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THE Otago Daily Times. "Inveniam viam out Faciam." FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1861.

With sometliing ofthe same kind of fbclmgg that Gulliver might be supposed io havcd viewed the proceedings of the stra?u;;e beings, { amongst vdioto his good fortune cast bins, thck new arrivals who have ta-ken any interest ink the matter may be supposed to have regarded I _ the political crisis through which the .Province ji a? in the proceso of pasGng. Osio act of theb drama —or w-'-w *-';" »>'>? forgiven for saying; p

phy-v -f< ■. -Ay ■:-■ ''■ OAdlthe odd compiiyrdw ..-.; A- ' i Ac -.- j,chinery of responsible Go-'■'-ia ':". •,;■■•• ■:-, bnn'x about, the present is '..:■" ■•■.■;•■ -.Ae-t. To call it a caricature r . ' ■'-. ;■■.:■.' m.A Ams would be ami id term to pxue-oy. A. meeA -tate, with three governing 'booms to control d, should surely find no di;fijeulry hi having its sfkdrs administered, but [when these bodies A; no re the consideration jtkat they ini]^ mr jointly and in a spirit lof mniiiiil cemeossA;!, the result is not one io be wondered at, a virtual suspension oi the recoymscd forms of Provincial Government, in thvor of an interregnuni. half of necessity half of toleration. Still the wdioJe nffbr ia very ludicrous; her e jwe have a boperiniciKhmt calling a Conned tog-ether ibr advice which he does not mean to take, and a Council whose only advice is to take measures to prolong its own existence: ami the third body, the Executive, is tossed between the other two like a shuttlecock i between two battledores. Btill, as the public jhave to nay fin* theso nimisements, ir, is bar Jright kmy should nmlerstand tlie game; we jmay be therefore excused lor describing the The Council was called together, according to ike add rocs of the Superintendent, as a nob ter of stern ncoessb/ve At tlie instkra'don ef tbe Genced Government mm of tiie Member:: oT the KxecuAve rebpned. His Honor eon id not bii. tho vacancy Ans canned, neither by a ycivbemaii to Amm be imd intrusted the he coAd not accept them on his own responsi::ouy, im i---u teereuwe mmmeu along wiln a muteeAed j-roeotivo until he cotdd call the Gounod together, tor wbnt purpose was notvery clear!;,- dedvied. But stiU tlie only issue raked being tho fitness or mbitness of the I e.oieem.<'\'Q i ,- '.s inmor cAmmeu to receive on ids own reopens;bi;hy, it seemed that this Asm tire qooskon to ne decided. There can be no doubt tbe address had too much individual km: tier in k ; it wore too much ihe appearance jof emanalinp Tom the Aspermteodent hhnsA f instead off'om his myemsbhe advisers, to be in accordance wilh the prbiepdes on wide!] the admiuisAatmn ni' krovmeid aifuirs, should he besed. hum iwsmvcui.mce, to use no hershor term, of dd:; cm: me is apparent, when jo, is borne in mind .that any amendment on the adhr-ms, in-dead of refk-'ethig em the Executive, redeeis on tiie kupermWm.Ant, if it lie sapposed sekby hie own production. However, it ss Willi diets we li-rye to deck The opposition moved ao amendment to the address, ■o;a stmeeenou ja c.'axy\'ii\% it. ihe natuia! ceTiScgnence was, tlirit jd;o chief:.? of the parte -veresei-t ibr to Jormmi admbb-trmion, butone :^i'tQr tlie other tbey declined, it appeared that though having gan\od ao imdoobvod victory, tliat, Td:pupk;d:dinioyto have a decided working o:;d'o*ity in the Council, . and having; no hick af co ? did em cc ia their own powers and ahilities, r tl;e ' opposition .slrarigely declined any other course tdom that the House khouid be dissrdiveil, aijd their own political cxistance be brought to a close. At "the brst bkedi this seemed to wear the semblance of an exalted self-abnegation quite opposed to -modern. ussges. It was hke tbe ss.crilic'mg heroism one rends of iv ancient bkiory—a Mittius Curtius ensdng himself into the chasoi which tiie Ancnrs decbircd cook! oolv be'closed by stead of p-i'tdog to parr;,* w'i-at t hey owed to mankind, hir, Dick and his followers appeared determined to give lo ma-ikim] wioit they owed to their party. "Vvkh the dididence tbat akrays accompaades trire merit, it seemed that, doiibtinp* their own ce]>a<:dt% r, tbey di'sired a nc^li Council to be elected, to recruit the : rankrj cf'the party opposed to themselves, in whose administrative ability tbey refused their confidence, What coold tbey themselves desire an election for; they had the majority and everything else they wanted. These, we say, were the ideas suggested as best by their apparently disinterested conduct ; need we detail how shocked we were by.too reaction, how redely our inborn faith in. the purity ofj provincial nuldia men was disturbed, when, we j k i fbnud that, birkin;; beneath, the fair exterior,j known what misplaced perfect confidence irk any object; is, may alone cm ess the shock wej experienced, it appeared that certain intrusive individuals, in the shape of fresh arrivals, would be entitled io vote iv a lew months, and thai their number was so large that some of the members of the Opposition would not be j cenain of re-election. They were anxious,! thcreibre, to take time by tiie ibrelock, have; a fresh election before the obnoxious fresh j arrival? could obtain their polities! privileges, and then set them at defiance for tour years Our Cu.rth.i3 now became a niarkio Faiicro, with the best intentions; doubtless, he was plotting against his country, or hir, province, aud the province refused to be plotter! against. Fahoro was not led to the scaffold, but his pretensions were quietly snubbed. Another Executive was formed, and the Superintendent, in adjourning the House, told the members that tlieir desire for a dissolution would be made known to the General Government, but he could hold out no hone to them that it would be acquiesced iv. it is to be hoped they returned to their avocations Impressed j with the moral, that political combinations,! :adied into existence by personal motives, i'srelv sneeccd. Tbme ; - ) Jm„f of - ;r CLorgr- aeon .r *Tg m a d. . l^ii ~. Ir or r:m:y cm' jk '

dplace their names on tbe registration roil. ■ | which will qualify them to vote. Some delay muay occur in revising (dm roll ; but at any rate, uSir George would not consent to disfranchise ii two-thirds of the population of the .Province. ,jhv having a general election on the very eve of their obtaining the qualification to vote. The -'little game" would be nkoyethe;' . amusing, on-y the Council, whilst h. is fighting about trides, is ibrgettbgg serious mutters ; it has separated without attending to a of subjects that require immediate consideration. - AmavAC on Tim Ivscoav wrru 16,141 onxens —Toe weekly Escort arrived at Duuedin yesterday wilh '.Cp.4l <ms. p.dd ; et which .A9.A e/s. » were from Gabriel's Ouuy, and 5. IBBn.cs. fro in , Vfaitakana ; also, six. prisoner**. Want of space compels no to o;mt oar correspondent's letter. We weald caution returning dippers against takiiie; gold ou which the duly has not been paid, . the consequences of demotion. atv forfeiture of the gold, au i a handily fo a heavy fee io addition. \\ re believe that ihe Police have instructions to take the naeasmry sd'p-; to prevent- the smuggling of gold in tins maimer: and wo must confess that, ta hug into consideration, the fact thai, the ; property of miners is brought down at a great '■. cost, In" escort, and kept at the bane free oi i charge, we can have no sympathy with those who . attempt to evade the payment oi esp-ea daiy. Tho Southampton took from Meinour ,c to Am - don ."7,070 er.s. of goal Pom .New Zeaissd. Thb will he a conclusive proof tt our JmAkh fdeuds, A'that the New Zealand nuhb.'e has nm burstf' as the j-iff a ventured to insert in its last', exrmurdmsrv to Ea gland.. The second of a course <>f lectures, under the ' auspices oi'tin? Young Meibs Christian Association, was delivered in Knox Church on AAdncsdav evening hy 'V. S. Porsaitb, Esq., on tbe *' Manners and Customs of our IdaefuhersA 0. IL Kettle, Esq., President of tiie Association, occupied the Chair, and la iri! c introduced the lecturer. Mr. Jucsaith upoAgked Ar aoy debeiencies ia bis lecture, as tiie iimt be had beaut of his luiviug to deliver one was seeing (he advertisement iv tiie newspaper when hi Tokomairiro. and even tho vovy subject was eleven for him. The lecturer then, commenced by asking, " VVh-.> ■-vere our forefathers "A' gfmemg ai- tiie variou.kgeads and traditions loeud in ancient ehromcicrs with regard to the iirst coAnkation of Pr.taia, relerriog at somo kmgt.b to tbe wm'ks of the old j Monks and to tiie Wkush JVmds, giving v n;os Graphic and vivid account of the iambeg of {.be pfomuus under Crosaj*, sketching \vu:u rapid pen itheir progress in .Prituiu —the arrival cd' the ! Saxons and tho incursions of the Sea Kings.— Gassing thence to the ibnrteemh century, and igiviug some very iaughabie accounts of t\\c | manners, customs, and iasuions of chat day ; conj trusting them with those of (he nlueicemh eenItur\'. and eooeiudmg by drawmg sinie vivid and (impressive contrasts between tho religious nnd moral condition of the people then, and novo • After a most hearty vote, of thanks to t\w kvterer, ithe meeting concluded by singing the doxologv. New iind improved buildings are being rapidly creeled ou the ruins oi those destroyed by Lite bate fire. I A Jockey Club has been formed in Dunedin. jam! a considerable' sum of money has already j been collected for races to be iieid in February. Our enterprising and liberal townsman, Mr. Jones ofthe Provincial Pole), has given a silver cup, value 50 guineas, to be cubed tbe " Provincial Cup A ami also a subscription of £->5 to a Maiden Plate. Several large new hotels are being erected in Dunedin, and we hear that there G a plan in contemplation of ibrnung a company to est übiGh an hotel at the cost oik£.iO,ooo, on the American | system. i Dimedin im now plentifully supplied with fish !of various descriptions, but the establishmeui\of a proper hsh market is mutch needed. Tbe "Oscar" made another'fine trip down. $he left Melbourne ou Thursday afternoon, and although |olio called in at Inyercargib, sue reached. Port ChaP puers yesterday morning at live o'clock. She vdil reiturn back on Monday., ;md will bo in time to catch : the Ihpg'ish mail. Yfe are g'lr.d to that 'tbo mails wero put oti 'board the Aidinga after alb They a.ri-ived on the ■Jetty just as the little steamer to Port Chalmers jsi earned away. Tiiey were pat into n fast mwiny boat, and reached t.he Aidinga as quickly as steamer. Yesterday being the Presbyterian Fast Day, fh<> public ofhees and most of the shops were closed, j evidently very much to the surprise ofthe new ar- | rivals by the Oscar. i The Belfast Daily Mem try contains tlio following inierecting item of intelligence:—" The revolujtion in New Zealand has been terminated by the entire success of General Mosquera."

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 25, 13 December 1861, Page 2

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THE Otago Daily Times. "Inveniam viam out Faciam." FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1861. Otago Daily Times, Issue 25, 13 December 1861, Page 2

THE Otago Daily Times. "Inveniam viam out Faciam." FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1861. Otago Daily Times, Issue 25, 13 December 1861, Page 2