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The bi-monthly meeting oi 'the Luke County Council was held in the County Chambers on Tuesday last. Present: Crs L .Lee (chairman), fiWm. Reid, W. S. Reid. Geo .Reid, F. S. Bloxham, A.' W. Bovett, J. Cockburn, A. McCaughan, and H. J. Lewis. The minutes oi the previous meeting were confirmed and The outward correspondence was read and approved. Inward Correspondence. Thos. M. Ball, district engineer, P.W.D., Dunedin, advised under date January 21 that the erection oi “the Arrow and Swiftburn bridges a oulcl be put in hand immediately—Cr u. S. Reid reported that the temporary bridge was now constructed. —Letter received. '"I. :\V. Lindup, assistant engineer, P.W.D., Alexandra, stated that a memo had been received from head office advising that the qamoiuit or £HOC, E ror £, appearing on tne current year S TTsfiniates ior me vrien-oicuv-r'araaise roaa was actuary a re-vote oi fast years item, and their was accordingly no new money available for expenditure this year. Tor this reason no action was being taken on the Council’s requisition for the issue of authority lor £IOO, £ toi for the said road—Received. F. Stoop Receiver of Gold Revenue, Queenstown, wrote asking the Council to treat as nou-recoverable the arrears ot rent due on extended alluvia. claim, Ho. 1302 (Arrowtown), Amalgamated ’ Kawarau Gold Claims, Ltd.— Consented to. • The Mayoress of'Dunedin and the secretary of the Dunedin Obstretncai Fund Campaign wrote soliciting support —Received. . . . „ NoeCF. Scaife wrote enquiring what steps were being taken towards speeumg up the erection of the Matukituki bridge before the winter—P.W. Dept, already written to asking what had been done with the plans and specifications, C E. Price, Garston, wrote agieemg to shift the barb wire on his rence next the main road— Noted. *Mr Nay lor of JTdkomai "having faueu. to remove the barb wire on Jus xence as requested, TE "was resoivecf tha k action be taken. A. H. KimbeL, Under-Secretary, Mines Dept., Wellington, advised that * the unexpended balance of £l7 lbs 11a outstanding in connection with the authon ty issued to the Council on 27th January, 192.7 for the expenditure ot £SO, (£for £) on giad-/ ing and gravelling the Garston- to Nevis road had been cancelled by the Minister in accordance with a recommendation of the Inspectoi oi Mines.—Received. Thos. M. Bail, district engineer, P.W.D., wrote forwarding schedule oi rates approved by the Main Highways Board for hire of County plant as from March 1, when working on Main Highways. These were: Bton Ley land truck, £4 per day; Fordson Wehr grader and scarifier, £2 10s bd per day; conveyor, 19s per day. Received The same officer wrote regarding the Council’s application for a gram for the erection of four bridges oyer the Von river on the Mt. Nicholas to Mavora road. This had been noted for consideration in next year’s Estimates; and the Council was askea to give consideration to including it when application was made for next years "■rants. The Council was also asked to then state what proportion of the cost it was willing to find.—lnspector to go into relative costs ana report.

giving consideration to suspension bridges also. T. McMillan. Inspector of Mines, Dunedin, advised that payment 01 £IOO in respect ot the Gieuorchy to Mines roaa would shortly be maao. One tlura of the amount expended on the Tucker Reach road £SO (£1 for £2) would also shortly be made available. —Received.

P. T. Lynch, Upper giro lover, wrote thanking the Council for granting his application to shift chair over the aver. This had now been done. He looked forward ’to the arrival of the hauling line. —Received. A. H. Cooke, manager, 8.N.Z., Queenstown, advised that the rate ol interest on the Council’s overdraft was 7",« from Ist February—Received.

S. G. McDonald secretary to the committee set up m connection with the proposed appointment of group traffic inspector, wrote stating that, the Board would pay a subsidy ol £1 for £1 on the salary and expenses oi a traffic inspector provided the scheme was a satisfactory one. One inspector would be , appointed for the City area and one for the balance or the territory in the group. The motion of Crs W. S. Reid and Bovett that the Council support the scheme was earned. An amendment by Crs Cockburn land Bloxham against it was lost. The Southland League wrote advising that it had been making strong representations to the Government, lor a resumption ot the work on the Kingston-Queenstown road. The Prune Minister ha& written stating that he would confer with the Minister of Public Works on the matter. At a recent meeting of the League’s Executive it had been suggested that it might be advisable to ask for the forming and metalling of that portion oi the road from Kawarau Dam to the newly formed part of road at the take.—Moved by Crs Cockburn and Lewis that the Council support the League in its suggestion. An amendment ’by Crs McCaughan and W. S. Reid that the letter be received was lost. 4 _ P. R. Sargooa wired from Pembroke on 10th March again complaining that the road protection work earned out by the Council in the Cardrona river bed was prejudically affecting his wife’s water rights. _ A serious position was developing. What was the Council going to do?— During the discussion which followed the Inspector said that in his opinion tfie Council’s protective works had not interfered with the rights referred to. Messrs Ballantyne and Faulks had ngfifs on Clieir siae or the rivefr. —Cr Boveft Thought a wouTfi be wise to get die P.W.D. engineer to visi* Hie focaffiy.—Lett m hands of Cr ’Bovett aria Inspector Foweo Co TSke any action necessary. Freeman Bros., Minaret Station, wrote drawing attention to the difficulty they were experiencing ?n the passing oi stock over the Pyke Creek, the bridge over which was washed awav by the floods last year. It was imperative that a bridge be erectea. Writers were prepared to assist in this ” being done by providing blue rruin stringers and the necessary unskilled labour if the County would find the concrete piers and the necking. Certain monies due the writers (£l6 odd) by the Council could be diverted towards their share oi the cost.—The chairman explained, that Inspector Powell had reported outlie position ana on his recommendation necessary suspension bridge had been erected, at a cost of £45 odd, oi which Freeman Bros had contributed £l6 odd.—Action approved.

Business before Works Committee. Peter A. McGregor, Garston, wrote asking for helf a mile ol gravelling to be done between Mr Willii»nson’s wool shed and “Sunnyvale.’ In the wet weather or in the winter the road was impassable. —Vote oi £IOO to be applied for on this year’s estimates. Thos. Sim, secretary, Moonlight Mining Syndicate, wrote requesting that the road leading to their claim be repaired. His company was paying over £SOO per annum in wages, and owing to the extremely bad state oi the road they found transit costs difficult.—'Already repaired with exception of the wall, which is partially collapsed, but passable for horse traffic.

J. , Kennett, manager, Green vale station, applied for some gravelling to be done on the Fairlight-Greenvale road. A piece about 4U chains in length haa never been gravelled, and it was impassabie in wet weather. He would assist by giving the lorries access to gravel—H. Adams ana 'Sons also wrote in the same connection. —40 chains to be gravellea before lorries return.

A. W. McLean ,Garston, wrote asking that the County grader trim up the road foadmg to ana through his property ; also that "some top-dressing be done to fib-Tip the holes—Already carried out. i,. McMillan, Garston, wrote asking ror some attention to flic road' from about A'ayior s to the first creek towards the Junction, wuicfi was in a

baa state.—Already carried out. A. McCaughan applied to have about 18 chains of gravel maintenance laid on Kingstou-Gien Nevis road. —Grant.ed.

Cr. 4V. S. Reid wrote requesting tliat the roaa leading to the Lower Shotover school be regraded and the channelling cleaned out. —To bo attended to when grader in the locality. Wm. Reid and Sons, Luggate Mills, wrote drawing attention to the danger attaching to the meeting ot traffic in the cutting at Mt. Barker on the Luggate to Cardrona road. There was no view of oncoming traffic when approaching the cutting from either ena ana as the road there was very narrow there was no chance oi vehicles passing. The cutting required to be widened to allow two vehicles to pass—Granted, work to be carried out'by County surfacemen when available next month. Mrs Ritchie, town clerk, Arrowtown, asked for 40 chains m gravelling to be clone on the Main Highway in the borough.—lnspector to attend to same uptime available.

Cr McCaughan made a request for gravelling on Mt. Nicholas road up to £SO. "Mackenzie and Sons offered £1 for l£l—Roaa'to (be gravelled, Mackenzie and Sons to be asked to supply horses and drays, Lake County to supply the labour. Recommended that Hansen’s roaa and Mrs McLean’s road be gravelled a t , a cost, ol £6O each when the lorries return from Kingston. A vote ol £IOO, ’£ for ’£, to be

applied for for Arrow Junction roaa, complained 01 by Shaws and Bairds, same amount to ue appßecl for Tor Monson’s and Fitzpatrick's road. It was recommended that the works which it was proposed a L last meeting sliould lie undertaken in the following rotation when' the County plant returns Irom Kingston riding:—Main Highway Xo. 1 (Victoria Bridge to Boaring Meg section); portion Oi Baird’s Hilt; Lake Hayes bridge section; Lower S'hotover " bridge to Fox’s turn section; Frankton Flat from cemetery to C. Hansen’s; Hansen’s road. Report adopted. Ranger's Report. The ranger’s report was also read aim adopted. Finance Committee’s Report. The Finance statement showed the Council’s debit to be £3708 7s. Last year there was a credit Oi £IBO at fhe March meeting. Outstanding rates at date, £3040. Last year, £052 3s 3d. Due on Public Works statement at date, £2IOO, as against £B2O at March meeting last year. It was recommended that the terms oi new advertising contract submitted by the Lake Wakatip Mail be accepted. Clerk’s Report. The clerk submitted a comparative report on the financial position of the Council. This showed that the expenditure had been £13,015 11s 1 la for the 12 months. Last year it was

£10,039 19s sd. The increase was accounted for by greater expenditure on highway work (including Lower Shotover biddge) through the (existence 01 a subsidy of £2 for £1 on approx. 120 miles- of the main roads of the County. The receipts were £8472 10s '4d as against £lO,lßl 17s 3d last year. Through the delay in Valua'tion rolls fins year the penalty on unpam rates coma not he imposed mi end ot hprii, ftius resulting in £3, 300 ot tTus year s rates ocing stuT unpafa. •ITfth the receipt, or Pubfic Works money cotiffluig £IOO the receipts Tor tne year wouirf be approximately equal to the expenditure. Tenders. M. Dolan’s tender of £ll2 for road widening in ’Shotover Valley was accepted. The Works Committee recommended that the tender for gravelling McDonnell’s road be not accepted; and that the Council oiler to do the work at 30s per chain with County plant as the Council pay £1 for £l.—ln this connection the Lake County chairman commented on the, fact of the P.W.D. requiring "tenders to be called for the expenditure of Government grants when the Council was in a position to do the work with its own plant. Moreover, a general advantage to the County would result. —Department’s attention to bo drawn to this fact. Questions.

When the Inspector’s report was being considered several questions relative to other road works, etc.,

were asked in open Council;— 'Cr. W. S. Reid wanted to know why the Gibbston Hill work not undertaken, it was arranged some time ago that it should be done The Inspector said the delay had occurred through an over-pressure 01 work. Cr. Bloxham asked what was being done to improve the approaches to the Kawarau and 'Victoria bridges.— —Cr. W. S. Reid said the wall was too low between the eastern pier on the far side and the present wing on Kawarau. At Victoria bridge it was most difficult to drive stock accross safely.—The Inspector said he had had the timber at the latter bridge for some time, but the work was held up during the renovation of the bridge—Both to be attended to. . The chairman said the question had been brought up as to whether it was necessary to have two men on the grader —one following up. —The Inspector gave a satisfactory explanation regarding the need for the _ men. - * . 3 . _ Cr. Geo. Reid here questioned the introduction .of these several matters at the open Council. He considered that they should have been laid before the Works Committee first ana then been included in their report. Bringing them up as had been done was not giving the Committee a fairchance. He would move in that direction. Seconded by Cr. Lewis^ The chairman was of the opinion that ‘it was quite constitutional to put such questions to the Inspector in person in open Council. He was abie to give the necessary explanations.—The motion was lost. When the adoption of the report was being moved Cr Geo. Reid moved an amendment- that the report be not adopted till such matters as arose out of the discussion fie dealt with first by the Works Committee. He expected to be defeated on it but he moved it on principle. Amendment lost. Report adopted. ' Other Business. Cr. Cockburn said he would like .to see the culvert at the gully on the south of the Doctor’s Hums extended and a point taken oft fte bank to improve tCe vision; aiso the road straightened at 'Cosgroves (Gibbston); ana hj pome taken off at Deep Creek. In the event oi the lorry not being able to work in the winter, the men to be employed then on these works. _ , .. The chairman consiaered that it was very desirable and advisable that councillors go into the various matters affecting their ridings with the Inspector individually before next meeting* and let him know what they wanted done during the ensuing 12 months.—The idea was regarct&f by Councilors as a gooci "bne. Cr Geo. Reid brought up the question of the time given the V orks Committee for the consideration of business before them. He thought more Time was requirea Co matce rhe necessary analysis 01 file requests ana correspondence before them—The chairman of the Works Committee (Or. Cockburn) agreed that the Committee was sometimes bustled. —The chairman did not think it neegessary to alter the existing arrangement. Or. Bovett asked what had been done in regard to M. Wfncfcrs nonpayment of berthage fee on Bake Wanaka— Already placed in solicitors hands. Council in Committee. The Council then went_ into Committee to consider certain matters, the Press being excluded. Ultimately -in open Council it was resolved that the services of Mr A. H. Bryant as County ranger, pound keeper. and Dog Tax collector be dispensed with at March 31.

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3939, 18 March 1930, Page 3

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LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3939, 18 March 1930, Page 3

LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3939, 18 March 1930, Page 3