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CHBISTOHTJRCH LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICHFIELD BTEEET IMS Society is established to assist Tradesmen, Farmers, Merchants, and others, MONET ADVANCED, ' Ib sums varying from £lO to £2OOO, on security of two responsible Householders, to be repaid by Weekly Instalments. BILLS DISCOUNTED. MONEY LENT ON DEPOSIT OF DEEDS. BILLS OF SALE TAKEN On Furniture, Stock, &e., without possession. Office Hours, from Ten to Five. All business strictly private and confidential.

Insurance Companies. HUE iiOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE AND LIFE. Agents, MILES & CO., 170 Cbristchurch and Lyttelton. Miscellaneous pOMING WONDERS expected between 1867 and 1875 j by Rev. M. Baxter, author of " Napoleon, the Destined Monarch of the World," Authorised Australian edition, with 20 engravings, 2s 6d; or in cloth, 3s 6d. GEORGE ROBERTSON, and all booksellers. 6513 rpo NEWS-AGENTS, BOOKSELLERS \ STATIONERS, &C.-FREDERICK MAY British and Colonial News-agent, to Her Majesty and Eoyal Family, 9, King street, St. James London, England. Newspapers, Periodicals, Books, Magazines, Stationery, &c, supplied on advantageous terms, and forwarded by earliest Terms forwarded, or orders executed, upon receipt of remittance, or reference to a London house. ANY ONE CAN USE THEM, a .uASIN of WATEB is all that is required to **- produce the most Brilliant and Fashionable Colours on Silks, Woollens, Cottons, Ribbons, 4c., in ten minutes, by the use of JUDSON'S SIMPLE .DYES, twelve colours, price Is Gd, 2s 6d, and 6s per bottle. These dyes will also be found useful for imparting colour to Feathers, Fibres, Grasses, Seaweed, Ivory' Bone_, Wood, Willow Shavings, Paper, also for Tinting Photographs, and for Illuminating. Mav bo had of all Chemists throughout the World. Wholesale Dep6t:—l9a Coleman street, London. * # * Liberal Discount to Dealers CLEANLINESS!-A Stove most brilliantly polished in two minutes for les» than one farthing.-W. G.NIXEY'S celebrated registered BLACK LEAD, A new domestio liscovery hire from the injurious eflects of the commoi article now in use, as it creates no dust, and re quires" comparatively no labour, Sold everywhere, in solid blocks, Id, 2d, 4d, and Is. The advantages of this elegant Chemical Preparation lallness of quantity required, and the preven tion of waste, dust, and its destructive consequences. Further, it ultimately produces a pure metallic coating of a high degree of brilliancy and durability, reflecting both light and heat. (See specimens on the sides of each block.)—l2 Soho Souare, London. * # *Agents wanted 2413 BY Royal Command, STEEL PEN Maker t< the Queen. JOSEPH GILLOTT, Vic toria Works, Birmingham, respectfully directs thi attention of the Commercial Public, and of al whouso Steel Pens, to the incomparaole excellenci of his productions, which, for quality of material easy action, and great durability, will insuri universal preference, Every packet bears the fac simile of his signature. They can be obtainet retail of every Dealer in the World; Wholesale a the Works, Graham street, Birmingham; and a the Branch Establishments, 91, John Stret, Nev York j and 37, Gracechurch street, London. 449) |)INNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA is thi U great remedy tor Acidity of Stomach, Head aohe, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations and Bilious Affections. It is the Physician's cur< for Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Gravel, and othei complaints of the Bladder j and in cases of Feve: and. Feverish Irritability of Skin it produce! grateful cooling effects. As a safe and gentli medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females and for the sickness of Pregnnxcy, Dinneford'i Magnesia is indispensable, and when taken witl the Acidulated Lemon Syrup, forms a delightfu effervescing saline aperient. Prepared by DINNEFORD & CO., Chemists London, and sold by druggists and,storekeeper! throughout the World. Caution.—Ask for "Dinneford's Magnesia,' and see that "Dinneford and Co." is or even Bottle and Label, 5201 SHIRE SAUCE, declared by connoisseur to be the only good sauce. Caction agaihs' Feaud.—The success of this most delicious am unrivaled condiment having caused certain dealer to apply the name of " Worcestershire Sauce" ti their own inferior compounds, the public is hereb; informed that the only way to securo the genuin is to ask for Lea andPcirins' Sauce, and tose that their names are upon tho wrapper, label stopper, and bottle. Some of tho foreign market having been supplied with a spurious Worcester shiro Sauce, upon the wrapper and labels of whicl tho names of Lea and Perrins have been forged L, and P give notice that they liavo furnished thei correspondents with power of attorney to taki instant proceedings against manufacturers am vendors of such, or any other imitations by whicl their right maybe infringe!. Ask for Lea am Perrins' Sauce, and see name on wrapper, label bottle, and stopper. Wholesalo and for export bi the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackweli London, &c., &c.; and by Grocers and Oilmei uuivorsally. Agents for Christohurch—Mathe< son's Agency. 657! PARIS EXHIBITION. JV/I ESS"S. RANSOMES & SIMS, Ipswich an! •"■*■ London, beg to give notice to their friend and clients in the Colonics that they will exhibi specimens of their celebrated Machinery, fittei with all tho newest improvements, at the forth coming Paris Exhibition. ' The I'uices of the various implements in us in tho colonics have been yreatly reduced, with out in any way deteriorating from the superiorhV of workmanship and high quality of material which have gained ut world-wide reputation fo the productions of the Orwell Works, Ploughs.—Messrs Kanaotnes and Sinn' nev ploughs gained four nut of five prizes at thi Royal Agricultural Society's meeting at Newcastle, anil have won, since that time, 02 champion prizes, besides a largi- number of prizm gained by farmers' sons and local pbiughmon using these implements. They are fitted with wrought irou frames when sent out to the colonics, and will be found to be tho cheapest and most durable implements in the market. PoEiißiß Stkaji EwiT.snß.-Tho Portable Engines manufactured by Messrs Rimsomos and Sims «ro designed so that light weight, oasy draught, and strmglh of material and good workmanship, Mid simplicity of construction, form the principal features nf lla-ir general arrangement' and they are specially celebrated for their small cousumptwn of fuel in proportion to the power developed. They nr« specially adapted for thrashing, pumping, sawing, and grinding, and have been awarded many prizes at various exhibitions, besides, testimonials of cllieiency from public companies, miuiulk'tuieis, and agriculturists using them. Stjum Thrashing Macjiinhs.—Messrs Ransomes and Sims' Steam Thrashing Machines have an unrivalled reputation in tho colonies for their cheapness and durability, and lor the perfect sample and quantity of grain thrashed with a small consumption of fuel. Horse Powiiti Thrashing and Winnowing Machines, of tho newest and most improved coiislriiclinn. Com Mills, Chart' Cullers, and Patent Utilising Mills are constructed with all the newest improvements, and are the chaapest ill the market. Messrs Ransomes ami Sims liavo dovotcd a great, deal of uiieiiliim to tho manufacture of Stationary Undines, Stram Pumping Mat'HINEHV l'nlt CoYJItACTOHs' Puitl'OSUS AND Irrigation, mid will furnish drawings mid prices on Orders nmy be transmitted through any merchant or implement a;;ent in (he colonies. Catalogues, drawing.", iU'., post I'm.' ~" ,m,j;„„ lion to Ipswich or London, or lh-. tion. (|(jd U

TRUST AND AGENCY COMPANY OF AUSTRALASIA, [Limited]. rHIS COMPANY continues to make Advances on Security of Freehold and Station Property. C. B. BLAKISTON, Offices: Opposite Union Bank of Australia, Christchurch. 7400 Business Cards. JAME;< i). GARWOOD, AGENT FOE THE ' LYTTELTON TIMEB' C 75 MESSRS. COOPER & TAYLOR, Suroeon-Dentisis, NEW BRICK BUILDINGS, COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. 129 Miscellaneous. [N MOIR & SON, Aberdeen, beg to imorm their customers that, in addition to to supply, of their own Manufacture. Pickles, Sauces, Tart Fruits, description of Oilmen's Stores. )URE AND UNADULTEKAfED.-Im. portant to Dairymen and Cheesefactors.— B. J. FULLWOOD & Co. (late B. J. Fullwood & Bland), Highly Celebrated FLUID EXTRACT OF ANNATTO, tor colouring cheese and butter. This tamable article is prepared from the finest quality of the true vegetable .Annatto only, warranted perfectly pure, innocuous, and free from any adulteration whatever; it W'U be found the most convenient and certain preparation for the purposes of colouring cheese and butter; produces a rich golden tint, so much esteemed in the London and other great markets, without injury to their natural flavour, or discolouring the whey butter, with half the usual trouble to use, and the certainty of colouring the whole dairy of cheese or butter alike; is free from sediment, and will immediately incorporate or mix with the milk or cream. It has now been introduced upwards ol thirty years, and obtained a considerable repute in the North and West of England, where it is used by the largest and most experienced farmers, and is also in general demand in dairies of Scotland. Ireland. Holland, and Rormniw Tn Colouring Butter it will be found by far superioi and much cheaper than any other article in use for that purpose, and their Cake Annatto has stood unrivalled for the last 70 years. Prepared only by R. J. Fullwood & Co., Annatto Works, Somerset Place, Hoiton, London, Importers, Successors, and Sole Manufacturers of the Original Fullwood's Annatto. Established 1785. ■To prevent fraud, our Annattos are stamped as above and bear our trade mark—a Stag with Olivo branch. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Grocers, and Cheesefactors throughout the Colonies, in bottles of full measure, quarts 6s, two quarts 10s, pints 2s 9d, half pints Is 9d, quartet pints Is, and half quarter pints 6d each.—lmportant Caution.—We beg to call the attention ol dealers and consumers of Annatto to the fact, thai several persons are selling a spurious and useless article, bearing the name of " Edward Fullwood and Co., B. Fullwood and C 0.," &o. In order to guard our friends and the public against such deception, we respectfully assure them thatneithei of the parties have, or ever had, any connection with our trade or manufacture, and that we art the only successors o the original "Fullwood'i Annatto. \ NEW MEDICINES I 1 THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THI AGE! U Hypophosphite of Lime, Manufactured by GRIMAULT and CO., Chemists. This new medicine, delicious to the palate, is i sovereign remedy for coughs, colds, irritation of the lungs, and is also an excellent remedy in cases of consumption. Under its influence, the cough abates, nocturnal perspirations cease, and the patient rapidly recovers health and flesh. Elixir of Pepsine prepared by Grimaull and Co. Pepsine is the gastric juice itself or rather the digestive principle purified which digests food in the stomach. When from various causes the supply of the digestive fluid is too small, the inevitable consequences are bad digestion, "gastritis, gastralgia,' inflammation of the mucous coats of the stomach and bowels, heartburn, ancemia, loss of strength, and in females, general derange ment. The "elixir of Pepsine" which is sanctioned by the approbation of the Paris Academy of Medicine, speedily cures all such diseases, and prevents vomiting during pregnancy. No more Cod-liver Oil. Sirup of lodized Horse-radish of Grimault and Co., Apothecaries and Chemists. According to the certificates of the Physicians of the Paris Hospitals detailed in prospectus, and with the approbation of several Academies, this Syrup is employed with the greatest success in place of Cod-liver oil to which it is really superior, It cures diseases of the chest, scrofula, lymphatic disorders, green sickness, muscular atony, and loss of appetite, it regenerates the constitution by purifying the blood, and is, in a word, the most powerful depurative known. It never fatigues the stomach and bowels like the iodide of potassium and the odide of iron, and is administered with the greatest efficacy to young children subject to humours, or obstruction of the glands. Dr. Cazenave, of Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, recommends it particularly in cutaneous diseases conjointly with the pills which bear his name. Just published, r very important pamphlet relating medical observations on the use of Grimault and Co.'s Malico Preparations in the treatment of recent and chronical secret diseases, by Professor Bent-ley, of London, and Drs. GuilJoiit.Duvegnaud.Saulnier.Cazcimve, 1 Puche, Kieord, Beaudouin, Bonaric, of Paris : and Lyons. That notice is sent free to any | person calling for to Messrs, T. B. Had- ! Held, at Nelson; Spi.e, at Launceston; WilI kinson, at Dnnedin. Phosphate of Iron; DeLeras. apothecary doctor of Science. This new ferruginous medicine contains the elements of the bones and i blood, and iron in a liquid state. From observations made in the Paris hospitals and detailed in the prospectus, it i: superior to ferruginous pills, lactate of iron, iron reduced bv hydrogen, pills and syrup of the iodide of iron and cures rapidly stomach complaints, painful digestion, poverty of the blood, loss of strength and appetite, and the diseases incident to females. It is the best adjunct to Cod-Liver Oil, mid the best preserver of health in tropical climates. General Depot in Paris, at Grimault & Co., Chemists, 45 Rue de liichelicu. StleT'l" lim & S °"' " Alt,e ' ,s ff llli Fording & Co., -Sydney. Rmrfc Co., -Melbourne. Fauld,—Adelaide. ■imn

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 1969, 11 April 1867, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 1969, 11 April 1867, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 1969, 11 April 1867, Page 4