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\J p e r a JnL o u s e. Under the Management of Mostyn and DaLZKTL. TO-NIGHT ! (WEDNESDAY) TO-NIGHT ! Entire change of Bill. Second Grand Production ! ! The Great Australian Drama — RANSOM ! RANSOM ! RANSOM ! Entirely now to this city. Replete with thrilling incidents ami adventures of the early Buriirangiug days. T RANSO M . | Oast of Characters ; Harold Graham Phillip Marlctt Samuel Fitzgerald Gnssie Howard ... Mich Ryder Captain Grainger Ben Bolton Ned Hogan Flash Griffiths ... Sergeant of Police Mr D. L. DAL2KJL Mr Johnson Weir Mr H. Meymott Mr Orlando Daly Mr Charles Blako Mr Lewis Lawrence Mt Tom Carr Mr H. Coombs Mr Cecil Hylton Mr E. Campbell Mabel Graham (with songs) Miss N. Raynham Mrs Fitzgerald ... ... MissV. Clayton Angelina Miss Gwyn Dallas And TomChivrt (with songs) MissDoitAMostyn The Scenery specially painted from authentic pictures of the localities whore the action of the drama takes place. Act I. An Australian HoiuesteatL “ Wain by/'—Act 11. —•■The Bu&raagera* Tamp, Blue Mountains. : "Act 111. Post Office, Wumby, Fern Glen. The Waterfall Gully. Act IV.—Bcrrina Gaul. Act V. —Home, Sweet Homo. The Songs will be completely new and interspersed throughout the piece by Misses Mostyn and Raynham and. Messrs Meymott and Blake. Popular Prices Circle and Orchestral Stalls, 3a ? Stalls and Family Circle, 2a ; Pit, Is. Box Plan, Holliday’s. Day Sale, Aldous’, tobacconist, and at Abel’s, tobacconist. Piano from the Dresden. 959 J. W. WHEELER, Business Manager. r s POPULAR CONCERT. POPULAR CONCERT. 8 HATING I N K. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. (The Management have arranged with Mr Alexander, Miss Blaney and Miss Fisher to postpone the date* of their appearances in Napier and Auckland, in order to appear this evening.) Pbogba mme—1. Trio—Mias Blanoy, Miss Fisher and Mr Stabbing. 2. Piano Solo—“ Vcntro t'tbrro ” (Kowalski) —Miss Clarice Brabazon (lalo pianist© Royal Italian Opera Company). 3. Song—“ Kathleen Mavournccn"— Miss Bose Blaney. 4. Sensational Recital “Kissing Cup’s Race "(By special request)—Mr F. M. Alexander. 5. Song—“ Throe Fishers**—Miss Laura - Fisher. (J. Song—“Comrades"—Mr Horace Stobbing. 7. Humorous Sketch —“ Jud Brownin’s Description of Rubinstein’s Piano Playing " (by special request)—Mr F. M. Alexander. 8. Piano Solo—“Spinnlied" (Litolff) —Miss Clarico Brabazon, 9. Song—“ Out on the Rocks" Miss Laura Fisher. 10. Dramatic Recital—-“ Karl the Martyr ** — Mr F. M. Alexander. 11. Song—“ Within a Milo’’—Miss E»so Blaney. 12. Song—“ Around the Camp Fire"—Mr Herbert Stebbing. 13. Duet —“ Friendship**—Miss Blaney and Miss Fisher, 14. Humorous Sketch—“ Love in a Balloon " —-Mr F. M. Alexander. The songs and piano pieces in this programme can bo bad at the Dresden Company’s warehouse. Accompanist—Miss Cimino, Purchase your tickets at the Dresden, and avoid the crush. Reserved, Scats, 6d extra, IS Tf S TO ALL PARTS JL 948 RALPH LYNDON. Business Manager. Grand athletic entertainment FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY. THURSDAY NIGHT, MAY 9th 1895. Wellington Amateur Gymnastic Club, Taranaki street north. Programme : Boxing —John Graham, Champion of Victoria, and John Mclaney, Champion of New South Wales; William Fisher, of Wellington, height Oft, weight 14st, and Harry Plaacke, height Oft Gin, weight lOst; James Doyle, of Wellington, and John Graham, Instructor. Acrobatic Feats, Tumbling and General Gymnastics by three professionals, late of Fitzgerald’s circus, Messrs W. Clark, W. Doan and R. Bishop. Roman Statuary with Limelight Effects, representing the Ancient and Modern Gladiators and Wrestlers, Samuel Mathews and' John Graham. Wrestling— Samuel Mathews, James McCarthy, A. Kirkwood, J. M, Earle, P. W. Mason and A. Gyles. Fencing and Single-sticks— A. S. Paterson, J. Graham a’d two Professionals. Club Swinging— J. Doyle, J. Doyle, junr., and Members of the Club. Roman Rings, .Vaulting, Dumbbells and General Gymnastics by Members. Weight-Lifting Competition, open to allcomers. Applicants will please send in their names to Mr S. Mathews, W.A.G, Club, before Thursday, the 9th hist. The whole Entertainment under the supervision and control of the Club’s Committee. Admission to the Public, 2s ; Members, free, by ticket only. Performance commences at sharp. Music by G. Barlow & Co. 01 ST. PETER’S PARISH. A MEETING, for Women only, will be J?, #l held (D.V.) at the Parsonage TO-DAY (Wednesday), the Bth May, at 4 p.m., to make the necessary arrangements for the Annual Social in connection with the Dedication Festival. Parishioners and any others interested are cordially invited. W. C. WATERS, M.A., Incumbent. 4th May, 1895. FESTIVAL CHORAL SOCIETY. THE Committee of this Society wishing to form a Permanent Orchestra invito applications from instrumentalists willing to be associated. Personal application may be made on FRIDAY EVENING Next, at 8 o’clock, at Thomas’Hall ; or by letter to THEO. H. RITCHEY, 907 Hon Sec. WELLINGTON COLLEGE. THE Second Term will begin on MONDAY, 3rd June, at 9.15 a.m. Application for Admission of Boarders should be made at once. CHAS. P. POWLES, 952 Secretary. NOTICE TO MARINERS. BUOYS have been placed as under in Cook’s Straits : (1) Sinclair Head, E. I N.; Ohaoa Point, N.E. i N. (2) Brothers. N. ?. W.; Wellington Head. N. by W. i W. All magnetic bearings. W. J. GRAY, Master Cable Ship Terranora. 29th April, 1895. 813 NOTICE TO MARINERS. A BUOY has been placed in Cook Strait, Sinclair Head E, | N., Ohaoa Point N.B. by N. IN. All bearings magnetic. W. J. GREY, Terranora. Wellington, April 23, 1895. C9l Wellington, April, 1895. Mr Wright, Wellington. SIR. —X have now thoroughly exJur amined the “Light-Line" System of Shorthand as taught by you. 1 can only say on comparing the two systems, Pitman’s and Grcgg’p, I recommend'a\i students of the art, who have the intention of making their study of practical value, to take up the Light-Line system in preference to Sir Isaac Pitman’s. •I am, &c., A Student of Pitman's Shorthand of 20 years’ standing, and a teacher of the system for several years. Full particulars on application to S. E. WRIGHT, 33, Lambton quay, 704 Sole Agent for Wellington,

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New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2505, 8 May 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2505, 8 May 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2505, 8 May 1895, Page 1