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BRITISH SCIENTIST'S AMAZING HEALTH ANNOUNCEMENT Of Vital Concern to the Invalid and the Athlete—the Old and the Young! Astounding Triumph over infirmities Remarkable Method of Drugless Healing Promises Better Health for all and Longer Life! IF ever a man was entitled to speak with authority on the subject of health restoration, that man is Mr. O. Overbeck, the well-known scientist. For to-day, at 74 years of age, Mr. Overbeck has the bloom of health, the muscular strength, the buoyant vitality, the contagious optimism of a young man, and he owes his present condition entirely to a health process which he discovered and began to put into practice at a time when he was such a complete physical wreck that his doctor told him to make his will, as he had not long to live. A Romance of Health Recovery Mr. Overbeck's recovery of health and vigour is indeed an astonishing romance. A year or two before the discovery that made such an amazing change in his life he used to spend most of his days stretched out on a sofa. It was painful to see him climbing the staircase to his bedroom on the first floor—a step and a rest, a step and a rest, lest this slight exertion should bring on a heart attack. His piano, upon which he had so often improvised with masterly execution, for the entertainment of his friends, wns all but silent now, for the effort of playing even the briefest and least exacting of pieces was too much for him. As for any really active pleasures, they had to be entirely abandoned. A devoted horticulturist, he no longer dared to stoop over his beloved plants, and the glasshouses, where he had raised some of the rarest plants to be found in Great Britain, knew his care no longer. On the rare occasions when he went for a walk in his home town of Grimsby his halting gait and haggard looks were marked by all his friends, who fully shared his doctor's opinion of the outcome of his illness. Mr. Overbeck was, in fact, a prematurely aged man, with an old man's sallow skin and faded eyes, an old man's infirmities and maladies, the victim of chronic kidney trouble and rheumatism, his hair scanty, his sight blurred, his pulse feeble and erratic. But physically broken down as he was, he still retained the mental outlook, at least, of the trained man of science, and a brain that for years had spent its energies in tackling all kinds of difficult and exacting problems, now turned to the most vital problem of all: how the fires of life, which so obviously were dying down, could be stoked up again and stirred into a cheerful blaze. The Secret of Youth He began experimenting, and before long ho was convinced that he had discovered the real secret of youth, in a new process of cell rejuvenation. In the true spirit of the scientist, he tried his process on himself. Some mistakes had to be corrected. Then one day he was faced with the startling realisation that his pulse was definitely stronger and more regular, his step firmer, his sight clearer. Gradually his hair began to grow thicker, too; the twinges of rheumatic pain subsided more and more, the kidney trouble vanished, and his whole outlook on life changed. In short, he was a new man, and friends who met him in the street were flabbergasted by the change which had taken place in his appearance, for, instead of the stooping, woebegone figure they had glanced at furtively with a shako of the head, they saw before them a man with a firm, elastic stride and that fiery glint in the eye which proclaims an eager, active brain. A New Method of Rejuvenation Inevitably inquiries were on every lip, and it soon became an open secvet in Grimsby that Mr. Overbeck had discovered a new method of rejuvenation. The news soon spread farther afield, and before long letters were reaching Mr. Overbeck almost every day from such far-asunder places as Canada and South Africa, Spain and Siam, New Zealand and Japan, begging Mr. Overbeck to disclose the secret of his marvellous recovery of health and vigour. Presently Mr. Overbeck was to be seen upon the public platform, and at the Savoy Hotel, London, before an enthusiastic audience, which included several medical men, he announced his discovery. A well-known journalist who was present at the meeting afterwards declared that he had experimented with Mr. Overbeck's method, and his sight, which before had been greatly troubling him, showed unmistakable sign* of improvement. From Decrepitude to Vigour In the chair on this momentous occasion was Mr. W. J. Womcrsley, M.P. for Grimsby, who vouched for the accuracy of photographs of Mr Overbeck taken before he began his new rejuvenating treatment. These showed Mr. Overbeck as a decrepit old man, whereas the Mr. Overbeck who stood upon the platform was seen to be a well-set-up and vigorous specimen of humanity, to all appearances many years younger. WHAT THE OVERBECK HAS DONE FOR ITS INVENTOR Mr. Overbeck as he was in 1921, when his heart was so weak that his doctor told him to make his will. The photo- H graphs repro- 11m duced on this |H page show the 88l remarkable re- H§ suits which have followed the use of the Overbeck by its inventor, who is himself a living example of the truth of the conclusions to which years of scientific work have led,, and their practical application in this astounding health and youth - building invention. After this public announcement of! his discovery, it was no longer pos- j sible for Mr. Overbeck to ignore the demands of the numerous sufferers who urged him to make available for others the health process which had so unexpectedly and so completely re-established his own health and renewed his youth. Mr. Overbeck accordingly made arrangements so that this growing demand might be met. and his "Rejuvenator," a# he aptly termed the means whereby he had recovered youth and health, is now doing for others what it has done for Mr. Overbeck himself. It is banishing the infirmities of age. It is renewing waning vital energy and restoring youthful enthusiasm in the middle-aged and elderly. It is making old arteries young again. It is toning up vital organs that have become "tired' and sluggish. It is winning back for thousands who have lost it the will to win the battle of life, the zest for action, the desire to lead instead of to follow. The Boon of Robust Health Upon men and women of naturally weak constitution at any age, it is conferring the priceless boon of robust health and vigour, while athletes, actors, singers, organisers, and others who are obliged to work at fever pitch all the time, find in it the most certain means of banishing fatigue and keeping always at the top of their form. These are sensational claims, but they are borne out in the fullest detail by the deeply grateful reports which Mr. Overbeck receives by every post from those who have followed his • example. A few such reports are printed on this page for the benefit of readers of this paper. Numerous others, all bearing the full names and addresses of the writers, are reproduced in the valuable Free Book which is offered to-day to all who apply for it on the special form provided. An Enthralling Volume All Should Read. Mr. Overbeck's new health process, by means of which all the cells in the body are recharged with energy, the muscles strengthened, the circulation improved, the vital organs toned up, and the whole system rejuvenated, is fully explained in this enthralling book, the reading of which has for many proved an event to remember as a decisive landmark in their lives. Mr. Overbeck as he was in 1923, after using his Rejuvenatoi; for four months. r : Mr. Overbeck as he is to-day, at over seventy years of age. FAVOURABLE OPINION OF MEDICAL MEN. Many medical men are now recommending- tlie Overbeck and using it themselves. Itls contrary to medical etiquette to mention their names, but tlie following: authentic reports are Troin prominent members of the profession who have given the Instrument a thorough trial and speak rroni their personal knowledge. "In my general practice I am frequently in contact with pronounced cases of Rheumatic afflictions and their connected ailments, such as Gout. Sciatica, Lumbago and the like, and, Invariably, I have found your instrument has most effectively dispersed these troubles in all their phases. "Again, it has proved itself eminently satisfactory in alleviating and curing the manifestations of Blood Pressure, Heart Weakness, Insomnia, Neuritis and advanced Debility. FREE COPIES Of a Most Notable Book HOW TO OBTAIN YOUR COPY ! One of the most sensational Bookl about Health and Disease ever written will be sent to Every Reader who fills in and posts the Special Form below, The title of the book, " Health and Rejuvenation," gives some idea of its unusual and exciting contents, Th» book is beautifully produced on plata paper and illustrated with many moit arresting photographs and diagrams. Its matter is of absorbing interest Not a page but what contains something that will be a revelation to all who read it. It is a book of equal interest and importance to the Ailing and the Healthy, the Young and the Old, and to read it \yilli certainly be for many an event to remember as a decisive landmark in their lives. DO YOU SUFFER FROM ANY OF THESE COMPLAINTS? Asthma, Blood Pressure, Catarrh, Constipation, Ear Affec* tions, Eyesight, General Weak* ness, Headache, Heart Affection, Hair Growth and Recolouration, Insomnia, Indigestion, Lumbago, Nervous Debility, Neuritis, Neurasthenia, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sciatica, Stammering, Voice Production, Wrinkles. The above are a few of the ailments which respond to the new treatment desgslbed on this page. Do you suller from any of these ailments? If so, write for further testimonials and particulars. "Generally I am very diffident Uustii. (testing-the TlSe'erany appliance—-but tte> Overbeck Rejuvenator has Justified itself so repeatedly that. In my professions! opinion, it deserves more than a passinr word of praise." r (Signed! Dr. , M L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P.S.Q, :f. " r have' round the Overbeck of the blffr est curative assistance in cases of asthma tical trnhbles—one I have in mind was ol! long duration. Bronchial affections—tbe«i seem to succumb admirably to its sooth' Ing Influences—and l also such prevalent! conditions as anaemia, digestive disonleri, and general debility. " Electrical treatment Is particularly beneficial In cases of rheumatism, gout asll acid conditions, and your Rejuvenator bal given good results In these cases." (Signed) Dr. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. STRIKING REPORTS FROM N.Z. SUFFERERS HEART TROUBLE. Sir,—"About two years ago my heart began to trouble me, and after six months' medical treatment I was ordered to bed for complete rest. I continued to get worse and became almost a skeleton. A friend had previously advised me to obtain one of your Rejuvenators, as her daughter had received great, benefit Iherefrom. After the first month in bed I ordered the instrument. In a fortnight's time I began to feel benefit from its use. and at the end of another three months I was able to leave my bed and move about the house. In a month's time I was able to go out for short walks, which were gradually lengthened until I am now able to walk two miles at a fair pace. "Mine was a particularly bad case of a tired heart, and my age (73 years) was against me. I have fully regained my normal weight and my friends marvel at my appearance and wonderful recovery. I am very grateful for the means by which I his has been effect ed. Last winter my daughter suffered from a severe attack of neuritis, but a course of treatment with the Rejuvenator cured her and she has not had any recurrence of the trouble." Whangarei. (Signed) W.S. HEART AND EYES. "As you are aware, I have only had the 'Overbeck' a fortnight, and in the short time it has been in use, usually three times a day, has proved itself a marvellous success. I was prepared for something good when I made the purchase, but it has proved so far simply wonderful. "Two weeks ago I could not distinguish anything close without glasses, nut now everything is getting clearer almost each day. My heart, which had troubled me for the last ten years, is wonderfully steady." (Signed) E.S.M. Wanganui. NERVES AND RHEUMATISM Sir,—" I purchased rrom you about twelve months ago an Overbeck Rejuvenator, and I have very great pleasure in advising you that It Is a marvellous instrument. • "Before using the Rejuvenator, my hands were absolutely useless, my knew were so stiff that I could hardly benfl them, and my nerves were also in a terrtb'Se state, but thanks to the continued use of the Overbeck, I am now able to use my hands for knitting, sewing, gardening etc., and my knees are beginning to relait, so much so that I am able to walk ui» stairs without any assistance whatever. My nerves are also much stronger, and 1 have hopes of being thoroughly restortd to my former state or good health before very long." Wellington. (Signed) E.H. NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, eta. Sir, —"I must say I did not strictly adhere to the rules laid down for tlie Overbeck treatments, yet all my different ailments when treated have given nie relief. Pains (n the Joints, neuralgia, heart, headaches, pains over the kidneys, lumbago, etc.. etc. I recommend to all those who suiter to possess a Rejuvenator. I have recommended it to my dau&httir and friends In India." Auckland.' (Signed) Geo. B. Gretg. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Sir,—" lam pleased to say we have bjid very good results. Before we started til# Overbeck my wife was unable to dress or undress herself, not get out or a chntr aim move round tlie house without assistancii: now she is able to do all these things snfl even walk up and down stairs without atjy assistance, and she has put on lllbs. IJi weight. Her nerves have put better, muscles are filling out; in fact, her pm* eral health hs:s improved very much. Tlie improvement !fias been so marked that no less than sis of our friends have alref«. procured Rejuvenators rrom you." Wellington. (Signed) M. Nilsson. BLOOD PRESSURE, HEARING AND EYESIGHT. " The Blood Pressure rroni which I wis suffering is completely cured. My hearine and eyesight are also much Improved. Wanganui. (Sgd.) A.,Moosman. FOR NEW HEALTH, NEW STRENGTH AND BUOYANT VITALITY Post This Coupon To-Day for FREE Booklet! I To OVERBECK'S REJUVENATOR (N.Z.) LTD. 1 I Sixth Floor, Cooke's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. P.O. Box 1517. j Please send me a copy of tlie Free Book about the Overbeck, fully illustrated with plates showing self- 0 | treatment for a variety of ailments. 1 enclose 4d in stamps to cover postage. ADDRESS | I am suffering from .t. ilwjjjK ■■■ v raw v WBl MP MM fli ■■ •.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22166, 20 July 1935, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22166, 20 July 1935, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22166, 20 July 1935, Page 16