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The Suez mail was delivered in Auckland yesterday inoruiiig. The Health Ollicer yesterday morning adMitted tile' ship I'unedin to [iratiijue, and the , passengers were allowed to land. Arrangements" were made for bringing the immigrants anil their baggage ashore at two o'clock, weather permitting. At this hour, however, the weather did not permit, and the landing will be effected this morning instead. In another column appears the classification r>f trades of tlie immigrants. Applications to engage any of the same should be niado to the depot master or matron. The following is the return of Provincial revenue derived from the goldtields during the year ended olst March, IS7s:—Public licences: Thames, i' - J!(S">; Coroinandel, £710 ; Ohiuemuri, £315. Wholesale licences: Thames, iSO. Auctioneers' licences : Thames, £50; Corouiau.lel, £10. l'awiibrokers' licences, £10. i'ort charges : Thames, £Sii 12s G.I. Sheep inspection : Thames, £74 7s. Total amount of revenue : Thames, £3255 19s Cd ; Coromaudel, £726 ; Ohinemuri, £315. The receipts from the Hauraki goldfields for tho year ended 31st 1575, (iuchulin" Thames and Coroinandel) for gold duties have Wen i\7'.''.> Kxpended : ■\t tlie Thames, £i-l. tiU: :•- < •....-omandel, .tTji'.r.S Ss 41. The return U luade up of monthly periods.

We have received the following l«tt»-r from a fair correspondent:—"Dear" E.'Jt<,r j know you are a kind-hearted and syrni athia ing man, and I theitfore take the 1i1,,,-,. .f pouring my troubles into your tar, ' </,- sionally I drive myself into Auckland i have none of the male kind at my b.-i-k " j call, and what's more, I don't want th- •„ { am past all that nonseuse. Let me r.';-.'ii'r,n afternoon's annoyances as iKu-t;.;iv,. ' - other". lam fairly started from hoi-'-'v-i ° l the first thing I pass 13 a call,--'!, neck to a p-jst and rail fence, with -I'Vi' 0 just long enough to reach the r V V,'f course the wretched animal .-:-■:■• ■,■ 1 pulls just as I am passing, horse very considerably. Vamio- 1'..'.'.'1,. 1, prevented from keeping calve; n!:.. -''-il.-f 7 Then, while I am in tiie~aet >>1' ;••-•,", , ' r ~ the railway stations, the train 0.'.,;,", ~'■';..'., along, the steam wL.i--.tTe ;,n;..,.' c shriek, and I ;'.m just at tiie i.oint l; ;' .'.■'// ing to, expecting to be kr.o.-N-d ins, ••,''" Now, Mr. Editor, is it i:,.t ; ji.j." : '.]'['.''*.] these trains rur:iing, exec;.: p- =*i n.-= '•• k , night, wl.lii decent people .;- ,\ , '*" are in their .pict 1."..::..--; i' ; ■■'■'"? get as far as Syrnn.i, .-:.->.,:. ai, : -:',' ■'. r\ a nasty man -with a red-: .-.iutc-i ' ■ , . .'i full of kerosene, tin? or >••:,',■ .-thin- ,; : ~.'.'-" which glisten in the sun. H.-i- -~ •., ■ ,'-', the cart, s:>i>!.hi / ;:N l.iie ri--. : r ;••'•- -'- " of the roa.l, whilst *ajai:i l::y ■„.,'.■ 1 ".:.'.'; jumps to the bid..-, nearlv u;.~,ui:i_- r, .Mr. Wood's ?ho;>, and" rollini' i.'.v ,■;.; ..."., round the b-iteher'.s I.Wk. 1 .!.'■;■> -TV,'IT hand-carts should be allowed to •_-., a-...;- t C streets. The hairbreadth i- < >'r V r ~ street would take me too ]■.:,.' to . i.mnJniic. I would only mention that in p.ioin-r the Presbyterian' Church in Ah n i:,. : i,j, % tiU ic stupid person must needs tie a _- .-.t 'to tlie fence, which aL'ain caused i::,- ii.,i .. :,, ~\nimperilling my 1 hav.-'al-.i.,-.-. ;i,..n -h; goats should never lj L - ,-i!!,nv,-i within :w- rty miles of town. —I urn. ,<:,.•.. I-'.nnv i<\.-. ! Jlllll-a. [We wouid .".■•.-:-.-. ,;,r .•■ ■ -r. -o ■'••l.le'ij to get a:u.t !,■■!■ h-:ve. -!;!. N.Z. I!.- ' \ The 77,,.,. < .1 .'-,■:<, ~v , : -•• W.observe that .Mr. Carpenter ha- j":v,.u iv.ti.e in the Council of a niutiou for t: 1 <_- ai.;i •- rnent 'if a c r.'.imiiLee to iuvt-'i -it-- 'ntj t ! » causes which to depiive A^klai-l'."? an diuitable shaiv of the !aa 1 Kind of t!:..> cnlony, and tliat acoiniir!:: .. '~- .i;. r ..i, : ti-.I to take cvidencdand report tisc.-- v..' V. n : u s fc say that we c.-.nn.,; see ;h:it -.■...■'., a ~-u - ! ! imttee cau do mj- -*,'. in -..,, xv i' :U i j position f>l atiairs 111 t!ie c 01..:,■,-. α-i U'.r. 1 i sold her birUiiight for a me.s> of >... :n_., ■•,;;!. j like K'jau, she will, we fear, Lav..- t., -t•■• \ I the conse.nKiiees. The n:,.st van:;:'.:,. lof the waste l.i-j:!s of the South 1. f,.-..n I sold, and the money is spent, ami ah. j. ;! ;tr i out of our reach. Cut we thought t: : . re w ; Ino doubt as to the ' cau....; wi.iel. ..;., ratu' ■ to deprive Auckland of a siiaiv ..;' t.:e l:i:s.l I fund of Utagoand Canterbury, a:;.i Me UA sure that even the iiaproveuunt uf vur historical knowledge up..n thai point niil ha of verj- little beneiit to us. The .111 li .11 is now, whether the famous ' cuiniu.:' cannot be annulled, a..d the whole revenues of the colony made really col.jui.-l revenue, which hitherto it ought* t.. hare I been. Wu may feel sure that, whatever amount of unfair ilcalir.;,' may be show a ta have attached to that compact, the Southern 1 members will hold to the Jan.l inn 1. Tne j truth is, that the impcj.dmg constitution.-! ■ changes in tliis col,,nv wiil Nettie tiiis oues- . tion of the land revenue, with other out- ' standing subject.--." ! The followi!!- story is told by the l'.aUarai correspouilent of the i'U-ifui <.'!•••■!: .V. ./-.<;— " A few days a.'o :i ibllanit geiitleiuan who ha.-, not .[lutv a- iiiiie.'i -.;t';is >»-.::•!'< ri.iu Zealand a letter .-..'ntaisiino '...inethiN-'r.' between £V) and £:i'>. Lnc.',! 1 with the welcome liceiiiii' .'it v.a~ a short note, which I have been permitted toeopv. It ran thus:—' Dear , —Kncle-aed iind what I hope will ju-ovc Weieome. 11l We met for the last in tins triin iVmi Kvnctou to .Melboiirr,.-, ,-.nd you 1. Nt me ;•_'. Y-.,-.t ! tore up my !•<[.", asi.f said. •' JN'ever miu.l that : pavnie wiieii von .an aIT..:-d tin-money better than I e.-.n. , '" You will i- .-..iket th-» circumstance of curie. Your Lan made my capital up to UIU on mv arrival in Sydney, ; That £10 has lunic.l uie in tT.'.i'l or "n-arly, and as 1 am c1...-in- accounts witb A., J n.a> as well settle u;. uV.h y..u. Von i..ui>d ou". tenth of tlie capital, a:;d are .utiti- d to r-.u cijual participation in the proiits. l*lea:c lind same her. with.' " : The following are the details o: the d>

partmental reiv.rt by tlie W:t>te 1-ands. Commissioner, lor the year end-d 31.-: ~: Maici.-. 1575 : —The surv.-y.s hive b-jeii such ; v."e. o absolutely essential. The pro;_n .-.- :i do iu the preparation o; Crown has b.ea highly satisfactory, "'lie- wuanlitv w 1...L.1 sui..l or otherwise disposed ,/f l.y the I. ~\ :u----incut is 19,U70 acres. The receipts from thii source haw be.u flO!I L's iM ca~h, nml JL'IO.-'SO scrip. This scrip is stiU bein- ar..l tiien- are at the pr ■.•■nfc date uuexerc!.-.: 1 scrip eel ti;icale-i to tho amount of jJ7">-0. Tlie uperutions under tho new laud law arc of an initiatory The number of casc-j receivel into the Hospital at tho Thames for the year 1574-5 was 2IS. The following " are the statistic;.! details : Zymotic dlse.-wcs, 41 ; constitutional diseases, 7 ; local, GS; developmental, 13; violent diseases or deaths, S9 : total, -213. The is the number of out-patients who receive! medicino and advice during the y<.ar :— Males, 254 ; females, 376 : total, GOO. Could any facts more strongly attest the clr.i:a such establishments, have uj.oii the lil.e.ality of both the Government and the public. The following example of the liftiug power of plants is given by the Oalj-ji-j Arjv-; New .South Wales :—" About -10: > yard* easterly from tho GuUjoiu; (.einetery, "ii the top of the raiiLie, there is a thrifty tree, 50ft. high, and about in ference at t!ie !> It wo.iid t!.-; tho seed was divppvd in tlic crevice •■:' a rock and took root. In duo course, as t!:e tres increased in size, abjiit tr\o tms or ;-"ck !::.! been lilted. The lateral pre-mr-- mu-t h.i>"C required a lifting po-,ver o: a: least •Jα tons.." It. Ot.ij.i tiie '.uuibcr of persons appreheuiled d"urin_- the yea.- ending -[-tii Icbruarv, 1-574, v.'a--s --". ; :<■•■■•'• ■■•>' ''•■-■ rrc =- pon.iing perio.l, I>;7-J, .-ii'-"»"g an increase of lUll>. .-r uj'W.irds ..;" iO per cent. ; whilst the iiicrca.-e o: th- t-.puUii.m province iluriug the ten ironths eii.ling 31b5 iJccember, 1574, which is the nearest approximate period, was or at tiie rate of only 15 per cent. The mate of the barque Maratliou ivia yesterday charged at the Police < '•Hirt with violently assaulting a seaman of that vessel. The case was adjourned until to-day, ana defendant admitted to bail. Mr. Kees, who appeared (instructed by Mr. Russell) for the defence, intimated that the point oi the Court's jurisdiction in this matt-r would bo argued when the ease, came on :ur trial. The following is a statement shewing tho amount actually collected, under the Education Act for tiie year 1574. up to ihu Ms.. March, 1575 : Hou.-ehoid race, i»*; uonhouseholders" rate (bachelor tax). -i-_lO-l ! capitation rate, ii\~,-26. T..tal, £11.:'■<>! -•>=« lid. Amount (less cose of collection) actuary leceived at the Provincial Treasury, i'l'- 1 ISs 4d.

The Police Court sat until live o'clock \vsterday. Sevi-nil oniinary ..-asej «v« with, two charu'e.s of assault were- adj.'Urneiij and an indictable charge of assault againiThomas I.ujiton was, after a very lengthy and careful hearing of the case, dismiss* J. as the informant failed to shew a pr'mta J' , case to be sent before a jury. In Mr. W. A. Graham's remarks in the Provincial Councial on the question of a vo:<J for the liombay Settlement, he sail that il country members were brought to town to vote salaries only, he did not see what it \ras for thein to come from their districts atalL The correspondence relating to the delegation of the Governor's powers to tho taperintendent, laid on the table of the Council on Tuesday evening, will be found in tft* Provincial Gnz-tt.- Extraordtnan, polished on Friday list. There were 105 c.isc3 of lunacy br.-.agh? before the Utago bench during last year.

■ kl iiul theatre-goers will remember ■ " "' "ii ' i" and pretentious notices ''"''■ ".,"'■,7- t'ro ad.outot Miss Amy Si..,u V V.r .'■• ]-!>■•! "M t.. tin; boards of the" Prince v ,'v, . . rij. .it ■••, u thi> city. This young !':!■'■..' ;.: :'!••;.: h- : e to Melbourne under CIl" '.'. . ~; i, \\v. Cppiu. She appeared *~''~. .ii'ri: v'.vo of stupidity, .1 V;'•.' ;;...; : i..::..;«'«;.iVs "Cn.ierTwol-lags, ' ;". •' . ~ ;.!,_• in « hioh she received from the v ....-,.. /.- ■'•■/•, the most unmerciful cas- ,''"'.: v-ivir n member to haw seen an ' V ' .... iv,-: while tho A,-,!m!.'-;-ni .:.. ,!:.mbf. uud.d and unable to cx- :■.-. :• "Tho IVai! nl" Savoy" a"- ' ! ■ -~- 1,.n Miss Amv Stone's lw'xl <■ ::. ..n.\ here is what tho Mel- ," ' ■ - iy.- .■! that :- ■■ The Pearl ' L ■ ■ . : :■.. 'Motor's l'i.iur. l>.■Jμ- a . ' :■ .: ; :h- ..;•> taof- l.mda di I Jl.l . ■. ■■•. . d f.-r t ..■ tlrst lime in ■. ■■' ->..:i:,.i:iv cv.ning la.-t. with . . -■ •.. :■ ::.." :\:\- .■■■-.-. The lv "■■'■ .'.' : .'•■-I'wVo ~..'!>i'nr her : - :..;. ;.:..' <]...:: ■:■ r. The . . ■ . ■-. \-. :-.\ .ii;. ■ :.->.;.•::.■,■. .... -.■:.;. 1 1 : ...... a-.i.l tho inter- ;'.. '.. . •: . :..:r.L.-:.i-. h.el the ■■ ■..:!■ r , !.:'r.~:-ii in :h« _ -i~ T • ;l:.-, t. u- . . . :. . '.' :;;.. :.-s 1.. have met • ■ ; ■- .1. .\::n-ri.-a. where it «;i< ; "■-> ■■~ -._ ■:■• Mitchell, an.l mi!.- ..■'..,, ;., .\;.,., An.v Stone. It:-. I . .:. :. ..... •:, .tupidfty •■< which is . : .:..':!. ..-i i.\ n> j r.tcnti..u>:icss. It -:- . : i:.t:. u.■■<.<■ than a scries „• highly w : ':.'.. a •■•nisiu ' sensations, infused with - • .-> .-: m ■.■:, >■ .■.timmtality. conceived .: :" :':.. c..':V ; \;\A an.l e,.m- ---; :■; , . -; -~; ..■ ; 11 '..■ i" ■!!..»* a >ati!-i.-al - :';•.:; :. .■:' : « ;■■ t.h,.i pM. an-1 t'-.c .■■•-: ■-.:■..:, h..-.v i:,t-. ;,.i.-,i i; : j ■ . . -a..- : :. !■■ ■!»..--A iM-"\\'ith whi h ! ; ... :- !.... ; ':.. >i..._v 1n.1,-,-,1. -lu. • . ;:-:■■-.. .: .-' : .:i .-. a>. -n ,-n-l >.r.t >>f ! - . ■...■ ;.L-;rv :!iat it i- ' .- .. : 1 . ti.'r as i .-. -!.,'■ : T-v.-t>.-:i-i..:is t,> :. . ■' :i . i e." The .! ; ; -.-. ~n : ' •■-•■' ■■<{■■ ■'-s\- •'■•l- -. :;. ■■ : ■ .:■.:■< ,\ t!:,- 1..u; ..• tho , '. .. ■:'... "... .n;.ri>t i: .loniiiv ■ : !.:-:" i _ .: :.-tr.>>." i '.' ' ..■: ■.■.<;!!_' incident of the ::•!.! :- -•■".itwl i.y the .V. ■£• Y- rJ: . - :■.:■: ■ _ -.„ >>-..\v.l wh:.-h .1 , - : -:■._■-■• i .-. ;:..• : ■•■:> ..: tho onirr-r.:. :n : ■ ■ ..: :. : ;• :'.• ':.■ :■ :::..'. w a- 1.-'...1, \va< a [ ._•:...:.:>'.!: •'.>;■■ •>'■. ■! m>.re than . .r.iinary :- -,v :!: h> ■:>::■ •■).!-:> ;■, enter t:u- c.-.irt. j " • ■: .■ v.-a- :■:.■•...-;»• :il! ( .l. an.l the «.:IK-,t.s | :..':.■ .• :■- T • ;:■ v, ::: :h. v:i:rana- of ; :. •. ■->•.:._■ _ "!-;i-.:. v --. Several tinu, the! ,'.-.i - ..; ;.]; i::t :' r a.iniis~ion had almost j : ■ : J.:-; way in. 3-lit <.n!y to Lc hurlitl out ! ■~:. : ::::,■• ;".-i:it •-: -ueoess. IU [Uihe.l, ),ut ; t..-. :-•...,!■:■. :..i. ho stoj.iicil I'Sek to the! .-:..:■ .-. •.■■ thw jnryro,.m for the , :.; -■. :; I.:.!.::, j a :r.-h att.iek. IVeseiitly [ r. ; .. ■ ::. ■■ : i.': :'.:ii '.'.ni:"";'m oame a!>n_: the '. :. ;".::■! tur'.u. \:;. The st.]'"< Ka.linir to ; t .■■.-■ •:: .'.! v. .:,,i !.i ; n>, !: .■: lii> onat an.l < -. ... .;--"..::._ ..:: :::.>.» LL-ilsv Went t.. ' v - :..!::.. ■.:.:i; !: _:t.. whi.-li 1.,- ha.l : ■- .:.- .. ii" ■:? -.1 the ..!";..-er ' - '..-. V ~:::.;'-:' :. .lhv.'i i-'to ■. . : '■••.•:.-. an-l' >. I. -.-.ii: ■ . " ■ : ; . -. ..-: h<. ..:V-n-ivo-l.)..Uii-l' " . ■ ■ : '■: <:■ \ ■:■ n:i. 'nan at the ;. . _ . :.;■_•.: ' ■ . ■■• : : .r ■ ; n Is.- •v: .■ .- ■.■. ■<:. \ ■ .i ■ ; ... : i..-..!i tak. :i u!:----l i:i- ---;' .">■. .".'i.'- ■ ■.■ i<. i i: r-.IK-.l i:: a is--a: :■"• '. ':.-:.: ■ :.•■ f the V..v-k lienehes in :': :.. :'..■ .:;.-r ■ .;:i ,v :•■ it (.Vt.r his own. .*.:.: . ■ ;!i I ].:- ':. .: :.!. lit hi- ;.er^"U." .'.! i ... ••.'.i: , .■ o '■" a certain l.aillie in >: ".!..:. i :..,i it .-. ..i~ eomi'laiut Tv iiim <.■::. •■ .v . ■: 1:../ !.-.,v.i ti m ,. s "an.l tho im- !■ --: : .-. . ■•:" -.-.'.■■r.j :...v:hcr.i liveiiho .1 .:.:..: . :■•:. • .'■ ;.-ry. i'iie lailli-Zs ..wu '..'.'. . :' r'";.:-"i-..; : ;-trv hml r'ali-i'.l a : . .- . ■...:•:■-:.. ; i ■■.:!. hv kric-v.' t'... n;u..h ' •.... v ..'.:■ :.:;• -:.j.t !■• j.rive t.. tho C"i:i- ---:'.....• r :!: ,t :.:- :li -■.;•■•.■. >s lie j.artlv : - ■ ■:.-. ;....:-. K . :ite-.)te.l'himself %rith r i: :.:■._■ it ■■'■".i> -ur.-ly [.-..»iine f..r a •_■ ->. •• .V,,; i:i t/.i- ._■• unlrv," frieii.l "b- ---;■ .-..!. " Weel. tiieii." "said the baillie, ' "».'.i:-:.vyttn .n.iL.' ? I hae heard ! t:.:.t -':i:v"j.*l:.-!i way well in Australia." ! '" y..-. r'.-tuni'.-.l his dfs]«".iidiiii; townsman, '• th'it ;..:_;it 1" the • a.-e anee in a day ; but :: ;;...■:•• :- a lr,:-ii.. .-- ;liere, inair f.>"lks are ::...:-::..:... t n .'..-, ;i .-iiarto't." " ' i:.,y\. •..-.■..- ye -iy. ' r.j..ine.l the baillie; . " : .•. ■■ ■ r.ijht j.L>:j farther—ve mif_'ht u'anj; •-•. ::.:■• •>■ intvrj.-r " -'There's 'iiacb'...] v ' ti. :■•. ' - : i th- _r::-..;.!-.-r. '-but kaii.'ar....s." ] -i:. •..■::..■>■ ::..iA~;:-.ii..; e .iiolu.lin,- that i--:._ . - v. :i :•■;'..•.- ■>! iriliv-.: .-avaj'-s, 5.'..- ..' .i:; :.. .; ■■..• ; :;i ;•••■!!.ir m.ike ■■::. ":.■:• ■ i,- ■-.... I ■ !..:-j.iii:-, j-.-j/ii.:d. "\V.;vl- &■••-. ■ . .:..! :-i..i. i ~.,:, -.r.../> »iller as -aid as ■ I- •... .•. ':■• -- : - ; I ■•• th" '.;" \., ■/...:., ] ~.,. ;. V, ir.-d bv t!i" ■w.irkin-'- : . .• ..•' V'i.-tcii:-. -.-.•• t.'..l 1- the ■ a-e ui..'..r ■ ••.-■ ■■'■■ -.:::-•.■-: •• '. that th,- inrlux ..f im- : : _r:ml- ~- :• -- :.-i •-!,- -ate ..fwaL'. -. "n . t: c'l,:! i.v. :''. :, ■■-■■ .-■• ii:i> b,-. n v. rv ::.-.■'■.■■]. At-! , ; ::: :: ■■Iμ W.-llin-fn infnriiis :>• • •!••■ bri--\:-i\. r> iiav.- .1, t-nnine'l t.. T-- : :!..■-;.•>:. m ■■:' ;:.-,■». .1 k alt-.-.11i.. r and : :■ ...M-o.i !1- -,■■]■ day iif hours. . 1! .;;.;. ■ -iV.iy. :.hi ;"'.-.• b-ini bricklayers I 'J':./ ":.i ■.. ','.•/.•.-■.■",... , l; ;,n a lin.te.-t X-.- >•:::■!! r..-..- ■■• iv ;v ... , . ~i..yed by the clerks ' i:i t:.. L-.1i.l ".!!.■ in that" \.r.ivince. The : writ, r -:.y> : ■-•'The . hiel eliih. who entered ', the t'lli'e in I■>."■>, :~'-o a year—that is, i '.'•F-. than me.h:iMi.-.> in some 1.-raucnos of trade j where wa-es have- W-n rulin- at J7a a day. Tn-1 kkeeper, who has been in the otli.v | >•::!-■.• lM'«-2, CJ-'rO ay.-ar." It can hardly I i■-.■ -:.i I that «:-t I-N l"-r hea.i of taxation ! J,:--.-.--, h.avily i:[...:i t!i.i-.j labourers \v)v. j r -.v. ; from 'Ms to 17s l.irday, what- i ••-• r ■■'■■•< oiioii may be rai.-ed against the j [:.:. ■:]■:■■ of the ii-ij.o-t. | A •..■:i!b>tone in the Stawcll Cemetery i i v . ■"..::■.) bi-ars as u!ii<|iiu an in.-xrii.tion i ;-...- ~...- ]■/..,.i,.' rv--/; X-w<) as any *•-' :...'. e h.ard of. It is erected to the i;.-:-•:•.• of a foi rnt-r resident of Stawell i:.'. :.'■ son. The latter, .i-ed IS, died ■•: : . . ;■• .-iliar cinum>.taiio(s, which wir ■■•-!■!- »:ii doMbtlei-d recollect. He was ■■•"--:_• a matt..u elioji, wlu-u ajaggorl j.iecu r.f " : ■'■ -o L-.-d i:i tsi.- and ;•.'-•■:!.;>■ ■•■it an iirijiortant blo-id-vessel before - ■:!•! !.... tii-loeated, the unfortunate young • ; - : - ' '■■■ tf> .1. ath in consctjuence. 'i'he :--■■•■.:;:.. is th.- (i,it:-;.!i :— « • • ;■ r. t for u«. :b.:h,r »r-..l (leer, I- ■'. ' will tl.*t --VL- li.r.-. A: :i y -•>.,, i. .!.-.. I ,w.11..«-. .lupine 1:.-.-. -:r.t ui-- f, .i !i .j.j.y liciul-. Iji .i i'Uer, written to a corresjjondent in :'"''. *' n - r - i ; rigiit expresscshiH njjimon that, ">:i in.'icpfcudetice being iinpussibls, thu *iT*:tti-i!i in its favour is wicked and unwise, while the Home Kule movement he regards »s cjually impraeticahlo and still more aWrd. The wife of the eminent Victorian barrister, '•:>■. A-i-mal], died at Kmerald Hill recently. _';'--■ "■■! b- a ■■•.%-, re stroke to Mr. Aspinafl, ''■.■'; •'' '-■'■ h : < !.,ti- temiiorary aberration..;' '-•_ :; ■■ ". r..te by the last mail In as! ''lirns as ever. .

:r The Sydm >/ Mornimj Ilrntld relates that a ■s rather amiifing though ilaiigerous incident e happened iu George-Street, Ijetween l>nM;e e and Hunter streets, a few days au'<>. A g Yankee, of the true type, was strolling up the i- street, when he dropped into a eii;ar shop and 'I having made a purchase and lit the weed il went outside to smoke it. Now next door to " th;s vendor tobaeeo lives a pawnbroker, in e whose window is a multifarious display of ;- artieles. The Yankee quietly surveyed the :i shop, and then said to a pcr>.m standing by, ■i "Stranger, what's that store':" On bein,- - told, ho'int.-rro-atrd th.■storekeeper, who was ■ standing at tho'.lo,.r. and uai bv that worthy I fuuher informed that it was an "establishment - where u Is were bought. sold, ..r 1 "eh..oped." "Wall," said' our American i ooii-iu. jn-odii.. itii.' a revolver from his pocket, " uii! yer buy liiat 7" h.-.ndin,'t!ie Weapon to i th.-pa\Vu'i>roker. who took it, and eoimm-nci d i t.. , \aiuiue it, when tho Yankee .velamnd, •■ Hold on. stranger, that i,,r's ju>t > load.d all round." and immediately after on,- ■ i-haiuber exph.ded. and the bullet wont ■ t1.,..i:/n the bottom part of a !;,:,,■ ~„„■ of ->~>> pr..!.:-.1.1y worth -j:< ..ri'.i. file pawnbroker was ast.-ni>iied, but the Yankee was ■ iini>ertnrbab:.-. and i. e.iv-. d baek the d-in-.-er-!(e wa> advi-ed bv some p.-.'soii.- who h:.d been attracted by the n.i>e ,-f the explosion to ":n.,ve on." ie>t the poliee imi;ht' make : in.(Uiiies a> to the eau>e of the iuSt, which would had to sonu- ineonveiiienee to the owner of the revolver. lie. however, eoni eluded to ivmain a short time, an.l on hciiy told that he himself had a narrow escape of lieiiiy struck by tlie bullet by haviin' stood . between tlu-window and tlu- holder of the revolver, simply remarked " Wall, look here, if vou'd shot inedead. I'd said nothing about it."' 'ill.- ..'• ■■(-''; i•/ s;iv- : - "The number for j .lanuary ].". of /.', X- .■/. n /:.!■■!. contains three J it". u-ipr.:;t..l Liters <■: lloethe, which i ;■.■:'.- t.. !-.\r..r.'.-. int,i,ded de-!ie:.tiou :,, him i ■■: hi.- • Vird.inai-.ihi-.' lett.r-- w.-i.- ■ a.- i:,-,,; b\ (0.-ihe to h,> iiiend. the eh:.!" j libra, iau and profe-sor. Von I!,-,,, eke, of . JotJ ti.ueu. who se.-ms to have been selected, ' .'i-oiii his well k.i.-wn acquaintance \iith lhi_'I i;>ii literature- and hi- oliicial j.osition in the i lb'ii:Vi rian iiniv. r-itv citv to be t"ie medium . of eoiim-Uli-eatioll between the i'.litt>li and t'::e German poets. It would aj.p. ar that i'.M-ou. liavitu be. n specially ••ralili.-d bv io., Lhe's .nl.-i>tie notice ~f •" Manfr. d. , was anxious to pay him a complim. Nt by de.iiea- ! I'll;,' • Sar.l.inapalus' to !..,.! ; and "when he \ forwar.led the manuscript from llavcnna to his publi-h.r, Mr. Murray, in he tent with it the draft of the form of dedication which he wished to be submitted to ,<;.., the for approval before it was print...-. ! It was as follows: —' To the illiistri..n> ICoet'ie a stranger presumes to 011.-r the h-.m.ige of a literary vassal to his liege lord I — iir.-'t of existing writers —who has created J tho literature of 'his own country an.l illtis- , trated that of Kurope. The unworthy pro ! duction which the author ventures "to in- ! pcribe to him is entitled " Sardanapalus." ' j By some accident which cannot now be ix- : plaiucd, this proposed dedication did not ' come into (Joethe's hands till a year after the , pub'ieation ~f the drama, when, r.s these hitherto unpublished letters, show, it was forwarded to him by l'rofcssor Beneeko. to ; whom the poet returned it on November 11, , lvJ'J. with a request that it might 1 e sent to ' Mr. Murray for insertion in any snhse.p', nt edition of • Sardanapalus.' Strangelv enough ' this document, to which l.oethe attached ini]'ortanco that he caused a lithograph :■• be taken of it before he part.-l with Z.*\'<[ wh!.';.'pap''. l s' it'was "found after' his .leath in the >a :i ,e envelope in which it had a!i:v-..i i.ypo-t :roni Weimar. -\n anm.-ino and appaictitly authentic story i-ays an Kiu-h-h pa;-.-ri is current in railway in one of the midland eoiiuti-.s. who after wee'is of e\ci.»ive labour, f..i:nd all li'-.iir . r two's 1- :>u.e tim-- in which to attend church. The unw..|it.d lolilv r.-.-t -iveii bv the c::-hioii. ■! i.e-v. a:-tiv "ai-I. d bv the :.Vm..n, .-.:.'. hi:n .'.;•{ to '.~\-.\i>, ~ut of which' av..vke... d by -„:,,, '.:nu.-i:al i,..;..-. he a>;..,,. i-:;..,i the by s!>.'Utin_' nt th-- ;.•,...: his v...;■,-,••( han -e f. r N'.-ttiu -ha:.i i'.■.•'.-.•. and th..- N.-rth." at the .-a::.,- time ■.r-.j.i:!_-a' ..lit :"■•!■ his 1 intern. He .;;;! -kly. ;...w- v t r. :'..uud that h,- had a prav.-i b , k'in i.i.-h.-.ndin.-t-ad. int.. which, we are fid, he .i-.-.ick'.v s::b-:.;. .1. au.l the service, which ;r l ;"' . :; ""v'";; lK " 1 -/ :i r I .:'i" - thv " i ,, '"'"; 1 ; 1 -- ,1 veiy i:npr..p.-r'i.r-.o eding, ,>p t ci..!!;.- u !,. u br-.k-u bv -u.-h di.-f:ibin_' dr-am.- : cv-n th.;: i, l".-tter ti. .ii that railway ~!:L-.iU ■'ho-.i'-i be h..ld to their po>t i till, from ex- '.. iii.-:io.'i and .-le'.-piv.---:iess, th..-j- arc unable to p, norm their duties, and send ...■ hire wiele traiu-ful of pa,>enger=. to physical pei-i-.ti-.n. <■!.!_-.. proper, it is c>timat--i. ..-..ntait:s i:i.i',."i.i.t;;o ares ..I territory; but of this area -_*.:■: 1-"..-J \<> acres are as barren, a::d M.MM a.-res ;l occupied bv lak-<. 1. :iviu_- 1(.',7-".l,i'iUo acres only avail ii.le for l.ra.-tieal u>.-. t>f these, l»,t"i>s 4.7."! 1 aciv.s hav.- bei-ii either let or sold by the t.'iown. liming the year l>7l, the total land revenue : li.rive.l f-,.m Utag.i ju-ojier to .fI7V»,-Ji'.i;. Tile .-.(natters hold 11.-li'.-1.-JIS ', acres under pastoral k-:ites, and :»,000 acres I i under licences. l"p to March last, ,'i7,-JO4 j ■ acres had been taken up under the deferred payment system. The total sum received by the province from the lauded estate — that is. the landed estate of Otago proper— since l>->!, is fl,'nil,:{7l. A is one of the amusements provided for the Duiiedin public for winter ' Mr. and Mrs. Case have been enjoying | i-N.-.-il. Nt h.-use.i at the Thames. They return j to A.i. hi. oid upon Saturday, and wili a-.p.-ar , in a >i ially-pr. parrd programme, at the , . Choral Hall, on the ev.-.'ing'of the (Hieeu's ' . ISirthday -Monday n.xt. \ Mr. W. .1. Cawkwell ha. adv. rti>,d the Cr..wn l>i-tiil-ry for .-ale, the en.-a-.'.-m.-nt with th- Provincial I Jovernmi nt nece.ssi- | : '' Five t' lei.'i> 'have l.een r.e.iv.d for sill,- ! p!i-- t. th- Naval Traininu' >-1i..<.1, at Iv.- ! himarama. Th. y have beeu forwarded to j WelluiL'toll for decision. I Mr. iborge Sibbin will sell, at 11 o'.-10.-k j : this morniiiL' tlie new and choice furniture of : the late Mr. A. Millar, at the residence, I pp.-r Syinond., .street. i The K.-mnera Pn.sbvteriau Church soiree will be held Ihi-j evening, at (i.30 o'clock. ; The Kev. 1). p.riL.-u will 'occupy the chair, ■ and an eilieient choir will be in "attendance. j Tin: programme. f..r the Autumn Iliice I Met-ting, to take place on the 2-lth and 2.".th I inst., appears in an abridged form clseXotice is L'iven r.f a deed of assignment i excuted b.-iwe.-u .1. \Y. Waller and his I creditors. j A meetin.' of creditors in J. AY. Wallt-r'e ! e-tai.- '.ill be held at thr. e o'clock to day, I in Mr. <;. W. P.inn, v's ollice. i A meting of journeymen tailors will be j held at th.- Anchor Hotel this evening, at S o'clock. ..ii important business. A further call of II).-. per share on the new issue has been made in the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4217, 20 May 1875, Page 2

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4217, 20 May 1875, Page 2

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4217, 20 May 1875, Page 2