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........ n .,,.. . ■■ ffiateUimeffaV'"'''7."/"*"" , / M&'fc%N?S WM.& BUCK U.:,:JWf,-W,'i7fc Blackfriars road, London, England. ~. ■ , ; , U BLACK LEAD, &c. i '~« ' r\AKEY'S GOODS BOLD EVERYSHE by • Ironmongers, Grocers, Oilmen, Druggists, &c.' ' LEAD. Wills, Blackfriars road, London, England,, ' ' /"WETS SILVERSMITHS' , SOAP * / (non-mercurial), for Cleaning and Polishing Silver, Electroplate, Plate Glass, Marble, &c. Tablets 6d. OAKEY'S /WELLINGTON KNIFE POLISH, .Packets 3d each; Tina 6d, Is, 2s 6d, and 4s each. ...-.: BOAHDB, from Is. 6d. each. OAKEY'S GOODS SOLD EVERYWHERE by Ironmongers, Oilmen, Grocers, Brushmakers, Druggists, &c 10,008 DR.. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Orderof Leopold of Belgium) LIGHTBROWN COD LIVER OIL, prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as the i safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, RHEOMATIBM, GENERAL DEBILITY, WEAK NESS OF CHILDREN, AND ALL 80BOFULOUS AFFECTIONS.' ■ DR DE. JONGffiS OIL is convincingly proved; by the highest medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the:purest, the most efficacious, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, the most economical of all kinds. Hence its universal celebrity, and the immense demand for this unrivalled Oil. SELECT MEDICAL. OPINION'S, Sir HENRY MARSH, Bart., M.D., Physician in Ordinary to-.the Queen in Ireland: " I consider Dr de Johgh's'Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil to a very pure oil, not likely to create digust, and a therapeutic agent of great value.'.' ;■,■:.' Sir JOSEPH OLLIFFE,,M.D, Physician to the British Embassy at Pari3 .-' " Ihaye every reason to be satisfied with tlie beneficial and salutory effects 5 of Dr. de Jongh's ' Dr EDWARD SMITH,' F.rls., Medical Officer to 'the' Poor Law Board of Great Britain, in his' work "On ; Consumption," writes: "We think it a great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universally l admitted ';'to'' ! t'e' genuine-the Light-Brown Oil'supplied by Dr de Jongh." Dr_ LANjKESTER, J.R.S., Coroner' foi Central Middlesex: « I ,deem the Cod Livei Oil.sold under Dr de Jongh's guarantee to be preferable to any.other kind as regards genuineness and medicinal efficacy." . DR DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COT LIVER OIL is sold only in capsuled imperial half-pint, pint, and quart bottles, labelled wit! his stamp and signature, without which nOn< can possibly be genuine, by Chemists, Drug, gists, and Storekeepers throughout the world Sole Consignees—Ansar, Harford and Co, 77 ritrand, London, W.C. Wholesale Agents: New Zealand-French, Kempthorne and Co Dunedin. New South Wales-Elliott, Bros. Sydney* Victoria—Feltou, Grimwade and Co, Melbourne, 6485 CHEAP CUBES FOB GREAT DISEASES. TTpI 10 WAT'S OIKTMBNT • Omv Sores and 'Old SkisDisbases. Thi seeds of these disorders are effectually, expelled hi this penetrating Unguent, not only' from thi superficial parts, but fro» the internal tissue: likewise. Any case, even if of 20 years standing speedily yields to its influence. Bronchitis, Dipthbeu, Sorb . Throat Asthma, aid erysipelas,' mai be overcome by frequently fomenting the affectec parts in- warm water,' drying, and'immediately applying this BObthing Ointment J Tho same pro cedure appliea.equallj well for cutißg sore throat diptheria,. ; broflehitis,,aßthma, tightness-iofthi ch6Bt,abd pain'hV the side, wiioh instant treatmem alono prevents degenerating into/more- serioui maladies. This Ointment has the Same derivativi powers over chest complaints as a blister possesses without causing pain or debility. '.; I HEMOBBHOIDB BILBS, AKD ADBCEB3KS.suffer severely,., for-years from thesi annoying complaints through false de'hcaoy. Lei such purchase a pot of Holloway/s Ointment, reac the directions which accompaay it, act upon then tolherletter,' 'and they' will) without' difficulty, succeed in obliterating every vestiga' of these harass, ing.ailmeht.s; ,■ ■ - : ■ : : , ApCIDBKTAI iMJyBIMi ISEARTIIB AII,*BHTB —Jacuts, bruises, sprains, burns, and scalds, il will bo found cooliug, sedative, and healing. The part affected should be fomented in warm" water dried gently,:»nd the. Ointment should lie ihstanth applied. This purifying Oin'tmoit may be safeli used mall eruptions, ohaings, and other cutaneous affections tawhiqh r childre»aTe liable. , )1? A , D ' 1 ?S 9 ''? 1B Bebam ' s > Q ID Sorbs ahi Uiodß.s:-"By;rubbing the Ointment ''round th< affected parts, impenetrates to the'tis'sues beneath and exercises awonderful power on all tho. blobc flowinn to. and i'»tui-mn» fm» n,: ai*. j _.. i The inflammation diminishes, the pain become less intolerable, the matter thicker, and a ; curei soon effected. In all long standing cases, Hollo ways Pills will thoroughly expel all dopravei humours from the body. GIAHDUIIAB SWHLIIHQS. STIFF JOINTS.—Thi class of complaints yield without difficulty to th cooling,ajd u anti-inJlUmniatory properties of thi femedymtm'ent v It well rubbed ore .?!T ctefl ,P*. rts > laft"d'uofoinenbonwith I aft"d'uofoinenbonwith warn water Itactsby'stimulatuig' the absorbentst mcreised activity, restraining ulcor&tioa, and pro m6tin'gg.'free andoopious circulation in tho part affected; aid hence speedily and effectually en j suring a oure. - ,:.;GQW, iBBiroiUTiSM iA»D,GPABAMSIS.-GOU afld llheumatisai.arjs* from'Majnmataon in. tin partsjaffected,—to effee.ta permanent, dure,, adop tofamousjidli: night andru the Ointment most'effeetsally twice a day int the suffering pai'ta, and a curt it certain. ' lh paralytio patient should tala about thre» Pill twice a week, and lot the Ointment bt well ruibft into th> paralysed limb, which will, in iivery littl time, be greatly benefited,—indeed many curt have been efieoted by this treatment, -, "Etoriioxbv jhb SKiw.-In thii «hwsof complaints) n6 matter the age, the sex,'or U» place, oi : under what name, the diseua may b» olassiied, ltmaTboouredifthii piatmeit bt well' rubbed into the system, and Hblloway's Pills' takci night and mommg to purify the blooi Both .'tho Ointmont and Tills should bt used i n tha following cases : Bad leg* •■■ Caneen Scalds Bad breasts Contmi«dand Sortnipplos Burns Btif joints Sort threats Bunions , Elepkaartiaiii Skudiieaset Bite of mtsche. Fistnla* Sowvy toos&sandflios Gout ' Sort heads Coco-bay Glandular iwoll« Tunoirs :Chiego*ot ' .Ugi ~. Chilblains' Lu»V»g« Wounds Chapped hands Pilet Y a » Corns (Boft) [Bhoumaiism Sold at the Bstabhshnvsnt of Pboibssob i ij i,, n „ ougheat the civilian world, at tht Mowing prices. V Th«» is i oomuderablo saving by takinj tht larger sines in ovsry disorder, bn afliMi to eaci pot." TO NBWB-AGENTB, BOOKSELLBB9, * , STATIOPRS,4o.-SBEDBRICKMAY; Uritish and Colonial News«ags«t, to Her Majesty and Boyal l TsmOa, 9, King .treot, St. James, London, England, .Newspapers, Periodicals, BoQ]tS|.rMpgaisiaeu .Stationery, &0., supplied on advantageous terms, and forwarded by earliest mails to Jfew Zealand anilall paiti of the world Terms forwarded, or orders executed, upon receipt of remittanco, tn referents to a Ikmdon houio.)

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2467, 18 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2467, 18 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2467, 18 November 1868, Page 4