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On Ih'j fourth pa go or our Summary slice!; to-day will Ivj fo''i:<l reports of a innclioon k'ndovod ,-it. Bmiwuo lo iiie delegate# to the Imperial Press O.nfcreiicc, and of (lie Dairy Farmers' Coiife.nmce: a!-o letters to the editor. Householders in the various school districts are reminded tli.U lli.; election of the various school committees will take, placo at '/.30 this evening, Ueikieuco for at least, three months previously (|Uidifies as a member of coimniiiee, and nomination can be nuulo-verbally at ilie meeting. Boill liusl.aud and wife aie entitled to voie. A committee will be elected for tho 1 ;i\-L lime for M:e Moray Place, itc'.icol. Tho lion. George i'Y.wid. (Minister of Education) arrived m Duncdin from the north by the fiiw express on Saturday l)n "J'hiu. ; (hy lie was at Timarj opening the extension recently added to the Technical School there, and on Friday visited I'Virlie, am' inspected tho school there oh well as tho hospital buildings lie has come to Dunedin to perform the opening cer-mioiiy of the Dunedin Training College, which will take placo io-morrow afternoon at- 2.30. To-day will lie taken up with Mich deputations as may wait, upon tho Minister and private business. Mr Fowldo will return to Wellington by 1h" ii'.vt. express on AYsdiifixlay morning The truth of iiio twekneyed adage "It's/ an ill wind tliat, blows nobodygosd " is Ixiing well exemplified in Dunedin at present in connection with the outbreak of scarlet fever and diphtheria. The flight which people liavo experienced is creating an exceptionally heavy demand for all manner of disinfectants in ihe shape of soaps .and fluids, and 0110 firm with ti largo wholesale trade has been forced to cable instructions for its supply order to be in created threefold. The cost of tho improvements at the Hospital contemplated by the trustee.;, and lakl before Dr Yaliniino at the conference on Saturday will be:—X-ray equipment, £1000; second opemting theatre, £1000; oui-patient department, £2000; accommodation for students (about), £500; and two padded cells and twe observation wards, the cost of which is doubtful owing to tho necessity for a corridor or stairway leading thereto. Tho chairman (Mr S. Solomon] was careful to explain that the trustees did not intend to come to the ratepayers for a single: shilling. In regard to the detention colls and wards, it was practically decided that- tho Government would build them at a cost of £500, providing they come to be used for delirium Tremens and mental cases, and (hat the trustees would pay for the erection of the corridor Dr A'alintino will this evening pa® his opinion on the various other matter that were placed before him on Saturday by tho trustees.

On Saturday afternoon his Worship the Mayor (Mr Xl'Donald) received the following tologram from the I'rimo Minister having relation to the Lawroncc-lloxbm-h .railway:—"l shall be glad to deputation on Wednesday 10 a.m at the Grand Hotel. I presume voll recognise that for the purpose Mn .. cv , m ? any representations to me the id,. a ')f a largo gathering, which I judge (rom'vomtelegram is in your mind, i 6 quif<! Ulmec( , s . «ry. In addition to Wjinlea .i vfti of jour oity l bMU, of cour*,, be glad to receive a dolegato from each of the (Heif 'dosirod.-J. G. 'Waed." ilr MDonald has communicated jritb-ttaj

Lawrence and Roxburgh rcproscnlal ivos, a.n<l thf.y will nrrivo in Dunedin on Tuesday evening, when final arrangements will bo mado in conueetic.n with tho deputation trfiieh will wail, on tile IYima Minister. The new training f-oilfgc, which is now practically completed, is a decided acipiii-i-------tiou to the architecture, of the norlh end of tho town. Tho official o|>ening ceiejiiony will be performed by the Minister of Rlucalion at 2.30 to-morrow ci ft eruoou, and it is expcclcd that then, will Iw a large gathering 1o welcome the Hon. Mr Fowlds. 3n addition to the speech by the Ministers, fconio remarks will probably be made by tlio chairman of the ]/dnc<iiion Boavd ant! one or two others. About ICO students are now undergoing a. course of training at the institution. The School Cadets will form a guard of honour, and at the dese of tho official part of the proceedings rcfrc-.-iunenls wilt 'be dispensed. In accordance with our ciisloni, we shall not accord insertion after this morning to letters lo tha editor that are designed to atiect the result of the voting at tha municipal elections or at tho half-holiday poll, unless I,he letters be ia nature of rejoinders to eonimuirieations which wo have already published. Mr James Allen, M.l'., addressed a large audience at Roxburgh on i'riday night- in reference to the subject, of tha further prosecution oi the Lawrence-iioxbnrgh railway Tlio Mayor (Air Veale) was chairman. Speaking as a Btatwmau and ,15 a. resident of Dunedin, ho said he considered the .promise of a Prime Minister, a Cabinet, and a Parliament should Ik> a. most sacred pledge, Mid it was in that light he regarded tho promises made lo tho Roxburgh people. Ho pointed out that making the railways pay 3 per cent, did not neccjharily mean making every little branch line that was used as a feeder to the main line pay, but it Has tho railways of the whole Dominion that should be mado lo pay. At the closo of Ihe meeting, which was a very enthusiastic one, the district wu* cut up into sections, and residents are now collcctnig statistics from settlers to prove to the Cabinet that a railway there will pay interest, on the cost of conslruetion, if constructed in a hurduessliho manner. There were two deaths in the Dunedin Hospital Didt week, the names of the deceased Iwiiig Sarah Williams and Andrew Kane. Tho patients admitted numbered 43, while Zi woro dieharged. The number remaining in the at tlio close of tlio week was 127. It is seldom that tlio reporls of the Lnglisli examiners of tho papers that are Bet for tho degree examinations of the Neiv Zealand University obtain publicity in t.he Dominion. Apparently copies of the reports are forwarded to the Professorial Boards of the affiliated m.-lilulion-, and t'nero is tho end of th*m. Wo have, however, had the opportunity of perusing tho report of the examiner la-t year on Constitutional History, if in terms of general commendation of Hie work of lbs candidate.;. The questions, the examiner says, wore of a, searching character and covered a wide field, and he expirees the opinion that, the University is to be congratulated on the results, as regards both tho honours jiaper and the pass paper, llio work showed, ho ass:"rls, a considerable amount ot knowledge, acquired llirouph found and careful teaching and witb reading among the best and most, up-to-dalo text bcoh-s. " I framed scv,?ra.l t|uwtions,'' Hie examiner ays, "jo lest not merely where their knowledge had been acquired, but who!her it Irad been a.«iniilatrd and could bo applied. The results in this ra"Pecf wore very satisfactory. The answers for the mo;|. part: showed Ihoujthtfuluers, and proved that, tho candidates had obtained it grip both of principles and of facts, so as lo make them part of their intellectual equipment. The candidates show more than usutil independence of thought, and capacity to form well-groinuifd opinions of tii-cii* own. Tii<?y h:iv< l ;irrjni rod »cod moiliodn a a we!] as much loarui»£." "It is pal-lK'tie, soiiiKinifc?, to Low people chootc novels," remarked Dr Waddell in tho course of an address on liovdr i-ding si veil u> the St. Andrew's Debating Society on Saturday night. "Go down to tho At.hemeuiu,'' he continued, "and watch people coming to select a novel, 'liiev have no conception at all—soveneighth'j of t,hern—of who is a go<.d writer mill who is a bad writer. They take up u book, turn over the pnge», and glance at, it. If there's an ilhii-traiiou in it thai attracts i.nem, 'hen they think they ujii ta-ko thai. licok, and they go home with a boo'ft a!,::•(I which they know nothing whatever." The doclor went on lo compare this to the He!ion of a person who should go inlo a chemist's shop and mix hrms-'if a physic out of all the bott!ci thai attracted him on the vhelves, It is bad enough, he said, "lo poison vour tody, but, it is an irretrievable dh-aster to poison ihe .mind and Ihe soul; and t.he novels which tend to do that crowd our book shops and (ill Ihe shelves of our public libraries, ami tiiul their way inlo the homes of us ali." Tlio municipal authorities have on hand an up-to-date plant, including meditvil che.-l, etc., which is kept, ready for u-", should it be nectwary, in combating a sudden outbreak of infectious It is in Ihe of tin* sanitary department, atitl Inspector Dciiaht-on. of that branch of Ihe corporation, has had 13 year-' experience ' in watching and preventing the spread of epidemics. The-e fads, i:i view of the recent, spread of >ear.!e; dever. arc interfs:ing. and thai, families affected might more freinienily cad upon th" City Council's sanitary dejv.iitment for iis aid. Thore was a fairly numcrotn gaihoriii" of men last evening at Ihe ftratjje's' lea at tho Young Men's Christian A,.-iichiiion Rooms. Visitors from America, Sioiland, and A\'.< spoke apprecialivrly of the welcome they had received. Messrs .Stewart and Kirkwotd, at an interval in Ihe procccd n duel. Mr ,1. lihi.dv:- uttdre.-.-od a meeting of ratepayers in the institute. Clenroy. Mr Ji. Brown in the chair The candidate had a very (piiot ami attentive hearing. lie dealt, principally with the fuitire, slatting wiih tho subject, of linance. lie showed thai notwithstanding live years of exceptional prosperity the borough overdraft had swollen to such an extent lhat if all the accounts; which were row due were jxtid the legal limit of overdraft- would be exceeded. Coming to now works, he recommended an immediate installation of a water supply, tiro reticulation to be gradual and on bnsinesslines. lie»■!•*> stated that many anomalies ttf valuations in the borough needed rectifying. Touching on the question of private street lines not yet lakeu over, lie said some remedy must ho found to have these put in order, both 011 the ground of public health and safety. He would give this matter his special attention if he was elected. He would olso caused to be collected an authentic statement of the probable rcoiilts likely lo accrue in the event of amalgamation with the City of Dunedin, aJitl later on would conveno a public meeting to decido as to tho wi.-dom of having n. poll of the ratepayers. The meeting was most sympathetic, and carricd a motion unanimously to the effect, that, Mr Rhodes was the most suitable candidate at the present juncture to fill tho mayoral chair. 111 his paper 011 the subject of "How to Read Novels," frivc.n before the St. Andrew's Delating Society on Saturday night, Dr Waddell fail} that in tlio last analysis the answer to that depended not on what t-tio novel was - , but 011 what the reader was. A character that was false in itself would find fafeity in tho mosb truthful volume. It was clear that what no needed was not bettor and sunnier and healthier novels for readers, but better and mmnc,< gitl healthier readerg [or jjovok

Our Alexandra correspondent states that Mr 11. Schaumann has been elected Mayor of (lie borough for the fourth term. The municipal election is creating a good deal of interest. Twelve candidates have boon nominated for tlio eight vacancies in the council, and Wednesday promises to he exciting as tho re.sults of the poll will bo anxiously a'.vailcd. Taking advantage of tho height of water in the Leith consequent upon the recent heavy rains, a fair number of trout •began to go up the stream from tlio harbour waters on Friday and Saturday, but iucli as caught and examined by the ranger wero 1101, quite ready for stripping for ova. Tho .seasonal run is not. expected for some three weeks yet, or until the 'middle of May. A Press Association telegram states that 011 tho arrival of tlio Maori at Wellington yesterday morning ,James Hemingway was airested by Detectives Brobcrg, l.o\vif, and Andrews on a charge of having, on January 10, broken into tho parcels oDico at tho Oeneral Office, Wellington, jixl dynamited tho f:\ife and stolen jewellery to the valuo of £39, £31 ISs Dd in cash, £60 worth of postage stamps, and also can-c-c-lled 110(09 as follow:—406 £1 notes, 44 £5 note?, and eight £10 notes, which had been forwarded by a, southern branch of tbo Tiank of New Zealand to tho nead office. This is believed to be the man "who was wanted by the police : n Christchiireh 011 a charge of circulating cancelled bank notes. Tlio llincnioa, which arrived at the Bluff Oil Saturday morning (writes cur correspondent,) 'is uinlor orders lo proceed to isolation Island and disbaiK l tho native bird NMicluary establishment, Mr Goldfinch, the caretaker, will be brought back in the steamer. 80 far as is understood, tho step is taken in virtue of the Governments retronchmont proposals. The vexed question of supplying nurses to the l'over Hospital came up at the conference held between IJr Valintine (In-, speclor-genoral of Hospitals) and tho Hospital Trustees on Saturday. In the course of his remarks on the subject Di* Falconer pointed out that the present arrangement necessitated ,1 fresh batch of nurses being sent to tho Fever Hcsoilal every two moid hi, bringing risk, of infection to tho (icneral Hospital. They could not always suare nurses for this purpose who 'ha<l had hcarlet. fever, and the trustees were often only able to send probationers. Nurses were being sent to the Fever Hospital #i tin age at which flic disease, if contracted, was much morn likely than not to prove fatal. 'lliero has been a suspiciously severe epidemic of unaccountable lires in Oamaru during the past, six months (writes our Oamaru correspondent], the calls on tho brigade during l.hsit. period being almost as numerous as they had been ill the prec.VMing six years. The circumstances in many cases have led to strong suspicion of inccudiamn, and, as strengthening this idea, it, is noted that, tho bulk of tho lires liavo occurred in buildings in which no one was residing. Detective Kennedy, of Christchiireh, is down hero linking exhaustive inquiries, and the Fire Hoard is asking the coroner to hold an ittcptr.i, into an outbreak which occurred ui Friday nighl, when a heap of infla.nintalJo rubbish was found burning ur.dor a residence in Heed street. There was a very iarge attendance at, jSaturdar night's meeting of the Sr. Andrew's Eilcrary and Debating Society, when an opening address was delivered by Dr Waddell, the president of the society. The subject, which lie chose--" How to Head a N'ovel"—is cue on which there is probably no man in Xew Zealand Is: 1 tier qualified to •••peak, and in tlu> courso of a pregnant, address he displayed an extraordinarily wido knowledge of English literature and' a depth of keen criliral judgment. Among the leading points elaborated were that a. novel should lie read as dealing with truth a-: ili-iingui«hed from fact, and that it -1.nu1.l I>3 read critically and cotnparafivoly :;s lo the author's views on man, Nature, ami tied. The constant use of a. notebook and p".n''il was odvi*»rl. and a warning £'ivpn against th* type of book which made the reader disinclined for practical action. In conclusion, lie showed lhat the good cr '-• d in' depended finally 011 character—first, 011 the character of the writer, but chiefly on t.he character of the rentier himself. (In the motion of Mr L. Hunt, a. very he'jr'v voi*> of thanks was ar-coix'ed the doctor at, the close of tho mee'iii'r, for his most valuable and helpful address. The monthly meeting of the Ferntree Centre was livid 011 Saturday afternoon in the gymnasium of the Caversham .School, There was a very geed aUeiulaneo of members. Miss Flossie ,Smith (treasurer) was hostess for t-ho afternoon, and* was assisted by FreiiU Marryati, Annie M'Beath, and Ho-o Moriee. The gift for ibis moating was afternoon teaspoons, and, thanks to tlio effort of the treasurer in this direction, the centre is now provided with a full supply of this neces.-ary article. After an hour's biuiiKYS had bren satisfactorily disposed of aflernuon t?n, win dispensed. This proved very acceptable, as the cold v;:is felt somewhat keenly in the gymnasium. As the foitn of entertainment, however, proved lo bo parlour ganx-s, the girls scon forgot the cold. andLspent a, very enjoyable hour. The next meeting will be a "coin" afterlioui lo enable the girls lo provido a tea urn for the use of the centre members. The enter,ainnicnl will tal.e tile form of «■ geographical afternoon. Mr 11. V. Widdowson, S.M., presided over a brief sitting of Ihe (.'it y Police Court on Saturday morning. A first, offender, charged wiih ilrnuhet'.ne.-s, was fined 5.-. or 24 hours' impri.-onnieni ; and .I:i 111 s I'o'lok. for whom Ah' >S< ::rr apjr';!rod. was similarly dealt with. Tiiis offender had not been before the court i-inee 1801. Chrkopher lliekov. who was also charged, with druukenm-s was lined 12s, or 48 hours' imprisonment. Margaret Cotleril, an old offender. In.,light up as being an habitual d run hard, was senici:;',l to ihree liionll'.s' itiipn-iiuiusnl. T.he magistrate extilainiug that in the ab-'.-nce of a. home to se-.d her 10, he cr,:lit! do nothing else but commit her io eue! for the full lorm, 'I he police liave been requested lo make inquiries concerning tho wh?rcal>onts of Mrs Magjie llvhins. nee Midler, who is supposed to have left .Scotland for Australia with her parent* some years ago, .and who is believed lo have subsequently resided in Dunedin. Tho inquiry is being made relative to money matters.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 4

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 4