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Maoihtkrial,—At an adjourned licensing fleeting held at Kiiiapoi on Tuesday last a iccnco was granted to J. Carter, Moeraki )0WI)H, JSojung Down.-Wc are informed that lie Messrs Tinlinc are erecting a large boil-ng-down establishment at the Lyndon Nation, Amuri. They expect to commence operations in May next. Inquest.—An inquest was held on Tucslay at Ihrce p.m., before (J. Dudley, Ksq., Joronor, and a -jury of whom It. If. Matthews viw foreman, at the Kaikainui Hotel, on the tody of the infant (laughter of (Jco. Dawson, iged one day, After hearing the evidence, a' 'crdict of death from natural causes was rcurncd. Cost DiBT/iicT.-On Tuesday evening, the 'enny KcadingH were held in theschoolroom, vhich were numerously attended, the room icing full. Headings were given by Messrs liggins, Collier, Dobson, Dickenson, and WlHom, Home musical selections were aung 'crywell, which helped to contribute to the ivening's amusement. Saimno Boat Hack.—A match between rtr Bridge's M. S. S., Messrs Lardncr and suns' Maori, and Mr J. Pearce's Red Rover ;amc olf at Akaroa on the 2nd inst, The raurac was the same as that taken on the irevious day's regatta, and the result was v nclory for the M. S. S., beating the Maori jy half a minute, lied Rover being third This was the most closely contested and exiting race we ever remember seeing in (Vkaroa. Rakaia Road Board.—At the annua neeting of ratepayers held on Tuesday lag' it Windwhistle House to elect two member! n the place of Messrs Harper and Broome ,vho retired by rotation, six ratepayers w»r< iroposed-Messrs Harper, Hill, Neave, Davis Derrett, MarTey. The show of hands beinc n favour of Messrs Davis and Derrett, tin )ther candidates demanded a poll, which wa> held forthwith, and resulted in favour o Messrs Harper and Hill. The new Boar, then met and Mr Harper was again electa chairman for the ensuing year, The Citor-s.-Regarding the crops ir She Timaru district, the local journal o festcrday says :-The rain which fell 01 Saturday night has not had that beneficia meet upon the crops which was anticipated The oats are in many places too far gon for ram to_ be of any great service, but th ivheat, with few exceptions, is lookini moderately well. In some places, however it is ripening prematurely, and the ears havi broken off through the heavy nor'-wes jvinds. We are glad to learn, however, tha the extent of the wheat crops so affected i lot large at present. New Year's Day at Prebblkton —Th« new_ year was inaugurated at Prebbleton bi a. cricket match between the members of th! Lincoh Club and by sundry athletic sports m Blyth gave his workmen and some 0' his neighbours a capital luncheon, which wa laid out in his large carpenter's shop Up wards of 40 must have been present, and judging by the laughter and good-fellowshii which prevailed, were highly pleased witl the entertainment provided. The annua Jhildren'B treat comes off to-day, when tin scholars of the Templeton and Halswel schools will help to swell the ranks of th* youngsters. Bachelder's Diorama.—The above, illus trating the principal incidents of the Ameri san War, was exhibited for the first time a the Town Hall last night, but did not attrac i very numerous audience. The reserve! seats were very thinly patronised, and th remainder of the hall was but little better The comparatively high prices of admissiot considering the character of the entertain ment,_ were no doubt the cause of this md it is a mistake which is invari lbly made by exhibitors visiting the city Mr Bachelder's exhibition is much above tin irerage of its kind. The subject afford impleand exciting scope for the artist, am tis used to great advantage, whilst an ex planatory address accompanying the diorama ?ives an instructive sketch history of thi< ,'reatest of civil struggles. Apart from thi illustrations, the battle between the Alabam: md Kearsagc, and the funeral of Presiden Lincoln, evince considerable ingenuity ii mechanism, and were deservedly applauded Altogether, the entertaiument is an interesting, and not uninstructive one. Dixner to Mu A. C. Ksight.-A diiine) was given to the above gentleman at Prebble ton on Tuesday evening. He has served thf Lincoln district as one of its representative' n the Provincial Council since the lasl jeneral election, and has, in every instance proved himself well worthy of the people's choice. As many of the influential men iii the district opposed his election, and have since seen reason to he sorry for having done so, they, in conjunction with his old supporters, determined upon showing him this mark of their appreciation. The dinner was largely attended, and was got up in very good style by Mr Prebble, indeed, it would have

uvucuuujßtieuHiuaiownuotei. Air Jn o Tosswill occupied the chair, and Mr Glyde the vice-chair. The usual loyal toasts bavin? been drunk, the toast of the evening was proposed by Mr W. 13. Tosswill, that gentleman having been Mr Knight's proposer at the election. Other toasts of a local nature were drunk during the evening, and everything passed oil in a highly satisfactory and creditable manner. Mbktixg w H.vm'.vYEiw.—Tin- mual annual meeting of the ratepayers of the Cust district, took place at Mcssenfs Accommodation house, on the sth ins!, for the purpose of electing four members to seals in Hm Hmri

Board, in the place of three who retire by rotation, namely, Messrs lliirgins, Tipping and Collier, and one who resigned some time previous, viz., Mr Morrisson. The meeting having been opened, and the balance sheet brought forward, which gave satisfaction, the Chairman called upon the ratepayers to nominate the candidates. Kight caiiie forward, and a show of hands being taken, wis declared in favour of Messrs Anderson, Conway, Houson, and Gallctlv. A poll was demanded by Mr Collier, which resulted as

""'""»■-nousoii, ua ; (jollier, 59; .\nderson,s2j Cmnvay,4ii llurrcl.4l); Free,34■ Galletly 20: Karly, 15. The Chairman Nicn declared the first four duly elected, After the public meeting, the new members' adjourned for the purpose of elcctimr >i chairman, when Mr 1). M'Vicar was unanimously chosen. The ratepayers mustered in good force for the first time since tho Komi Board was constituted, especially from the North side of the Downs; as much cannot be said for the South side, but the cause may be attributed to most of the men bein>' shearing and away from home. Si'kixgs ItoAwt.—The usual annual meeting was held at the linad l!,*m) ni«,.,>

on luesilay. The retiring members were Messrs Pannott, Gammack, and Goodwin but the ratepayers being thoroughly satisfied with their past conduct, unanimously returned them again. A statement shewing the receipts and expenditure of tiie Board lor the past year was read. The receipts were as follows :-]Jalanee in baud from last year, £462 Ss Hid ; Provincial Government (ordinary), £IOOO ; ,|o (j'or Main Homls), WOO; do (proportion of cost of Miles' Dram), £34 liis 8d; do (collecting grain statistics), £2O; rates, £282 Hs 5.1 • contribution from Mr Miles, on account or drain, £32 5s lOd. Total, £2331 ,'ts lid the expenditure was as follows .-Cartin" andsundries,i.'4!)Us ; advertising, Xll lsßd* clearing out No, 1 river, £45; KaUm's road i'.'!B 9sfiil; lumber's rond,£l9 lis; Andrew's road, £4O His; White's road,.llo ::is • Koss road, £ls ior; Hudson's raid, X 5 15s • Marsliall's road, £7 IDs; limes' road, £l4 18s; Kime's road, £lO, Gniban's road, £;)• Dayb mail, £lt)i; as; Spring's mad, £171; lbs Kill; Shand's road; hi; l?s 5d • Wlesmere .1 unction road, £'2s; ids 4d • Madd'son's road, £l6O 198 lid; Lecston road fm Is !ld; Waterholes road, x'ln? ss: Miles drain, £ll9 3s cd ; Tai tapu drains, *'i> 10s 4d: timber and wages, £ lii'J 15s 2d; salary and collecting grain statistics, £190; balance, £303 8s lid; t0ta1,£2331 ;is lid Immediately after the public meeting, a meeting of the Hoard was held, and Mr Paimett was unanimously clectcdclmirnmn for the ensuing year.

Rang.oha *A« r Thta qiW taly3> place to-day, and is expected to C i k<! » attended. ' ~e Welj Odd Fellowship.—Tlie mnmt,*. Good Intent talgo, nl. «* pendent Order of Odd Fellows ji f 1(> bnitcd their tentli anniversary on ,'i CC ' <! " inat., in the lodge room, Jolly stn-nt ai lsl roa. After the installation of t1,,, k;u elected officers of the lodge, the down to a cold collation, under n„ ill loynl and fraternal toasts being flulv»;„ lill responded to. In the evening J \ ,J/N invited their friends to a hall j,, t u ? s room, which was kept up with .spirit im !" 7 " wee sina' hours." u ' ""• Governor's Kkcki'ticx, Lmirn ■ meeting of the sub-committee was held i' 7i A Council Chamber on Tuesday night J ' was arranged that a triumphal arch slimlui"' erected in Oxford street, and that Uu v • '* friendly societies and watermen be \' nv u, join in the procession to meet the (:„.., It was also resolved that the Kv,.,.,,; n " r the Speaker of the Provincial Co S^' 1 invited, and that a dejeuner take n i,„, ."' Colonists' Hall. The sul,e„m,„iu", i"* decided to erect the dais in tl„, m .{' lav '- fr;mtofAlrNaldcr-someei„(, xf this will be covered in, and the addrJ. ,' be read there. The price o ' 2"'" tickets will be £1 Is. .Sm-rai ,S ?""■"■ tees were appointed to tarry out thed!!'"!'" and the meeting adjourned ~n t | -f,£ !"' evening. " IM 7 Okaiks lUv.-The annual festivit;, theclnldrenofOkainsliay^J:, l^;;; on luesday, lJcc.2:.,m.Mr Moore's padd, Ihe children, accompanied bniicir ' f" and friends, assembled on the ~ n , ] f the forenoon,and were very in various sports ami amusem.m.s until a in the afternoon when they adjourned to . school-room, which had been neatly d rated with evergreens and ferns &c t< take of an excellent tea, pn.vidf-d'for T occasion by the parents. 1„ the 'J* prizes twenty-six in number, the gift of ; R. H.Rhodes, were distributed to the m' deserving pupils for diligence, regularity and good conduct during the past year, by u' teacher, Mr Bishop, who made a few Li on theresults of the past year, compliment»■ several upon their industry and r*nilS The remainder of the evenin" was J until a late hour, in various in-door l" n "': and the exhibition of the ma e ic lantern CuiLDflEN'g Fete at AiCAROA.-Amon, the attractions of New Year's Day at Akar not the least one, numerically speakin" «,',' the treat given to the children in tlie"to*r Hall. The liberality of the townspeople an' others enabled the ladies' committee {., '2 tea, cake, and buns to 280 children and V prizes to each, in the shape of low, confft' tionery,&c The presents were distribute' by means of a wheel of fortune, in the man' agement of which several gentlemen took part. The delight of the children w a , „, branded at the treat provided for them After tea and the distribution of prizes then being still many toys left, the children B , races for them, under the supervision rsome of the gentlemen present i n evening, a magic lantern was exhibited by \u H. Watkins, assisted by Mr 11. Billen; *V described the slides and scenes. 'I he a'stor-' ishment and delight of the children at tipexhibition can be better imagined than i<senbed, as many of them bad never *,' anything of the ktnd before School Tjuui.-Yesterday the child*,, .attending the Avonside and Sandhill'--bcbools, participated in their annual f«, arranged and carried out under the vision of the Rev J. C. Bagshaw " v former to the number of 60, and the latt'enumbering about 30, met at Mr Rudd'-' whence they marched to join their companions, stopping a short time at MThomas's to partake of refreshment widen that gentleman had provided for the, Arrived at the Avonside School, the t*', detachments proceeded about 3 o'clock to M Cowhshaw's paddock, and entered hearth'* into the various games provided for thei amusement. Both Schools displayed a beairful banner which had been made and pr,. sented to them by ladies resident in the district. That of the Avonside had a whit,. ground with magenta border, and the mot;.. "Ineverything give thanks" in letter? ..' the same colour, and that of the Sandliii'i School had a similar ground with blue border [ and the motto, "Let truth be our guide,'' displayed in letters of the same materia! Mr Slater had charge of the Avon-i.> scholars, and Mr F. W. Thompson of fi> Sandhills, whilst several ladies and oentl.'men took part in the proceedings. A verv pleasant afternoon was spent, the weathr being most propitious, aud in the evenin • suitable refreshments were liberally suppfei Inquest.—An inquest was held VestorJ.iv. at 11 a.m., at Albion House, Gloucest." ■ street, on the body of Arthur Hopper. J. W. S. Coward, Esq., the Coroner of the dkrb conducted the inquiry, Mr William Xocv, beiug chosen foreman of the jury. The op'v evidence adduced was that of William Christian, who stated that he, in company wit:: the deceased, reached the Otira about 6.!> p.m., on the 31st ult., in. a spring can. They attempted to cross the ford, bathe cart became jammed between tw< large boulders, and could proceed no further Witness went to the Accommodation Hoik to procure assistance. Mr M'Kae, the keqv of the Accommodation House, came t<> t:;spot with a rope, which witness succeeded ii: throwing to Mr Hopper, who tied it rcuiK his body. The rope proved too short \<> reach the bank, and witness called to decease-:. who was standing in the front of the trap, endeavouring to free the horse from the harncv. to lengthen it by means of some flax in K; cart. Deceased seemed too Hurried to do ; "

The horse began to plunge, ami did so tin::' it had released itself froin the harness. Tf cart upset over deceased, who was wash'.■: down the current, as the rope was taken eir of witness' hands. lie was carried down lb stream, and it was impossible for witness < ■ Mr McKac to save him. In fact, to luvattempted it, would have been certain dear to both of them. Witness succeeded in bribing the body ashore, but life was quiii extinct. A verdict of '• Accidental Death" was returned. Liseoi-S lio.vh Ui)Aßi>.—The annual nuking of the ratepayers was held at the offia on Tuesday. The retiring members were Messrs Tosswill, Craighead aud I'reblwThe annual balance sheet shewing the receipt* and expenditure for the past year was ru' The receipts were as follows:—Balance i". hand at commencement of year, i 377 l.'is hi: Government grant, $. 350 ; Government gran: for main roads, £200; bonus for colieetiiu statistics, £2O ; rates, £244 Ss 7d ; sale ot wire, lfe i;d; total, £I;!U2 lSs sd. The e.\])enditure was as follows :-Shaiui'< road, £20412s lid; Prehbletoii and Uueoln road, £127 l;is lOd; Spring's road, tltHitv'; Knight's road, £4'.) Ss yd; Waterltoles w:\l 4170 I ft; 2d; Winter's road, £ll Ss; l're!<bio's road, £l3 ;>s; Townsend's drain, ±'7i< 1< fid; (.Indian's drain, £26 15s; Moffeef> drain, £lO I2s ; Ulaekler's Creek, i's It": work at ollice and stable, £,'i9 12s lod; timber, £44 Is t;d; advertising, £l7 2s t"i; Surveyor's salary, £1,50; wages and sundries £st! 4s 7d: collecting grain statistics &• balance in band, Kii'i 2s :M—il:!92 In addi ion to litis, a statement was n* l showing the total receipts and oxpeiulituf on all the roads in the district since the formation of the Road Hoard in !Sf>4. Thi' following gentlemen were proposed as members of the board:—Mr iloim Tosswill, NCraighead, A. C. Knight, and Thomas Ba ! ret. A poll having been demanded, the vistilt was as follows:—,). Tosswill, Si; A. I'Knight, tia; W, Craighead, 47; Harrelt, •''■'• The three first were declared duly elerh'''At a meeting of the board held subsequent!.''• Mr,). Tosswill was re-elected chairman ~,r I be year.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2500, 7 January 1869, Page 2

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TOWN AND COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2500, 7 January 1869, Page 2

TOWN AND COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 2500, 7 January 1869, Page 2