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Ti.M. Court.— Mr Alien R.M, oecnpied the Bench this moruing. Philip Aubrey, au old man, who had been locked up for drunkenness siuce Saturday night, waa discharged with a c.iution and ordered to pay Is for cab hire. All the civil cases were either adjourned or confessed. Injunction.— A writ of Injunction has been served on liv worship the Mayor, at the instance of the Rank of New Z ;aland, by Messrs Ruck ley and Stafford their Solicitors, to restrain the Corporation from allowing water to run down from Eltham road along the cist side of •Section 5. Meeting op Parishioners.— The annual meeting of the parishioners of the Church of the Nativity will he hold on Tuesday the 20lh, m the Schoolroom, at 7.30 p.m. Churchwaideus and Vestry hnve' then to be elected. ri ; Earthquake. — There was a 7ery brief shock of earthquake at twelve minutes past 7 this morning, preceded by the usual rumbling noise. The shock was also felt at Ilavelock. A rumbling noise was distinctly heard m Blenheim, last nijht between 9 and 10 o'clock. What it portends we do not know. RmaiNG the BEiins.— Both the firebars will be rung at 7 o'clock to-night, to test the ability of the Brigade to got the steam engine to work m the fastest time on record. Blenheim householders need not leave their comfortable firesides m alarm. It is probable -that two lengths of hose will bo got out from the " Pire Queen," which wilt remain stationary m the shed, and some of the buildings m the Maiket Place will be operated upon. Tnis Week's Amusements.— TTheer c will be several entertainments during the present week for the benefit of a hard workiug community. To-morrow night the Rev P. H. Spencer lectures on " Volcanoes " at Marlboroughtown ; on Wednesday night there will be music and readings at the Institute ; on Thursday night the Blue Ribbon Union at Picfcon intends to hold the first of a scries of pleasant and popular meetings ; and on Friday the Borough School chil Iron will perform their Caitata. Hunt Ct.,un.— A. general meeting of members of the Wairau Hunt Club took place at the Club Hotel on Saturday night,' Mr J. H. Relwood m the chair. There wa3 a good attendance. A telegram iv as received from the Nelson Hunt Club, ottering to sell or have for the season their pack of dogs. It was also reported that the Ashhnrton Hunt Club, being about . to substitute harriers for beagles, would Bell their pack of the latter, A committee was appointod to ascorlain what la:id suitable to hunt with dogs over could be available ; and the meeting adjourned till Wednesday night next, further particulars from Nolsou and Ashburton to be procured m the meantime. Omaka Koad Board.— The following is the remainder of the business transacted at the meeting of the above Board on Saturday last, the members present being : — Moasra Parker (Chairman), D.ivieH, Redwood, Litchfiold, Sinclair, and Beatann. Accounts were passed for payment as follows :— Hospital Board LG 7s lOd, printing and advertising L 4 83, Hogan L 2 3s 4d and L 3 Gs 4d, Inspector LI 8s 4d, Barton L2O, A. B. Litohfield 9a, Laking 3* (iJ, Bassett 7s, Tapp Ma, Goslina 30s, M'Goll L 4 10s, D. M'Kenzie L 3 13s tid. Resolved on the motion of Mr Litchfield, seconded by Mr Davias— That tenders b 8 called for abridge over Murphy's Creek, and that this Board grant 75 per cent of the cost, an. l l.'ut the Secretary write to Air Fulton asking him if he will, before the next raeeeting of the Board, lodge with Uir Secretary a propei guarantee that the settlets will pay the other 25 per cent of the cost thereof. The Inspector was instructed to repair the Old Road where required. Resolved— That Messrs Parker, Redwood, and Davis report ou the work required m the road at the continuation nf Waller Street into Redwoodtowu. The Inspector was empowered to get timber at his own discretion, which may bo rei|tiirad for repairs to bridges and culvert?. The Board then adjourned.

Railway IlEttraNSi— The total receipts T on the Picton section for the foui 1 weeks - ending the 29th May last amounted to .£4l3'li9J, or £10 Ss lOd less than the corresponding period laat year. Borough ■ ScnooLa.— Tho Edncation Board is advertising for a second master at the Boiough Schools. Parson *oe. — No tender has yet been accepted for building the new Church of England parsonage, the lowest tenderer having declinod to take it up at the price. The question of plans and tendering stands over to the first meeting of the new vestry. \ Borough Bridges.— ln another column ; a correspondent very, properly draws at- ■; tention .to the delay m i expending the : £1,000 borrowed for the Alfred-street, bridge. Tlie Mayor would do well, also,' ! to take a good look at the Lock-up bridge, which is m a disgraceful state.- There will be an accident there one of theao fine days. • . Horse3Hokiso.— By an advertisement appearing m another column it will be seen that Mr A. J. Godfrey, shocr, of Picton, has reduced tho price of shooing to the extremely low rato of ;*3 Gd per set for cash. From the well-known , abilities of Mr Godfrey as a horaeshoer, we predict for him any amount of business. A Street Nuisasce.— Our attention has been called to Ilia fact that some worthy people at Koromiko make it a I pnofciee of leaving firewood on Hie roadway at night time, the result being that horses shy and accidents are encouraged. A gentle hint might to have tiie effect of removing the obstruction. A New Tiuder. — The s.s. Neptune arrived from Wellington early yesterday morning, after a tidy run of six hours to the bar. Throughout the day quite a number of Blenheim residents visited Custom House-street wharf, curious to have) a look at Captain Eckford's "latest speci" "the prevailing opinion waa that the Neptune is well adapted to ply between Blenheim and Wellington. Sue is a wooden boat, an'] was built by Mr Logan, of Clmstchurch, two years ago. Her model is of the host, tho dimensions being SI feet ove.' all, 13ft Gin beam, aud aft Cm draught. The engine is on the latest compound principle, and of 01 indicating horse power, capable of propelling the vessel nine knots an hour. She has saloon ac3omnaodation for sis Indies and twenty gentlemen. The ladies' cabin is situate about amidships, the engine room being abaft of it. In place of the customary slrp'a bunks " settees " will be found, upon which the ladies can either sit or recline at their pleasure. Another striking feature is that the cabin m question is on .deck, and' has a good supply of port holes. La'lioa who should happen to travel m the Neptnue wijl undoubtedly consider their cabin j complete snuggery.; The' gentlemen's cabin is right aft and below, and a very capacious one it is ; bul bunks are out of the question, and the settees again are substituted, which are certainly far and away before anything else of the kind for a short journey. Tiie dtck accommodation is also very nice, seats being plentiful. Evidently, the Neptune was built more with the intention of allowing plenty of room for passengers than for oargo, as the carrying capacity of the latter is only -14 tma. However, Captain Eekford is to be congratulated -upon having got hold of the right thing this lime, and we wish him the success he so well merits m his new venture. Messrs Pickering and Co. are the Agents for the Neptune. Obituary. —There will be much sympjft'y fh'ouc;hmifc New Zealand with the <Bontrollei -General and his family m the loss they have sustained by the deaf h of his sou, Mr Maurice FilzGerald. Deceased was a brother of Mr Garald FitzGerald, Public Worlm Engineer, of this town, and a nephe.v of Mr G. O. PitzGerali who formerly edited the Marlborou^h Times, aud is now at Timarn. From the New Zealind Times of Saturday we take the following pat a* graph :— We have to record with much regret the death of Mr Maurice FitzGeraid, which took place early this morning at the residence of his father, Mr J. E. FitzGeraM. Crtufcro'ler-Generil of New Zea'aud. Mr Maurice FitzGerald had been an invalid for five years pait, suffering from consumption, which more than once daring that period thr»atene 1 to have a fatal termination, but he always rallied m a, way that seemed almost miraculous, hue which was undoubtedly due to the devote! and admirable nursing ho enjoyed. Three years ago he made a voyage to England and back, m the hope that change and sea air might prove .beneficial, hut no permanent good resulted. About a fortnight ago severe h morrhago from tli • lungs set m, and ever since he has been gradually sinking, finally passing away very pa cftfuily athalf past 1 o'clock this morning. Tlia la^e Mr PitzGorald was m the Hank of New Zealand nr.til ' his health gave way. Subsequontly ho was engaged m compiling rep u'fcs cf fcho earlier debates m the New Zealand Parliament—a task which ho performed with much ability and admirable completeness. He was deservedly a general favtritp, and his early death willf Jbe ereatly deplored. Deep sympathy will be felt with his family m their bereavement, Honest Old Man.— The EmperoVot Germany always iays his fare when traveling on tho railroads of his country. A New Zealand legislator would considi r tho Emperor a trifle green. The best mndicinG known is Sander and Sons' Eucalypti Extract. Teat its eminent powerful effect* m coughs, colds, influenza, &c— tho relief is inst.intftneoijp, Thousands give the most gratifying tastimony. ilia -Majesty tho King of Itily, ami medical syndicates all over the globe, are its patrons, lit ad the official reports that accompany cash bottle. Wo have no Occasion to offer rewards m proof of the genuineness of- our references. The official reports of medical clinics and universities, the oflicial communication of the Consul-General for Italy at Melbourne; tha diploma awarded International Exhibition, Amsterdam— nil these are authentic documents, and, as such, not op^n to doubt. We add hnro epitome of one of the various cases treated at the clinic of Sohnltz, M. 1)., Professor etc : — " C. 8., 24 years ago ; c mgeational absoes3 on the thigh. Incisions made m two places, Although Lister's dressing was applied, the seoretion became, two days later, very cipious, and had adopted a foetid, decomposed character. The temperature rose enormously. Inconsequence the dressing was removed, and on its placa wore made during the day-time repeated irrigations with Encalypli Extraot. The , oft'onsi vo foetid discharge disappeared soon, fever abated within a few days, and the ' patient recovered after the lapse of several ' weeks. In this instance we mnst not lose sight of the fact that the latter treatment saved the patient's life."— (Advt.) ' Owing to the depression m trade, I will , offer at less than half wholesale prices, ' some special Huea I have been enihled to < Heoure. I heg to append a few quotations, ( About 800 felt anl straw hats, trimmed j and untrimmed, very cheap. Felt hats from Is fid each, usual price 7s Cd. Straw f hats from Grl each. About 500 dozen of the latest shades and designs iv lace from lid per yard. A large and varied stock of dress goods from lAd per yard. Ladies' ulsters, dolmans, and jackets m great variety. Tinsel lace for evening wear. \ Dressmaking on the premises, under ; c efficient management. A large stock of . , Singer's Sewing Maobines always on I , hand. Inspection invited and a trial/ (l solicited,— T, Smalk, Wairau Store. I (

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 162, 12 July 1886, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 162, 12 July 1886, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 162, 12 July 1886, Page 2