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Bible SociETY,-The adjourned meeting of the committee of the Canterbury Auxiliary Bible Society will be held in the side room of the Town Hall, at three p.m., to-day. Its purport is to prepare for the annual general meeting of the society. A Whale.—On Sunday last, as Mr Petersen, the pilot and mat* of the ketch Emerald went over the bar to take soundings, they saw a whale lying on the beach. It is of the silver kind, and is 23 feet in length, the girth being from 15 to 16 feet.

BANKRDPTcr.-On the application of Mr Cowlishaw, an order of abjudication was made yesterday, in the matte! l of Alexander M'Bratney, of I imaru, butcher. The meeting of creditors is fixed to take place at the Registrar's Chamber, at one o'clock, on the 6th proximo.

Theatre RoTAL-Last night the attendance was much smaller than either the merits of Mr Towers—whose benefit it was or the pieces played deserved. "The Gipsy farmer," nnd " Nan the Good for Nothing " constituted the bill, and were not only we'll played, but put upon the stage with the characteristic care of the present management. To-nigbt the first piece will be repeated with a suitable afterpiece.

Albion Cricket Club.—A general meeting of this club was held at the City Hotel, yesterday evening, for the purpose of arranging a fitting wind-up for the season. It was resolved that a match should be played between sides chosen from members of the club on Wednesday, the 6th of May, in Hagley Park, and that a soiree and dance should conclude the day's proceeding, A committee of twelve was appointed to arrange the necessary preliminaries. Colonial Prizbs.—By reference to our Wellington telegrams, it will be observed that the championship of New Zealand has again been secured by Otago. The firing took place yesterday, and under very favourable circumstances. The scoring cannot, however, be considered as much above the ordinary average. Otago it will be noticed contributed nearly half of the whole number of competitors, and succeeded in mating all the top scores. The Canterbury men have not secured a very prominent position, but it may be a little satisfaction to their comrades to know that Private Dixon is a tie with three others for fifth place. Rakau CoAL.-We have been shewn a sample of coal obtained from the gorge of the Rakaia, and now in possession of Messrs Sheppard and Co., Colombo street. Unfortunately it ib not a very good specimen, and augurs somewhat unfavourably for the quality of the commodity in that part of the province It is very hard and flinty, and when submitted to heat cracks and breaks off in flakes much in _ the same way that slate wouid do, if submitted to a similar process. For domestic purposes, it would be entirely worthless, and indeed for anything else, except where an intense heat is brought to bear upon it. Even then, we should scarcely consider it worth being brought into the market for the price it would realise. Christchcrch. Wesletan Stjndat School.—The anniversary services of this school were held on Sunday last, at the church in Durham street. The Rev T, Ruddle officiated in the morning, and the ReT A. Reid in the evening, the latter gentleman addressing the children in the afternoon. Collections were made, which realized about £ls. Yesterday evening a tea meeting ii connection with the school was held in the sohool-room adjoining the clinch, The Rev T.Buddie occupied the chair. The report WB9 read and adopted. It stated that the number of children on the roll was, for Christchurch 300, anl for Avonside 55. Both schools were stated to be in a very satisfactory condition, and the school-library was mentioned as containing many useful works, The financial statement, which shewed a small balance in favour of the school, was also read and adopted. The Revs. Lee, Bavin, and Reid, and Messrs Dewsbury, Wilson, and Armitagp addressed the meeting. Resolutions to the effect that the meeting recognized with gratitude to Almighty God, the measure of sucess which bad attended the school, and that the meeting, regarding the school as a most valuable institution.cordially commended it to the support of the Wesleyan Church, and requested its prayers on behalf of the school, were carried. A committee of management, for the ensuing year, consisting of Messrs Rutland, Harris, Hewlett, Armitaire Turner, King, J. Wood, B. Dewsbury, Part-' ridge, Wilson, H. Dewsbury, and Patrick was appointed. In the course of the evening several anthers and selections of music were performed by the choir of the church. The benediction wss prononncel, and the meeting, which was rather a numerous one, separated! Plbdko - Pneumonia. A meeting of farmers and owners of cattle was hid at Ward's Hotel, Woodend, on Saturday last, for the purpose of discussing the circumstances incidental to the appearance of pleuropneumonia amongst the cattle on the Maori reserve, and for adopting more careful measures for preventing its spread to other parts of the district. The attendance was the largest ever known at any previous meeting in the place, and was very unanimous throughout. Mr Thomas Wilson occupied the chair, and after some considerable discussion, the following resolutions were unanimously carried :-''That in the opinion of this mesting a petition should be prepared and forwarded to the Superintendent, respectfully requesting that steps should be taken to confine all cattle amongst which pleuropneumonia has broken out to some place by themselves, and prevent them mixing with others." "That in the opinion of this meeting proper steps have not hitherto been taken to confine the cattle to the Maori run, where the disease broke out; nor have those destroyed been properly huried; and this meeting considers Mr Hinge is not a proper person to act as Bub-inspector, he being lessee of the run named, and it is therefore desirable that some disinterested person should be appointed, and "™ appointment made properly public." "That in the opinion of this meeting com-

ponsation should be made by Government for all cattle destroyed by order of the inspector." "That two delegates be appointed to wait upon the Superintendent with the petition, and a copy of the above resolutions," That Messrs B. Pateman, and C. J. Norton, be appointed delegates. The following gentlemen were_ then elected as a committee to superintend all matters in connection with the diseased cattle : Messrs J. Horrell, J. Stanton, J. Morris, G Gibbs, D. C. Brian, J. Wilson, W. Judoon, C. J. Norton, B. Pateman, J. Murfltt, J. Uickers, senr., T. Booth, Bramley, Seward, It. Hicks, W. Antill, Topp, J. Riokers, junr, F. Wooding, C. Skevington, and J. Ressen. The meeting then terminated, with a rote of thanks to the chair. In conformity with the wishes of the meeting, Messri Pateman and Norton waited upon the Executive yesterday, and had a lengthened interview i n the government buildings. They presented the resolution as passed at the meeting, and verbally explained the circumstances bearing upon them. On concluding the deputation were informed that an official answer would be forwarded to them to-day. A further meeting will therefore be held at Ward's Hotel, this evening, to receive this answer, and to determine upon future proceedings. We ought to hwe stated that the petiim presented to the Executive was signed by upwards of 60 persons, and that the meeting held on Saturday evening was not mooted until the morning of the same day. The large attendance, therefore, shews how universal the feeling of interest is in the district.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2292, 28 April 1868, Page 2

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TOWN AND COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2292, 28 April 1868, Page 2

TOWN AND COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2292, 28 April 1868, Page 2