically fit. Mr Stidoloh joined the British' section of the N.Z KF. in 1914, and had a long rfoord on Gallipoli—from April to October, 1915, — when V>'\ was inv to Malta with enteric. Early in 3916 he was spnt from Esrypt to New Zealand, and there discharged as medically unfit. In the maddlo of the same year he worked his passage to England, and tried for the R.F.C., but was rejected as unfit. Then he undertook insofetion work at Sheffield. S"b-lieutenn.nt Norman J. Siepen, R.N.R., in H.M.S. Thrasher, wns at one time in . the service, of the Union Steam Ship Company. He came from New Zealand ' -with the Fifth Reinforoemente, and after nineteen months' service in the N.Z.E.F. was transferred to the navy in August last. ' > Lieutenant F. F. Newman, R.F.A. (Wellington). is stationed at Northampton with the 352 nd Brigade. He reioimxl the R.F.A. in November, after five months' duty with the Machine G.C. _ Second Lieutenant A. M. Campbell, South Staffordshire Regiment (Wanganui), is on duty in France. A n<in-commission°fl New. Zealander rn the RF.C. is Mr H. G. Pringle, who is in France, attached to the 24tli Squadron. During 1915-16 fewer +.han fifteen Rhodes scholars and ex-scholars gave their lives in the service of the Empire. Tho two New Zealanders were: A. Hudson. (1916, Balliol) and A. MacDougall (1909, New College). Canada lost five, South Africa five, and Australia, Newfoundland, and 1 Bermuda ono cach. _ Tho trust has pursued its policy of giving leave to all scholars from the dominions and colonies who take service in the Imperial army or the oolonial contingents, with the right of resuming their scholarships when tho ira* is over, and they are free to tako tip residence at Oxford.

Lieutenant B. F. Cn.rrington, R.N.R. (The Terrace, Wellington), hag been transerred from the destroyer Farm to submarine D 4. Before coming here on service he was cli'ef officer of the Tutanekai., Sfcon,d Lieutenant B. H. Tosswill (Canterbury), who was commissioned to Yeomanrr a few weeks aero, is attached to tile 3/1 Royal Wilts Yeomanry. Lance-sergeant 1.-. G. Wylde, 6/748, and Corporal J. E. Cookroft. 24/2171. have been discharged from the N.Z.E.F. for commissions in the Imperial army. New Zealand officers from Franoe under treatment at St. Mark's Hospital, Chelsea., include: Captain C. K. Gasquoine, Ist N.Z.R.8.. who has a fractured right leg; Second Lieutenant T. H. Torode, Ist N.Z.R.8., slight gunshot wound in the left leg; Second Lieutenant K. G. Chamberlain, 4th N.Z.R.8., ptomaine poisoning; Second Lieutenant A. G. Murch, 18th Reinforcements. slight gunshot wound in the right leg: Second Lieutenant L. W. Bishop, Ist 0! T.R., with impetigo; Lieutenant E. T. Ronnington, 4th N.Z.R.8., bronchitis. • Second Lieutenant M. H. B. Bun-ell, 2nd. C.1.R., has left Brockenhurst for the convalescent Now Zealand Hospital at Brighton. He had a gunshot injury in the leg and arm.

Private W. H. Fairway, 0.1. R., No.* 18,540; Gunner T. Brown, 2/849; Private J. H. Burton, 10/3207; and Private G. Norman, 6/1672, have been discharged from the N.Z.KF. as medically unfit.

Lato attestations include: G. J. DavisGoff, fitter, N.Z.F.A., No. 37,190; Captain E. C. Lowe, N.Z.M.0.; Miss C. Brown, masseuse; Private S. W. Franklin, N.Z. Infantry, No. 37,191.

Private R. Moag, M.G.C., No. 37,179, has been discharged from the N.Z.E.F.. for enrolling nnder a false name.

Lieutenant G. H. M'Meeking, N.Z.E., is at Brockenhuret, from France, suffering from slight appendicitis.

Second Lieutenant H. Digby-Smith, Ist 0.1. R., has pleurisy and is being treated at St. Mark's Hospital, Chelsea. Discharges from hospital to Headquarters, London, include: Captain Matthews, N.Z.M.C.; Second Lieutenant A. B. Bailey, 2nd A.1.R..; . Second Lieutenant A. C. Birss, N.Z.M.C.; Scoond Lieutenant E. T. Olds. 4th N.Z.R.8.; Second Lieutenant H. E Fair, N.Z.F.A.; Second Lieutenant F. A. I-losking. M.G.C.: Lientenant D. Glanfield, 2nd OJ.R.; Second Lieutenant W. Ibbotson, N.Z.F.A.; Lieutenant A. S. Judd, Ist W.1.R.; Lieutenant C. E. Ist W.T.R.; Second Lieutenant W. L. Waddell, M.G.C.; L'eutcnant-eolonol R. iR Grigor. 0.M.R.; Second Lieutenant .T. Hill. A.l.R.Captain J. L. Turnbull, 4th N.Z.R.B.

Discharged from hospital to sick furlough: <3»©tam K. A. Henderson. 4th NJS.RJB.;

Lieutenant C. Barry, 2nd 0.1. R.; Second Lieutenant W. D. Rutherford, Ist O.LR. Sergeant L. M. Isitt, 23/793, N.Z.R.8., who is under cadet training with the Royal Flying Corps, is still on the strength of the N.Z.E.F.

Second Lieutenant Percy Steed, 4th Reserve Battalion, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, came to England some time back from Hastings to study theology and medt cine at St; Augustine's Missionary College, Canterbury, but he interrupted his four years' course before its completion, to join the Hospital Reserve. Later he joined the Inns of Court 0.T.C., and was recently gazetted to his commission. At present he is stationed at Cheltenham. . Second Lieutenant F rank Hay ter, 4 th. Battalion, _ Manchester Regiment (Canterbury), is in hospital in London as a result of wounds received in the Balkans'in December, and has undergone an operation for the removal of a bullet. Lieut. -Hayter had seen considerable service in France with King . Edward's Horse before getting hia commission in the Manchester Regiment. Trooper Roland Garrett. K.E.H. nui) is in France, and is welL Lieut. K. G. Chamberlain, N.Z.R.8., who was invalided from France a month ago, to St. Mark's Hospital, Chelsea, expects to be convalescent shortly and to return to his division in April. Captain Guy Fetherston, R.F.A., now has j of I ? a i or - He is still in France, and has been in the thick of it. He is one of those left in command of batteries that went to France in the early_ days, and there • on^y a few others original officers left. Major Fetherston is feeling fit,'and his battery is in aj splendid state of efficiency. On two occasions his division ' relieved the French. Major' Fetherston says it is the general opinion of British officers that the New Zealand troops aro the finest among the oversea contingents, fqr they have the best discipline and are a steady lot, r . Ra y k- Price (Auckland), who is working under the British Red Cross, spent 10 months in Salonika as storekeeper. Returning to London last September, he was then sent to Rumania as secretary of- a. special inedical mission. He journeyed via Norway, Sweden, and Russia, and was two months in Russia. He returned to London, last week, just missing the great events in Petrograd, where he stayed for a fortnight. Lieut. G. F. Johnston, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry (Wellington), has been transferred to the Durham. Light Infantry Lieut. G. M'M. Laing, M.C., Royal Scots .bn&ihers (Wellington), has been transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Ho is the son of Mr and Mrs Montague Laing. - Private Cecil W. H. Pickering, King's Liverpool Regiment (Scottish), son of Mr A. Pickering, of the Bank of New Zealand, is in hospital at Mitcham. He came from. South America to enlist.

Sub-lieutenant R. S. JSmith. is serving in the Arlanza. He will best be recognised m New Zealand as Sapper No. 26469, New Zealand Engineers. He transferred to the R.N.R. in October. '

Miss A. Bagley, matron of the hospital ship Maheno, and of the Public Health DeAuckland, is up in London while the ship is in port. J® August last Lieutenant ; J. T. St. Clair Tisdall, 3rd Liverpool'. Regiment, was reported missing. It is now definitely established til at he was killed on the- Bth of that ■month while gallantly leading his company. He was a classical scholar of Peterhouse, brother of the late Lieutenant A W St. Clair Tisdall, VXD.,' R.N.VR., and son of the Rev. Dr Tisdall, formerly of New Zealand..

Miss E. Barclay (Dunedin) has arrived in London from IjVance, where she. has been working with a New Zealand hospital unit. It is announced that Dr W. H. C. Patrick (late of Dunedin) is going shortly to the front.

Mr_ W. E. Morris (Petone), who has coma to join the motor patrol service, is on doty at Newhaven, attached to-M.L. 419. ; Corporal F. W. Doidge (Auckland Star) 16 now attached to the Headquarters Staff in London.

_Members the N.Z.E.F. who .have been discharged in England since August 4, 1914, and are unlit for any further military service, may be granted the silver war "badge for discharged soldiers, provided the claims have the approval of tho commandant of the N.Z.E.F. in the United Kingdom. These badges will be issued by Headquarters in London. '

Lieutenant T. JF. Northcote, R.F.C., is at present in No. 2 London General Hospital making a slow, but satisfactory, recovery/ from a wound received at the front in an encounter with a German machine. A bullet passed through his right leg above the knee. Lieutenant Northcote was formerly a trooper in King Edward's Horse. Ho comes from Canterbury. * Captain W. C. Page, N.Z.D.T., is over 1 from France, and is spending a convalescent period at Brighton, suffering from debility. New Zealand officers -at the 2nd Western General Hospital, Manchester, over from France, are: Captain J. B. Macfarlane, Ist A.I.R. (slight pleurisy); Lieutenant •E. W. Mercwpther, 2nd W.I.R. (slight trench fever); Lieutenant H. Simmonds, 2nd W.I.R. (slight bullet wound in the right knee); Second Lieutenant H. F. Arkwriglit, 2nd W.I.R. (fractured tibia, accidental, slight); Second Lieutenant J. B. > Parker, 2nd N.Z.R.B. (slight pleurisy); Second Lieutenant J. Wilson, N.ZJT.A. (severe heart trouble). Mr H. R. S. Hammond has recently attested here, and has joined the N.Z.M.C. as a private, with the-No. 3/2933.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 17033, 18 June 1917, Page 6

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ON SERVICE Otago Daily Times, Issue 17033, 18 June 1917, Page 6

ON SERVICE Otago Daily Times, Issue 17033, 18 June 1917, Page 6