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PORT CMI A L M E ft S. p Piusf.s of the Moon. Ai'itu,. full Moon _ 6 ... 7.58 a.m. Last. Quarter ... 14 ... 2.0 a.m. Now Moon 20 ... 4.21 p.m. Firet Quarter ... 27 ... !!.6 p.m. Apogeo S ... 11 p.rii. l'c-rigee 19 ... 8 a.m. .Sun rises to-day 1.9.] tots 5.9. Till') WEATHER. • April 24. —8 a.m.: Wind SAY.: rain squalls. : Wind S.E; win showci-.;. 5 p.m.: Wind' 5.8.: ovsu-.i.-l----8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Dwomclcr ~ ... 29.82 29.85 ?.9.8S April 25.-8 a.m.: Culm ; clear. Nik.ii : Calm; dear. 5 p.m.: Calm: char. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. EiToniflor ... .. 29.30 29.30 29.30 Thermometer ... 60 62 62 FORECAST.—Air Paulin telephoned at 10.30 last, nighlStrong N.K. winds. and tir:e for about, 24 lining; barometer fall." 11l till. WATER. April 26— a.m. p.m. At 'J\iinroa Heads 7 All 8.9 At Port Clutlnifia 8.22 6.49 At JJwralii, 8.52 9.19 ARRIVALS. .Inly 24. Manuka, 27E-V lons. Newton. from Sydney, via Wellington. U..S.S. ('oiupaiiv, iigsitk I VvlWIS:' llit-'i , <olulii;il~.\lf".v I .I«i:mp-oii, WilkiiJ.-un, IMc-rtjn Hit!, Wilkinson, Jlou<lfir, fiv<- Mvw»;?\ Uou-laU Mi-v-.s Bell, Stephen.-, M'f/arc.n, Km, Fish, Sjavkerras, Slock, Me>d<tincs (!---.i-!er, Sinvk, Barron, Wilson, Hyde. Mc-.iio Co,ike, lto>\ Mowbray, ST.ranjy, Watson, ilydc, Captain Nieokon: and 2V in the •-iruagc. July 25. Victoria, s.s. 1670 lons, Eniwhistle, frmn Sydney, via Auckland. N.'ill ami Co., tijfr-iils. l'.i-soiiij.vs: Jliiwii liichvtl, Intics, lirowii, Al<-<'.iini<s Smith, Putting, Nflsli. Kiekatd, .M'Ghee. Todd, .Spiel's. Docker, Mi.-.-rs Sinitii, Putting. T. Sullivan, M'Clir-.', C. Small, C. At' Caw, It. liilliKly, .1. I'. Smith, Inirie, (.'. Stamp, 11. Todd. Vt'. S. aF-,:ui-i', Captain ftioti, Ma-",er Putting: and 15 in tin* l't'toiio, s.m., ciid Ciiri.-iian, from the "SVcnt lVv>t, via l>huV. iHU'AKTHiKS, .July ?A. litiappliii, ft.?., ftlVd i n for Ltltc.|to:i. New Z.abud Shipping Company, agents. Km Ora, 1.=.. 4[63 tot:-, ilii'v, for Ciislioni:'. Uahiiv ai d Co.. a-t-nl-. Kola IV. *■*~ T!) ,\[;n|.;>, fcr lnv«rKeith Kuh~,;h. •July V.l). I Manuka, '<T6\ ions .Wwlon. for MM- I bourne, vi., liiiilf. C.S.S. Compunv, agones. Passengers: For Mi,, liluir Air Sievei,Kin. For Doha; i- Mi->e- llrUtol, C,i>. For Alelbounic- .Mi-'-es Paten*,!.. IVi-t-v. Sfjjiy (2). Hold, Moas, Stone, .\hNlillweli. Agar, Slovy, liecic, Hlakclev.' Stone, Mentis -M'K'viizie. Xlillwoll (S). A-ar, 1{ ( . 3 ,-1 don, Cilliw; ,-md PI j M ||„. Corinna. <„<„ 1271 Imi-, Bmion, for ami We.-i, (,Va>l. U.S.S, C'omJIUIIV, agents. i-:\i'K(y:'!:i) AitfuvAi.s. From Marseille-. —llei-nitv, Iwrcpie, failed Deenmber 31. Froni Liverpool.-I,ahondia, liarque, tailed I'eliruary 24. Mellio'iiinp.—Moann, April 27 From Sydney (via Auckland).—Moltoia, May 2. Front Sydney (via \Vcllin K toii).-Uli. ma.roa., May 1. From Auckland.—Monowai, April 29. ritOJKCTJiD DI:PAI(TUI:KS. April' 27 Syt '"° y ' V ' a Auok,nr "^-~ Vif,tr " ,i ". Fot Sydney (via Wol|in ! r|on).-Moan.i, April 28. ]'or Auckland.—Monowai. April 30. For Melliounio.—Ulimaroii, May 2. TO AI'HIVH. AT AUCKr.AND. Jlimiro, left London Mardi 9; arrivod Melliotirnn Apiil 23. Wimbledon. Now York February 21, arrived Mel-' bourno April 20. Imlrajliiri, left, don March 50. Buorania. left. X«u\ork- I'ebruary 11. Niiirnsliiro, left LiverPool March 7. liulralema, duo about April 16, from London. AT WELLINGTON. Rumitjika, Joft, London ilnvcli 23. Taiill", left Ixmdon April 0. Matalun and .Star o£ New Zealand l«ft London April 9. AT nmi.TON, Aolen, left March 23. AT I'OIIT OHALMKHS AN'O DUXEDIN. From London.—Waiivora,, left, lK)ii<lon, March 12, for Duuodin diroct; due about Apnl 28. I'rom Liverpool.—Langton Orange, due ttlwut April 20. Fiwii New York,—P.ulliergleii, left, Now York .lauuary 29, arrived Sydney April 5. A\nubiWon, eailcd February 21, arrived Melliourno April 20. Star of Scotland, left York- March 13. HOMKWAIiD BOUND. Cornwall. left Lyttolion Febvuavv 20. , Pnkeha, left Aueklaml J'cbniarv 25. Otakl. loft Aurkk'.tul iVLiroh 6. WltablAtic loft ■Wellington March 10, called Monto Video April 5. Turakina, |„ft Welluifrton Jlarcli 11 «Jle ( l K'° (le .liiniero April 6. Jlarere, loft Wellington March 23, for London. Fifeshire, left. Lvtielton March 23. Cape Breton, left Auckland Mcrcli 25. Atlienie loft Wellington March 25, Ajonte "\'ideo April 14, Tongariro, left Lvltellon March 28, railed Monte Video April 16. Kimiara, loft. Wollinglon April 3. I'aparoa, left Wellington April 8. Wainialo, left Lytlelton April 8. Delphic, loft Wellington April 10. JUwkes llay, left Napier April 16. Corin--Ihie, left Wellington April 22. riIOJHCriCD IIKt'AHTURKS. FKOM Wr.rMXOTON". Kia aU)ut 8. Kuapolni, ISlay 0, for liomloi). FtlOil I.TTTr.KTOX. Drayton Orange, about April 24. Buteshire, about April 22. IMPORTS. l'er Manilla), from Sydney: 102 ingots copper, 46 ingols tin, 404- pieces timber, 400 bag* salt, 21 lengths pipe, 14 caces phonograph good.--. 30 cu-o-i health food, 359 hags flow, 19 J.i.-ks liiiumen, SOO nee, 40 %1 rniiis carbide, 15 eylimlciVi ga's, 39 cSsi\j caudles, 249jiackagoti tea, 24 eases ScoitK cniulsicn, 27 packn.ges peri<Hlieal« and advertising matter, 68 crates tewingmachines, 536 caws fruits, 16 ii:icka"es marble, 18 fS ,cks walnnis, ;l „d a buiulries; als,) tniiHliipineiils ,>N Zfik'li, ri';i"kfii, l,i m ]en. Omrah, and .Alarathon. SIIIPPIN'i: TKLKCHAMS. AUCKLAND, April 2'1.-Sailed: Monowai, for the .voutii; Kona and Louisa Crai<' (banpies), f„r Nowcasile; Kco and Soualf for o,sborn;v April 25. - Arrived: Malieno (9, from the south. WAiN'OANII. April 25.-Sailed: Storm (1, for Dtnii'din. WKLLINOTON. April 24,-Arrived-'laa <i-ni.) : from NVwoi.stle. \\ I'jS 1 POli'l, April 25. -- Arrived : Satunius (2.40 p.m.), from Durban. I.Y ITO TON. April 24.—Arrived: Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington; Waij;aro (8.30 a.m.), from Duncilin. —Sailed: Maori (8.30 p.m.) and Waikare (11.30 p.m.) for _ WeJlington. - April 25.-Arrivod:' Kapiti (1.10 a.m.). from I'irlon; rtuawlm (7.45 a.m.), from I'ort Clialnurs; Kittaiva (9.15 a.m.), from Rosamond (10.15 a.m.), from C.reymonth; I'ateena (2.35 p.m.), from Wi'llinguni IiLUI-I', April 24. Arrived; Ilinonioa. (1.30 a.m.). from Dimcdin: Wha.!;arua (5.30 p.m.), from l'ort. Chalmers.—April 25.Sailed: Wairuna, Tor Cauiani; Tokoniaru, for Timaru. INVKHCARGILL, April 25—Sailed: Invercargill (6 a.m.), for Dunediu, via Stewart Island. SYDNKY, April 24,-Sailed: Riverina, •for Wolliiigt<xi. April 25.—Arrived: llippolas. from New Zealand. MKLBOURNK, April 25 -Arrived: Warrimoo, frt>m Bluif. 11R1SI3ANE. April 24. - Arrived: Ilawlce's Bay, from Napier. THE DIRECT STEAMERS. WELLINGTON, April 25.—Arrivcxl-. o]>a.iva (2.15, from Cardiff. MELBOURNE, _ April 24,-Arrived: A'airnthire, from Liverpool. LONtiOX. April 23. Sailod: U'akamii r.nd Mora-jvhiro, for Lyttelton. The Turakina arrived at Plymouth on April 23, in time for the wool sales. Per Victoria, from Sidney, Auckland, and northern ports: 2770 Ipga and 40 ,-acks hugur, 1 hogiikuds .n:d 14 casoi treacle, 11 sacks inoloui. 8 sacks marrows, 6 bales calico, 240 bundles taelc-s. 12 bales wooilvns, 6 cases liardi*ue, 6 bales strawboard, 11 sacki) seed, 5 barrels, 5 cases, and 3 drums oil, 25 sacks peas, 183 lengths and 57 bundles pipes, 10 crat.js biscuits, 15 casos pickles, 2 bi'Jtti.lcitbor, 12 kvs>! rivcU; { syliwteis gas..

40 boxes <oap, 133 |iiecos timber. 1 ironhnk girder. ?A casos fresli fruit, lb easis jant, 16 jwckigfei pai'US, 6 cask-: pelts, 3 ca*fl bacon. 35 cases meats, 5 cases l«a, 11 oases 6unclries, 56 c.W3 sauce, 5 tobacco tind cigaroitos. 40 package; 1 bale posters, 1 ca« cro .'kery, 18 cas''n ;et goods, 1 ease cai-iri'tge.-, 1 c;is" hats. 1 <-a-;>s boots, leans fctmioiiery. .1 umbrellas, 3 bales mo'.ihling, 5 ca-ks caiihenware, 5 boxes h-)K\. 1 (a=k finm-l, 1 ease ]jictures, 26 packages mac!iin<'ry, quantiiv sumli-ies, ieluriie.l cmplps, ;i „ ( | I raiidiipmciits vx Arawa from London. The s.s. Miiuiku arrivod at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday. an:l was berthed at the ero-s wharf. She left Sydney at 2.30 p.m. on the 17tll iiiol. and airived at Wellington <m Ihe morning of the Mod"raie to urong northerly ivimls and foas. with dull, overcaei. weather, wer« txptrionc-otl on the run acivss-. The Manuka left Dunediu m 7 a.m. for the Port, ami sailed shortly after ilie arri. val of the 2.30 p.m. train' for Melbourne, via the Bluff. III! Siillll-dav there were, five deep-sea steamers, rcpre=enling close upon 10.000 tons net, at ||,o ]i),,fr wharf. Pile result was that when the Whakarua put in appearance there was no berth for her, and she had to remain'outside until late in the afternoon, when another steamer departed. With the arrival of th- iut"rioloiiial steamers to-dav there is lilo-ly to be severe pressure on the space available for bertli'Jliee.s. A ieloria, from Sydnev. via Auckland and l-ia.-l Coast, ports, arriv'-d at 9.25 a.m. vestonl.iv. and was b.'rlh.d -~i iti. tongue wharf. Sim reiichcd Auckland Hen Sydney on the wninn of the UVi in-l, and l"f! c.n tin- 20ih tor East Cea.-: anil iKirlK. (in |1,.; fi-oin the Coniinonweallh slic experionied stvntli.; -oulherlv iviii'U, with n.-ode'ate seas, uniil the 15' h. I hence strom; noi[.!i-eael<>ilv winds Willi head wis to Can' Maria Van Di«>r?en .•out tli«nee smwifli sens with variab!" wiwls '0 arrival ;d Auckland. On the run soui.h fiom A'ickl.i'iil <"1» called at (;is:bornn, Napier, WVIIi igton. and Lytlelton, leaving the latter port, at 4 p.m. on the 24th. ;n ri'. - nig as ahov", She leaves 10-motrow for .Sydney, via. A'l'-kland. The s.s. Co'-inna left l,i.s| evening oil her I'liiial run to Oaniavn mid West Coast. 'ilio s.s. IVUm. I'vi'iv-:"! lasi even.iie.;, 'i a m rifo of coal from Wrsl yousiKiidl u, .1. Mil! ; ,.nd (V,; The New Zealand Shaping Oinnp-inv's steamer I'liaiK-hn,. having comiiletod her Port Chalmeis leading, left Port on Sntur day niorniiig for r.vtlelion and northern porks, whore she, will conliime liw Home-v.-awl lo.v.liiig. The livin-screw steamer Kin Ora cmv,l'let<'d her Hoiu'.iward loading from this tort on Saturilay aflernoon, and left Port Chalmers for Oisborne tind norih'-H! fftirt (o ro'itiuuo. ravtjo Jvo'.h this r-ovi. i'iTPO wool, 99 link's t'ahliiiskins 42 lull* l * lifinit, 1 sack fun;4i:.=. I .-ark Fifpil, OU litllo:;, 7 c;if;k.> 63 <area~fu moah ?.7 nnd ca.slcs rini'lrios. anil 9000 ouvcii 6 -"'". of unUtou. no ?.s. .Mo;i;i;t, frmn MHbouni", Tin Lin- lilnff. is due to-morrow. The Labella i!>! Pr.-ini', t.ok advantage of a wind on Saturday u.o'.'iiing. ami .- -I rsi-l for t\ai|jara. (.'aplain J. l!c:Jo:i, of l.'ie !-(p'all. iepl;ice< Captain IJ. C'ani-rou on tin- ('.'jilnna, while ibfl lutt.'r take,, a moinh's holiday. The Shaiv-Savill liner ('ornithic, which left Wol'i:i<rt* % for London, via Rio <!" .lanciro. Mont- Vi<l-o. TeeeiitiV, and Plymouth, on Thursday, 22r,d iiisl. took the following, aumiiuJ o-.ti'v, i:as'-eiigers: - First, saloon : From Dnn-din —Mesdiiines .1. N. Bush, E. Thoin.-oii, Smart, M : --> M. Bush, lv. N. Thom-mii, .1. l-dwyn Thomson, W. ftmii't. From Sydney—Mr W. 11. (Yuldor-'y. From Timaru-Mr D. (irant. Second saVon: From Dimcdin— Mesdnmes P. D. Uainfield. A. M'Donald. M. Wooilshlß. F,. Orcig, Mi.-s L. M'Donald, OVERLAND PASSENGERS Saturday's Tuttaucu Tn.«sa. For Dunediii from the south:—Mr A. Sinclair. Air ,f. Kskdale, Mr .1. O'Uowd. Jlr and Mrs Frapwell and child, Mr anil Mrs SvdneY Wolf, Mr and Mrs 0. Moore, Mr and ill's W. T. M-Farlane, Mr E. Forris, Mr A. E. Gumincr, Mr 11. .1. Gtimmer. I'l-om DnneiVm for the south:—Mrs William Reid. Mr G. Dv?povlt, Bishop Nevill, Mr D. ShiKron. Mies Tot Nelson, Miss Ashton, Mrs Gilbert.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 4