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.-'.■■• The-^ji % -iu-;.n-'.,-'-yiolenv^V vulgar, wtu-' ■'pt-riauvel,.' ..".ii -K-uVie i!,tiaclc-. 'i;i ! Hads 4 ;(;-by- : xkt i..ah /-v.-;. ivoiih Hmycallert. Ie eudr ivph. hi ■'."iNew ,'i'iities'',/ 'iifc»^.- : ?i:'Li.',- ! Ji- Vi;e^ aftiuifil: ineetihfi^;ot; . Ju iift^.ii; 01 'i.-][«jtth3y/ pii'-i^'oMav.; ! < : \ wiij'-v j, ' v-iiii. iv : rii;\ii;>; ; -'y)S*-' ■ ; «ttial ! ''-;liiat!iVut; •■ ,Hoi!- ;^dV?V v-Vfe'li*.'-'-" ■ J "iiie ;-wAi«e.v O i- !/this : . [uru)iis;;:; ialschopd-; vitu fe : uta' : t ; v, a ; " \iha/l'' -th& : /'''limes I '/ " lie. tt- v ." i'i i'=,!j i;-i-"' v Wi--i ' ■ di>;; pufelkhaui. it/cable^/ ,- f: 'ijiiit : ;-i ,:;i •■iii'.-'^'iht.: Jiain;o« : ./ -"of' y the'' ■lucicy'/ M.c\v- /2nic i-usiS w)io' : had '/tvoft -jirues:.Hi r Liu ; ;itiSiiH W, /SjiVe^ps '■■on::th2";]j4-ei« < - \\ojin^-t,j::. Vvccii'qy, 'diciaedi'^i riily^a- ' '. Ik- Uu&;: Qi'>.n:&. ' iviid jor\/ eoiimnttin^ i !;' ; ;hrt.-;ii]V'Bery^itA!:or'-:ihe?.--.Lofd\ ,/Kpi ,i):: V;■ blended :' tlie ■ iriprning;/ .:' ■ i;er/ ; aw- ;eui^yrpi;;"^reaso;n;^aga;inst'j : the v;<4l;£u'v.-i- : rli';','/:J ! (.'3.te/-^/ ; 'and.:- > -"oh:ein;j :;: :v ai; i!)v M ; nt- LO'i'thci ieo-islaivipn ■uppii;) m, Statu :.? ; ooa." Several- ; btiier- par-^i kO 11 v •'■ ''■:>•<■ -■'• > i- i iio t'cJi" ietyrliun ter s ; : ' ; and .'] L-; l-:« , ; ;ii /■/: VLi;:;;prted North/ in. 'his;! :■':■& .:■ i; :.-;i ■/ ?-;^ ted/ in •passing 'the ; i. 1 ' cyi V : -. : '-n ii b motion; prppqs-/ : -: '.;; .■■', .■/-■;' ;y±y ;.>■ ii^et dipper.' ia^uag:: ■ '■■'■: " y':':\ '■■. ■ ■ -. -■■>'. 7 irin "• MrKon ./h'am'e'd ■ • ; ■/■■' ■■■■'■'■•{ ' ' ; '■•' C V; ;r;'n;'ex}vibitibn-: : bf.Athc; | ' :^^/.i^-:ViC>v*;^-'^v^/^£'S^':liy i> ttur >lil spl- i ;-.' ; v'.'"yL'i4^^; ; ;>'%i2cn;V lr^o;!%s!(c^ •■ the " .i'!i-<-;U., ;r'"':' : ':: ; ;^-:. I\Oan;^bl.l;'1 \Oan;^bl.l ; ' i t'?ll:.US'-if/ ■■■' ' '• ■/'■•:■ '"■■' r" " ' . ';'.n:vUerr v it/' as,,/a;n'.".'oyer j; . :./a : v : , 7"!.. : ; v./:!!, S/; .sUlv.rcbntindrum 1 /,!;':•■:••:■■')'!: c;J; h ■• <:;>, io : ehianate: ,frpni:an ■■,-■'; /'■?■ M' : '-^ ; . "v^Vi^l'^s^'ward-'^pf 'an : I- v ;■'" ••n'.- : .;: /f:; ;;*.,, ,^-:.-- : i/!.!ij;/\ :■. hardly^ what; ■■ '•^■^■•'^ ; i' r . C ;''■ f- ••;•;■; ; - - : /^ : :-. h^/iipses ; as : a • ?v :'' ;; '^;; ; iV^^i^^^e^deyiKl#as 1 ; i)a4.fLy' j^'.--^ v/^E^^3!«%ii*f*.^iij i -fc i:-/j ■:, .v.^f ! V^ ; ; ' - : •t!'>lic '/information' 'was*; - v : %'-'--:fi^!-st- v^ho libweyer,^ did^,; offer : '■' '•■: ''■. . ; :.■'" -'Mvh '.'■' li6w«d' to>wbitt len?th^ J ; ; ;r\- • . ■■ > V«ce'\ these. blastiferous V- n>!^rK ;)?(/; V..;s(?cJpth^ill£rp.: He . , -f': ■^H.'! l '"; h"^ rvrig^up the sub-edi- :: .rtW%-i;\n>;ii?:}'nCi. Claim; that,/, it ■ ■: : : ; t; si < f htvlsut referred the pry-, n M'v-'Weer ,i 0 (V manager. If the ■■:,-. "d >■(.*■ 'pf t'-f ."Times'' had .'done ■•-■hat .hi' h,-;id have done, he would have to 1-;•h •• - l-fri cal Paul P ry to Fo .. o .."""-Tell f: ■')•':■; a ' dn.ninable' impertinent, "rt ir-v' ,■■' ;^ ry'n 'i7usih'?ss Teihaps I h' " h •■'•. ' do arid that may I ••"n' o- 'b n 'artist cadis heat at , „-;>wi v-i nifrht's ■ in'witinp-- -s^v'- g ir : f; ;',^i 1 ;v '\; : y- ■*. .; .-'■. : ( , :^:]V : v : .;;; : :,'} . it-is, j^oi/d /fpr ;thef'cbmniu)vl% that; iliiS- f .tlaiani.; ; liawtsfeo , ;N ortii j ■-lias';.' : a6 • : f;U>sßl). aiid Hi:^arly'Lfl6'titt'd)<:and-i.iifc suited "..■;iihe.^ /mprniiigHJpiijfejr ;?vf or -there"; is lifitle 1 ! uou.;X / - ; o ithat-^n doing i'sp? lv has stated a. bla^that^he and'liisi ;ganp v oti ipaiLi.i, kiia sppngj^rrs lonf^he. '. c'bnijii.iijlik'v'- will ' iirid^it^mpdSsibl^^bl ■ ej:tin<i i.iih or .control,. As a-Jac.t, the'j ' two ''.dailies are much,. to blime for ;t>he, intolerant, vw.bu)dT)je 'piaster-! iul ;, at ti tude .- of the' .seJf-Ktyle^; (shepV herds, vvho \vould,ifain,j!..|«ep (^eilingi ton, "■■body oad soul, ; 'iiniler^hoir pig',. -iiis'&ha<:en , boots.. '^They;; ; hayje^paraKraplied Ijt/lie , shameless ji^ypracipu^ cpr- : taoiciiibic r clowns, till^ijbliQirJipo^soiia^ L'oluiuns '- have. , l;een ii^ading, .■ being; ; siiych-tenths:./;::'rjeqbrds: :::pf;\i|thc : tnoveraeiits and (iailv ;.db)hgs' of^a-, gang of rnoji who . are neither* use;; hqriorna--jneEti'who;,"toil nb|;;:iiotferido.;tjieyspm.''• Ayhp do ,nb"thi;ng •: for ■ .thevt gqpd' of the : country ;or-:-iiihe^ ; .Qii&y;;!..^he^.'fp, ! ol:; oart--of;' I y/hich. il stj'p;p.qi;^.';;ijicjni : .i:-ihs^-wl^ ; luxur-v- .Never a 'tihpot:,tea, fiKht,'^a; stupid, ; bad | r-prep^edv-- ill-read leer, ture, or any other yoeca^iori ithai; giveij onrioUiiiiitv .to' thisse,, egotistjG,.faotraa?; 'nicrehan is , : to shop t \- tlitir : jmpujlis:, by t Hie dailies, haveyreporfe^iit: aijd'Cjheni^ ad nai^eum. 'They have ;i^;eh; : sery;ilq-; lv waited upon ; and'^theiri./opiriion: asked unm every . subject,^ from :Mprinpii-.! ism to the fro/en meat tradQii'Bxp- . "thor :"' /Sti^irins and '/Brpther Ghadband have been . cxalied; and. I'owtowed .".(. to lill ihey : have swelled with-pride. and set . Ih^inselyes up ;as -the leaders/ of msblic ■ i'hoiiglft/ -. and^jsehtimentj a'jid have, come tp look aippn 'the icpnimon herd -as mej;e accidents. QfvJ.natuxe^.v^o 1 b? exnl bi ted ; f or , . al):)i thevi acg^ -^prth , r-nd iiave tlieir wadk^of yiife^ordcrecl j l>v. tlio- ■'.clpr»y ;Tne;, : p{y-S9n/!;ri.(Jderi-| •!.rf<iß r^«. rauicd up-.»a ■Frankc-nstein ;| p.v?cis f '-r- 'U.-.t uo^ r :.iui;as-. and -rends it- 1 (ivi-d- v,7i'i](l: Tanr rompletely^bntool it.- 1 T!ie "P'^( !< shoved :itsViCpwar^ly;.,sej-; viii!'- ; n •iK'se .an o?:ant • insolfints^.oV Jjnmhlv nleyii!?;:. fin-'iorder: riotitb: Piib- ' Msh (I'fv'f^infl. ca;b]o^anent ) .these.jwin- i ti'njfrs' m; > ra-{'.v-;? i 3iV.s ; ..::sweeps\f.Yv £I,ow ■ *inH.'b- rriiist luive; ?;iiJnne<l/'in his^Sjleevp 1 •vvlicji lio;srv V |^R^•^'P • censorship i of a '.;•'•; nnolic ,' ; nrint'; 'hadji.hee.n; crayeivlv it't'fptfd.' •■'.■'"" • ■-•■' :■: • > -\^ r i-^ i>:<) ; ;-j=; '■ „ . ■ .■■■,; '■' , ■ .-.'::■*,■ . : r*i-y- •?,■<;?'■ i>;~y\ ■ : ii'ii,t v H ; h'is;'\;ni'ii' showinc'pfVtheir^hand; i;is; oiK-iiioil . the ./eyes/^of mcrnirip-; ■iapcr as 1 ' fo i-hc reat"-at»titt>.de- 'df:ihose'arroiranl «;ii-shiftcrS'- ; arid true; value ofyiiieir frieridsftinV Eye-' aftd-lip, serysit\ ix -' <;re attires 'pf !Mafiimbff/ r ;craw-; !er« "atv the fee<;. of-^thS'^iilgav^lutp-: cr:v( v/hn can: ?u|)sidiee;J'and;?.^eeid itjhemi nni? "\v?;ij. 'palronises thenj m a trayi that 1 do ilwinj; wi^i^e leasj shadow! ■"■' ;"■■' '■•• '' ■.'*'■,•» > ",i' : -S-vt •'" '-> ■

of manhood and:' respect- for -his- office xtoulcl tolerate, they know nothing ;of ; flie - , -ethics of /true, friendship. ; Theyv] only/look upoii -the". pressVasii; to au'oriii, their owir- en'ds, and would' i fain vise/ut, at t^eir-vp^ii.'Vsweet 'Will,'! ■'■whvlov al) :llie^ thi;e/ • inwardly/ hating. it.| as; ■■■W. /possible hienace ; to* ; tlieiti / mdi their;- shady . : underhand! schemes: They ; hate 'VTriith'! because it-iCannoi) v be I bought ; or V cajoled/ but fearlessly" ex- I noSes any .'hypocrisy',; humbug or fraud ;that' exists' to ' ; Mi-'.. detriment' of ; ihe. ipebple/ ; V.They- fear, ; it • too,- .and : . have done : oivd> are deihjr all that their low ; cupriin '•-) find -unscrupulous natures can That they never ;wiir;'d6;t :i and % vyh-'^act ; - ; the.ii;:very' op- ; Position ,;streh^ th^ns -, it and, increases: ! ite'Circulati.on'and ;pov/er, while by its |;educative;l 'influence, 'iha .people who i have so lbn.a: tamely, submitted to . be thedi"b;redhihd.-dorain^ered over ;by : a ijlot- vbf /'dr^nes^and idlers, ; are begin- 1 ■.■•riinT ••/to -feel /restive; under the yoke so : ri'Wessly . imposed 'utfoii them, under j ihs > mask of / religion, v and are breakr i in"* away from, the, fetters 'that- have bound /bpdv aM 'soul* so r/lohiv; and the .bondage that 'has! made life a round: /of .dull ■drudgery under/ i he '••.lash. wield-: edby a horde of self-reelnnK tihie-ser- .,.'• ■.■'■• ■.■,■■■■••'•."■■., :; •;•■;.•' V. ■^'/■■■. ••.:■•'//'■'' ■"• ' . . If the : I'Post": were /possessed, of a grain of, self^-respecti ; pr; had ; been seiz-^ ed /of the \pb%ibilities;;.6r its /pb\^er,* it, would have;-s^^oftlii:,l)ack •'< -vyli^re ; he;beiori^£i(!j||s^^ -raii'tihg-;*' cti^nlerXtMiLhei--; is..; . .would.lor,, m any' tase ; ; ;, and,. I .^oiild ' v ;have made :Ui3 -public; /aware:; :' in//a^/ : scath-' ia'ff/ bCauty ing, searing subheader :, hi the fact . ,that the fellow had endeavored ': to control its factions an( i pen-; sor. its : columns. But it jsye^ itself supinely into /the hands of a pragmatical prawn, like jNorth and; prostituted itself at his bidding;. What a position for a "great daily !" How bitterly. humiliating for sucli miembeirs of its staff as have any self-respect or respect for the mighty army of which they are .units , and; the power . that army wields! Hb'w even the man. who obeyed ' North's biddins m this rnat^ter.; ,inus.t, ■ .Hy.e. felt;- his .own di sgrstcfe , aiiii' huiniliatipfif ' 'when fhe reitti- the irAaiiy;' : 'sivb-leaidie ; rs; •■, that ; NcwiitH'sVblata^;'b^ldite|?s:^r'^^ ■How.;,, djfierent M wou^ ■ have ' bfeeii :; '. ho^/niybiv/eiisier J^puld vlieeh ' lii.fe sjee.p l . /thjs' vrejbk. past; ;/'i fi: he' ; had ine^ interference /-with tilf ; ! fee : paperf ■ ; "with, , : a glkssy//; • aiid 1 ; - : ■' a "ste'rii'lintimation :tha,ii 'u'liless vhd- wanted to Jjear " a few ui)!pl ea^a n't; V truths : t: her'd .^better: ■ " go 1 way:. "• baick 'and ■■■%ip"-, down. '.' . ; ■' . The / < '^imes ; '^\has-' the best' of the bargain, b%>-bn4VV l 'dQ ü bt and has ; retained its sei^respe^^iwhiie^' th'e'" '^Post I ,'; ; is sWati-ied; iii ;..thife face" of the multitude. . ■^ja^aii^tp^curiry- faypr with a' ; paltry, pTfDin''' '•baptist parson ! .It i*, pairi^ful |b reiiect, ■ ho'weyerv . that there -is lrtile;;.-,dpubt-v.._bufc-'that^^ rikper /would have ; knuckled down to. l^orih'-a'lsb'. had. he; been.; aware of the existence ; :: <, of; fha,t : ;,cable: ; 'ift ;time^ 'to sw'ob'r dowtfUnd.iiiterdicfc'its ( publicaiti'o^r Once having published ,it, however—as£it;: ;iypuld ; have : been hVad' ; ii ot ( ; o : 'liavfe'(c!.bn^-tl!cv "Times' ' has ■.stuck; (i-Sllant^^tq .its>;uns ;i)ii.l,it, is to. :be* h^T?fd< tllat -heueeforth' ifc \yill not make of'Ttself'a'chrbiiicle: of • clerical capers; bW will ; assert- ah'd- uphold its dignity EiiYd its m dependence of^parsonic inflitr ''$n6cW t '-' : '>->~- i *- : *C :X^-'-'' ■'■ ■-■- -■■ •'■: ■ s'V> : ' -''"'i"; ; v-!. ! i*'y-'- ■ y ''■'• .•;•. .-■■•••.• ■•'.■ " : . -■.■••■ / ' 'Nbwi as to the cause of all this pbthtir. The news that was cabled to' ; 'the ' 'Times " (and the '.'Post' 'but Dy" -it suppressed by priestly order) w ; as • of : rast interest to '. the - whole community; ' and-, if ; the /paper had i failed to publish the item it would j have' bfeeni '■ sig;haliy • wanting: m its Iduty ■ : towards its readers . ■ (Jle.reto■fbire- ; readers ; of the "Post" will ■do {•'well; to r remember 'how- the evening i jiaper -failed- l "tliem"-iii:i' this 'matter. ) ; The ; ■ ' 'New Zealand -Times" is a* s©cuI'ilif ' : journal of news' :an'd' purchasers |bf- it expect to find m its pages all !■ sorts ol hews from all parts , of the j ; cai:th. vlt-' has/ : no right 'tor suppress j '..iterns of ; : pivblic interest that areseht !,;by ! its agents abroad. /There are thousands * pf -people "m Wellington j ;;Whb;:in ; duipe m :the ; eiftirelv :; harmless i ''arrius^mi?nt 'bf- an mvestment m a ; , perfectly ■ honest', speculation (Tatteiv/ j;sall.'.s sweeps), onethat/ihav, if For"tuneis, kind, return ten thousandfold. ;ajvd lie'r'hans' lif tHhemVf xprrr'tlje dßTiths] ';pf ■: "struwli n ~ poverty' tp the ' hei^htii 'di ffbrnfortabie affluent.. ■ ' : ..; . ■'■• . ■JattersalJ's, v :.any 'thah. ;thew '15 m p : aying ;a jfiir^ insu^ahpe' ' prennuvn .' " Yptv. • i". a" v,mpst 1 .^tnc^irth, ; 'dißcotirteous,' ' vulgar ■'*#$' :^jijoif\&tMi -f letter" ■•• l ito' ; -'|fiat "paper ;was' { !bdurt«6u^;j:pHpugh v fbi publish;:- over

his signature, on Wednesday, tins bumpuous baptist bounder has the biaiieh impudence, to say, '"I'his 'mtgfsUir^S3StiTls& 1 is on an exact pai with sensual indecency." He wa» all too mildly but very aptly answeied by the "Times," m an editorial. But how dare this priest, a mere' paiasi te ■on . the :• . body-politic, . living' On the .superstitions, of /the'.people, : ahd- ; by the people ./supported^ > housed, j; clothed and led, so .brutally ••insult' the .whole community ?■ To say that a member .of his. little bethel who stnds 5s Lo Tatter&all m hope of winning aii> blimp, tioin ££5 to £6,000, is as gieat an ofitrnder against society and moialitiv as a brute who outrages a ehikl or commits an unnalural offence, is no more or less than an outraga that, should' earn; its; I jblatan t •', riarrpwrminded, egotistical; ! perpetrator 'fa : thorough / good : cow- : | hiding.: /it is. a; black lie' :on; the. face: j'of it -and ■'•'■> its t/uttererr should not I longer; have opportunity, m Wcll.ingj ton at any rate, to : prom lil gate ;; such villainous doctrines. ; Ten's -of tlious- . and's of honest,- iaw-a!:klinfr New Zealanders':•invest.-, their.': own"'- money m Ta'ttersallls; sweeps' and; whp : . dare say they, have: not a ritrht to do so, if •, tlie” ' have ' a mind ?■ All ; cl asses and ; both sexes . . make these ■investments .anil to - say that they are: criminals on a liar with the sodomite and ■ the rayisbier is a vile calumny, and. its "utterance; by North should be: the d_eaMv knell of -his /career as/ a "spiritual teacfter" m this country. '■ ■■-■■'■ -♦ ;:-'•' ,:■-*>■ 'v : .'♦ ,; ;: --f : ' - They fellow^ lied- again when:Vi : he wrote, m his insolent letter ': (t You : freeh- advertise nobody hut Tatter-, sail:'.' Patently a lie, and hone should . know - that better than its ■unscrupulous' utterer. ; for: that same ' STiihes" : has/. given ' this ; ins'igni'licant professional pietist coltimns ' of f ree advertisin'H— and ■deserves, what it has .got for so . affgiandiy.insT a .paltry per-/! nicious" preacher, whom it so dragged from his din/'* obscurity and exalted. / North's, attitude towards our morn- j ih^. contemporary. is remihiscent- of Aesop's story of the' -fdplishlyT-kirid-.:; :hearted/:m^h/^h^^ /snake/ ;in : ' ia|ally. bif. him. v^-;.-Npr.ra?sj;'' i .y i ,enpm()usy' ■jiite will riol-ibe" faiiairto the ' but, if the : : < , f Post' '■' ijs/ loyal to its: salt, has sehse ; enough to see „ what North makes so patent— that; lie arid I his'; scaly push Would; if: they could, absolutely- autocratically rule the .Press and sway :it to their own damnable; ends— it will be bad for the snake, for. that paper will henceforth and without unnecessary parade, absolutely igoipre North and all his doings, his goings and his comings. Free advertisement cniotha ? Gods ! Why, this unimportant nonconformist nincompoop .has had more free, ad-' vertisenient.:' t;han- the, Rremier. It befean to bd asked/bn> the; Rialto if the dailies ;be ant ii^lilicmg: jthat, tlie/ -Re^.^ J.r M,. North h^td ; a dp^fei of Salts :and ; it had ! wj>rksi, 1M ■ : ---ire|ly 1 -! ,: ; ;Bei;i(citih |apers : |iini«y^rpp'/l^ortli.;as a^i subjecti, aM ||- j as:; ajthbst'i . safje''to, .s^y i ; tnkt',:;\feil-'' ittgtPn':will/:,iiot "long . be 1 pesterfed with himj /his/ cperciyev; -buli-tdOzing methpds ;'and/;/his?;impi|4eht 'd^ dras: \ %he /Go'verhnieht ,at ' .his chariot wheels; anct ;dri Ve.' it intc»V ; makihE . ,'ari ass //; of 'itself '/pVer ; par soh-ihspired legislation.'; //If'C ; North / wants / .•■ true : pastienr's :v?prk, liet /him r ptt under ' a-mong-^the 1 ' Vsubiner^ tenth*': m his own district.: ;Tliere is work enough there^ to -■; expend abu'ndant/qnerro,-:^^ his; own; pulpi^,/npi,lpiiger 'ago than last Sabbathf: ey'b,/; Sydney : slum-mis^ si pnar y; . ■ J amfes '/ Makers}/ sh 6^ve,d- thi s^ clama'n^;preat9re/\his ; clear ; ; duty m this. ■ 'regard. . /In .the ...vile ;,slums ' .off iToryrstijeet iihere/is- /Widiei^scppe'fpr' the, 'labors .;■ pfi; a /true/:fpll6\ver . of pJiristLtjie/Sheiriih'erd^ : Christ 'tlie' 'hieek £ih^ [ : ' ■•t!li.e:/ forgiving,'' . Chnst ;■, ih^/ rebuker :pf the '„ Pharisees ' an(l ; th^ enGQur^i-. of fiii,;'/b\|iv;, /repeiitani /Let: ; North .what : ;" Mr.; ;,MathJßrs' siild/ -, ■ a|>oii,t- ;the "sltiitis fust, behind .ttie : yiyjjail-stteet ' "i t^Hehia'cle.' *• Let him' WttMi Hfttiselt tb, his o.bvious duties.' They ''will take him out of vthe < lime-' lie.'ht. sure enough, but they mav 4 — if he is humble and penitent and learns to pray "Lord?. be merciful to me; a sinner"— in time fit' him, to endure and lead him to eventually bask m the light ■■■■that, radiates round the Throne of the. Lord whom he now, by his self-seekinr^ self-aa; vndizing attitude, daily -flouts/ and; affronts, and— .shockinely .misrepresents. ; . :.

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NZ Truth, Issue 76, 1 December 1906, Page 1

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NORTH'S NASTINESS. NZ Truth, Issue 76, 1 December 1906, Page 1

NORTH'S NASTINESS. NZ Truth, Issue 76, 1 December 1906, Page 1